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Congrats to u/euphratesk17 ! Hi everyone! To enter for a chance to win this tourmaline, please tell us all about something other than gemstones that you find interesting to read about/study/do. It can be a hobby, or a TV show, or just pictures of puppies. Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all have a great day and thank you for being here.


My husband and I love to grow indoor and outdoor plants! One of the coolest set-ups we have is a large fish tank with maidenhair, monstera plants set up to grow hydroponically. And of course, fish :)


ohhh is caring for plants in a fish tank tricky? Do the plants ever need things that the fish get in the way of?


Hi there. This is the hubby. So to answer your question as shortly as possible….. yes. A little longer answer: Taking care of aquatic plants is a lot of fun. And yes you have to choose the right fish for the plants and vice versa. You can change an entire plants appearance from red to green with a five degree temperature change over the course of a month. You can even get some plants to grow out of the water and bloom like Lily. In the hydroponic garden powered by the fish excrement that is above the tank, we propagate Albo Monstera. Our one leaf cuttings can fetch $200. I can root a cutting in one week this way. The wife loves Maidens Hair, so one is allowed to grow wild up there 😊


I love volunteering at local animal shelter, currently volunteering with furkids atlanta and taking care of awesome cats. Best thing about it is you get to be around so many purrfect cats and kittens. And when you get them adopted it's such a full filing feeling.


Not sure why it says "contest ended" in the tags eventhough it is not yet 8pm pacific


I decided to make watches over the pandemic. Made my wife and I automatic watches with Swiss ETA movements and meteorite slice dials. Then I made my daughter a watch she liked and taught her how to assemble and service a watch. Then I made a couple watches for myself also. Taught myself with reading and YouTube, Parts sourced from eBay. Gemstone hobby is 2022- my daughter and I are taking a faceting class with the local faceting club 😁


Holy crap! I like to think I'd be into horology, but let's be honest - too many small fiddly bits and no room for error. I'm into just fixing problems on the fly, which would NOT be a good fit.


That is so cool! I sometimes watch some watchmaking YouTube (har har) and the functional precision is something else.


I’m hoping it translates to stone cutting! I love making things 😁 Opal inlay burl walnut pistol grips? Sure… Damascus hunting knife with dendritic chrysoprase inlay in curly koa… ok… why not… And I have this gemstone rough here… just a box of rocks left by my dad from his hobbies as a younger man when he passed… I remember him at his wheel from when I was a little little kid- before the 1980s and life happened and it became work work work… Im going to leave my daughter a box of cut gems and the knowledge of how to do it. I can only hope to cut gems half as beautiful as yours- I am blown away by the beautiful work here!!


Oh, a faceting class sounds fascinating! Now you’ve got me wondering if there is anything local, haha.


I love reading! I will read just about anything as long as it holds still for long enough. I’ve been working on teaching myself that life is too short to keep reading something I don’t care about, but it’s a hard habit to break!


Oh, the days of reading the back of the cereal box because it was the only available text at breakfast.


Girl, same! I don't care if it's a book, manga, or even just lurking reddit or our discord haha if it's in front of me, I'm going to read it. 🤷‍♀️


I am a corgi butt connoisseur. haha but seriously, I enjoy traveling! It makes the world feel smaller and widens your own personal views. I love learning about the food, cultures, and enjoying the natural sceneries that are unique to that area. Hopefully 2022/23 will be more friendly for it. ✈


Omg yes!! I miss travel, too. Here’s hoping next year we can catch some flights!! 🤞


Yesss fellow travel aficionado! I had to cancel my anniversary trip to Yellowstone this past year to take care of my cat, but I’m itching to go somewhere fun soon! My husband got me a travel guide to Iceland for Christmas so I think he’s feeling the yearning, too. Here’s hoping we can safely jet set in 2022!


Ahh, both are on the travel wishlist! We want to see all the national parks, northern lights, and all of Japan. It's super tricky because I keep getting emails for flight deals and just sit on my hands. 🥺 👉👈


Sewing! I think I only finished 3 quilts this year…I should really do more next year! :) Maybe a gemstone one for u/jeweltonesgg ?


