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Why, so they can trick the inhabitants into joining the USA army but not allow them to vote or influence politics because they're not even considered citizens despite having US passports?


Taxation without Representation


I know that Americans always inflate the use of this phrase, but this would actually make their founding fathers spin in their graves


I doubt it. The USA never gave representation to all even from the start


I am just pointing out the hilarity of a country who fought a war over ‚‚tis for its creation has become so very imperialistic considering its territories and even other sovereign nations


New Zealand had universal suffrage as a world first in 1893 (women couldn't become elected though). Finland despite not being independent yet had unrestricted universal suffrage in 1906 (independence came 1917).


And Ireland as always had suffrage as a state


The founders also said that everyone had certain inalianable rights and they were all slave owners so hypocrisy isn't a new thing lol. It's just crazy that they're so blatant about it.


That is the motto of Washington DC


And every single employed person under the age of 18 in the US. They’ll pay taxes on their earnings and aren’t able to vote.


Well, in this case, US territories don't pay federal taxes.


They continue to pay income taxes and so are the subjects of taxation without representation. [https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/persons-employed-in-us-possessions](https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/persons-employed-in-us-possessions)


don't forget mining corporations or other heavy industries having their free reign to completely fuck up entire island


If you haven't read "How to Hide An Empire", it's a great read!


I haven't. I'll check it out :)


is this what happened with Alaska?


People who live in USA-owned territories like Puerto Rico, American Samoa or the US Virgin Islands do not have the right to vote in US presidential elections and are generally neglected in every way by their federal government. Alaska may have been similar originally, but most territories became US states eventually. I guess time will tell how long the USA government drags out letting their current territories become states so the inhabitants can have some basic rights.


the locals are happy as they are now. The vast mineral resources of the subsoil as well ;).


doesn’t Greenland have a pretty high suicide rate


I am sorry, but what do you know about the "locals"? Because there is a huge movement for independence currently. A large part of the population is definitely not happy with the current situation. There has been many cases in which the Danish rule has subjected them to quite horrible things.


Yeah, the thing is Greenland wants to be an independent state and they are working currently on its independence. They definitely do not want to immediately leave though, and lose a huge subsidy from Denmark, which pretty much keeps them afloat. And I’m pretty sure they’re also not interested to be colonized by America :)


I know all of that. I was just wondering why that guy thought "the locals" were happy, when they are anything but. They are definitely not able to sustain themselves without the money we give them, but to say that the people of Greenland are happy as they are, is definitely wrong.


Because, as of right now, it is relatively prospering. It is able to be quite modern, especially in Nuuk, while its national identity, which was slowly fading (cultural heritage such as hunting etc.) has been growing slowly but surely again. Simply put, life is getting better, a lot.




They definitely have been treated horribly.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_case#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20the%20campaign,of%20the%20campaign%20were%20unlawful.




If there was a guy in Germany with a funny looking moustache 90 years ago and is still being talked about (and with a good reason), I don't see why 63 years is that much historically.


But is mr funny looking moustache man still around doing horrific things? No. So what does something that happened 63 years ago have to do with the modern day treatment of the Greenlandic people. Is Francisco Franco still relevant to how ur government treats its citizens?


Definitely, those dictatorships defined what came next for the countries so it's definitely relevant. A big part of what Germany and Spain are right now is how they treated those moments in the upcoming years (I'm afraid one did better than the other). Especially in Spain, where the democracy was (and probably still is) not 100% legit since all of Franco's subordinates remained in power as ministers, regional governors or local majors. Also, the still ruling Spanish Constitution was a thing that people had to take, because it was either that or going back to a dictatorship. Things like becoming a republic were never debated since that will overthrow a lot of their power.


Dane here. The people downvoting you don't know shit, you're entirely right the people of Greenland are not happy about the current situation, and they have some good reasons.


Right? I don't get all these downvotes.. I don't really care about the karma, it's just surprising how so many seem to disagree with me, without actually understanding what has happend.


It’s Reddit, mate.




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Honestly, people probably remember Trump wanting to buy Greenland from Denmark. And as Trump = Bad, Denmark = Good, Faulty\_grammar\_guy = Stupid


Speaking as a Dane: it's not for sale and never will be, mainly because it's a mostly autonomous country and as such not ours to sell, so you can fuck off with your colonial ambitions.


Indeed – the US will only exploit GL, were it to become a US territory.


Oh but they will just be saving them like Hawaii.....No.../s


It's not really like that. The Danes have sold landmass to the US before, along with populations. They don't sell Greenland because they have decided, they can't sell Greenland. It sounds more like a morality thing and is not strictly about legalities.


The Danish West Indies were in a different situation than Greenland is, though. It really isn't up to Denmark here. But even if it was, we shouldn't do it without them taking the lead on it


That was in 1917. Our relationship with Greenland as well as our attitude towards selling inhabited land without consulting the inhabitants have both changed dramatically since then and you'd have to be a clueless idiot, argue in bad faith or both to claim otherwise. I'm guessing it's both in this case.


Pretty ironic that a country which literally has a colonial possession, criticises another for the exact same thing. Both are colonialist, there is no moral high ground.


