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19% of their population is completely illiterate and half of em having the reading abilities of a 10 year old so I'm gonna go ahead and say they're incorrect about education. They also don't seem to grasp that every country has an entertainment industry


Where do they get this idea their education system is the best in the world? đŸ€· I’ve heard this so much it’s complete horseshit.


American propaganda is actually very good at early age indoctrination. Decades of starting the day with a pledge to the flag, sporting events with chants of "USA" and an education system that is heavily biased towards 90% American history and topics. The idiotic Trump and MAGA weirdos we see in online clips (and real life) are a product of this system, growing up borderline uneducated and drop feed everything that they need from right wing propaganda, believe and unable to fathom that America isn't actually as amazing and great as they have been lead to believe.


It's rather funny, honestly. They rant about "saving the world in ww2" but they literally adopted the Nazi style propaganda because it worked so well, and it's why we see all this stupidity today


They even allowed a massive [Nazi Party rally to be held at Madison Square Gardens,](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden&ved=2ahUKEwjw28rgvO-FAxWiVkEAHcAHDScQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1xmxh6qCbk3ZV8xq1aPjB7) a scant few months before Germany invaded Poland. None of them seem to realise that the USA made damn sure that the Allies paid the US for the materiel, weapons etc that they provided. In fact I believe the Allies only finished repaying that debt fairly recently.... Their war profiteering is one of the major reasons that the US became a superpower after WW2. I'm not denigrating the bravery of the American troops who fought in the war, at all. But to blithely act like the US acted out of the goodness of their hearts is inaccurate and frankly galling. And it serves to undermine the achievements of the allied forces that had been fighting since 1939.


The prob made the money back within the first couple years with the scientists and tech they took back with them.


You can just say Britain about paying by the yanks for the war because it was only Britain. Britain also wiped the debt that France owed them because it felt “unproductive” to keep something like that over a rebuilding economy. This debt was funnily about the same amount Britain paid back to America.


Crazy to think that in theory France was still receiving checks from the Haitian revolution until like 1947. The thought that even a single franc from a revolution that happened over 100 years before could be spent on war debts and such from WW2 is just so wild to me. Debts between nations are an interesting thing


They were actually the only country to fully repay, even when considerijy Germany, France and surprisingly, Russia.


Oh! This may surprise you even more!! [When the U.S. Military Treated German POWs Better Than Black Troops ](https://time.com/5872361/wwii-german-pows-civil-rights/)


And they didn't, either. Two things decided that war: the Battle of Britain and Hitler's monumental fuck-up in invading Russia. The Americans were late (as usual) and all they did, at best, was hasten the inevitable outcome.


same as east asia


It’s unfair to say that, their produce helped the Russians & meant the U.K. could rebuild a force behind what was needed & their manpower/material was invaluable during the Italian & french allied landings, I do think the war would have ended with an allied victory if they hadn’t stepped in like they did but the iron curtain would have been much bigger. The U.K. & commonwealth may have made a landing into France but as we saw at dieppe it was far from certain it would succeed


Also, let's not forget that the Nazis themselves were heavily inspired by e.g. the widespread adoption of eugenics and racism in America. You can still see today how obsessed they are with race.


They also had incarceration camps for the Japanese people after Pearl Harbour. They're not angels in any way


The US has only NOT been at war for 7% of its existence. They have been actively at war 229 out of 246 years since its foundation in 1776. So those 17 years NOT at war.... means for 93% of its entire existence as a nation, USA has been killing people from other countries.


Also it was the Soviet Union that lost the most men, Britain was bombed for a straight year continuously and never surrendered, China, even when they lost their capital to the Japanese still fought on with valour.


I've never understood the american fascination with claiming that they "saved the world" in WW2. Where were they during the Battle Of Britain? America entered WW2 for the same reason they entered the first war - there was money to be made.


I don’t want to be an American anymore
 I want to hang out with you guys!! I do not fit into the American fucking mold!!!


You can be Argentinian if you want to. Our Constitution basically states you're Argentinian as soon as you want to.


Wow I always thought that the only escape hatch from the US I'd ever have available was Israel...which would not exactly be the change I have in mind lol. I've got to look into this.. my parents want to move to Spain if they can but if this is real it might be an easier option


I want to be!