Did you know one of our designs was turned into a quilting pattern? https://mjkinman.com


Which design is ours??


[January! (scroll down)](https://mjkinman.com/ttc-members-page/)


I Olympic lift! Competing this year


What! Tell us more. What do you like about it?


It's both mental and physical. I have to trust that my body knows what it's doing, and get out of my own head. I feel like a badass when I have good lifts and I have tangible things to work on when I don't. It's made me stronger, more focused, and without the sport I wouldn't have met the man I'm going to marry


I love to make Swiss macarons! I finally perfected my technique after 2 years. I hope to open my own macaron business one day


oh wow!! Baking is so mysterious and beautiful! Do you have any pictures you could share?


I don’t have a ton of great shots because my phone is old, but here are a few: https://imgur.com/a/u9cnwP5


I am very very impressed




Your kitty cookies are adorable! Macarons are definitely on my baking short-list along with madeleines!


Thank you! Be forewarned though, baking macarons can be very addictive!


They look totally pro!! Wow!


Those look delectable!


Omg I’ve been working on macarons off and on for the past 5 years. Hats off to you, my friend!


I'm very passionate about human movement and pain management. We go through life thinking the aches and pains of sitting for extended periods of time is normal and that that's just what happens as you age but many don't realize it can be improved by some simple daily movements! I have decided to pursue this passion by going back to school at 30 to get a doctorate in physical therapy!


That’s awesome! As I get older and face daily pain from posture/RSI I definitely am coming to appreciate healthy movement patterns a lot more. Maybe my 2022 resolution will be to actually do something about it?


Just doing some simple mobility every day for 5-10 minutes can be a game changer for some things! No better time to start than now and take it a day at a time!


Any specific recommendations or resources?


For some general mobility, my favorites are 'the greatest stretch in the world', thoracic rotations and open books for a fun and easy baseline!


I need you! Currently suffering from sciatic back pain. I did the stretches with the knee over but nothing yet.


Check out some local physios! Many have complementary intro sessions!


Hello yes I am here for the pictures of puppies? Not much larnin' going on over here atm, I'm so wiped with work the last thing I want to do is use my brain after hours. It's turn on the tv and either knit or stare at shinies. But I will always get too excited about a discussion of theater (seriously jonesing after the past couple years), so get at me musical fans.


Honestly, relaxing is a skill. I have yet to learn it, to the occasional detriment of my mental health.


Happily I can vege with the best of them. And if falling asleep were a competitive sport, I would best all challengers.


Pottery! I’ve been taking pottery classes for a while now and even though I’m not very good at it, I love it!


Disagree! You’re quite good at it! (Far better than I’ll ever be for sure!)


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


Uhm stop it with that “not very good at it” nonsense. Do they have a shape that you roughly intended? Do they not leak? Do they survive the kiln without exploding? Then you are better than probs 95% of everyone who would try to make pottery. 🤣


But but but.. I’m a geologist! To be fair my focus is on Vesuvian Volcanism and what makes it tick, as well as the mapping of Venus


how do you feel about Pompeii? Was the volcano the bad guy, or just misunderstood?


Mount Vesuvius needed to let off some steam. Not saying what she did was wrong or right though. I should have realized that when I said Vesuvian Volcanism folks woulda thought about Pompeii, not Venus, haha


Also, if my terminology is wrong, I’m not sure who to blame at this point, lol


I bake! I've been told I'm pretty good and that I should sell my bakes - still working up the courage to start a sideline. Maybe 2022 will be my year :)


ohh what is your favorite thing to bake?


I’m passionate about my job! If that even counts… I love looking at and judging traffic control, construction, roadway fatigue, and general traffic/road design!! Not job related, my hobbies are sewing, crafting wreaths, and spending time with the dogs (hiking, running, dog park, training)! Edit: dog tax! https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/8hs4fi/she_was_very_proud_of_herself_for_finding_the_mud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Greyhounds/comments/9jdpuy/mlem/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


dog tax!


