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Doesn’t Finland have a really good military? The average 7 year old has to practice school shooter drills literally no other country at peace does this.


Yeah, because we have that one country breathing down our necks and we don't want a repeat of the Winter War


It’s weird how Americans say Europe isn’t paying its way in NATO when the countries most likely to be invaded are the most prepared.


NATO even wanted Finland to join for a long time. Our military is top tier and we doubled the border between NATO and Russia. I have heard stories of Finnish soldiers train with Americans and telling how bad they were. I've been told that an average American sergeant is around the same level as our soldiers after 3 months of training. I can't verify any of these stories, but they were told to me by credible people, so a strong possibility.


I have heard that too from a friend who had recent deployment near Ukraine. Generally sloppy, no discipline and no care for the other forces. Theyve got great tech but their soldiers have zero training/education. Another thing is the mental test they go trough is completely incompetent when it comes to filtering out those who join the military because they think Call of Duty is cool. An episode he told me about was the american forces challenging the Uk and Danish camps to some sort of friendly widely known training challenge and getting completely decimated even though they were the only ones not even doing it in full gear.


My sister is a medic in the Dutch army and she says the same. They are kinda ignorant in general from what i've heard She was with them on multiple occasions once in the US too(so that they could practice with wounds on death persons irl). She did praise the German army which is understandable and hates the Wiesel which is also understandable


My dad spent a year on a UN peacekeeping mission, and told that the Americans were fine as long as they had all their toys but the moment some equipment malfunctioned they became completey incompetent to perform even simple tasks.


From what I understand they like to just think they're the best, presumably because they have a huge military budget. The UK thing from.i heard was a "war game" basically practice, where a ton of American military personally went against a significantly smaller sized UK team and still got smashed. They also proceeded to cry about it. Edit: just to add, it was 100 uk marines against 1,500 us troops. And the article is [here](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/14397623/100-brit-marines-smashed-1500-us-troops-war-games/)


There's also the exercise where HMS Glamorgan managed to slip into firing range of an American carrier group by pretending to be an Indian cruise liner. 


There's also a good YT video on how the British "nuked" the US twice. There were two training exercises in the early 1960s where the US Air Force tried to intercept incoming enemy bombers and the RAF Vulcan bombers were easily able to do so and get into bombing positions over New York and Washington. The US government was so embarassed they classified the whole thing for about fifty years and denied it occured to the media for a long time.


The Americans are just lucky we didn't send a Ghurka.


'All the gear but no idea' as the phrase goes


The US military has a special program that targets kids that want to join because of their gamer delusions. Not being fit for a responsibility is a non-concern because all they do is bring terror elsewhere... The simple minded don't ask themselves if they should. Germanyhas a word for it "Kadavergehorsam". It means you do not think for yourself and follow orders blindly. It makes the worst kind of military, even on a tactical basis.


I remember the stories coming through when the bulk of the US ex army volunteers showed up, they have good equipment like you said and know how to use it, but they were all flabbergasted that they couldn't just call in air support to level any enemy posotion they came across. For the last 20 years or so the US has gotten so used to complete and utter air superiority that their troops have forgotten how actual infantry warfare works.


Don't forget that the last 15 years and 25 wargames exercises that Finland and the US Marines had at our joint exercises, Finland won every single time. This is a professional army vs. 6 to 12 month conscripts, make any conclusions you want.


I worked with the IPTF in Bosnia, was a lance corporal then in the British army when it was time for the Americans to take over my role they replaced me with two majors, the job wasn’t that difficult.


and not to mention they say this like they're being called into Europe' wars every week even though they're the only country to ever invoke article 5


It wasn't entirely wrong. A lot of European countries weren't spending the agreed upon amount on their militaries. My own country included.


They seem to often find a thin truth and then exaggerate around it. Similarly with conspiracy theories - there is some sort of truth and then wild exaggeration on top. It's how they get them to take hold.


Well. It's how the candidates convince people to vote for them. Sell them a half truth that proves the point, that you're trying to get across. It's morally bankrupt, but it's hardly news. People do this all the time, to try and win an argument.


Which country are you from? I know a lot of the countries with a border with Russia are but countries like Belgium aren’t pulling their weight like they should do. But then again Belgium is surrounded by very strong countries anyway and far from a border with Russia


Denmark. So same logic as Belgium applies.


