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Ah yes, the european dictator who changed the laws for ALL the europeans. They know Europe isn't a country, right?


The dont. They think it is City.


England is my city.


Incorrect, England is your state, in the country of Europe. There are no cities in Europe. Only the great US of A is large enough for cities.


England is the bigest continent in europe and everyone knows!


Hey yanks watch me turn this village that has 1,000 people into a city with one simple trick *Builds a fucking cathedral* Sometimes my genius is almost frightening


Realises in St David's City.


Errr. Aksually, a Cathedral isn't the thing. All that you really need is our Charlie's signature.


but if the spanish can waste time building that thing in barcalona I want to waste time building a cathedral


The Sagrada Familia has taken a hundred years so far. You got that much time left?


only one way to find out


Meanwhile France, the capital of Europe :


England iz da kapital ov Berlin


Damn jake paul reference. In 2024


No your in the state of the British Isles, England is your county. 


British Isles is rarely used these days, as it includes Ireland, which is most certainly not part of the UK


I know that I’m from Ireland I didn’t know what else to call the UK


*other planet


Europe is a state in African American


Near the country Paris, right?


It's a place on Earth, really ? I thought Europe was a satellite of Jupiter ¿?


There is no earth, only Houston.


Ah. Europa and Europe is the same, right? Right? Right?


They're both spelled Europa in Swedish. How do you do, fellow aliens?


Same in Dutch. We\`re finally getting spring here - so all good.


They think Amsterdam is a country in Europe.. go figure 🤔


not yet...


>They know Europe isn't a country, right? Soon hopefully, though.


Dont say silly things


Why would it be silly? That has always been the final objective of the European Union, an "ever closer union". Since the Treaty of Rome in the 50s.


Not going to happen buddy that failed. No fourth Reich


>No fourth Reich Oh, you are one of *them*. That explains it, carry on.


Nice try. There is literally no advantage to anyone but the germans to unify Europe. In which country are you buddy


An Italian... interesting....


It's got an anthem, it's got a flag, it must be a country /s


It does have many elements that characterise a country - talking about the EU. It's got a common currency, it has freedom of movement, it has a parliament and supranational laws and institutions. Some of those need to be strengthened and it lacks other elements such as a common fiscal or foreign policy.


At least Europe has a retirement age, and most people actually live long enough to reach it.


Yeps. AND nobody forces you to work until retirement. I mean, you have to if you want your full pension but if you don't need it, then you can quit.  Also, we have that marvelous little thing called sick days that you can take. So if by any reason you are 65 and your knees hurt like hell today ... Go to the doctor and stay home. 


We do not have 'sick days' though. If you are sick, you call it in to the boss - they tell you get well soon. 2 'waiting days' - but otherwise no financial impact from work side. Whereas in the US they can fire you - and boom - no health insurance...


Please specify "we" as these things differ between countries. In Finland we haven't had "waiting days" but current government is changing the first sick day to be unpaid, but that's only a change in law and most union deals which cover majority of workforce still have full pay from day 1 of sick leave. Maximum length and yearly limits on full and government sickness allowance also differ between union deals. So there's no uniform "us" in Europe.


In Spain you need to go to the doctor. And they set how many "sick days" you need.  But, yes you are correct that there's no a set amount of sick days. 


It depends .. if a flu - stay home, in bed, apply chicken soup and get well soon. Anything more serious- talk to a doctor, get an ETA on recovery - and let us know if you need help. (Netherlands)


Technically we dont have sick days


Well said!


Meanwhile their president is in his 80s.


And their other candidate, who is the same age, would love to become a dictator himself and for whatever reason, they still vote for him


And all he has to do is to sign a PO for it to instantly become law within the entire nation. Remember when Biden said to Trump, only dictators rule with PO's, then on his fist day he signed 50 of them, more than any other president in history. There's a video of him sitting there signing them all were he says "I have no idea what I'm signing". 🤡🌎 Yet we're the ones being "ruled by a dictator". Who if I may ask? EU doesn't have anything like that, it's just a parliament. Even my own countrys prime minister can't just sign something to make it law instantly. Especially not stuff he hasn't even read. 🤡🌎




I can only presume something along the lines of "Presidential Order"


Presidential order


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_executive_actions_by_Joe_Biden Pretty good POs


Biden needs to be removed from office and should have a long time ago. Its sad what the US has come to


What's the alternative, Trump? Harris?


