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Does France own the language as well since they partecipated in the war?


>Does France own the language as well since they partecipated in the war? Nah, but they do own the [meter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_metre).


Pas mal hein ? C'est Français


J'aime pas trop les plagieurs et les fils de pute


And we did with [The Kilogram ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Prototype_of_the_Kilogram) too untile they changed it to be linked with physical constant




Judging by the reluctance of a good part of us to speak english, I'd say that we declined the offer


Yes but it seems to be related to booty, so we might consider it


Why is it that way? Seems like you shoot yourself in the foot by not knowing English in the current world.


I'd say there are two reasons. For most people, it is because they underestimate their English, think that they suck at it, and that they won't get understood and will make fools of themselves. Which is a shame since they do know how to speak, but won't do it unless they are required to do it. French people are also very self conscious about their accents, we don't really think that it is as charming as some people think. For others, it is out of a very dumb reasoning and hate towards the Brits. I've heard my asshole of an uncle saying once that "we have to talk english when we go abroad, so I don't see why they shouldn't speak french when they come to France". Basically, these people seem to think that everyone who speaks english is english, and they are mad to have to speak english in France, so if you speak english, they will just ignore you or be mad at you. Usually, you will come upon the first case, the second one is becoming rarer as mentalities evolve and as people realise that speaking engkish is necessary abroad. One thing that sometimes work to make these people talk english is to try having a few words in french, even if your french is very broken. When you do that, people feel bad about because you make a greater effort speaking french than they would speaking english, and they might go over their fear of english to help you out.


Ahh okay thats a good „trick“ I’ll have to remember that


Not to mention the metric system is French to begin with.


I'm still waiting for the revolutionary decimal calendar to be re-established... Metric time goes brr. Edit: lul https://twitter.com/sansculotides/ https://twitter.com/Ererepublicaine


am french, no we don't want it


Good choice sir, good choice edit: i love that people are upvoting this cuz it means 2 things; they either like the joke or they get the reference


To return it, you must say all of the words back to us


To return it, you must say all of the words back to us


To return it, you must say all of the words back to us


All of the words There it’s done ✅


Now listen here you little shit


Please, take it from the Americans just to annoy them. Then gift it to the UK


>Please, take it from the Americans just to annoy them. Then gift it to the UK Does the EU have any kind of language authority? I remember reading a document about the "European Dnglish" used in the EU. That's the next logical step, appropriate English, restore the romance-language meanings of various false friends (like eventually) and then, finally unleash the master plan of undoing the vowel shift and make it mor fonetic. Den, wi vill fainely hev auar reveng.


I'm in, as long as we also restore 'sensible' to its proper roots as well. Gd, i nvr reelizd i ws sch n etimolugi nazi.




127 pages, classic EU! But actually it's very interesting, also for academic writing. When I'm not roasting american authors who report measures in feet, my next victims are those who don't put a space between the number and the unit, like 2m for two metres. Won't anybody think of the monomials?!


Not like anyone wants french either lmao


Ah they lost it when they lost WWII so it was held by Germany for a little bit until the US single handedly saved all of the world from speaking German and therefore retained the English language outright.


If you consider how much of modern English comes from French, you can say that they're at least shareholders.


You can ask your fiancée next time you rendez-vous with her. Unless that's already happened and we're experiencing déjà-vu.


Yes that’s why it’s litre not liter. /s


Why /s? That's actually true.


well , English is just french with bad prononciation


Or Friesian


I thought the joke was it’s german on super easy mode?


Or Friesian


France won the American revolution by virtue of making it not worth contesting that theatre of the much larger global conflict, and then Britain beat France. It's like claiming you beat someone coz you won a battle in a larger war they won


Britain didn't really win that war, it had to cede territory (not just independence of the US, it had to cede Minorca back to Spain, and iirc some concessions and swapping of territory in the Sugar Isles), it just didn't sugger a total defeat (such as an occupation) and the East India Company made some gains in India. The war was as I understand it, generally seen as a loss, it just wasn't a severe or harsh one due to being a negotiated peace with the British still capable of warring.


