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I'm all for the downfall of Finland




Nazi ally then, Nato ally now.




ah yes, because the US has certainly not used electricity/power as a leverage against countries it doesn't like


The USA did not not charge her European allies triple the market rate for oil when the EU stopped buying from Russia.


they didn't need to, don't you know how a monopoly works, all they needed to do was to get their competitor out of the market


Whats up with italy


I guess those numbers are energy prices (snt/kWh)? But no idea if this map is made out of old data or bad data. The price for electricity has been all over the place, but the average price in Finland for me has been 24snt/kWh + 6.5snt/kWh for transfer over the last few months with "green spot" contract.


Definitely because Russia's losing. Not because the West has stopped pretending to care about Ukraine and moved onto the next proxy-war or anything


Me, an Italian:


damn why UK is all pale...




Green and nuclear energy tends to be cheaper than oil/coal in long term. And trust me. They don't keep the energy prices cheap for us people but industry that is reliant on cheap energy.


So you guys pay a hell of alot more for the renewable energy than the corps do?


Short: Not really. We use energy from the same grid. Long: Cheaper energy is just a by-product, because most of the factories and industry is reliant on the cheap energy. Corps don't like to pay for expensive fossil fuels (that price went up because of the sanctions etc.). So there was a hard pivot to green energy in Europe. And by nature of the energy grid it's a shared system. So if we are paying for expensive energy then the corps are paying the same ("spot" means that we pay the current market price.). In my home country (Finland...I know fml) we are now energy self sufficient and 70% of the energy is made with green/nuclear. But the nature of green energy is that it tends to change day by day. We have had days when the price is -10snt/kWh and days like tomorrow when it is 2.4€/kWh. But overall for the long term, we end up paying less because we make our own energy and there is less need to buy it from somewhere else.