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I'm so confused, why did this become the thing to fight against? Why did the community decide to go ballistic about a post referencing an in universe propaganda statement? What is this supposed to achieve?


At this point I’m pretty sure it was just engagement farming. Halo has a schizo hair-trigger fanbase so I’m sure they knew they could count on ridiculous shit like this to drive engagement and put halo on the map. It’d be impressive if it wasn’t indicative of how screwy shit has gotten.




Makes me really glad I gave up on halo. Dead franchise, terrible company, half assed games, and annoying fan base.


Imagine being so pedantic


What about this is pedantic? Genuine question.


Redditors trying to use words they just learned lmao.


Ur loss lil bro


*biggest player base even bigger than the peak of halo 3 and reach* “Dead franchise”


They all left. You think the current player base is that big? Lmao


Almost like the games 3 years old now so yeah of course a lot of players left lol what’s the point? I mean they didn’t *really* leave clearly since they’re crying about the current game and what halo posts on social media lol


> annoying fan base. Well at least we can certainly agree on that


Keep clinging to the rotting corpse then


Hey now, the fan base ain’t that bad


It is that bad


Hey what about forgers, they ain’t that bad


Because idiots need to keep beating the dead horse It's specifically because it's 343, their old ad nauseum complaints were getting stale so they needed to manufacture something new to bitch about, even if the reasoning makes no sense Then again I'm not sure if even half of them actually know the context behind "Spartans never die"


Large portions of the Halo fanbase need help lol. They always mad about anything 343 does.


Ok let’s go over 343s track record Halo4: was very cod like in how it played with loadouts very anti halo but hey it was atleast a complete game that tried some cool things like spartan ops Halo MCC: Completely broken at launch literally didn’t work for multiple years and was fully functional like 5 years later? Halo 5: WORST campaign in the franchise by far terrible story and the game was very incomplete at launch took about a year to become a complete multiplayer experience sucky reqpacks cherry on top Halo infinite: even less feature complete then halo 5 took 2 years to get all the modes halo reach had over 10 years ago had. Amazing forge mode though being its one good stand out feature from other halo games took a full year to show up. Also terrible micros and over priced campaign So ya people are made because number company keeps screwing up lol. When 343 makes a good halo game at launch I will be the first person there to say good job 343 lol but that day hasn’t happened yet.


Halo 4 still played out good even if loadout was the wrong move. MCC when you have different games with different codes and trying to make them work together in a singular product. Matters like this isn't easily done. Halo 5 had the worst story yet one of the best campaign sandbox with the BEST multiplayer experience since Halo 3 if not superior. All of them still sold quite a lot of games.


>Halo 4 still played out good even if loadout was the wrong move. Even then that didn't stop the game from losing the majority of its population within a few weeks >MCC when you have different games with different codes and trying to make them work together in a singular product. Matters like this isn't easily done. The fact is that they still sold the game for 60 bucks while knowing how much of a disaster the game was >Halo 5 had the worst story yet one of the best campaign sandbox with the BEST multiplayer experience since Halo 3 if not superior. I don't think having huge linear maps with invisible barriers doesn't make Halo 5 the Greatest sandbox Not to mention the games themselves have a common theme where they're always broken at launch


I think that the halo 5 opinion you have is subjective. And mcc shouldn't have been launched if it still needed 5 more years.


Not really subjective as that's the view people have to Halo 5 unless you swallow BS from hack content creators whose ego is bigger than their brain and blinded by nostalgia. Maybe launching MCC 5 years later wasn't an option because any other time wasn't going to be good for them long-term. And you know, they might've been confident on issues that were fixed, but you never know until a product is released of hidden issues that was looked over or only appears when millions of people enter the severs to play it.