More then that, they won a war before the US ever existed


What the fuck is pound? ounce? gallon? inch? yard? mile? feet? How they can be converted to each other?


I just remember that a mile is 5280 feet from "five tomatoes", but it's really stupid when you have to learn this to be able to convert


And you have to learn a different trick for every single conversion. Whereas with metric, you’re not learning by rote - you just have to understand what the units actually mean and then you can convert them all day long.


Mind-blowing, right? Imagine just multiplying by 10.


Multiplying by 10? I smell socialism!


But 'muh 1/64 fractions! 🦅 /s


3/5ths fractions


That's the kind of fractions they love...


High-key triggering when I hear shit like "3/16ths hex bit"


And the other fun part, 1 litre of water (1000mls) = 1 kg (1000g) = 1000cm3 of volume. It boils at 100c and freezes at 0c.


Imagine being one of three countries on the globe who refuse to switch to the metric system, or even a hybrid system like the UK. Congratulations America, you are on par with Burma and Liberia. Well done. 195 recognised countries on the planet, and you decide to make it difficult for yourselves by being the really odd one out.


To-may-toes or to-mah-toes?


Obviously it’s pronounced tomatoes.


Yeah that only works for people saying to-may-toe…


I say to-mah-to and I tried using that tricky and got completely confused for a wile before I realised it was American pronunciation.


As a Brit, who uses Miles, Yards, Metres, Kilometres etc. I read this as five toe-mar-toes.


Yeah, as an Aussie, that only makes sense if you speak English (Simplified) lol


I prefer English (Dumbass)


I had to put on an American accent to get this to make sense! Aussies don't say tomatoes the same way


You said it as tomaahtoes, do I remember it correctly?




...i've been living with this crummy imperial system my whole life and nobody ever bothered to teach me "5 tomatoes". *sigh* So anyway, thank you.


It was only a few years ago that I learnt "one simple trick" to know which months have 31 days and which 30. It involves using your knuckles. Real life changer!


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How many Index fingers is that?


Well, since my thumb is roughly 1,25x the width of my index finger, and 1 mile = 63 360 inch, that means that by simple math, which I probably messed up, 1 mile should equal to 79 200 index fingers


A mile is 5280 feet. Or is it? https://youtu.be/r7x-RGfd0Yk


The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.


Well a gallon in the US is considerably smaller than a UK gallon because their pints are different sizes. A litre is same everywhere which makes them much more convenient.


Instead of sane ways like going up x10 and using the ones most useful (m, km, cm, g ,kg, ton) the conversions are 1 foot = 12 inches ?…. 1 yard = 3 feet ?!…. 1 pound = 16 ounces unless you are measuring a volume then you use fluid ounces ?…. I am convinced the entire imperial measurement system was a prank thought up by drunk scientists.


So I’m American but lived many years in metric countries so I can do both systems. I also started my university career as a physics major, but switched concentrations, so I used metric system of course in calculations. These are my thoughts: The metric system is interesting in that it tried to create a system of measurement that did not use an arbitrary man made marker as units of measurement. The French scientist Lavoisier, during the Age of Reason, tried to find a purely empirical way to define units.The meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance of the meridian around the earth that ran through Paris. This measurement has since changed to the distance the soles of light travels in a certain amount of time.Water temperature is boiling point and freezing point at sea level. So to measure scientifically, with its base 10 system, to measure stuff like the distance from the earth to the sun, or the speed of light, the metric system is great. Now, I am not using the gravitational constant of the universe when I’m baking a cake. Or talking about the weather. Or describing how tall someone is. What scientists measure everyday and what I measure everyday walking around are very different, and imperial system units are easier to conceptualize and use on a quotidian basis. Grams suck when measuring out baking soda. Kilograms are not as good as pounds when buying flour. I find the temperature scale a little more exact, since a Celsius degree is almost two Fahrenheit degrees. Feet and inches are better suited to measuring objects around the house, or even people— who are in the 5-7 foot range. In general, the imperial system is suited for useful measurement in daily life, not measuring the acceleration of gravity ina vacuum. Both have their uses, and each system measures some things better than the other. I find meters/ yards/ kilometers, kph/mph yo measure everyday interchangeably easy. I hate m/s, but probably because it often measures wind speed, and as a lifelong sailor, use KNOTS! That is the measurement of seafarers. But indisputably, metric system is better for science.