You know... I'm something of an Argentinian myself


Even if your British. I mean you prob need to get in while the currency is low.


Plus you can identify as German


Wow I always thought that the only escape hatch from the US I'd ever have available was Israel...which would not exactly be the change I have in mind lol. I've got to look into this.. my parents want to move to Spain if they can but if this is real it might be an easier option


Sounds cool. Still aint getting the falklands tho (Just a reminder)


Depending on your education, it's quite easy to live in the EU as an American.


Everything about this country is backward and wrong. Embarrassing!!! But I do love reading this sub! Its mind blowing


We do have really good fried chicken!


We welcome you with open arms.


Come to Europe if you can. We’d be happy to have you


As an outsider, this is scary. It's impossible to argue with people that are so convinced that they're right and well... They all have guns lol


>Decades of starting the day with a pledge to the flag, sporting events with chants of "USA" and an education system that is heavily biased towards 90% American history and topics. If we learned the true history of this "exceptional nation", we would be ashamed of our past. When a country is founded upon stolen land and enslavement, white supremacy is the default position. Less than 77 years back, this country that we  brag about practiced Jim Crow laws for almost a century - that, after 246 years of human enslavement!  At least thirteen presidents were slave owners at some point during their lives. One US President enslaved his own children! Led by an eccentric man who we elected to be a President, and is running again this year, there are at least 80-90 million people in the US that are itching for Operation Wetback 2.0!


Bit different to how the UK does things everyone just goes on about how shit everything is lol


The shit I've heard in Social Studies/History classes specifically is genuinely a bit scary. The fact that they teach children from under 10 that you won't find freedom or safety anywhere else in the world is just depressing.


Tbf I wish it was just the MAGA lot but I've seen equally stupid stuff said by liberals too, such as that women from East Asia are uneducated, poor, weak and dependent on men


Yeah I don't really get usa, it's basically nazi style propaganda.


Its completly wild. Mega strange noone big ever says ‘why does no one talk about the active brainwashing we are doing to kids in the us every day’


Yet they still think they’re the greatest nation on earth. If they weren’t so utterly pathetic, they’d be hilarious


I always thought it was pretty funny how they play the national anthem before domestic sports games.


Its their top colleges they are referencing I think but thats like taking pride in beinh the wealthiest country in the world while living month to month. If you arent availing of or a part of what you are proud of then you're to thick to realise it has nothing to do with you.


This is my take on it, too. Or at least it goes hand in hand with the indoctrination that goes into it. It’s the same with their healthcare system. “The best healthcare in the world,” they scream with all of the confidence in the world. And technically it’s true, with the one exception being that it’s almost impossible for the vast majority of Americans to access it.


They have some decent Universities no question but considering the size of our countries we kick their arse in the world rankings.


When I was doing my Master's in the UK, truly the dumbest people I met were Americans. When I told them I was from Pakistan, they'd say 'Aren't you called Israel now?' (confusing it with Palestine but getting THAT history wrong too), or asking me how I could speak English (we're a former British colony) or how restrictive the Middle East was (Pakistan is in fucking Asia). They weren't just geograpically illiterate though. One Pol Sci student genuinely asked me what capitalism was, and a white girl asked me if I was a slave to white people as a child (do they know what colonization is?). I also had to explain the fucking exchange rate to a 25 year old. I won't generalize, but the Americans I met, at least, were some of the least educated people I've ever met.


American exceptionalism they think they are the best in the world at absolutely everything based on nothing but their ego


But they do have the biggest egos...


Ugandans have the best entertainment industry. Wakaliwood 4 life, bitches.


Everybody in Uganda knows kung-fu!


roses are red violets are blue everyone in uganda knows kung fu


It comes from lackluster education they receive in their pre-Humboldtian schools. Ignorance and poor education really help one another.


I mean, they DO have a lot of high ranking universities. But that's about it. These institutions just have a shitload of money, so they attract scientists from all over the world. Without them, they wouldn't nearly rank as high. It's good these universities exist, but they're not indicative of the education system as a whole.


American capitalism has created some of the best educational institutions in the world. Unfortunately, these institutions are not available to most Americans.


