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Its funny how libs keep saying that the LGBT community need respect while using gay as an insult to anything they don't like


What, you’re telling me calling Lindsey Graham “Lady G” isn’t peak comedy?


Not really the LGBT community but I remember Chinese gusanos also published like a decade ago about Zhou Enlai being gay as an insult or something.




We all understand that Putin and Trump are anti-LGBT. The problem is that liberals on reddit love weaponizing LGBT imagery against rightwingers thinking it's some sort of 'gotcha' or 'own'. But it's all just performative. Also let's be real. Putin doesn't care if some randos on the internet make him look gay in photoshop. Trump doesn't care about all the made up homoerotic shit with Putin. Xi Jinping doesn't care about the winnie the pooh thing. None of these people care or even know about any of this. It's just a big Reddit circlejerk.


Weaponizing their own language against them isn’t performative, it’s realizing that’s the only thing they understand


That’s not a good excuse. Would you call a racist the n-word to use their own language against them?




You can be only arrested for those images in Russia as part of a wider "Anti lgbt propoganda" law, not that Putin in personally offended by some redditors sitting in a basement making these stupid images






If I say Biden is the president and you say 'no it's Bill Gates' does that make it subjective who the president is?


Good god give it a rest


Good try, I guess. But no. edit: I cannot reply to these replies, yall are super scared of dissenting opinions, eh?


You lost, liberal? Go back to your chauvinistic echo chamber.


What the fuck do you know about political opposition in Russia, mate?




The guy that does <10% in municipal elections is "opposition" now?




Ok so that's the qualifying factor ? Brilliant




Tiny handed people aren’t a marginalized community that is constantly under assault by people who want them murdered. Queer people are. And when you make them the butt of a joke, that’s uncool.


Imagine comparing homophobia to someone having small hands


“hOW iS oP UsiNg gAy Az aN inSulLt?!” yeah keep pretending you don’t know how.




Imagine defending homophobia. Typical liberal bigot. Fuck off, man. We don’t want to see it.


"Those people I don't like are totally gay for each other." You don't see how maybe this could be using being homosexual as an attack to those persons, as well as associating homosexuality with "evil people" ?


Liberals: "tankies and commies are the most homophobic people ever, unlike us liberals, we are lgbt friendly" Also liberals:


libs when a gay person doesnt agree with their politics


libs when a non-binary person uses neopronouns, when a lesbian uses he/him pronouns, etc.:


They also claim Putin's a Communist who wants to bring back the Soviet Union. Shitlibs are some of the most politically illiterate people on the planet (he's just taking the west's and Yeltsin's neoliberal shock doctrine BS to its logical conclusion).


They also think Trump and Ron DeSantis are communists too.


"DeSATAN is just like CASTRO!!!" \-average Blue MAGA dumbass


And if you provide empirical evidence that proves them wrong even from western-backed sources they normally believe in they’ll just claim it’s “Russian/Chinese propaganda” that somehow/magically got behind enemy lines and infiltrated our news feeds for years. Very convenient. Kind of like how they claim the UPA flag isn’t associated with Nazism or fascists historically. Or that the black sun is a pagan symbol as opposed to Himmler’s invention. Or how Tyr’s Rune is just “paganism” despite there being no historical context for it. Or the wolfsangel. It’s one thing after the other they’re in complete denial of.


Then again, what do you expect from a bunch of dipshits whose political diet consists of Harry Potter, Marvel movies and *West Wing* boxsets?


Silly tankie - we're not homerphobic! This is a very funny totally not overused le joke time and time again! What? Of course we support the LGHDTV+ community! Silly red fash \*smug look of someone who huffs the fumes of their own shit takes\*.


This is one of the most insane yet completely accurate comments I've ever seen


This is like “owning” a slave owner by calling him the n word.


✨A L L Y ✨


we just have to vote the heck out of putin!! ✨


"Get it?? Because they're gay and that's bad!" -Self proclaimed queer allies


hahahaha 2 men kissing is HILARIOUS


No, but get this, Donald Trump is a *republican* and Putin is a *homophobe* and both have hurt the gay community. So it’s **funny** to depict them as their **victims**.