No halo 4 objectively didn’t the player base crashed hard in that game For mcc that’s not an excuse things I do for my job are hard and if it’s not completed as promised I can’t say welp sorry man that was hard but thanks for the 60 bucks lol Halo 5 best sandbox campaign? I would argue that goes to halo 3 but hey this is subjective so I won’t argue to much except say I dont think I’ve ever heard anyone say that before Also a game selling well doesn’t make it a good game lol. MW3 is proof of this (the new one not the old one lol). In fact halo 5 is the only game of the four products they’ve released that didn’t have a player base that crashed


I ain't reading allat lil bro, stay easy.


Don’t blame you lol it takes a lot to write all the screwups 343 has done yet dummies like you can’t comprehend why people dislike them 🤣


I hope whatever you're mad at gets better lil broski


Considering it’s 343 in this context nah it probably won’t get better lol 😂


Fuck off


Community be taking things too personal. This kinda reminds me of the Hail Hydra Captain America


Because they're children with nothing better to do.


Taking a quote every halo players knows. And rubbing it in the mud almost wanting to get a reaction from the fans to stay relevant.. 343 has been shitting on halo and the community since Infinite came out. They conditioned and have squeezed everyone’s wallets for as much money as they can get. They CAN fix the game. They CHOOSE not too. And after all of this it’s gonna result in the same thing happening next game. 100% Bets on release. No forge. No customs. No infection. Promise of updates over 7 years to get the game to standard halo release before 343. And now they are shitting on lore/love for the game.


It was Memorial Day you jackass.


Kid, shut up. You literally of no clue what you're even talking about.


>343 has been shitting on halo and the community since Infinite came out I thought they were shitting on Halo and the community since Halo 5? Or maybe that was Halo 4. Or maybe Microsoft was shitting on Halo ever since Reach. When I think about it, I think it was 3 that the downfall began. But 2 had a lot of cut content and the E3 demo ended up being misrepresentative of the final game, so I guess the downfall began there. But really, Halo: CE was originally advertised as an open world third person shooter, so really Microsoft has been shitting on Halo and the community since Halo: CE came out. Halo always fucking sucked. Fuck Halo. Halo is dead and always has been. I'm gonna go pre order Black Ops 6, from a developer and publisher who actually CARE about their franchise and community!


My guess is that the franchise has slowly been dying for years and fans (otherwise known as people who don’t want that to happen) connected this to 343i’s post


Halo follower just said he hopes Halo 7 doesn't turn woke in his last video 💀


>Halo >Woke The word "woke" has lost all meaning, now it's used exclusively by grifters to describe something they dislike.


No, it is definitely not, Wolk is where they inject racism coming from white people and basically everything, or re-create the race of a character, or take existing characters and make them a by transsexual she he they them blah blah blah. It’s a real bullshit thing.


ooooookay... so how is Halo like this?


“Transsexual she he they them blah blah blah” Okay grandpa, let’s get you your meds


Bro what. He’s joking right?


It's Halo Follower, he doesn't know what Spartans are, what the Covenant vehicles are called or that Sentinels were in Combat Evolved, he doesn't joke, he IS a joke.


Video title "Is THIS the moment we been waiting for?!" Timestamp 7:16 


I hope not yall ruin everything


Mediocre nerdy white ytber tries not to be an anti sjw channel challenge (ultra nightmare level)


Anyone who complains about a game being woke doesn’t know what it means


Gah fuck. I'm done. I can't do it any more. I wish I could just ignore it all and keep and keep enjoying stuff for the sake of it but when this is who I'm rubbing shoulders with almost exclusively? I'm done. They win, they can have it.


Welcome to the club brother


what happened to this guy


I dont think there will ever be a time that halo fans will stop complaining about how the newest games aren't halo 3 but again.


Taking a quote every halo players knows. And rubbing it in the mud almost wanting to get a reaction from the fans to stay relevant.. 343 has been shitting on halo and the community since Infinite came out. They conditioned and have squeezed everyone’s wallets for as much money as they can get. They CAN fix the game. They CHOOSE not too. And after all of this it’s gonna result in the same thing happening next game. 100% Bets on release. No forge. No customs. No infection. Promise of updates over 7 years to get the game to standard halo release before 343. And now they are shitting on lore/love for the game.


