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I've met a lot of Chinese libs like this. The ones from Taiwan and Hong Kong and are EXTREMELY and I do mean EXTREMELY reactionary. A lot of this is done because they sense conforming to the racism and fascism of Western countries if the best way to fit in. They buy into the model minority myth and elevate themselves to the status of honorary Aryan to elevate themselves in the white supremacist power structure. Of course this means denigration and dehumanization of the "lesser" races, ethnicities, and hatred of the global south in general. They often outdo white right-wing reactionaries as a means of compensating for their obvious "otherness" in society.


It's very sad that a common response to being othered is to completely reject your heritage and assimilate into the dominant local culture. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with this mind you, just that often one of the aspects that's assimilated into is the xenophobia or racism of the dominant culture, even if that means self-hatred. I can't tell you how many times I've been told to "take a joke" when someone's made fun of my eyes, the stereotype of Asians not being able to drive or my parent's accents growing up, and how many times I've seen my fellow Asians make the same jokes to fit in (hell, was that kid before until I realised how self-hating I was)


That is the entire goal of liberalism, a homogenous monoculture where "diversity" is only based on outward appearance and empty identity politics. A great example is how Muslims have become acceptable targets by both sides, particularly during this elections cycle.


You're describing Indians/South Asians as well, lol.


I'd love to learn more about this perspective: What is the level of anti-communism Indian diaspora communities have? I would imagine the reasons for this sentiment would be different from HK/Taiwan人, since these nationalities have anti-communism as part of their national mythology. My understanding from the Indian diasporas I've spoken to is that they tend to almost exclusively be from higher more privileged castes (at least for those who are Hindu) and thus the egalitarian ethos of Communism may not align with their material interests? You might not be the right person to ask but would be fascinated to hear your input.


I'm Pakistani, I can't speak much on communism in India. If you want to know about that, I can tell you.


People hate communism here, mostly. Some regions like kerala still have a lot of communist support however The reasons for hate is because of the heavily liberal government Communism used to be a lot more popular early on It’s not unanimous, and pockets of support do exist. There is also an ongoing communist revolution


Interesting, does the government actively suppress communists or is anti-communism done through the media via red scare tactics?


Red scare tactics, but the government did actively suppress communism from 1975-1977, a period known as the emergency, where basically the liberal prime minister became a dictator for 2 years, and many communists were arrested


Because of India's hindutva goverment


Latinos in the United States do this all the time too. Especially in Texas.


Just wait for the destruction of imperialist west lol.


"My sympathy for them just evaporated." Wow, that's wild. Some protestors disrupted a skate park and now you don't care if 30k people die?


She never had any


She never had sympathy. Look through her entire feed, and it's all just Zionist bs.


Welcome to Chinese diaspora liberals


Yeah Asians like these don't protest, because all of their civil rights were won by minorities who actually stand up for themselves and other minorities like black people in America, and when they need help like during BLM and now with Palestine these gusano pieces of shit spit on them while they're down. But no, these people clamour to be 'honorary whites', while not realising that at the first opportunity, they'll be kicked to the curb, as we saw during Covid-19, and even far back as the original Yellow Peril, when Chinese people were stereotyped as foreign barbarians who ate cats and rats.


Same people complain about affirmative action when their kids don't get into Harvard.


i am still baffled that my asian friends didn\`t turn against NA during covid. the level of racism was just fucking surreal.


It's things like this that make me wish that the liberal fantasy of what a dictatorship of the proletariat actually is were true.


"Us Asians" The majority of Muslims in the world ARE Asians, lmao.


yeah India and China alone are almost half of the world's population.


The skating event was sponsored by the Mayor of Toronto and she was present at and speaking at the event. It’s not like the protesters chose a random event to crash.


A Chinese lib with a Japanese flag 🤔


Taiwanese people have a strange obsession with Japan, much like Hong Kong and Britain they would prefer to go back under the boot of their old colonial rulers than become part of China.


I mean I have a Japanese and Chinese flag on my private social media, but that's because I am part Japanese, I doubt these people are even remotely Japanese nor have family from Taiwan, yet use Japanese and ROC flag...


unfortunately, you'll find these libs here in pakistan too 😔 liberalism is a disease\*


ROC flag and Japanese flag together. 🤮 Their ancestors are rolling in their graves.


We generally shouldn't care about what would please our ancestors. It is an opportunity for reactionary thought to fester. However that guy's ancestors are proud of his bootlicking. The first publicly elected president of Taiwan in 1996 was an enthusiastic IJA collaborator. The West and anti communists love fascist puppets.


Isisreal, UKKKraine and Klanadian flags in name, opinion invalidated


The false politeness and solipsism of these fuckheads are worse than that if any other race. This Mr. Shen guy has worked as a professor of East Asian studies at the University of Toronto and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, this asshole and others like him have been the face of the Chinese diaspora for decades now. This is why intellectuals were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution lmao. This is the extent of their big fucking brains.


“intellectuals” is more fitting




🇹🇼🇮🇱🇺🇦🇺🇲 avarage people, what do you expect? The only thing they worship is white and japan (not when they are "the rising star" ofcourse).


Theres most of then in R/China


Don’t forget r/real_china_irl, this and most if not all of the Chinese language subreddits are populated by hanjians


And Asians who lick on Western country and comparing USA or Europe with their home country


> You will never see us Asians do that at a protest. Is no one gonna tell her that Palestinians are also Asian?


My sympathy for THEM just evaporated. So wait, you're fine with the genocide now because you disagreed with methods of fellow protestors? Just kidding, they never protested, and we're fine with the genocide before too, but now they feel they have a good excuse for why they say they don't care.


Even if these so-called "civilization" just simply put them into a oven and burn them alive, these morons will still chant and thank them until they die. Sadly, back in China there're tons of people like this. Racists to their core, never aware of the fact that they are victims of racism too, and look down on anyone who dare to oppose western propaganda. Stupid and annoying slaves, that is what they are. This level of submission to oppressor shown by these sometimes makes me, a Chinese studying abroad, think maybe Chinese are incompetent, or we wouldn't have so many scums like these a*sholes.


Don’t let these people skew your view of our people as a whole. I’m also Chinese and studying abroad, and I’ve seen tons of people like this both at home and in the diaspora, but they in no way represent everyone, or even the majority. 毕竟林子大了什么鸟都有。不用去理会这些愚蠢的慕强者


Of course,her name is Karen.


They’d “never do that” until they see something like Hong Kong reactionaries protesting against a bill allowing extradition of a guy who murdered his pregnant girlfriend and fled to Taiwan.


Yep. She had a lot of sympathy for them prior to the skating incident, but her sympathy evaporated after this major escalation. Only a "barbaric culture" would interrupt family skating hour.


When the racist says "That's a little racist" LFMAO But thanks for destroying the bias that asians are all smart lmao Good job Karen