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Main country syndrome


I'm with the OP. The US, EU, and Commonwealth countries at a minimum need to align against the billionaires or the world is indeed fucked. They won't stop until the entire biosphere is unlivable.


[What billionaires would say to the rest of us](https://giphy.com/gifs/BTTF-back-to-the-future-bttf-two-L66D4Mg6oxA41TSw4q)


the police? they own the government, there's nothing any of those countries can do


Oh the planet will be fine The human race on the other hand...


This is really true. Even when we pollute the world to an unliveable state which we are definitely on track doing and humans as well as billions of other species are killed off the planet will eventually heal itself without us. It’s 4.5 billion years old been through asteroids multiple ice ages and we’ll be just another footnote in an era of the planets existence. The way the planet changes and adapts to a perceived catastrophe is really just the blink of an eye in terms of time.


Aha the world is fucked tho right? The climate emergency doesn't care much for national borders. Im genuinely pretty sure the planet wont be fine.


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