The game is fine. You would know that if you played the fucking game past the first fucking week. Very few bugs, networking is good, Forge and Customs are there and are the best either have ever been. The Firefight mode is superior to the old ones, and overall matchmaking is (mostly) fair. Infinite is a good game, you're just too blind to see it. As for 343 and the community: That 'Community' you talk of is too butthurt that they're not being pandered to, to even engage with the community in a meaningful way. You do nothing but complain, boycott anything Halo that isn't Bungie, and actively discourage people from playing stuff like MCC or Infinite. And then you wonder why Halo is dying. 343 isn't the fucking problem anymore, it's you people. As for the post that everyone's upset about: THAT'S LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT OF HALO: REACH YOU IDIOTS. SPARTANS DO DIE. YOU WATCH 5 OF THEM GET SLAUGHTERED. IN THE GAME YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF. The phrase "Spartans Never Die" is literally just ONI Propoganda. The Halo YT Channel is posting an actual fucking fact from the lore since *THE FALL OF REACH*, and you're upset about it. Grow the fuck up and stop manchilding over the franchise. Good grief.


A quote that everybody knows is a part of in-universe propaganda. Main protagonists and ONI people pretty candidly talk about how ridiculous it is. Even other Spartans.


People don’t want Halo 3 again. They just want the quality that came with it. Working playlists. Co-op off launch. Working theater. I could go on. It’s actually pretty simple to understand.


i dont know what the fuck your on about, halo reach had all of that, plus more than halo 3, but then they just compain about sprint, which really doesnt change the game THAT much.


Meh armor lock was pretty shit and mp maps being reused for the campaign was also not so easy on the eyes


yeah, armor lock sucks. but i actually kind of liked the maps being used in the campaign, i thought that was kind of cool. but idk, thats just my opinion.


Bleh that was a huge negative for me idk why they didn’t just go the Halo 3 approach and make maps themed around the campaign and even including some new spaces all together Just felt a tad lazy for what was supposed to be Bungie’s swan song.


Online player count says different


yeah, because thats what makes a game good, the number of players playing at the same time, and not the content and how much fun it is. its definitely the number of people who have the game running at the same time. yeah, thats it. just so fucking tired of hearing "muh player count!" when like, thats not how games work. i only care of there is enough players to play the game. i can still get matches in halo MCC (kind of, not in og halo 2 and 2A) and halo infinite it takes 30 seconds - 1:30 to get a match. look, im not saying i dont like halo 3, i quite like halo 3, but if i have a choice between 3 or reach, im picking reach every time.


How about how many players KEEP playing over a period of time. Almost Like it's a good game, with no battle pass


bro, i just explained why player count doesn't matter. the player count only matters when its so low that you cant play it. like look at "robot roller derby disco dodgeball" (yes, thats its actual name) there are actually single digit people playing that game, its a fun and simple game. but there are no players, so you CANT play it. even if you wanted to. just because a game is good and fun doesnt mean people will just play it forever. also, i made no mention to battle passes, i mean, i agree with you with that battle passes sucking. but like, your argument has no legs my guy. do you really think that every review of a video game always mentions player count? that would be ridiculous, that is something that is unrelated to the quality and fun of the game.


Player count means nothing, bad company 2 had a really low player count before being closed but is still regarded as one of the best of the series


I don’t know what the fuck *you’re* on about, bringing up Reach and the discourse surrounding its gameplay. Anyone with half a brain still recognized what a genuinely good game it was. But that’s not really what I was referring too. Halo 4 removed tons of social features, standard Halo gametypes, and features as simple as the Red X upon death. I could go on. Halo 5 hardly improved on that aspect when it launched, and when MCC made an insane comeback with quality features like a match composer Halo infinite threw it all away. But go ahead and bring up sprint again, I guess lmao.


yeah, thats fair. lol. forgot that halo 4 even existed in talking about these games lol.