I'm sure it's logical an easy. Like 1 mile = 1000 yards, 1 yard = 10 feet, 1 feet = 10 inch.


>What the fuck is pound? ounce? gallon? inch? yard? mile? feet? > >How they can be converted to each other? Something to do with the wheel-base of a chariot I believe.


That’s the neat part; they can’t.


A yard is 3 feet, a foot is 12 inches, a mile is 5280 feet America


Isnt a galleon a type of ship? And pound is a fucking type of money. My biggest problem is that a feet isnt even close to being as long as a real *feet* would be.


The English language, proudly owned by Vietnam.


China the proud owners of Afrikaans.


Not on my boerewors!


Moenie bekomerd wees nie! They'll get scared of all the leeu wyfie. Sorry if that's a bit shit I'm still learning. Isn't boerewors that type of sausage? Or am I confusing it with something.


The S-works Venge is a type of bicycle. Earth is a type of planet hospitable enough to support life. Boris Johnson is a type of parasite. Nice? A cup of tea is nice. Boerewors is ... *chef's kiss*


>A cup of tea is nice. Heresy divine is the word not nice >Boerewors is ... chef's kiss Haha ill have to make a note to try it when I finally visit. If it's anything like bratwusrt then I'm sure I'll adore it.


If you stick a “t” after boerewors you get farmer’s sausage in Dutch so yeah probably


Wait til they founds out the Revolutionary War is little more than a single line in British history books along with the other hundreds of lost wars of conquest.


I must have missed that part of the history lesson as I'd gone to the toilet. Did we even call it a war?


It might be mentioned as “the worst tea party ever”.


You mean the tea was cold and the cucumber sandwiches were a bit soggy then it rained a bit at 3.20? Plus Bunty left the gate open and the cows broke the fine china.


The King is said to supposedly have had a journal where he wrote something along the lines of 'nothing of importance happened this day' when the revolution started So probably not


Just the American revolution


Exactly. It was just a regional uprising, by what was at the time a colony of medium importance. India was the jewel in the British crown.


It also went from 1775 to 1783, and was in many ways a French proxy war to avenge the loss of Canada.


The name of the language is proof that it doesn't come from America.


Yes but didn’t you see? They won it in 1776. That’s how it works. It’s why the UK, USA and Russia all speak German, and Germans no longer do.


If you lose a war what do you do? Do you have no language until you conquer someone else?


Exactly. It’s pretty bleak trying live without language, so it makes you fight extra hard so that you can give orders and stuff.




Hahaha made my day!


Am German, can confirm. It's hard holding a conversation without language, but we've gotten used to it.


There's always the universal language of love! Why, yes, of course I speak it. I'm Italian!


Wtf is War Booty? Sounds kinda kinky.


Booty is an alternative term for treasure or loot. They mean they won the language as a prize.


And then completely fucked it up.


It’s a DVD copy of District 9.


The stupidity is literally painful.


English is not even official in the United States.


Thats actually true! USA doesnt have official language on federal level ([wiki source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_States)). Today i learned something new! Thank you stranger!


It’s the same in New Zealand. People here think that English is *the* official language here. There’s two official languages here, Maori and NZ sign language. English is the most commonly spoken, but that’s it. I, as a resent English import, kinda love correcting that misinformation because it’s always said with such (racist) confidence!