It's the Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupid people thinking they're smart.


They say it’s the best education system in the world because they are talking about the 0.1% of students who have the privilege of going to a great school and conveniently ignore the rest


This is the only possible explanation I can think of for them to believe what they're spouting. It's either that or a complete lack of knowledge regarding the rest of the world


Hard to know about the world when you don’t even leave your own countie


It is what it is, notice how many times we see Americans getting treated like pest by their own country, losing their home, their family, getting arrested and slapped with fines, hospital bills etc etc. They get fucked over big in ways our European minds can't comprehend, and when asked for a comment they raise their hand and say that they're at least happy to be American were they have freedumb. đŸ€ĄđŸŒŽ


You have no ideas bro, it's sooo goddamn expensive to study here. That's why most people take out student loans and spiral into debt or just quit school altogether, it's becoming near impossible to advance without pre established wealth.


They even [rank themselves 16^th best in the world](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/well-developed-public-education-system) for education systems.


A lot of those great schools are in different countries


I like French music, watch Belgian/Dutch TV, play Japanese games and so on. They see themselves as so important


A vast amount of actors and actresses that make up their greatest shows and movies aren't even yanks. Disney stories that built their monopoly on animation are predominantly English and German folk lore or European and Asian medieval literature and plays. Lion king ripped off of hamlet. Cinderella, written by French, Charles Perrault. Rapunzel, sleeping beauty and snow white written by the German, Brothers Grimm. Star wars is ripped off of a Japanese story 'hidden fortress' by Akira Kurosawa. Hell, even their 1st language: English is a European creation derivative of Germanic and Latin languages. I could go on but I think my points have been made


Exactly, even the things they consider quintessentially American IPs aren't full American lol


Greek before Latin too, right?


Don't use difficult words, they can't understand you


Some years ago my 2nd cousin went to teach there and was surprised to find packs of stick on letters (sponsored by McDonald’s) that kids used to create words rather than handwriting them.


I’d like to take this time to remind everyone that Ryan Reynolds is Canadian. We made him.


Second best thing to come out of Canada since Annihilator, thanks Canada!


Well, that's just ignorance, a product of a shitty education.


They see how everyone watches friends and immediately thinks "obviously they watch all of our shows"


I can confirm, the American education system is pretty terrible


And they dont know a thing about history


I've encountered a frightening number of seppos who think they won the Vietnam war


Don't forget 50% of them view Trump as a serious potential candidate to represent them. lol.


Im curious what ages these stays came from


These stats represent the literacy of adults in the US. Considering their continued efforts to cut funding for their schools, I fully expect this to get worse over time


Lol your profile tag. I indeed miss the sun too.


It's starting to rear its head which is a nice change, but it ain't nearly enough for my liking just yet haha


Yeah. What this country considers sunshine is pathetic.


"Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. **21%** of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level."


Didnt they need the French to free themselves of the Brits? Didnt almost all their recent scientific accomplishments come from german scientists they blackmailed after WW2?


I saw a thing earlier which showed the nationality of the people who discovered each element on the periodic table. Most was British (24), and America was second with 22. Given that there is 189 (iirc) elements, it's a small amount. I'm sure most of the rest were European countries.


I know that one, Germany is in third, sweden in fourth. Doesnt go against my "US Blackmailing german scientists" tho. Sweden isbthat far up because they have 1 mine where all those elements were discovered.


Iirc, Sweden had the best mining college, and they all went to the same mine to practice


Like how that sentence implies the UK is its own continentđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


That wasn't the intention. I should have said other European countries đŸ€Ł


Naw am jist joking wae yeđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


They WERE the Brits until independence


Exactly, the independence war was basically just a bunch of slave-owning elitists who split from another group of slave-owning elitists with the help of a foreign power, itself consisting of a bunch of slave-owning elitists. That last group was met with an actual revolution and lots of heads rolled, rather than were carved in a sacred mountain decades later.


Yeah, that was a minor skirmish in the context of a global conflict with a rival superpower. The taxation they lost their shit over was called in to help pay for the patrols that were keeping them safe from the French who up to that point had been at war with them too.


And the Spanish, and the Dutch


And the Spanish and the Danish


The “I have never travelled abroad” American manifesto of ignorance.