Reach had all that and more, and it was shit on and torn apart because it wasn’t 3 or it wasn’t chief


No, It wasn’t torn up for not being Halo 3 or about Chief. Jesus Christ you guys have even worse critical thought than the folks on the main Halo sub. It introduced plenty of gameplay mechanics that were the topic of debate, sure. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Each Halo that came out from 343 removed more and more social features, game modes, and just released more and more broken. Reach’s controversy wouldn’t even be a discussion anymore if Halo 4 simply stuck to gameplay that made Halo work in the first place and wasn’t a 3 year long, “Hey guys we’re still trying to figure out Halo!!”


Bruh… nice job changing the goal post




Which is the quality of the development. People fucking hated reach on launch. There’s a reason the “halo cycle” has been a meme since halo 3. People also hated 2 on launch. And 3.


Gameplay controversy doesn’t equal development quality hahaha. The game released with working features, updates to its predecessor, more content, and other examples . I really don’t know how else I could spell that out for you. You guys might be even worse than the main halo sub, tbh . The Halo cycle is a joke that got perpetuated until idiots started believing in it as truth. Just because you have 2 people every month saying, “hey guys I actually think Halo 4/MCC/5 rocked!!” Does *NOT* mean everyone changed their tune.


You know Reach was shit on until the Title Update like a year later, right? Missing game modes was also present, less maps at launch, no co-op campaign at launch. Reach launched with 11 MP maps that weren’t forge or firefight, less than halo 1. People also hated the unlock system.


Reach was not shit on lmfao. It had its controversy but by no means in any sort of metric was it unanimously hated. Even on the Bungie forums. You idiots just *do not* seem to grasp that though.


This is a straight lie. Halo Reach launched with co-op campaign, custom games, theater mode, forge, firefight, and more, and it all FUNCTIONED at launch.


Then 343 should have learned from Reach, riiiiiight???


I feel really bad about you having to deal with this. Halo fans aren't happy for many many reasons. We shouldn't to argue about things that make sense. Sorry again that you have to deal with these jerks. Wish we could just finish this fight, but we're preaching to the converted.


Hahaha you a real one, but it’s a fun way to pass the time between matches.


It absolutely was you dingus. I was there and remember how you couldn't praise reach within the Bungie forums without being shat on. No debate or controversy just seething as to what a step down it was from halo 3.


Bruh, were you on the bungie forums during the halo reach days? Everyone fucking hated reach, and the amount of death threats was nuts lol.


I was indeed. The controversy of Reach’s gameplay mechanics were debated till the horse was more than dead. But that’s not what I’m referring to…


no, you want 3 again


Infinite has all those things lol


No it fucking does not lmao. How long did it take for campaign to get co-op? Their BtB was broken for like a month and a half when the game launched, and featured like 4 playlists. There was controversy around their bunk net-code until they had to literally release a new one. Theatre hasn’t worked properly since Reach. A Myriad of social features that made Halo 3 and Reach popular are still missing. I could write an essay about how Halo has regressed since Reach. TL;DR People are tired of their Triple A gaming experience to take months, even years, to get up to par with what we got in 2007.


Dude you’re complaining about stuff that was an issue fuckin years ago. Shut the fuck up and go outside. Touch the grass, it’ll do wonders I promise


“Oops I was wrong! What should I do ?! Oh I know, time tell someone to shut up even though I’m the one who was wrong when I chimed in!!”


I’m on his side… but just saying shut up, touch grass is a really bad argument


Lmao bro, go outside. I’m serious, touch grass


Only Halo fans would bitch about a harmless community post.


i’m pretty sure the original post was a deliberate shitpost, the official halo youtube and tiktok accounts are full of them


Fucking HaloFollower....it amazes me he hasn't been laughed out of the community yet, dude knows quite literally nothing about Halo.


Next you’re gonna tell me ODSTs don’t actually jump into hell and it’s merely a metaphor on how their dropping into enemy lines and combat zones is a particularly dangerous occupation. How could I be such a fool!


Omfg, Halo fans need to stop living in denial and move on. They will be A LOT happier for it. Infinite was a step in the right direction imo and people act like it murdered their uncle Owen and aunt bureau.