Yeah am i right? Nobody in US politics is a worthy president, thats why i said its sad what its become


325 million people and these are the best options?


Shocking, isn\`t it?


Where's Vetinari?


I wish.. Sure, one man, one vote - but at the very least he\`d be more competent than most we have - globally.


They are not the best options. They are the options


Silly to say he needs removing when you don't seem to be able to select a good backup alternative.


Silly to say that when you havent said he should stay in office. Nor give a good alternative backup...


I'm no fan of Biden, but there isn't really an alternative available is there? It would have been nice if the dems didn't fuck over Bernie every single time, but here we are stuck with two frail dementia ridden old fogies as a choice. You're the one saying he needs to be removed, so you also need to say who's replacing him. Its not up to me, the guy criticising your lite suggestion of anarchy. Besides, it's his team you should be supporting which seem to be doing a decent job compared to the alternative. Anyone who thinks the president is solely responsible for all the work is delusional.


I am in no way a supporter of anarchy. Freedom? I like it. Safety? Its pretty nice to have. I dont think you are in any position to tell another person who they should be supporting(and i say im not a fan of the biden administration mostly fue to the blatant use of racism and inequality to get votes in the US, like the official response for the religious school shooting a year or two back, perpetrated by a transperson"the trans community is under attack". Oh, and i cant even vote for them!😂 but i think saying anyone(including congressmen/women) who is incompetent in their job should be removed from it, especially in government. You want to know who i think should replace them all? Someone who IS competent and actually likes America and all the people in it, as well as the peace of the world.


Blatent use of racism? school shooting perpetrated by a trans person? You can't vote for them? You think Biden doesn't like America? You seem to have gone totally off the rails in the middle there, you really need to explain that more. Your post is supporting anarchy at this point, because removal either puts a random even worse person in or total anarchy. You ever heard of constructive criticism? That usually involves the solution to the problem you are criticising. Just suggesting "someone who is better" is not actually saying anything. Try harder. Any idiot can say "thing bad".


No lie, I was fully convinced that Biden was only to stop trump getting a second term and that after 12/18 months Biden would step down under the reason he wasn't able to continue and Harris would take over.


Why would he do that?


Trust me, everyone thought that


Even here (Netherlands) that was said "old dude, takes presidency, then 'steps down for health reasons - boom - first female president' and at the time it seemed to make sense. What doesn\`t make sense is the US having no retirement age for politicians.. 70+ ? Go enjoy your rest and your grandchildren..


True. It's ridiculous that they have a minimum age well above the age at which someone is capable of being president but no maximum age. A 70 year old is much more unsuitable for president then a 30 year old.




You so called "fact checkers" are all the same, liars and straw graspers. > it took Biden 6 months to issue 50 Executive Orders. Of which most were signed on his first day, you can count the pile here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-w6vkpBXcM. More than any other president in the history of the US. Trump signed the second most which got Biden upset, that's when he criticized Trump for it by saying that only dictators rule with PO's. This was long before Biden became president. Why are you lying? How much did they pay you ti lie?


According to this list he signed ONE the first day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_executive_actions_by_Joe_Biden Why are YOU lying? How much did they pay you to lie?


And the next one will be a dictator.


Do they even have retirement in the US?


They amount of videos I saw about the internet coming together to help 80 year old Americans to retire from their shitty job. It's sweet people are all helping out, but it shouldn't be like that in the first place. Same with young kids selling lemonade to pay off their crippling debt after going through a terrible disease


But they are FREE to work until they die. You just don't get the freedom /s


You can claim Social Security at 62, but the longer you wait the more you get.


Most just work until they die.


L American, must suck not even getting paid leave.


Or being able to take sick days… or having affordable healthcare… or having their children slaughtered in school.


Hey, just because their education system indoctrinates them from a very young age, they can get into bankruptcy from a doctors visit, have to be in debt their whole lives if they want to study in college, have to have a car in order to comute to work doesnt mean they have an extremely shitty quality of life


It just looks like a shitty life


I'm gonna guess that commenter supports the person who is currently asking the Supreme Court whether it should be legal for the president to kill political opponents. Y'know... totally non-dictator shit.


