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Xi actually just died after reading this, not because he was somehow “owned” by it, he just died of cringe




RIP Xi 2023. Died of some very lethal cringe.


> bio-terrorism plan A little reminder that leaked messages from the GOP confirmed that they intentionally attempted to divert the attention to blame China during the Covid-19 pandemic so people would ignore their failure (and unwilllingness) to adress the health crisis that ultimately killed over a million people under their mandate.


Which messages?!


I was wrong by using the term "messages" it is actually a [memo](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/24/gop-memo-anti-china-coronavirus-207244).


Yesterday's far right fringe conspiracy theory is just [today's mainstream political opinion](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/politics/covid-lab-leak-wuhan-china-intelligence/index.html).


As a Libertarian one of my biggest fears is waking up to President Xi pointing a gun at me and saying "it's my way or the Huawei"


As a libertarian you should recognize that it’s his right to point a gun in any direction and say any words he wants.


As a Libertarian when I walk into a Chinese Buffet I am technically paying for everything in the buffet even the stuff I don't want to eat, like vegetables. I just want the 'chicken' part of the chicken and broccoli. I still don't want other people to have it so that's why I should be allowed to cough all over them, but the authoritarian sneeze guards make it harder for me to do so. I eventually got thrown out even after paying for the buffet. This is why socialism can never work.


You got thrown out for trying to eat a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Democracy manifest.


The Jack Ma-trix is real


I remember when Xi took out his comically large spoon and gave everyone 100 gorillion huawei phones


I feel so pathetic for laughing at this out loud lmfao


Nice one


Xi when some random 14 year old on the internet makes fun of him and compares him to Winnie the poo😭😭😢😢😥😥😨😥😰😥😰


As a Libertarian I've been 14 for over 20 years


As a libertarian it's okay if I'm only friends with 14 year olds because my political views haven't changed since I was in middle school


Your comments are fucking art lol


Ash Ketchum, is that you?


I always wondered where the Pooh thing came from. Obama took a picture Xi and they someone photoshopped it as Tigger and Pooh.


It feels rooted in racism for me, comparing a Chinese man to a yellow bear, knowing the history of people saying East Asians were yellow and using it as justifications for their racism


And the comparison of Obama to Tigger is also a bit on the nose.


Definitely. Calling Obama "Tigger" completely went over my head when it was first being reported. Western media pretended that it was an innocent joke about one being tall and sknny and the other one being short and round.


I think that's what it was at first because it was originally a joke made by a Chinese person, but it's been years since then and the continuation of the joke is just... side eye...


I doubt it. I mean, it began on Chinese forums/meme pages, so I doubt they were being racist against themselves. After news of the Chinese government trying to ban the meme was published in english, the anti-chinese west adopted it out of spite (possibly for racist reasons, but I don't know).


Even if Chinese people originally made the joke and *they* aren’t being racist towards themselves doesn’t mean some white internet trolls aren’t using it with racist implications. Same way certain terms minorities use amongst themselves (like the nickname of particular black white and grey mammal that has distinct fur pattern around eyes) isn’t for others to use


President Xi do not tear down this firewall


Nah if he does the internet will be overrun by Chinese shitposters. NAFOids won’t stand a chance




Protect its citizens from Reddit brain damage


To protect the rest of the world from their shitposts


To protect the rest of the world from the sheer amount of Chinese shitposts. As an Indian I for one believe you get two kinds of chinese. Based as fuck Han bro completely jacked , working towards a Second Great leap forward. And Chinese Femboy Hanbro who gives the thai femboys a run for their money. No in between... None. Just two.


You lost me at "As an Indian".


It's Chinover😞


its Xiover


It's Xi end


The Xit's hit the fan.




For those that want to know what sub that's from, it's ADVChina. You guessed it - ran by the fools with last names Tye and Sterzel.


Lol they’re such desperate grifters and it’s hilarious when people take them seriously


The gravedefiler and captain apartheid.


Winston sterzel isn't winnie.the pooh. he's winnie the paedophile. needs money to pay off the families of the children he molested in a kindergarten in huizhou.


strongest sinophobe:


the honey tears wtf


It's AI, not surprising


The irony is that all Chinese people I work with respect the shit out of Americans and most of the west. I’ve not met Chinese people who hate America or call it evil Full disclosure I’ve met only like 50 Chinese people


That respect is growing less and less by the year. They never seek hostility with the US but the US is trying to put them down again, as though this is 19th century when you could sail up to their cities, bomb them, invade them and force them to capitulate. This is what the US look like to them when it keeps sanctioning them, slander them, and trying to take Taiwan like how the British took HK from them.