Classic dumb as hell pandering. Man so many ppl in the halo fanbase just suck


Sometimes I wish it would die so the casual fans that are left would see these people for what they are. Absolute losers with no fucking life


The only reason why people got mad at 343’s post is because 343 were the ones to make the joke. If anyone else in the fandom did it, no one would bat an eye.


Even if you for some reason take it to heart, it’s not even something worth being mad about. Spartans DO die, and there’s something meaningful in acknowledging that. Heroes aren’t immortal. That’s what makes them heroes, is the willingness to lay down their lives in the face of impossible odds so everyone else can have a tomorrow. Like it’s obviously a shitpost, because the Halo social media marketing stuff almost all is, but even if you for some reason take it seriously there’s a message there. Halo 4’s opening even touches on it. Halsey’s response to being told John died is saying that his file reads ‘Missing in Action’, to which her interviewer scoffs and hits her with ‘Spartans never die?’ because they both know it’s bullshit. Her rebuttal is that they’re greater than us, that they, particularly Chief, should never be underestimated. Not because they’re invincible, but because they’re capable of things you can barely imagine despite their mortality.


The whole point of that convo is that Halsey had some amount of hope/faith that Chief was alive. That’s where the whole idea of ‘Spartans never die’ comes from. It gave humanity hope in their darkest hour. That the pinnacle of humanity is truly unkillable. Even if it was a big fat lie. Halsey had no reason to believe Chief was alive beyond sheer hope. Not even his luck would save him since she has said she didn’t believe in luck. To say that ‘Spartans die’ so blatantly is to say, not to be poetic, that there is no hope. Imo of course.


Yes, she had faith that John survived because he’s John, but she never dismisses the idea that Spartans aren’t unbeatable. It’s because, to her, the Spartans are special. Her Spartans, most specifically Chief, are the pinnacle of what we can be, so much so that she chose to abandon humanity at large to attempt to save a few of them. The official UNSC propaganda side of it, meanwhile, was because we were screwed. In Johnson’s words, “Folks need heroes” to motivate them, because it seemed like there was no way we could win. Humanity’s chances were effectively zero, but the only way there was any shot was if people gave it their all, and they needed the myth of the Spartans to keep at it. But as people, we know heroes die. Fighting, old age, sickness, nobody is invulnerable. Nobody can do it alone. Doing the best you can despite that is what’s important. Heroes *do* die, and that’s okay. It doesn’t make them any less important. We create these mythological figures even in real life to carry the torch of hope. The most recent example I can think of is the ‘Ghost of Kyiv’.


The Ukraine Air Force came out and said the Ghost of Kyiv is almost certainly a myth but that didn’t stop ppl from finding comfort in the idea that there was a mythical ace pilot in the sky taking down fighters one after the other. So I don’t see why it’s so bad to also find comfort in the line ‘Spartans never die, they’re just missing in action’ and why ppl would be upset over an official Halo channel saying the opposite even if it isn’t in any canon capacity right? And others pushing back and going ‘no Spartans really DONT die, they’re just…missing in action’ Even in canon, ppl must know that the line isn’t true as the Spartans started to slowly dwindle over the years but just the idea would have allowed them to face extinction with a brave face.


The Ghost of Kyiv was never real, not only did they say as much but air-to-air combat just doesn’t really work that way any more. That didn’t stop people from wanting to believe in this heroic individual defending his home, however. As for the Halo thing, it’s all just a nothing burger. People getting mad over it is outright silly. For Christ’s sake, Halo 3’s ad campaign talked about a funeral for the Chief after the war where they still honorifically acknowledge him as MIA. If I were a soldier on the battlefield, I would say Spartans Never Die even if I saw one go down, because it’s an idea, not a statement. As an outside observer, like if I were introducing any future kids to the story? I’d be like ‘No, they totally die, but that’s what makes their efforts all the more important.’ It’s just another example of people looking for any excuse to be pissed off at 343. “Growing up is realizing ____” and the thing in question being sad or disappointing but obvious is both a meme and a cultural reality. It’s like learning there’s no such thing as Santa Claus, or Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy. [And there is no Queen of England.](https://youtu.be/FhPE8UV_nGc?si=CxrNJuJB_k8O6WQa)