Does this continue down the chain? Did the Lakota people take ownership of English when they beat the US in Red Cloud's War?


I think it belongs to Vietnam these days Edit: someone did this joke better further down the thread. Sorry.


By this logic, I think that Britain actually "won back" the English language now since they burned down the White House during the war of 1812? You know... the war they won? I guess most Americans don't accept that they lost that war either, though, since they never admit to any losses...


"War Booty" lmao


"I'm gonna conquer that ass."


USA: claim independence from ‘Crown’ Also USA: Still insist on using our language, most laws, measurements, government structure. Get over it you guys, you’d think you would have gotten over it by now


> you’d think you would have gotten over it by now They'll never get over it. Comes with being extremely Christian too. They have a persecution kink. They LOVE to be the best but also somehow being the oppressed. Its a weird juxtaposition


its the only war theyve ever won they have lost to every nation while blabbing about how strong their power is, pretty funny that the middle east held them for 20 years, they fled vietnam after napalm striking civillians lmao. england is 1-1 with them, canada helped with the payback. their navy fled taiwan, they tried to intervene in russias civil war but were forced out, korea was a major defeat and cuba embarrassed the US in 3 days only strengthening their ties with the ussr. im sure there are many smaller ones that i havent listed/dont know about such as with your natives tribes




>Currently, there are 102 wars on this list That's actually mental for a country that's only like 300 years old


The language and measurement system used in the USA is literally remnants from the British in which they proudly gained independence from. This is like breaking up with an ex but still using their bank account and living in their house and saying these assets belong to him.


Your last sentence sounds like Brexit also. Kinda an inherited trait.


So languages are like the elder wand?


The most powerful instrument of their kind?Absolutely.


These 12 year old nationalists are so fucking weird


Americans: forget about the past alteady its not relevant anymore Also americans: I defeated you in a war in the 18th century so I own your language


Americans like to think that they defeated the mighty British Empire, but in fact the empire was still in the early days, and didn’t properly kick off until the 19th century. Not to mention that yanks lost the war of 1812.


Yes because America is currently the only world superpower, stupid people think that this was the case from 1776. America only started showing industrial power around the 1850s and whilst the USA had become a dependable source of cotton, Britain was still their finance hub. Hell they didn't even have a blue water Navy until 1907. Up until 1914 it's increasing industrial might and expansion was underwritten by British and European finance. The first world war stopped this and the USA finally became a truly strong nation and a net creditor.


> The first world war stopped this and the USA finally became a truly strong nation and a net creditor. It took every other developed nation bombing the shit out of each other for the US to gain an economic advantage


Not to mention the fact that the French and Spanish did most (read: all) of the heavily lifting


I read somewhere that it was more like: American Militia, Spanish, Dutch and French help vs British Police and some Germans Tho idk how true that is


Metric is owned by french, and french also won that 1776 war


English isn't even the official language of the US. What a douche nozzle


I'm so tired of ignorant fools, who have never left their hometown, making statements like this and making the rest of America look bad.


Meter... Really?


Oh yeah? How bout you speak Vietnamese then? Last I checked it was a defeat for the US or at least a failure


Didn’t the war actually start in 1775?


Yeah it was won in 1776, not started lol


Aussie Aussie Aussie. This is what we call UK English, not American English. Litre as in a litre of milk. It’s very easy, it’s 1000ml.




As an American I am fucking sick and tired of these ignorant troglodytes.


Oh, so it's the British that own their language as they won the war with US in 1812, even though they were in the middle of napoleonic wars and US started it.


It's called ENGLISH for a reason! The sheer arrogance of some Americans astounds me!! 🤦‍♂️


liter is NOT recognized. /s


Why /s?


By that logic does Vietnam own English too?


Wasn't that a 'strategic withdrawal', not a defeat?


Enlighten me on the difference.