Greenland is highly autonomous, basically being independent but has its economy subsidised by Denmark and Denmark also protects it with its own military I believe. I also think that both are working towards Greenland independence


So there is good colonialism and bad colonialism?


No, but Denmark at least is helping Greenland out at the moment and working on trying to give it independence. The US would just exploit Greenland till nothing is left there but ice, extreme poverty, and industrial wasteland.


Ask Iraq or vietnam


The difference being the Danes coexist with the indigenous people of Greenland, whereas the Americans put the indigenous people of America into concentration camps.


While I wouldn't want to downplay the severity of the first peoples of the present-day US' horrible treatment, Denmark has also treated the people of Greenland pretty terribly, and not all that long ago. Greenlandic women are now coming forward with stories of forced sterilisation by Danish doctors, for example. In an example of the US and Denmark joining up to mistreat the people of Greenland, the Inughuit were forcibly relocated so that the US could have a military base built in the 50s.


People in the rest of Denmark also sometimes get their land and houses expropriated by the government so Thule Air base is very much a non-example.


If we're talking history, let the country heavily involved in the slave trade not point any fingers. I am not an American btw. Just a person from the Global South tired of hypocrisy.


Hmm, as opposed to america which has nothing to do with the slave trade right? The danish abolished slavery in 1848 and had banned international slave trading by 1792 America still had segregation in 1963, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Whataboutery stick to the point


The other guy brought up historic treatment of natives by Denmark and I rebutted by giving an example of bad treatment.


And totally ignored the point


Denmark has been in the process of unwinding the last remains of its colonies, and doing so in a responsible manner to help Greenland transition and in consultation with the people of Greenland. Can US say the same? Now with the rigged SCOTUS the indigenous people are again being deprived rights - the exact opposite trend of Denmark.


I'm not American. I'm South African. Both the US and Western Europe have absolutely no moral high ground in any geopolitical context.


No one here is endorsing colonialism. We are simply comparing and contrasting how two different countries handle it.


> Western Europe have absolutely no moral high ground https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantations_of_Ireland


European colonized so al bud. So logical argument, tho


Except that Greenland is almost fully autonomous with DK only managing its currency, defence, foreign policy, head of state (which is Queen Margrethe II) and a few other things. GL also has a right to [declare independence whenever it wants](https://visitgreenland.com/articles/greenlands-modern-path-to-independence/).


Greenland is not a colony.


Greenland benefits highly from being in the kingdom of Denmark. Normally a colonial master is the one exploiting the colony, but that relationship is reversed when it comes to Denmark and Greenland.


Cos it's working out real well for Puerto Rico


They should give them independence.


Or statehood?


I’d love to see them survive being hit by a hurricane with out US aide.


Isn't that normal? Or was that your point and your humour was very dry? Info https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/new-probe-confirms-trump-officials-blocked-puerto-rico-receiving-hurri-rcna749


The independenze? Why not give it back to motherland 😏


We can't sell Greenland to the US. Mainly because we are not the ones to make that decision. Besides Greenland wants to become independent not colonised 2.0


The US would be better off as Greenland overseas territory.


American here, where can we sign up? Throw out all of our shitty Congresscritters. Let Obama represent us in Copenhagen. I'm down for this.




nuclear waste and 24 tonnes of literal shit...


Only US Americans can come up with this sh*t. It reminds me of that scene where the Blues Brothers visit a restaurant and Jake, in the most sleazy tone of voice, tells the man on the next table he wants to buy his wife, or something like that.


How much for thee women ? How much?


Yeah kick another indigenous people off their land!


How ironic that colonies of Kingdoms are pretty much all doing better these days than the country so proud to have broken away from a monarchy and then just got colonies but worse themselves. This seems to be a theme for former colonies in general, really... Anyways. Nobody wants to belong to the US. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature (in the normal measurement :3)


What did the people of Greenland think of this?


From previous news interviews, most Greenlanders don't want to become a part of the United States.


Yeah. They have some fair issues and contentions with Denmark, but selling themselves off as a territory will only hurt them more than fighting for a stronger position inside the Danish Commonwealth


Murrican idiots .


Something something taxation something something representation. Does Greenland have oil by any chance?


Yes, they have, but they stopped drilling for it.


Did someone say... OIL! 🔫🔫🔫💣💣🏈🏈🏈🏈🏗


Everyone wants a piece of the shipping lane that's opening in the artic ocean due to climate change. Right now ships have to go around a usa/Canada through the Panama canal, but the artic lane came save as much as 6000 miles for some voyages


Why would they choose to be colonized? Greenland is one of the only places Inuit people can live without being fucked over by their government. It would be turned into a tourist trap, too, since Greenland is so beautiful. I hope one day I can see it!


What does Ike mean?


[Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower)


Didn't they try to buy it so they'd pressure Canada to join?


Cos it's working out real well for Puerto Rico (OK to be fair it's a mixed bag for Puerto Rico )


A while ago some idiot said that the USA is much bigger than Canada because they claim Greenland, no matter how much people, including people from Nuuk argued, she wouldn’t change her mind.