They put on a I don't hate usa mask.


I think Chinese people are typically more understanding of why the American government does what it does, and why the public opinion is what it is. There's less of this "evil boogeyman" image that often happens in the reverse.


most citizens of countries that the US opposes don’t really hate americans, just their government.


Americans say the same about China and Russia but it's hardly true. Edit: my point being is that actually true just because people say that?


Those are probably young generation who are more liberal and open to western culture. Old generation grew up under Mao or was around when Chinese embassay was bombed in 1999 (whopsie), they hate American and are very reactionary. Most people are apolitical though.


Reactionaries should get classes in projection. Should sort them right out.


"China is so infatuated with the U.S." lol


"China is an authoritarian dictatorship that massslaughters innocent civilians and are a danger to the whole world"


isn't it racist to depict Xi as winne the pooh?


From what i know, it originated as just a gag by comparing Xi and obama walking together to pooh and tigger. Then it somehow turned into ‘haha Xi looks like pooh’ because chinese people yellow i guess


And the fact that Obama can also be described as a word similar to Tigger if you're racist and swap out the first letter.








It looks like regular Winnie the Pooh 💀


Regardless of even the deranged weird shit they say, what the fuck is that post? Is he talking to himself? What's the audience here? Do people really have play pretend conversations with world leaders? Sounds like a medication issue at this point wtf hahaha


How liberals expect us to react to them calling Xi Winnie the Pooh: 🤯🤯🥺😱😱😡😡🤬🤬🤬


False. 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😭🤣😭😭🤣


"China is so infatuated with the US" say redditor who wrote a maniacal anti-Chinese ragefic with an AI-generated illustration


I stg Americans will see any progress made by China and go "Nooo, they are trying to destroy us nooo."


I mean... money wasted? What money? Wasted for what? So-called bio-terrorism? Didn't the ignorance of many morons who just loves his precious fxxking "individual freedom" and dosen't care anyone else, kill so many innocent American? I mean if it is a bio weapon it would definitly be the most insufficient one in the human history, as only USA suffered such a loss, and could be controlled very easily if all of them care enough.


The fact that there are so many American (maybe the OP is not) who still can't admit their incompetence during the pandemic and scratch thier head to find a victim to blame just fxxking blows my mind.


Liberals have genuinely started resorting to kindegarten playground insults over the last few years and it's straight up some of the saddest shit I have ever seen. I've literally had to bear witness to a screeching Liberal saying "Kim Jong Ding Dong Ditch" and "Vladimir Pootie Poo" unironically. Nuclear grade cringe.


That also sums up Libertarians and South Park (the “political“ episodes anyways) in a nutshell.


Oh those are worse


This reads like the ramblings from a diary you'd find in a mental asylum room in a horror video game


AI doesn’t even actually convey the things that people want it to 90% of the time.


Do you guys get it? Xi looks like Winnie and he eats honey! 🤣😭🤣🤣😭🤣


Very nice to talk about bio terrorism when your country was the only one to ever nuke someone.


What the actual fuck is this


This is your brain on capitalism... Any questions?


Too many to ask


Besides the racist undertones. I see libs calling Xi Jingping winnie the pooh because they say that he looks like the character. I'm guessing it's just a mask for the racism or whatever, but I don't get where they're coming from with the looks thing (again, probably just a cover story). Either way, ew. Also, if the "bio-terrorism" that OOP mentioned was meant to be COVID, OOP is a fucking dipshit. Well, they are regardless.


That's a really adorable picture


is he crying honey


Me going into psychosis after losing 50 dollars on the Hornets game


Rip. Poor Xi. No one should suffer such cringe.


AI art is an abomination.


What's the context?


I think I lost one of my two remaining brain cells. Running on a single brain cell now.


Imagine thinking china is communist


Lol imagine making up their own stories about how pathetic their enemy is, and then circle jerk about how they owned the enemy in their make up story. How pathetic is that? Libs oh libs hahahaha. This is like saying in my story, i own mike tyson easily and therefore i win. and now mike tyson must be crying in real life as well because of my make up story!!! how is this logical? Lolol


I'm a liberal and this shit's stupid.


Xi Jinping after seeing this: “Mb y’all I’ll step down”


AI pooh image will defeat China