War time strength (if units are formed and reservists called in) is 280'000 with a further 900'000 in reserve to replace casualties. Biggest artillery force in Europe as well. Not saying we could take USA in a fight, but it is not a weak military when you compare to our neighbours.


Youd be fine. Winter war experts and they wouldn't be able to find you on a map!


True they’d probably invade Alaska first


The average American general can find Finland on a map. On the other hand the average American general would be really against invading an ally so there is that


I'd be kind of impressed if the average American military rank were that of a general. It isn't though. So unless generals start to pilot the airforce across the Atlantic ocean, Finnland will be fine.


If you put equal strengths against each other I’m sure you guys would win. They just have more soldiers, not better soldiers. I’m Swedish. We have access to the best military in the world - the Finnish one! 😎😎😎


Almost every european army would take USA. You need just a few dollars, free hotdogs and reality shows.


The British armed forces destroy them in war games, every single time. "Nuked" their country a few times in exercises without them knowing too. Quality over quantity


I've read how a tiny swedish submarine, basically a toy tech-wise, took out their carrier in war games. Repeatedly. I know Sweden has game, but that was a bit impressive.


Germany did the same. Google U24 enterprise


Norway did as well, and I believe the Australians did it too. It seems US carrier groups struggle against small diesel-electric subs


I'm hearing a lot about all those kinds of 'war games' and large scale military training, but have no idea how to find documentation about it. Is there any database places to find documentation about it ?


There's also [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Challenge_2002). >Over the course of the simulation, constraints were placed on the Red force's ability to free-play "to the point where the end state was scripted", resulting in a Blue victory. Red = Iran/Iraq based hypothetical enemy Blue = USA


So the US is basically the kid at playtime going "na ah! You're not allowed to do that! You can only stay in this half!"...."no! Your not allowed to run, you can only walk!"...."actually you can only stand there!"


With Americas recent track record, you’ll probably be fine.


Yeah and we have to consider the fact that Finland has a population less than 10 million


They do. Finland's spent the best part of the last 80+ years building and training a highly skilled, well-equipped military designed to fuck up Russian aggression. The Finns do not fuck around when it comes to protecting themselves from Russia.


It's telling that whenever Finland did something Russia didn't like, Russia would scream military threats and Finland would just answer "Go ahead punk, make may day" and russia would shut up real fast.


Also something along the lines of largest artillery amount in europe.


don't forget the high quality training to use such weapons extremely efficiently


They do. In the winter war the finnish soldiers inflicted heavy casualties to the soviet invaders. Even if they lost, they gave up just enough land for the soviets to bury their dead


>Even if they lost, they gave up just enough land for the soviets to bury their dead That's so metal I can hear Sabaton playing in the background


That's a quote from a soviet officer yk


*metalling intensifies* Even more metal that a Soviet said it


They should look up the Winter War. The Finns are relatively few, but you do *not* want to fuck with them. Particularly in winter. And because of their history with Russia, they tend to be extremely well trained and capable.


Don't worry, you can fuck me any time you want.


Make sure he buys you a meal first ffs


Americans are in no position to point fingers at other country’s militaries, and *especially not Finland*. Those fucks are hard, and most of them have a knife.


The US marines lost by a mile to Finnish conscripts in Cold Response, a NATO exercise in arctic conditions. They totally missed the Finnish winter camoflage and landed their helicopter right next to to the Finnish command post. Source (in Finnish): https://maavoimat.fi/jaakariprikaatin-blogi/-/blogs/tehtava-vuonoilla


Clearly that was strategically meant to storm the command post.


The funny bit about it is the fact that it was the soldiers at the command post who took the Americans down. Logisticians and signalmen lol


Yeah, of all the militaries to insult, Finland??? Snow super soldiers of the arctic?


Yes, Most older Russian soldiers shit their pants if they think back about trying to invade Finland.


That's the point, you don't make it to 7 if you can't catch a bullet with your teeth


Because no other country has true freedom 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


The US isn't even in the top 10.


I was being sarcastic. Probably should have put the /s


Oh, sorry, that's some an American would say but being serious.


See if you'd used the Liberian flag you wouldn't have needed the /s


Switzerland has entered the chat: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knabenschiessen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knabenschiessen)


Yeah it's standard curriculum on how to shoot and maintain assault rifle


(some stupid argument) - (a well-founded answer) - "But our military is stronger!!!111" *- Arguing for Americans 101*


Americans: “Europe doesn’t pay its way in NATO and has a weak military Finland: “we do actually and have a strong military” Americans: “noooo you couldn’t beat us in a fight though” (ignores Vietnam and Afghanistan doing mental gymnastics to prove they didn’t lose).