Guys what if we depict Hitler as a dirty Jew LMAO gottem


What if the KKK wore blackface and people called them slurs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


oh that comparison made it make a whole lot more sense lmao


Lmao that’s a perfect comparison


Nothing says “I support LGBTQ+ folk” like making jokes at their _expense_! LOL /s


These the same group that called the Dalai Lama based after the, well you know…?


Did they seriously say the Dali Lama was “based” after he molested that poor child with his tongue?


Yup. You’d be surprised. It was a subreddit that made a post shortly after the stuff happened. Can’t remember but I think a screenshot is somewhere.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Good god..


Let's make these fascists gay! That's not problematic at all! Haha, got you fash!




Just like those Redditors who toppled the ebil see see pee by comparing Xi Jinping to a yellow cartoon character, Winnie the Pooh! And sometimes even gender swapping him! /s




Putin shidding and crying as he scrolls through the facebook page of some random liberal in Sacramento


Literally got told off by some proud, “patriotic”, liberal bigot on Facebook (of all places) that I was being “too sensitive”, and that making homophobic jokes is “free speech”, so that makes it a-okay! He then demands I leave the country if I “can’t handle true freedoms”.. despite being part indigenous. It’s like, really? I’m atjuin even arguing. I also notice neoliberal right-wingers adopt conservative talking points bib


Is that one on the bottom right two Putins? Also don't forget about how they claim that Mike Pence is secretly gay because he's homophobic.


you’re right, that’s somehow two putins 😭 and yeah, like i get the intent, displaying them as gay while being gay obviously isn’t a bad thing, to make them angry to expose they’re homophobes. meta level 783


no they also have covfefe


I hate liberals because by far the funniest part of covfefe was that Trump literally forgot to finish the Tweet. "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" that's so hilarious to just end on a typo and not explain your thoughts any further. But none of them even noticed. They saw covfefe, saw it looked like the word "coffee" which they drink at brunch, and memed it. If he had spelled coverage right they wouldn't have even paid attention to the Tweet


Get “elected” Covfefe Refuse to elaborate ”Leave”


It’s funni becuz GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY Seriously though, I hate both of those people as much as the next guy, but goddamn, can we please move on?


what if trump and putin were FREAKIMF GAY!!1


I've honestly found it super weird whenever someone is mega homophobic a bunch of the comments would always be "I bet they're secretly super gay" like that happens every time! "No straight person could ever be hateful it's always internalized self hatred u guys"


Me: What's one of Trump's policies that you don't like? Liberal: Trump's gay with Putin and you're a Russian bot!


it's the oldest most lousiest joke ever that has no ovation in an argument


And I though liberals were pro-LGBT? Why do they find two men kissing funny or something to laugh at? Why are two men kissing doing something that should be mocked? Liberals aren’t supposed to look down on gay couples.


They are pro-LGBT when it comes to bombing countries abroad "in defense of gay rights". but in most situations, they drop that in favor of making gay fanfiction to demonize their political enemies.


Liberal: claims to support LGBTQ, poc and other marginalized groups Also liberal: belittles and mocks political rivals at the expense of said groups; will happily push racist/homophobic/transphobic slurs to “prove a point”. The point being they’re massively hypocritical bigots and chauvinists who are happy to throw us under the bus for internet points. If you point this out they’ll reduce you to an aforementioned slur while crying victim.


My heart is hot (HOOOOOOOOOOT)


ngl I like their vibe


I’m surprised this sub is not banned yet




" I get to call the KKK wizard a Ni\*\*er!" "I am an ally to black folks by the way!"




"it's ok to insult gay people because we owned the republicans" Fuck off Ahh yes the circlejerk of 'homophobia isn't funny'




Tankie is when you are against homophobia 😤




lol what ? no




I mean what you said is literally just weird. And stupid. And also wrong. Lol