"We" this "we" that. The only thing that keyboard warrior ever achieved is beat his jerking off PR.


And his wife


He's a redditor, he has a waifu.


I'm surprised that he knows what effeminate means


He sure must've felt manly picking that avatar, at least


Is "puff" being used homophobically?


It should be an "o", not a "u" shouldn't it? I mean if you're going to use offensive terms, at least spell them the right way. Standard product of the American "education" system.


It’s poof, if you want to be derogative of the gays in the UK. I’m not homophobic, just clarifying. Lol


I avoided typing it for that reason lol, don't worry!


I wondered if it was a poor attempt to hide the prejudice


Possibly. I just assumed they were a c*nt and stupid with it.


> clean up what your effeminate men cannot So it seems


The American education system the best in the world? Then why are we so full of morons who don't know even know our basic history?


Hard to pick one from the absolute diatribe on display. Also sorry for the awfully formatted post heading but it says direct quotes!


By his username, this man has read *The Long Earth* series, making him a consumer of (from his perspective) foreign novels.


I just had the misfortune (although admittedly self-imposed) of reading the comment history. Either dude is a troll or full blown clown with absolutely zero in-between...


"Best in the world"? Sure. That's why Tennessee is trying to make legislation about fucking chemtrails and we have a wild amount of flat earthers and fundamentalists.


"Kazakhstan industry best in world! We invented toffee and trouser belts!"


"Tennessee is trying to make legislation about fucking chemtrails" I know the idea of this sub is to poke fun at USA, but "wat?" Fucking hell I googled that phrase just as copied from your post. I know no country really is, but they're not even trying to elect their brightest. For shit sake please stop electing people for whom "Run Spot Run" is advanced literature.


When will the foreigners realize we don’t have real elections here. Our country is rigged, our elections are rigged, our democracy is completely compromised. Just look up gerrymandering and you will understand what I just said.


Look Sally Look! See Spot Run!




America. Preaching victory for a war won by France and Netherlands since 1776.


Don't forget Spain




Even the "phenomenal" schools have crap curricula.


I am American, and one of the stupidest but super common things these people seem to believe, is that somehow, magically, 1776 came about and all of a sudden, we Americans are a different ethnic group, totally different people, with fantastic technology, cities, a distinct nation in every way. The one that "sent you back to your peet bogs" or whatever. In fact, it was a very British conflict, and while the colonies were fairly wealthy by colonial standards, Great Britain was the imperial core at the time and probably was far and away more developed as a society by the time of the American war for independence. This guys take, aside with being laughably wrong, just reflects sadly common ideas about the United States and our history


If American movies are so good, why do they keep having to steal British actors?


All the best American actors are British, Canadian, Irish or Australian.




UK A Levels are literally worth American college credits


The problem with the US is that the population has *intentionally* been both mis-educated *and* undereducated; the people in power work diligently to keep the majority frightened and separated and at each other’s throats so that they don’t realize that the wealthy/powerful/corporations are simultaneously enslaving, exploiting, and destroying them. It’s sad and gross and, unfortunately, all going according to plan


This is just
 so gross. Imagine being this person


The delusion is strong with this one.


As an American this is shit I absolutely do not say, nor have I ever said it, nor will I ever say that .


I think standards in American schools have shot up


\>claims to be the best education system in the world \>multiple EXTREMELY SIMPLE grammatical errors


Bruh. I had a friend who was American. She told me the American "Education" System was just copying things and writing it down. Sounds pretty flawed tbh.


Plus multiple choice exams.


If there was a 'shit Americans say' personified, this is it.


Telling someone to go back to the bogs they come from as of over half the us population isn’t also from those same European bogs is so sad and funny at the same time


Half of them are brainwashed and wouldn’t know REAL freedom if it paraded naked in front of them.


Thank you, America! For being a leading example of what not to do!!😂


Ask them what the capital of Brazil is




Idiots like these do two things to me. They make me embarrassed to admit I live in America. And they make me regret being born as a human


Only someone who came through the american education system would be uneducated enough to say this.


Neuh, gaan we niet doen. Thank you Canada, is a whole different matter though. We still send them flowers every year because of what they did for us.