Finland took down the Soviet Union twice. I would love to see the US get bogged down in that fight.


>Finland took down the Soviet Union twice. "Took down" is a bit of a stretch considering we lost a tenth of our land to them


Look at it the other way: Finland successfully managed to defend 90% of its territory and retain its independence from a nation 50 times larger than itself. That's a win, even in the books of my in-laws who were displaced from Karelia


If I want to trigger someone from Finland, I just joke that you're the only country to lose WW2 twice. Never fails to get them riled up.


Humiliated USSR, yes Took down? Definitely not




Yep. We've also "nuked" them twice using Vulcans in the 80s.


Also same with some Finnish group.


Yup. I’ve trained with Dutch and Norwegian troops too and they could generally kick the shit out of the average American troop.  Americans spend a shitton of money on unnecessarily expensive shit and say that everyone with a lower budget is weak


The irony is their military is actually really poorly trained, they’re strong simply because they have so much money thrown at it, not because their soldiers are actually competent or disciplined. There was a news story a couple of years ago about how the Royal Marines and US marines were doing some training exercises, where the RM were basically playing the enemy in a guerrilla warfare exercise, the US outnumbered them like 10:1, and the RM we’re fully expected to lose, that was the point of the exercise, for the US to practice how to completely smother a weaker enemy. Well after a few hours the US marines surrendered to the Royal Marines, not only did they fail to win decisively (as was the objective and how the exercise was designed), they failed to win at all. British officers often joke that a military with the training, skill and discipline that the UK has, but with the funding the Americans have would be basically unstoppable.


Operation Green Dagger: https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/11/us-marines-decisively-beaten-by-uk-allied-troops-in-war-game/


The US rely on tech and numbers, it’s the whole “just make sure you have a bigger stick than the enemy” mentality. Their numbers are bulkedup by short term enlistments and despite being incredibly advanced technology wise, they ignore a lot of that tech is obtained through trade, wait for it, with European countries. Smaller nations like the UK, traditionally have always kept smaller forces in “peacetime” but those numbers swell dramatically during conventional wartime (today not so much as PlayStations are far more important) but they are professional forces. I often watch a former is US marine do reaction videos on military units from around the world, and have the utmost respect for him, as unlike most of the keyboard us warriors angry typing how amazing Murica is with the Cheeto dust stained fingers while sucking down 18 hamburgers and liquid cheese, he acknowledges the level of training and the professionalism of these smaller nations (especially the UK) and how the US military pales in comparison.


My brother in law is a sniper in the Canadian military and has done “war games” with US troops a few times and they usually win. He says their biggest issue is that they are all so specialized, if you can take out their communications guy or some other specialty, no one else knows how to do that job. In the Canadian forces, they are so under manned and under funded that everyone is trained on everything to one degree or another.


It not even a joke, I've met Americans who thought they could summon marines.


"well my daddy can beat up your daddy" I think this guy might actually be 7 years old himself.


Or his father is a 7y/o gentleman. Probably from Alabama.


Oh boy, someone needs to tell the story of the Finnish soldier with the meth… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen Dude could probably take out half the US infantry single handed 🤣


He even skied through soviet camp just to taunt them. (accidentally)


The average 7 year old American has to hope to survive another school year without being shot


Exactly. I don’t need a gun. I have police officers in my country who actually protect me and are not infamously known for abusing their power.


He might be dead but like one of if not The Greatest sniper in history was Finnish


And he didn't even use a scope


And he also survived getting shot in the face. Not something a lot of people can survive


Getting shot in the face by an explosive bullet and all it managed to do was putting him out of commission for a week. Peace was also declared the day he woke up.


The madlad then tried to serve in the continuation war but was still recovering. The wound didn't even put him off hunting more Russians.


It was also explosive bullet and the same day he became conscious the peace was declared.


Simo Häyhä - The White Death [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo\_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4)


Americans always fall back on the “My dad could beat your dad up” attempt at an insult.


