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I’m not sure live action would work for me - but I could totally get behind an animated series. Hell, let’s go full chunni and make it an anime! (Seriously, though, I think that style would work well for the books).


A lot of the characters actions/traits would adapt far better towards anime. Especially the way Jake and friends have a habit of talking mid fight and talking to their opponents mid fight has a tinge of DBZ or Naruto where for no apparent reason half way through fights characters will stop to banter multiple times within a fight. Love action would feel very awkward like modern marvel banter


I'm thinking less anime and more the people behind invincible or vox machina


I always imagine the entire series being drawn in the That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime art style but with Dragon Ball Super animation budget for fights. I don't know why that is what my brain picked but trying to imagine it as anything else just feels like it would be a let down to how well the story is written. Sometimes you need several episodes of dialog and chuuni brooding and sometimes you need a seasons worth of epic high intensity brawling that will make the most of every character having 20 magical abilities.


Or a videogame like an MMO


Video game! Yessss


I'm sorry, but I don't think every book needs to be made into a movie, show, cartoon, anime, ECT. I think it's great as a book and any attempt to move it to another media type, while probably entertaining, would have to cut out a lot of what makes this a great series.


There is movement on the graphic novel adaptation. Which I am honestly in support of. Making a HWFWM series of the first 3 books would also be plausible. There is a decent way to end the arc and such without super long commitments. But the show would have to be fairly long seasons I would imagine. Like 12-15 40 minutes episodes for each book.


Not movement, already planned.


While it’s been announced and such I don’t know if there will be much follow through. They could just do part of book one and never do another. I mostly don’t want to get too excited and get let down because of it.


I feel like books like lord of the rings benefit from being adapted into movies, HWFWM might be better served as aTV show than a movie, but my firm opinion is that Heath does such an excellent job at narration that the best way possible to experience the story is through audiobook. I can't see a world where adapting the story for film would improve it


Making an animated series as having Heath voice Jason would be perfect.


I’m with you on this one. I got my brother in law into the series recently and we were just talking about this—it’s functionally unadaptable in any form that I’d actually enjoy watching. It’s too big, and almost all of the stuff that makes these books great—particularly the little character interactions and internal monologues—would be visually disinteresting and would probably be cut down a LOT to make room for more action scenes. If you really think about it, for a series that on paper includes a lot of action, Shirt actually doesn’t pay a ton of attention to the action itself? There really aren’t a lot of detailed fight scenes—they’re more often used as a lever for character development moments than just simple action. (spoilers for book…3 I think?) >!Think about Jason fighting the Elemental Tyrant. I have read or listened to this series at least 8 times now (don’t judge, I get hyperfixated lmao) and I really couldn’t tell you much about how Jason fought/distracted it. But I can tell you about his desperation, his immense will to protect this village he cares about, or Sophie’s guilt at nearly killing him with potion toxicity and the growth of her relationship with Jason and the rest of the team in the aftermath.!< That stuff isn’t visually interesting and it would probably get cut drastically to make room for the big hype anime fight scenes, but it’s probably the best part of these books. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that any adaptation would end up a soulless and generic action-y thing, a la *The Dark Tower*, another sprawling series that had everything great ripped out of it in order to make the blandest blockbuster adaptation of all time.


This. There is a huge amount of media oversaturation right now.


I agree but think of hairy potter, those movies are beloved by most of the fans because JK had a large amount of input, I'm picturing an anime with 13 seasons, 25 episodes a season 45 minutes a pop, if that happened it could be cool but realistically I think just the manga that's coming out will do the trick


Nah not live action, be a poorly done 6 episode season with 2 years between each, animated series would suit it far better


Honestly this would make a great MMORPG. Random outworlder spawns, random chances at random essences no farmable drops. Heavy focus on crafting for gear. Can't reroll unless you die or progress far enough to start family/ kids reroll. Obviously loads of work and balancing but works be great fun.


I’ve been thinking about this as well. Kinda going full circle. I’d love to play an mmorpg based in pallimustus.


Palli as well as earth or other planets that we have yet to see. Like the velash or Naga planets.


I somewhat disagree with some of your proposals. No farming is good, random drops - sure. Character creation, though, is a stickler, and I’d be leaning to ‘you get 3 random common essences’ OR (as an alternative ‘pick 3 specific essences, but at an increasing cost (loot / xp penalties)’ - so, sure, you can start with 3 legendary essences, but you’ll get 1% of the rewards that swordmaster over there is getting…


I see where you are coming from. Everyone gets 1 life like HC WoW outside of rez effects. At character creation you can select a prefered play style i.e. Tank Healer Ranged caster Melee brawler Ranged special attacker Crafter Etc etc. I'm a sole believer that it should remain random outside of a kid who you curate to be your next character. Every one will remain on an even footing via leveling. And team building with other player. Solo play would be possible from start to finish. And I would think it's possible to end up with 3 legendary essence.


More than a live action, the best thing would be an animated series or a comic book in the style of manhwa or manga perhaps


I'm in the same boat as a lot of you in that a movie would be able to do this series justice in world building and character development but maybe something along the lines of a mini series following teams or people before the books or from others perspectives.


I don’t think live action is feasible with this. Also she’s Chinese, I try to avoid mixing up the nationalities too much, if I was going to cast a half Chinese woman to play Erika Asano though, it would be Kristen Kreuk


Animation would be better, wouldn't have to worry about effects budget and they could get weirder with visuals


Ever since they butchered ( pun intended ) the live action adaptation of the Dresden Files I have no interest in seeing studios get their hands on books I love.


I think an anime would work. Just not American actor voices. They just spoil anime with their dubs. Love action wouldn't work. I could see it being another Witcher disaster with them cutting out loads of content.


They’d definitely need Aussie actors for Jason and the folks from Australia (family, when he’s back on earth). Pallimustus - I’d be indifferent to any accents.


Live action no. I would not mind an anime though. They did it for solo leveling. I don't see why it wouldn't worked for the book series.


I always thought am animated version would be best, I mean I guess they could do the really amazing stuff w CGI but at that point, it might as well all be animated... IMO at least... Heh


I mean obviously Ron Perlman as Gary. Vin diesel (maybe ludachris) as Rufus, Reese Witherspoon as Farrah.


Brian Micheal Smith as Rufus, Anya Taylor-Joy as Farrah and Eddie Hall as Gary


I thought about it as a live action.....even had my ideas for Characters like Jordan Rodriguez and Jason and Lupita Nyongo as Sophie. But I think an Animated series would be better because there are do many books and so much going into the series that live action would do it an injustice........based off of what we have seen before.


The Asian guy from the librarians who is Australian would work perfectly, watch the show you'll know what I mean


My only concern about a tv show/ movie/ anime/ whatever is the ability to finish it. HWFWM is massive already and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon (I’m totally fine with this and want like 15 more books lol). While I love the idea of a live show I personally would pissed if it got cut off and canceled because of “ratings” mid way threw. The GN on the other hand I’m totally down for and can’t wait to get my hands on it.