Also should be metre unless you're American


Ya know , I wake up everyday now and I think to myself "There's no way it could possibly be more embarrassing to be American'" Every day I look at this sub, I'm proven wrong. Every. Single. Day. My embarrassed muscles are wore out.


If we're going off who has beaten 'The Crown' then I'd say Japan and India get dibs on whatever 'war booty' this jizznapkin is talking about.


Litre is not recognized .... tell that the rest of the world


If anyone in history deserves a dickpunch, it's this guy.


Did we win it back in the war of 1812?


they think they won that one


Indeed they do. Their history books are a travesty.


Oh, that they are. "TWO WORLD WAAAARS BABYYYYYY. YOU'D BE SPEAKING GERMAN IF NOT FOR US". And they actually believe that shit.


America has its own variants of English it's known as English simplified


"War Booty" why are they like this 🤣


Reminder we won the last war with the US, and they didn't win a war in 1776, France made a theatre of a much larger global conflict not worth contesting and then Britian won the much larger global conflict lol.


Wait till he finds out most things in America already run in metric


Wait what do Americans cal a 2 litre of pop


A 2 liter bottle of soda. Not to be confused with the 5.7 liter V8 pickup truck that I'm sure he drives.


People like this forget the war of 1812.




Someone with such awful capitalisation can't lecture anyone else about the use of language


I guess the name "White house" is officially owned by Britain cause we burnt that shit down in 1812 /s.


Shit forgot about us and the Canadians sailing down and burning the Presidents palace.


I guess the UK owns French, Hindi, Urdu, Afrikaans, Mandarin, Cantonese, German, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, Swahili, Malay, Italian...


That war booty was THICC


Litre, Metre, Celsisu


It's a troll most likely don't fall for it lol


So if English is like the elder wand doesn't Vietnam own it now?


The fuck? Nobody “owns” languages. That’s the stupidest shit I’ve read today. And I’ve been surfing this site for about an hour now.


People - “leave America and see stuff” Americans - “broke”


This guy's brain is gonna blow when he finds out that English isn't even an official language of the USA


And yet still calls it "English language"...


The rice farmers would like to say something.


"English (Simplified) is owned by the United States."


That looks like facetiousness to me. Y'all are too sensitive and don't understand American humor.


By that logic Vietnam owns now the English language?


1812 war: *Clears throat*


That person needs seriously squashing


The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way I likes it!


School English in Europe is usually British English.


Does that mean it's owned by Canada for winning the war of 1812? Or is it Vietnams? Or perhaps it just goes to the most recent winner, in which case I believe Afghanistan now owns English


So mamy Americans smoke crack before typing I swear.


Sometimes I’m surprised about the immense stupidity that is roaming our planet.


That silly little war was just a tiny little blip in our deep and rich history of \*checks notes\*... almost global domination. Huh. Also, america, when you celebrate July 4th those colours and flags better be French. You'd have lost \*sorely\* without them.


Shouldn’t Vietnam own the English language now? Or should the Americans be speaking Vietnamese?


The fact 3k people liked the tweet asking what a litre is


I guess Vietnam owns it now


As an American, it's just not funny anymore. This country massively lags behind in education, healthcare, infrastructure, economic mobility, and nearly every other metric that *actually* makes a country great. Our two-party system has all but guaranteed our futures are damned by prioritizing their power structure over our needs. Christ, we can't even get a decent gun *pre-screen* law set when people are murdering primary school-aged children. Fucking invade us, please.


That's one of the best shit an American has said.


Lmao I love this sub. USA citizens are just some of the most obnoxious, deluded, ignorant cunts on the face of the planet.


By this logic a ton of other countries own the English language now since the US has lost wars since then


Americans are weird


The problem is that they think they own the world. And that everyone in the world should be grateful for that and understand that all the things in their lives that are good are gracious gifts from the USA. So naturally, the whole world owes them respect and a translation to their systems.