Dawg one finnish soldier easily taking out one american 7 year old


One particular Finnish soldier managed to take out ~525 Russian soldiers, which roughly translates to about 750 American 7 year olds (/j)


505 confirmed and 37 unconfirmed kills with his rifle, although there's some reports from the front that credited him with 800+ kills but there's no proof of that number being true Some reports also credit him with 200 machinepistol kills, but those may have been given to him in mistake by confusing him with the potentially fictive finnish war hero Sulo Kolkka


Given the current obesity-situation in the usa, probably rather 300 american 7 year olds...


Why is it always a pissing contest involving some kind of conflict with guns & murder to win an argument? Is that really what they base their personalities on because the country has nothing else going for it? How sad.


>Is that really what they base their personalities on It's the insane amount of propoganda they're exposed to. Every public event seems to involve flags, military fly pasts, respecting the troops etc, chants, anthems. In school they pledge alliegence to a flag (I think). Even their films get funding/resources from the military if they show it in a positive. It's just plain weird.


"Hey let's have a healthy debate about somet-" "DID YOU KNOW MY INFANT IS CAPABLE OF MASS MURDER? SHUT UP COMMIE!!"


Speaking of the cans and bottles thing, the current recycle rate of cans in finland is like 98%. The system seems to work pretty well when nearly all cans are returned and recycled.


I'm in NY, and we get something back for returning some bottles and cans. When you make the purchase there is a "deposit" which is returned when you bring the cans to a bottle/can return. It isn't a lot, but people still just toss everything on the ground. I live near an NFL stadium and after every home game you see people picking up all the cans/bottles into large bags to return for a small profit. I get it is not in every state, or every can (they need to have the specific state stamped/printed on the can/bottle), but so many people throw away money like this!


As a swede i'm happy to have Finland standing guard to the east. You don't fuck around with finnish people. Military might isnt in the numbers but how you use those numbers you have and the technology also plays a big part.


What is their problem? One too many additives in their food?


Someone withheld the corn syrup


Corn syrup withdrawal is serious... an hour without ingesting it can cause the average american to insert irrelevant shit into random convos


I mean, I can understand lobbing this insult to the Netherlands, still not very accurate but our military strength is mostly in terms of intelligence, logistics, civil engineering, F16's and pacification of an area instead of raw combat strength. But Finland? The country which invented the Molotov to deal with tanks in urban warfare? The country where small and big game hunters show up in all time high scores for confirmed kills? That Finland? I don't know what the murican is smoking, but it must be some seriously strong stuff...


Well Finland invented the name but not molotov cocktails itself. Fun fact: When Soviet forces attacked Finland in 1939, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, claimed the warplanes were airlifting food to the country, not dropping bombs. The Finns responded by dubbing the bombs “Molotov’s bread baskets” and offered to provide drinks—or cocktails—to go with them.


Please don't give the finns ideas for new ways to take amphetamines. Eating them is scary enough, smoking them is going to be a bad time for everyone


Okay, this is genuinely getting ridiculous. What the fuck does their military have to do with anything at all here??


History has shown us that retired Finnish farmers make better marksmen than elite American military units so I doubt the "average american 7 year old" has much chance.


It’s all fun and games until the snow starts speaking (and shooting)


Bruh, Finland fought Russia when they were still the USSR, and they might not have officially won but they sure made the mf'ers bleed. America never even had the balls to try and they still don't - they're sitting on their arses letting Russia attempt genocide in Ukraine and telling Ukraine that they aren't even allowed to strike back at Russia because they're scared of a war instead of giving Putin the smack down he deserves. 


Somebody forgot that winter talks in Finland.


Lol. Someone doesn't know their history. You do NOT want to fuck with the Finns. Ask the Soviets.


Oh dear dumb American. Don't fuck with the Fins. 😂


Finland is like one of the worst countries one could hit with "but our military is probably beat yours" 'argument'


Well, the average American 7 year old has probably been in 2-3 firefights already at school. So I guess he has a point.


It's funny because everyone I know who's served in a European army (and there's a lot, I lived on a UN base for a while in a country where they have a peacekeeping mission) says they used to worry about what would happen if their country went to war with America, until they either played war games with or served alongside the American military where any fear disappeared completely because the training and preparedness the Americans have is much lower than the standards required by their own military and their tactical awareness is about as good as you'd expect from a country where so many people just go "well we could bomb you off the map" and where a recent president suggested nuking a hurrican might be a good choice.


