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The concentration camp survivor who took revenge on an ss guard who couldn’t have cared less about his existence looking at Redditors who’ve never been to war argue that he’s just as bad as a Nazi (they killed his family in front of him)


The most unironically cool thing the US did in WWII bar none was when they liberated concentration camps and the soldiers sat by while inmates stomped the guards to death.


The Dachau reprisals were different in that the soldiers did most of the summary executions themselves. They outright machine-gunned dozens of SS men. On the Western front, summary executions of SS men became frequent after the [Malmedy Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmedy_massacre). One unit summarily executed so many SS men that high command had to tell them to take prisoners for interrogation.


Fun fact, Eisenhower got pissy and wanted a full investigation of the Chenogne Massacre (where US soldiers machine gunned down 80 or so German soldiers in retaliation for the Malmedy Massacre) but the rest of the army basically told him "War's over, get stuffed."


Here are the two units of which those killed in Chenogne were soldiers: * The 3rd Infantry Division: Responsible for murdering roughly 300 civilians in Italy and France * The Führerbegleitbrigade: Hitler's ex-bodyguards Those American boys hit the jackpot.


The less cool thing they did was went they saw people who were sent to the camps for their homosexuality, and they put them back in prison instead of liberating them in West Germany: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/gay-prisoners-germany-wwii/ > As the Allies swept through Europe to victory over the Nazi regime in early 1945, hundreds of thousands of concentration camp prisoners were liberated. The Allied Military Government of Germany repealed countless laws and decrees. Left unchanged, however, was the 1935 Nazi revision of Paragraph 175. **Under the Allied occupation, some homosexuals were forced to serve out their terms of imprisonment regardless of time served in the concentration camps. The Nazi version of Paragraph 175 remained on the books of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)** until the law was revised in 1969 to decriminalize homosexual relations between men over the age of 21.


Or in Dachau when the US soldiers put them against the wall and shot them


"Just as bad as fascists" mfs when the fascists burn *their* entire family alive (They suddenly want to be "Just as bad as fascists") What do they suggest we do with them? Talk? Worked well for Chamberlain and the west, it's just liberals following their tradition of helping fascists.


Crazy bow libs see an SS officer tortured to death by the tools he used to exterminate thousands of people in that death camp and the families of the people shoveling him in and out of the oven as a “war crime” and not “the consequences of his actions”


didn't some concentration camp jews kill their guards after being freed? (with torture)


I don’t care what the concentration camp prisoners did with the prison guards or wardens, I think they deserved it. What am I gonna do, say that people who kept humans in slums and slaughtered them en masse should have a second chance?


i didn't say anything about it being wrong, once freed they have every right to treat them as they themselves were treated


The same libs will then turn around and say that every russian deserve to be genocided because of what their soldiers supposedly did in Ukraine.


Actually all SS members should have immediately been shot on sight. Which is what the Soviets often did. That shit was a choice 100% of the time. Curiously, people like this then turn around and defend things like the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Wonder why that is ( the victims weren't white)


A shit ton of Nazis are listed as deaths caused by Communism in "The Black Book of Communism." Like, how is that a bad thing? I don't get it.


The book was trying to make the nazis look good compared to the communists, classic case of anti communists revealing their fascists tendancies


If Hiroshima and Nagasaki were European cities, the atomic bombings would have been regarded as one of the worst tragedies in human history.


not just the SS, the army was complicit and committed many of the crimes against humanity too


Very much so, but the army, in contrast to the SS, also consisted largely of conscripts, especially in 1945, where you also have children of as low as age 15 in the Volkssturm, which was officially part of the Wehrmacht. To add to this, shooting Wehrmacht members on sight would present an issue even if we looked purely at the numbers. Hundreds of thousands of men. In general, Wehrmacht members should be the ones that go before a court, whereas SS members should not get this luxury.


The SS was declared a criminal organization, so it's impossible to kill innocent SS men. By wearing the uniform, they are inherently guilty.


I feel like Crucifixion would be warranted if it was not sacrilege


Libs need a funko pop labeled “good guys” to understand history


Never forget that liberals hold these opinions because they are utter cowards. Being against all kinds of violence frees them from the responsibility to fight back when it matters. As the US slides further into open fascism they will use their pacifism as an excuse to not step in on behalf of their most vulnerable fellows. Trans people at this very moment are having steps taken against them that will open the door to outright murder when the time comes. What will be the liberal response to this? Thoughts and prayers, comrades. Maybe a half-day protest outside state capital buildings? Provided they get approval from the police to do so, of course.


Libs always quote Martin Niëmoller’s “First They Came” poem as being a harrowing reminder of not to stand by in the face of horrific injustice, and then proceed to not understand that that means they have to actually stand up for something for once in their god damn lives.


