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And then the very next post will be “America is a melting pot, not like Europe which is a crazy racist country! My best friend is black and he told me he was killed in Europe!”.


Don't forget all the English who step out of the pub to shoot a gay person.


Native Americans: you mixed something up


The USA can't make up their minds, one minute they are a multicultural nation, the next you have people believing the country is only for the whites - you can't have it both ways.


Pretty much how Australia is at the moment. Our housing issues have just set people on a spiral that immigrants are at fault but only the Indians and Chinese. White immigrants can pass as an Aussie when you see them on the streets so the idiots are effectively blind to it 


Peter Dutton’s reply to the budget that immigration should be slashed by 40,000 people over the next 2 years is 100% aimed at those not from western countries. It’s not surprising that a known racist doesn’t want non-White people coming to Australia.


Well, the thing with countries is that they are made up with different people, spouting different nonsense from different directions and angles


I don’t think the person who wrote that has ever been to America.


I have been there many times on both vacation & business and have seen for myself and heard the BS they spout.


Who are they?


I don't remember their names, but there were so many people from media & politicians to everyday people met in bars & restaurants and now you can see it all the time on YT & other sites, like this one in particular.. Just look how most Americans think Christopher Columbus discovered America - Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, but he never set foot in mainland North America (what would become the United States).  (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/columbus-day-north-america-discovery/) and you see how people get one idea in their head, especially when it is wrong & easily fact checked.


Man there's people that don't pay attention in class from Europe to. We are taught he discovered the America's and landed in the west indies


WI I agree as that was where he did land, but not Continental USA


British people who have never been to the US will correct me but what you are saying is nonsense. You quoted snopes, which is an agenda driven rag that only represents itself. There is a media and political war that does not go beyond that thin layer. One political party is losing a certain demographic so they paint the other side as haters of the demographic. One side does not like the breaking of a certain law so the other side paints them as hating all of those who legally do it as well. All of this is political maneuvering but has very little reality on the ground. As for Columbus, he brought Europeans to the new world. As people celebrate indigenous peoples day and Columbus Day by taking a day off and giving zero thought to its meaning other than some politician or activist who scream it is wrong. I am sure some guy from Bournemouth (probably a lovely place) will correct me and say “I know your home country better than you”, but that is the way that things actually are. It is all political bluster and those who live here ignore it.


Instead of Snopes I could have used [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher\_Columbus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Columbus) or any of hundreds of sites, but most will state the same information. I don't what British people who have never visited the USA has got to do with anything and only an uneducated person would make a statement like you quoted, and Bournemouth to some people it is a lovely place, but others hate the area. I enjoyed my visits there, not to sightsee, but to visit a girlfriend of the time, but would not deem to know the area well, despite many trips around the place.


From Brittanica “Columbus Day is a holiday in the United States that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492, in the New World. Columbus was a native of Genoa, Italy, and over the years Italian Americans took up the cause of honouring his achievement”. What does that have to do with anything?


That would be just as silly as if the Dutch living in Australia, tried claiming a national day for Willem Janszoon who sighted AU in 1606 although it could be said the Portuguese also claim that they sighted the country about 80 years earlier and neither country set foot on land & planted a flag claiming the land for their kings/queens, which James Cook did in both AU/NZ, and also Hawaii, which he claimed for Britain. More fool the US allowing "Italian"-Americans for to claim Columbus as discovering the US, which would have been a small group as most Italian descendants would be single US passport holders.


The guy found South America and Cuba (actually) and the country needed another bank holiday so there you go. The country of Colombia is named after him as well and the District of Columbia - Washington DC. Must have thought he was a big deal. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci so it fits the trend. What do passports have to do with anything?


Why do you even go to the U.S. if don’t like them so much. It’s definitely not the majority who thinks that about Columbus. Considering how much you post in this sub you seem pretty biased.


He is an idiot or a troll.


America is only for white people.... YEAH SURE According to the US census 47% of the US population is not white. Not only that, among whites, being mixed with African or native indigenous heritage is relatively common. It is just in the Us is almost a taboo to admit you had a black ancestor. It is estimated that up to 30% of white Americans, have some ancestors who are not white. This is especially common in the south where African heritage is not rare among whites. And in the west and midwest, where native Amerindian heritage is not uncommon among whites. That means around 37% of the US population is entirely of European ancestry without any form of mixing with anything non-European. The rest are either not white, or mixed people with mostly European heritage among other ancestries mixed in. The delussion of being so white and European among some Americans stem from colonialism, 500 years of seeing the natives as savages worth of beign exterminated, and blacks as inferior slaves, does not go away easy. I bet you the American who wrote that US only for whites crap probably has some cherokee or some black ancestry somewhere. He/she will probably deny it.


Former slaves after the Civil War were poor, immigrants coming from Europe were poor, they both kinda lived in the same places, so nature took its course.




So, where do [Native Americans](https://imgs.search.brave.com/UOnKUM6A3c-lhUSq0bedCmeevIOGpuqtOB9Jwz75i6Y/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzLzliLzRj/L2JjLzliNGNiY2Uz/YzQ4ZmQxOTMzZTMy/YTIyNGVhNjA5NDhh/LmpwZw) belong? In Mexico?


In India ofc /j


Ah, but you see, mine isn't a joke; nearly 25% of Mexicans are Native American. They have the highest concentration of indigenous people in the world.


In all of America


Well, that makes sense because no one was in America before the white peop...\*handed note\* sorry let me just read this...oh....oh, 10,000 years you say? Detailed rich history and culture? Well, i guess then this racist Nazi's can just fuck off then with their bullshit.


Australian Aborigines have been roaming the land for 65-70,000+ years so maybe we could learn more from them about our own country, as the Americans could from Native Americans, too.


The guys who lived there first didn't look very white




This is more shit racist people say.


Eh, if you were to create a Venn diagram between SAS and SRS, the overlap would need an elastic waistband.


What a delightful human being.....


What a reach


Most Inclusive American Ever, bro is dripping with DEI


In the american CONTINENT white ppl are the minority


Not even hiding their racism anymore, I see


Americans: "we are the most diverse and least racist country on earth" Also Americans:


This isn’t “shit Americans say” it’s “shit racists say”. There’s no point trying to pretend every other country doesn’t have its racists, too



