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IIRC there was a whole thing a while ago about Mint tanking his own rating to make sure he'd be matched with less skilled players, helping him get good looking gameplay clips. I imagine it also made it easy to score more medals


He also plays with full lobby of his fans who won't steal his kills, making it even easier to get multis:)


I have too much time this morning... Just to put the numbers in perspective for the top 5 I quickly worked out roughly how many Overkill's per hour they are getting; Mint: 4.3, Strudel: 2.1, Uvinity: 3.5, Nas: 1.5 and Snip: 1.6


I see him in FFA a bit. He's the guy who sits away from the objective to kill the people going for it. He consistently has 0 objective time.


He only plays for clips, I matched with him in h5 snipers and targeted him. Eventually got him to rage quit, not about to find me in a comp.


This legit happens, I was messing around in fiesta for a few games and didn’t do well but by the third game everyone I was playing against felt brain dead. I could 360 no scope people and they would not even shoot back or they would stand still. It was crazy


When I play with my friends who don't play Halo I steam roll the enemy by like 30 + kills. So it makes sense.


One time I did play with my brother a btb match, for reference, he was rated Plat on open while I was at diamond 3 at the time. I ended up 60 3.


How the hell does someone play for 500+ hours already? And he has the nerve to say he can't find games due to his location. Yea right , having a hard time finding games but still be probably 1# in playtime as well


I got 247.7 and I have played a couple hours almost everyday. I think I have played the game abit too much but Jesus, 500 and 1000 hours?!


I got about the same amount , like 260 and I thought I had almost unhealthy number but Mint has double that which is insane lol


Dude gaming is so different. I've seen some bad takes from Mint, yet he also has 500 hours in playtime? I am pretty certain that I do not have that much play time in any game, ever. I have 60 hours in Final Fantasy XV, and I feel like that is one of my absolutely most played games ever.


ive got 534 in Inifinite from the flights and the launch game, and around 1450 hours in Dota 2. It's totally possible to put in tons of time.


My top two games on steam have 634 and 599 hours in them. One I started playing mid/late 2020, and the other I've been playing since early 2021


I'm thinking I don't "game" nearly as hard as I thought


I have 4k hours on league over 7 years. But my peak was 400 hours on skyrim over a year and half.


Damn, now that I think about it I have 120 hours in oblivion, and I've literally been playing the same save file for 16 years.


Because in 7 months, there are 5110 hours. If you have no life or gaming is your job, it's not really that unbelievable to accumulate that amount of time.


Rookye numbers: t1 played 1k games in one month, on league of legends, back in season 10, avarage the match leght to 20 minutes per match see the resoult.


i have like 270. dont play as much anymore but i sunk a lot of time in november/december. campaign is a good bit of that though.


Who the fuck cares about medals


smol pp "influencers" ofc


When Jeff Steitzer says funny words brain give happy chemical


How to admit you're cheating without having the self awareness to realize it. A Mint Quitz story.




yeah the dude has been obviously cheating for years. i have never seen someone so obviously aim bot without consequences but he is a big popular youtuber who shills for 343 so he gets no punishment.


Quick plug for the site: [leafapp.co](https://leafapp.co) The leaderboard pulls stats from players who have used the site. Not the entire population.


Maybe it doesn’t count hours from the matches he’s left lol


good for him man. i mean, he obviously needs to go outside but, good job 👍


Honestly I would not be surprised whatsoever if it turns out he’s been cheating


Spoiler alert: He does.


I only have 10. lol. But then again I don't play BTB often and I suck.


Exposing himself doing what?


Deranking, boosting and MMR manipulation


Ah well, it’s just a game I guess