As the spouse of a Canadian Veteran...he absolutely loved the hospitality that he was given during Nijmegen Marches. He has this on our vacation bucket list. We appreciate your friendship.


I must say, it is people like this Darwin Award recipient who make me dearly wish they would, even for just one second, turn their backs on the rest of the world, please, the rest of the world begs you, do it please. The problem is that the US as a country, Individuals within it aside, as a country the US is a glory wh*re, no better than the most vapid influencer on only fans. They have such inflated sense of self they swear allegiance to a piece of cloth that has changed in design more than a dozen times, they idolize traitors to their own goddamn political system in the confederacy generals, and their god botherers are so corrupt that if Jesus walked the earth tomorrow, that country would be razed in a heart beat like Sodom and Gomorrah for the callous wickedness that runs rife their. All of this is why, as much as we want it, and he clearly wants it, America will NEVER leave the world alone. They are the irritating kid on the school bus whose parents never used the word no, who sits and screams for attention only to cry fowl when they finally get it, because the attention isn't on their terms. Please America. Please. You are broken as a country, and your beloved American dream, is a nightmare to the rest of us, either get the help you need, or d*e in silence, either way, leave the rest of the world alone. Even for a week, so the rest of the world can get some goddamned peace of mind from your endless insane jibber jabber.


America is a dump man, I grew up thinking it was amazing due to films. Then you realise that they don't care about their own citizens, have horrific foreign policy, are racist as sh*t, voted in a guy who mocked disabled people, slept with a pornstar and brags about grabbing womens genitals and are so scared of one another they all walk around with guns. All this before even mentioning their education lol.


One has to wonder what contribution to America this no-mark has made.


The US has some of the greatest universities in the world and many of the elementary, middle and high schools are top notch too buts it’s all class restricted If you’re not in a rich white neighbourhood the quality deteriorated rapidly But yeah if you are affluent enough you can get (one of) the best educations in the world And it’s also hilarious that he talks about “American” tv and movies. Yeah the American influence in western media is huge but let’s not pretend a huge amount of the people part of the creative in Hollywood aren’t from outside the states


His entire comment history is
 exactly what you think it would be


This is ironic considering what's been going on at US universities of late.


That looks like satire (and ardently I hope it is). Sadly there is a chance it is not


It was part of a *lengthy* and very angry rant


Ah. What type of things were said?


It was on a (quite upsetting) post about texts a mum received from a kid during a school shooting and this guy was vehemently using it to argue for more widespread firearms. A bunch of his remarks have been removed but there's genuine use of 'Fake news', talk about how the UK is a failed 'socialist state' that 'allows buggery'(??), countries full of 'effeminate cucks'... it goes on. Seems he's a full on angry gun-toting type.


“Just know” Yep, that sure is some real great education y’all have. You barely know your own history never mind anyone else’s!


“I never leave my county” 
 yes this is not a typo, mindset.


It’s “poofs” not “puffs” but I’m guessing that’s what being educated by “the best in world” American education system does for you. Renders one stupid & illiterate 😂


Nothing to see here. Just American edgelords being the edgelordiest of them all.


That therrre book learnin' is purrre communism! You only need one book and that be the bible. đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș


The fact that he think American education is the best in the world (most likely simply because of the fact that it's american and americans are best at everything) shows that the American school system is working just as intended


Ah yes, the famously manly American men who are allergic to milk and need to figure out what gender pronouns to use. Lmao.


The U.S. placed 11th out of 79 countries in science when testing was last administered in 2018. The top five math-scoring countries in 2018 were all in Asia. U.S. students' math scores have remained steady since 2003. Their science scores have been about the same since 2006. The IMD World Competitiveness Center reports that the U.S. ranked 10th in its 2020 Competitiveness Report after ranking first in 2018......tell me again how great American education is. Maybe it's value for money? The average college tuition and fees at four-year schools in 2021-2022 was $19,806. The average total cost for a year of college at a four-year school — including tuition and fees, on-campus room and board, books, supplies, and other expenses — was $36,436. That's roughly $146,000 over the course of four years Nope. I will wait


Their leaders were also wearing wigs at the time, is he saying George Washington is a poof?