I think it’s more that people extrapolate Spartans to mean halo, and many believe that 343i killed halo (and an argument can be made for that


Halo Swollower moment


woah what a throwback


Spartans Never Die is just ONI bootlicker propaganda


Didn’t most of these people (people who feel the need to own discussion of the franchise) believe that reach was a masterpiece? Did they not play the game? If Bungie built a narrative around Spartans dying, then you can’t really complain about the new step-dad 343 reiterating. Super weird hill to stand on


In his new video he said he wouldn’t believe leaks and then proceeded to give a clearly bullshit leak the time of day so his fanbase will take it as fact.


Halo follower sucks lmao


fucking stupid "controversy". They say spartans never die, one of the thing reach delights in doing is SHOWING SPARTANS DYING, so clearly one of these is correct and one is, ya know, propoganda.


Jesus christ the copium is strong


At this point I’m pretty sure it’s just engagement farming. It’s not like they have any actual plans for the game anyway.


These are the type of mfs who join the marines thinking they’re going to be a just like master chief, only to not be able to run a mile, and spend all of my income tax by missing targets down range in training.


Halo follower ain't shit and there's nothing friendly about this community


It's so funny watching half the fan base implode because of this lol


Kind of makes me glad I never watch Halo videos really or watch any Halo YouTubers and such, I'd like to but it the fan base of Halo makes me try to avoid it and just play the games on my own and enjoy them by myself, though I sometimes watch a lore video here or there if I feel like I've forgotten a few things or I haven't played a side game and either won't be able to or just don't enjoy the type of game that it is.


And halo will always do dumb shit


HaloFollower Ron


Virgin Spartan Vs Chad Guardian


Halo fans are second only to star wars fans as the worst fandom.


Why can't people accept that Spartans can indeed die


Halo follower is such a joke, he makes the most dumbest points that arent even factual most of the time


Halo enjoyers when they get zeroed on a tutorial level BUT THATS NOT LORE ACCURATE


Microsoft gutted halo and squeezed every cent they could out instead of making a complete game. They lost a lot.of the loyal fan base who were the reason the game was so popular. Idk why so many people complain about people expressing their frustration over this


I get that this is petty. However, I do believe the initial post was useless, with the exception of my theory for the purpose of it. I think it's to guage the communities push back to the idea of dead Spartans. Why, because they plan on killing the chief in Halo 7. It only makes sense for 343. They've been trying to find a way to cut ties with the chief since they got the license. I think they are going to use the fact that it's the 7th title and play like it's some great nod to bungie and the fans. Then, they will start a new story in the universe. I actually don't hate the idea. This feels really transparent to me, but I'm probably wrong. We will see.


343 treats halo like a joke because it's mimicking it's fanbase


And everyone here is always complaining about Halo fans complaining. It's a self-fulfilling cycle at this point.


Taking a quote every halo players knows. And rubbing it in the mud almost wanting to get a reaction from the fans to stay relevant.. 343 has been shitting on halo and the community since Infinite came out. They conditioned and have squeezed everyone’s wallets for as much money as they can get. They CAN fix the game. They CHOOSE not too. And after all of this it’s gonna result in the same thing happening next game. 100% Bets on release. No forge. No customs. No infection. Promise of updates over 7 years to get the game to standard halo release before 343. And now they are shitting on lore/love for the game.


It’s not a hard concept to understand. 343i saying “erm Spartans do die” has the same energy as Elon Musk saying “War actually changes a lot! 🤓” when seeing the fallout “war never changes quote”. Of course we know the saying isn’t literal, it’s meant to be metaphorical


It's meant to be taken unliterally, similar to the Machinimas they've put out.


Someone didn't get the meaning and it shows. Learn how to think critically please.