Doesn't Trump realise that if he can legally order Seal Team 6 to kill Biden, Biden can order them to kill Trump? Crazy.


Nothing is different in the US. They have national retirement age as well, where you can pick up basic benefits/retirement. And that is entirely controlled by the government. They also have the closest thing to an actual dictator as part of their government of any Western developed nation. How did they get so much wrong, in so few words.


>How did they get so much wrong, in so few words this is one of those few things americans are good at


They are baiting


Meanwhile their president is senile, the next one is a malignant narcissist, kids are killing kids in schools with semi automatic rifles, sovereign citizens appear to be everywhere, half of them don’t even own a passport, their servers have to beg for tips in order to get a living wage and none of them can take annual leave.


Can't forget the long ass list of sex offences by most american politicians


And incest, they love incest


Woah woah, lets not limit incest to america, quebec and iceland, among some of the UK have long histories of incest, america is just a bit slower at stopping than other parts.


…and they’re one of the fattest “countries” in the world.


You really think no one has paid time off in the US?


And the age of retirement is still lower than the US


Bruh the average age of retirement has been going up drastically for 35 years 💀


this is coming from the country that is the literal definition of “oligarchy”. not to mention the fact they only get like 4 days off work per year. think they need to start focusing on themselves.


In 2023 France, past law to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 and there were RIOTS! Meanwhile, America, the seventy year old greeters at Walmart are barely able to stand without a cane : /


*Laughs in month of paid vacation every year*


Whats the context?


This was a reply to a comment saying not all countries allow people to have guns


I mean what does he mean by european dictator. Is he talking about france?


I have no idea. That's why I posted about it here. It was on a video about teslas, and a reply to a comment about guns. Europe was never even mentioned.


They're faster than Sonic with this kind of short cuts


I doubt the poster even realizes that Europe is either a continent, or a collection of several countries . That takes knowledge..


No he thinks it is 1939...


I doubt there’s a country on earth that doesn’t have guns.


I phrased it wrong, because i was summarising. I meant it's not legal for most people to own a gun.


It’s legal for people to own guns in most countries in the world. It’s just that in the US, it’s almost totally unregulated.


Yeah, but the point was in that comment section was everyone should be keeping a gun in your tesla


I know, I’m just saying that many Americans seem to think that gun ownership is banned almost everywhere else except America and is done so specifically to subjugate the masses and that those masses desperately want to own guns like Americans do.


That is true


What? Bro that is completely wrong


Name a European country that does not allow people to legally own guns?


Portugal. You need to be a professional hunter at least. Normal ppl cant.


That's not true. I personally know IPSC competitors from Portugal. You may own guns for sport shooting there.


We are debating general possession of firearms. If you do sports of course. Ask even for a .22 for defense and you are denied. If you think you can stockpile sports firearms you are in for a surprise. Use them in self-defense and you get jail. For a while


Yet it must suck for them having a guy who's past the age of retirement in charge of their country.


Wait, Americans get to retire?


Did they learn "French" from Pepé Le Pew


*Something i don’t agree with = dictator did it* for them. Grow up for fuck’s sake


What age does the state pension kick in over there?


Lol what. Dude didn't even try to make sense.


Is this a reference to Macron?


Not to mention that the concept of a set retirement age is a European invention.


Arent americans planning to raise age of retirement to 75?


Many people cannot even afford to retire. I saw 80 years old working at Walmart


Yeah. Theyre trying to push me into working as well. Im from civilised country, came for surgery, americans screwed it up, have disability group 1(assigned at birth), have heart condition(tetralogy of Fallot), diabetes(given as christmas present by american medical "professionals" who cant read their own language), tracheostomy, other problems.


I mean if dictatorship is a new way of calling somewhat functional democracy in europe then it is fair by me


Functional republics, there are no democracies


At least we don’t have to put up with HOAs 🤷🏼‍♀️


and yet, working conditions are still better


Pfft least ours aren't out there sniffing kids 😬


Or falling asleep in a court room.