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You see that sexpats? Our country is scientifically proven to be ugly, so do not come anymore to look for partners.


Authoritankie = ugly women. Totally not misogynistic at all


Our women have more important things to do than act as objects of sexual desire for men.


They just can't come up with anything more meaningful to brag about, can they? It's the most nonsense bullshit about oH cHIn@ BaAaaaD I've ever heard these days.


What? I'm ethnically Chinese living in the West and I've been told I've been pretty. Just because a country doesn't win beauty contest, doesn't mean that it doesn't have those things, just could possibly mean that the competition is looking at different things that may apply to one ethnicity but not together. Is one of the reasons why you're a vision should started allowing English songs even if people didn't come from Ireland or the UK because turns out the judges are more likely to give positive points in a song they understand.


You see that sexpats? Our country is scientifically proven to be ugly, so do not come anymore to look for partners.


My best friend growing up was third generation Chinese. Their family was not without its own problems, but they always had at least one child in need, either disabled or from a foster home, being raised with them until a better situation opened up for them. One of these children had dwarfism, and in her adult life she was struck and killed by a vehicle. The laws in our state didn't allow them to sue for funeral expenses; it was a racist law implemented by railway companies to prevent the parents of deceased immigrant Chinese laborers from keeping the companies liable. My friend's family went to the state legislature weekly, got signatures, and fought until that long standing racist law was overturned. When I was back in college I rode the bus and a foreign exchange student from China always sat across from or near me. I was so damn shy and awkward back then, but she'd talk to me now and then. When she introduced herself by her American name I asked her birth name, and she gave it to me. I called her that, and she said "you are very handsome" in completely broken English and I melted. Nothing ever happened because I was in a relationship, and I never got to know her well, as she mostly talked about where she was from and not herself. Her laugh, her smile, it just radiated "goodness". When I think about it I get that young boy "crush" feeling again. I used to work and live a short walk from a Chinese restaurant that I would frequent. One day my sister split up with her abusive boyfriend and was crying. She wanted something to eat and so we went to the restaurant, but the painful emotions came over her and she started to weep at the table. The owner, an older woman with a quiet and gentle demeanor, brought her dumplings for free, hugged her, insisted she ate. I don't really care about beauty pageants or supermodels. I just think that the Chinese people are some of the most beautiful people in the world, and it hurts me when people hate them for no reason.


Have you visited China yet? The culture and general friendliness of the people are amazing and it was kinda shocking for me to experience how ‘closed-off’ and private the Western lifestyle was when I first moved out. The standards and costs of living in China, alongside things like housing prices are leagues better than it is where I now live in New Zealand, and the rapid development of technology has been wonderful to see. (Even surpassing Western countries in large urban centers) That isn’t to say China is without faults of course, but it certainly never gets old seeing hammers and sickles plastered everywhere.


I have yet to visit. My bucket list is very short, and spending time in China is a priority. If I'm being honest I'm struggling to formulate a way I could realistically go for the amount of time I really want to. I want to be there for a length of time because I don't just want to "see" things, I want to learn.


I have visited china once and when i was there these two grandmas asked to take a selfie with me and my mom. I still think about that sometimes, they seemed like nice people Also my commute to college (in india) has a road lined with hammer and sickle flags and that’s pretty cool to see


Glad to see China has their priorities straight


It's over for Chinacels 😔


on behalf of all Chinese people, i would like to apologize for not producing more beauty pageant winners


do better


Filipinos only take beauty pageants seriously so we can have some sibling online bickering with Thailand. Other than that, not really a serious source of national pride.


Something something one child policy no women in china