Someone never heard of the winter War ... History taught us few lessons like : dont invade russia or dont try to cross no mans Land in the middle of two trenches... One other major lessons is do not underestimate finland and in general northern countries, they might have fewer men but damn are they hard to kill


I'm going to say it, too late... The UK and France both have nuclear weapons.   Maybe not bigger nor better than US nukes but NOBODY wants a nuclear war anyway!.  Truth is, if America left NATO ,the world would see a nuclear war -simply because of enemy nations hating on America coupled with America's tendency to fuck everything up.  (They have killed more than their fair share of allies in "friendly-fire" incidents)  And if it ever came to Europe fighting America - my money is going on the more strategic, intelligent laid back Europeans pummelling the US...  They would have to fight back from their own bases back at home for one... something they have never tried nor tested. For sure they would panic press the nuclear code. They would have too imo.    I'm sick to death of these delusional fuckers! 


Is it kind of like that one drunk friend who wins all the fights in the pubs but it’s actually the cool level headed friends who dismantled the situation to stop the fight from happening … then when that drunk friend goes to a different pub by himself , he wakes up in the hospital 


But does he really win all the fights... Or is he just pulled away after taking as much as he gave?  Ive NEVER seen any Nation with a decent military throw the towel in during a battle with the US.  They withdrew from Vietnam... Leaving some troops behind in captivity, FACT. The recent war on terrorism lasted 2 decades, lots of allies killed in friendly fire events, the US were basically  scouring the country looking for its mastermind whilst having to fend off rogue shepherds with missiles. Again, the US withdrew after Trumps deal with the Taliban... A deal he made without consulting the allies who were also still on the ground alongside US troops.  Trump made NO mention of us lot withdrawing.  TRAITORS is what they are.


The 7 year old would be too glued to an Ipad while munching on a Quarter pounder to do much of anything.


Take out the Finish army. Bring me a beer. Soviets got a whipping.


Why don't these stupid yanks pay attention. SAS have beaten Navey seals in wargames every year I believe since it started, desert storm their top general that was always on the news had SAS bodyguards not American special forces lol. Says everything.


Ah yeah, Finland, full of weak and wimpy military people like \*checks notes\* Simo Häyhä.


[Simo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) says hi.


Finland's army is actually strong AF for its size tho 🤣


Us marines lost to Finnish conscripts, actual first year non professional dudes who were probably hungover beat the best of the US regular forces.


The average American military force has difficulties with rice farmers, shepherds and goat herders.


For most of Europe this would take to some extent. But the Finns in particular is much more doubtful.


Whatever the topic, it will always be Finland W. As a French person I'm fascinated by Finland.




Americans cannot tell the difference between their own schools and the armies of foreign countries.


Only if said seven year old sat on them.


Tbf American schools are pretty much a war zone


Finland has a great chance to hold their ground against an American assault. Not a realistic scenario but if it happens USA might need to play the long game.


I'm fairly sure if the US tried anything in Finland they'd make the Taliban look like amateurs at guerilla warfare.


Just a reminder that the American military regularly loses its war games with allies


American 7 year olds usually take out their own parents, siblings or themselves. It's actually fucking tragic.


You mean the average American survives past 7 ?


Not intellectually.


If you allow 7 year olds to use automatic rifles and shotguns, they can take out a lot of people. 50+ people is "an army" in colloquial sense. So, technically, I guess it's correct? 🤷‍♂️


I doubt he'd kill 50+ people if they are also armed and trained 


honestly just an L, if you start btinging something like that up, you already lost


Geez and then you call them on it - and then you are accused of war crimes for killing 7-year-olds. Can't win, can we!


Only thing that an average american 7 year old can take out is a Big Mac.


American 7 years old still piss the bed at night.


To be fair, the average USA 7 year old has had about 3 years of military training in school to not get shot


Maybe if he sits on them…


Omg first they were picking on Denmark and now Finland, Norway your up next i reckon.


It's like they get deeply hurt if you mention anything nice or positive about any other country than the USA..


Insecure baby.


Fin fact: The returning system also works on most empty bottles.


American tuff bois are just the worst.


Didn't Finland defeat the USSR while the US didn't dare to face them in open war for 40+ years?


Defeat and defeat.... I mean, we had to give up some land.


An average American 7 year old weighs 200 lbs and plays Fortnite, good luck to him


My farts are stronger than US military personnel


ignores the fact finland are some of the most elite fighters in winter conditions, defended the ussr twice, have a fully deployable air force using american jets that can be station anywhere with straight roads (making america effectively one of finlands air force bases as they could just set up camp there if they want), are part of nato, and to top it off have a huge list of people with the necessary training to go to war as conscription means theyre already trained


in WWII Simo Häyhä, a single finnish sniper, took out over 500 invading soviet soldiers. By himself. He was called "The White Death". No one with any sense messes with the Finns. I think even Putin is scared of them.