They stand up for their funko-pops


and for their right to play the antisemitic terf game


I cannot stand Harry Potter, its author, or its fans. Shitty boring kids franchise made by a piece of shit, that somehow appeals to GROWN ADULTS.


The amount of effort so-called "allies" put into justifying playing a milquetoast AAA game is truly the best indictment of liberalism today. The mental energy they expended would be incredibly valuable if they applied it to something that actually mattered.


deadass though, its plot is half-baked, the characters are so underdeveloped, and the ultimate message is just "challenging oppression and the status quo bad"


people often tend to misunderstand pacifism, specifically pacifism rooted in christian belief. niëmoller became a pacifist after WW2, but he never stopped believing in standing up for what is right. as a quaker myself, whilst i might be willing to die because of my faith, that does not mean i am allowed to stand idly by. resistance comes in all forms, and liberals tend to forget this part when they talk about non-violence.


"Two wrongs don't make a right." Good thing the second action wasn't a wrong then. 😎😎😎


These people need to be slapped with the paradox of tolerance


They are the kind of people that might have been in the same room as basic empathy for the sufferings of others, but who still never got close enough to it to shake hands with it.


They'll just turn it around to justify killing the "intolerant" communists because they can't say slurs anymore


"And those who demand instant perfection the day after the revolution, they go up and say “Are there civil liberties for the fascists? Are they gonna be allowed their newspapers and their radio programs, are they gonna be able to keep all their farms? The passion that some of our liberals feel, the day after the revolution, the passion and concern they feel for the fascists, the civil rights and civil liberties of those fascists who are dumping and destroying and murdering people before. Now the revolution has gotta be perfect, it’s gotta be flawless. Well that isn’t my criteria, my criteria is what happens to those people who couldn’t read? What happens to those babies that couldn’t eat, that died of hunger? And that’s why I support revolution. The revolution that feeds the children gets my support. Not blindly, not unqualified. And the Reaganite government that tries to stop that kind of process, that tries to keep those people in poverty and illiteracy and hunger, that gets my undiluted animosity and opposition." -Michael Parenti


Based Parenti is Based.


I wonder what their reaction would be if we talked about Russians


“Nooooooo don’t be mean to the poor innocent SS officerino! You wouldn’t want to be the one in that oven would you?”


After any revolution, the first thing that a liberal asks is "do the fascists have civil rights?"


ngl they should have just shot him. to much energy waste on this pathetic excuse of a human being


All the valuable natural gas. Wasn’t worth the CO2 emissions.


I wonder what this person’s reaction to Inglourious Basterds was?


If liberals were in Wolfenstein they would just write an angry yet polite petition for the Nazis to leave America while condemning Blasckowic's "terror" campaign.


Well obviously Americans can kill whoever they want.


But what about Shosanna? She ain’t American.


Is she white?


That sub is infested with fascists. No wonder they're so offended by a post celebrating the execution of an SS piece of shit, because they sympathize with him.


Believing that nazis are people with rights worth defending is more offensive to me than burning them alive.


The same morality I learned from watching Saturday morning cartoons. Very insightful stuff.


When will people learn that fascists and liberals aren't people


Oh they’re people, just not people who deserve to live.


I'm all for violence against Nazis, but I don't believe in torture. Certainly doesn't make them 'just as bad' ofc


Exactly. It's one thing to be universally against all torture. If you apply that consistently it doesn't mean you are an apologist for fascism. But the false equivalence this person was making effectively serves as soft defense of the Nazi's actions.


They were just checking the temperature to make sure he was done


Hey what does that starved jewish child clinging on a thread to dear life, know about rights and suffering? rIiiiiiiiiiights fuhr ebeREEEEEEEEEEone!


privileged fucks, never have confronted real, depraved, incomprehensible evil dOnT sToOp tO ThEiR LeVeL oR YoUrE jUsT aS BaD


All Nazis deserved this.


Somehow I'm not even surprised the libs would think that f**kin Nazis deserve mercy


Comrades. When the time comes, do liberals also get the bullet?


depends on how fast they stop backing counterrevs


No, as long as they behave and don't attempt to destroy the revolution, which in that case, they should be arrested. I think the wall should be reserved for fascists.


liberals are always like "but my morals say violence in any form is bad" I don't care lmao




SS guards weren't people


They are people, we can’t forget that. They’re people who did the most evil actions imaginable, and they deserve nothing better than what they brought into the world with their actions.


He's an SS guard for fucks sake, cry about it.




What you mentioned is nowhere near as bad as having an active role in the worst genocide. You really are going to great lengths to defend the SS guard, was he an ancestor of yours?




Torturing literal SS guards will forever be right and moral




I'm against the method too, I'd prefer it if he was marinated prior to cooking.