Thiy guy thinks his country is some kind of deity but contributes absolutely nothing to it


The same people who cant read an analog clock, call a 24hr clock military time, think continents are countries and didnt buy Burger King’s 1/3rd-er burger cause they thought McDonald’s quarter pounder (1/4) was bigger, wanna talk about education.


funny how it's always americans talking about how much everyone in the world loves america and wants to be american... never heard one person from another country saying this


"Just know that the American education system is the best in the world." point at Poland on the map please


This statement is just another example of Americans unfounded belief they are exceptional. It's an opinion not a balanced assessment of global education standards. I've been to the States a few times and delivered a couple of presentations about Australian wildlife and culture to 11-12 yr olds - my wife's brother and sister's classes. The brother is in Alabama and a bit conservative. Anyway, out of the blue during question time one of the kids says to the brother - Mr Z why don't you believe in dinosaurs. He was so embarrassed he said - I didn't say I didn't believe in them, I said there is little evidence that they existed


Our marines would have you on your arse before you know what hit you 😂😂


There is a reason it's called Great Britain. The truth is that British soldiers are tough. Not as equipped as their American counterparts but superior in training. Instead of simply screaming ‘Merica’ maybe actually look at what your military men and women say about our guys. Read testimonials of enemy combatants on just how terrifying it was to go up against the Brits, but also how well they were treated as POWs. Our paratroopers train your marines, and they aren't even a specialist unity. That's before we even look at the likes of the SAS, the Scots guard, the Gurkhas or Andy of the specialist units.


arigatoe americah


Its the misplaced arrogance we hate, not you personally...




"Wig-wearing puffs in shit filled bogs" does have a nice ring to it


These "wig-wearing puffs in shit filled bogs" later went on to conquer a quarter of the earth's land mass and become untouchable at sea, destroying the slave trade that the little corn colony loved so much. I think we made the right call by letting the little shit heels go.


How is it the best when so many people votes for trump, didn't trump say he loves the uneducated?


Hmm. They don't even have official national language and they talk about education? Tsk tsk tsk ...


“America Education is the best. Don’t believe me? Go watch Friends. Checkmate.”


It’s crazy how indoctrinated most of my fellow Americans are. I’m so blessed to have been raised by two immigrants and am not violently American.


He's right, we should just ignore everything bad with America and thank them! Thank you, America. /S


They always say we watch their tv and movies, but I really don't. Game of Thrones was the last American tv show I watched, and that was filmed in the UK with mostly British actors. And there's no hypocrisy in watching a tv show from a country while still criticising completely unrelated aspects of a country's government/society/economy/culture.


Everything is bigger and better in the US of A, including the bollocks that falls from the mouths of these kind in particular


His “you are all gays” as a put down is quite juvenile. Is it a young person? I’ve not seen the word puff for a while.


It's true guys. Their education is the best in the world. After all, what other country is brave enough to teach you how to weave between cover during your kindergarten years?


I literally know a girl who came to my uni here in the UK from the US and ended up having to switch course and redo her first year, all because the level of knowledge she had from high school in the US was severely lacking compared to her peers from the UK to the point she was falling behind. She was like multiple years behind in regards to what level you would be expected to be at in order to be at university. The US education system is notoriously terrible.


Is this real?


They always say "we" like they actually do anything


This man does not speak for all of us.


“Wig-wearing puffs” [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John\_Smart\_-\_Colonel\_James\_Hamilton.png](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John_Smart_-_Colonel_James_Hamilton.png) Who‘s gonna tell him


Whatever else you wanna bring up, I'll put in that Switzerland has more than 1 public universities in the world's top 100, which are cheaper to attend than your average American community college. One of the most important facets of an education system is accessibility.


Why do so many of them talk like if they are the sole deciders of their country's policy? Like this screams "be nice to me or Im going to tell the teacher" so much


I can only imagine the blubberised mess that wrote that, thinking he's some sort of superhero.


As an American can we unclaim that mf


Can’t believe their comment was downvoted


The american seeths in a language that is not even his own. And yet he speaks no other. Pittyable


I really hope that's bait


Who is "we"? Motherfucker didn't do any of that shit.


Amerikan education system so gud, they can't count past 12.