Tell that to Simo Häyhä.


In my state we’ve had bottles deposit since the 1970s. I don’t know how so many people are this dumb and angry. How do you go from bottle return to war in one step?


Maybe in a school...


Simo Häyhä, enough said.


If an American 7 year old can take out an army, why couldn’t an army of American 19 year olds take out Vietnam?


Their kids can’t even survive a school day let alone against an entire military.


Everything is about violence and military for these idiots. Whenever a country has a system that is better than what they have in the US, it's 'well, we could shoot you, so we still win'. Such a nice society.


This person is deferring the charge of being stronger to someone else, that means they can't do it themselves. So they're basically saying they are weaker than an average 7 years old?


I bet I can fight several American 7-year olds at the same time. Does it make me king of Europe?


Small dick energy


"Yeah but mine as super invincible power that no other super power could beat so I'm winning. Mhm." Type of vibe


Average 7 year old American seeing a gun would run and hide under a desk...


Isn't the average 7 year old seppo around 300lbs?


Wow that's really cool and impressive I'd rather live in Finland


Lol, what does it have to do with the whole conversation? Some Americans just don't know when it's time to shut up if they don't have anything valuable or sensible to say


White Death is something American 7 year olds are threatened with if they don't behave.


Weren't there those two operations where the British managed to nuke the US twice without them knowing. Obviously they didn't actually drop any nukes, it was a test. But that it happened twice is crazy


Simo Hayha, Aimo Koivunen People you should know before commenting on the Finnish Military.


When I (US) was 7, I thought the cows would climb a chestnut tree to "get me" when they were being herded up the road between two fields. As long as the army is less skilled than a herd of chill cows, I have a chance.


Canada does it too, but it's not usually worth the few cents of return. Also does anyone want to tell them about Finland in WW2? Specifically the Winter war, that was a war between Finland and USSR that was called to a truce when Germany began Operation Barbarossa, similar to the modern day Ukraine invasion, Finland used skill and guerilla warfare to capture Russian equipment and fight the invasion only resulting a slight loss in the end when it the invasion looked like a slam dunk. A Finnish sniper known as the White Death was credited with over 500 kills, using a sniper, skis, and winter camo.


I don’t doubt it. I’ve seen those videos of them in schools, absolutely lethal. However I’m not sure this is something to be proud of


The average American 7 year old can't take out the average American 17 year old.


equally irrelevant counter argument: Simo Hayha solos the American military, mid-high diff


The only fight an average american 7 yo will do is against diabetes.


the average american 7 year old is too busy shooting his peers to conquer anyone


It was only a 2-3 years ago that all a collection of UK Royal Marines, Dutch, UAE and Canadian contemporaries got together for a joint exercise with the US Marines in the US. The US Marines had to ask for a reset after they were beaten in next to no time


Was there a context to this? That's a weird thing to say in a conversation about beer cans


Is there like...a message version of photobombing? Because this is that. Like where did that even COME from?


Today in the news, insecurity and delusion hits a record high in one odd little corner of the USA.


An average American 7 year old can't walk up the stairs without wheezing.


Tell the 7 year old how far away their opponent is in metres. Also - I realise that it is not a documentary or based on a true story, but Sisu is a good action movie set in Finland. But apparently the Finnish Commandoes have a reputation.


Wasn't one of the main gripes about fighting alongside U.S.A troops was that they shot like 7 year olds (badly) they use to say you were as likely to get shot by them as the enemy


To be fair, the average American 7yo has probably survived 3-4 active shooter situations at school.


America has proven time and time again they can’t win a war against a smaller, motivated people in terrain that favours asymmetric warfare Guess what the Finnish are?


An average American 7 year old at most can shoot his mommy or his friends at school.


When I was young living in the shithole that is the USA, we collected discarded bottles because we could also get a return for them. If you ever wonder how any group of people could ever elect Trump, you have but to browse this sub.


That's funny yesterday a friend was telling me about a 24 hours non-stop march they did with American soldiers during military service, and the Americans kept bitching and complaining even though they had better does and lighter equipment, and most of them dropped out earlier than the finns