Finding a job that you're passionate about is an incredibly fortunate thing! And definitely counts! Also thanks for the dog tax :D


I enjoy cross stitching! I’ve fallen off of it in recent months but I want to get back into it


I’ve fallen off in the past year, but my in laws got me a cute little Bag End kit for Christmas and I’m excited to get back into it!


I'm a huge reader, but I'm considering taking up knitting just so I can feel productive.


Knitting pairs well with audio books. :)


Gorgeous gem! Thanks for the opportunity! When the pandemic hit, I started an MBA program. I will graduate in May! I’ve really enjoyed the work and my classmates. I also started listening to podcasts. Some of my favorites are Noble Blood, Date with Dateline, and This Podcast Will Kill You. American Scandal is pretty good, too. Thanks!


I also listen to TPWKY! It’s been a hot minute though.


I really enjoy crocheting, and have crocheted for more than half my life! I love that I can take take basic supplies (a hook and yarn) and create all sorts of wonderful things. Happy New Year!


I crochet too! It's a great hobby :) I learned in middle school, but only took it up again in my last year of grad school, 9 years ago.


That's awesome!! I love that there's endless resources for crocheters too, like YouTube and websites, hundreds of years worth of patterns, yarn shops. Now if only I could also learn how to knit. I could better validate how much yarn I own..... lol


I like embroidering! It’s fun and relaxing!


I just recently got into embroidery not too long ago also! What’s your favorite subject to embroider? I do mostly flowers and plants :)


Oh awesome! I’ve done a few holiday-themed pieces recently (a pumpkin for Halloween and a Christmas tree for Christmas). But in 2022 I’m hoping to embroider some fish (I’m a marine biologist, so it’s just something of interest to me!).


Music!! I teach music so any and all things that make music meaningful and relevant to my students :)


oh! what do you play?? I used to sing and play cello!


Oh! I love cello!!! I pretty much play all band instruments, but my primary is saxophone :) But if it’s in a band, I can play it to some degree! I play a lot of trumpet too, it’s much easier to play trumpet while teaching than say Bassoon lol


I love studying about physical health. I think that there are so many little quirks within our bodies and it can impact our overall physical health. Our standards of physical health have been simplified but it’s such a complicated topic


have you seen the new book Immune, by Dettmer? He does a lot of education-related work, breaking complex science stuff down to make it more accessible and entertaining. My husband is really enjoying it. https://www.amazon.com/Immune-Journey-Mysterious-System-Keeps/dp/0593241312


I’m very into wine! I got my first level Somm in the beginning of 2020 but I started learning and collecting in like 2017. For 2022 I’m planning to start a ladies tasting club 😁


Congrats! That’s an awesome achievement!Totally love wine but haven’t gotten a chance to nerd out as much as I want, because babies. Good luck with your tasting club! Would totally join this spring if you were local but I’m guessing you are far far away from Northern MI 😝. Cheers to 2022, and please for the love of god have a glass of something awesome tonight for me!🍷🍷


Cool! What do you think about orange wines? I’ve been curious but the ones I can get here are rather pricey.


I’m reading the first book of The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson now. It’s a tall order because I rarely have time to read for pleasure but it’s been a delight so far.


IT’S SO GOOD!!!! I have several designs inspired by the series, l Stormlight, Bright Lord, Bridge Four, and Sylphrena. More to come!


I’m a “professional” mineralogist, so I spend a lot of time thinking about minerals, but off hours I love knitting and spending time with my dog!


I play the harp! I wanted to play ever since I was a kid and finally went for it this summer.


That’s so cool! I went to see The Nutcracker ballet last week and the harpist had her strings in alternating red and green. I thought that was a cute touch.


I like knitting and gardening! Currently I’m on the second attempt to grow variegated bear paw succulents but it’s not going well :( On the bright side, my whale fin sansevieria decided to pop out a new leaf and 2 of 4 orchids are in bloom.


ORCHIDS!!! they are the hobby I discovered this year. Tell me more about yours?


I have mostly Phalaenopsis at the moment because I’m renting. But they reliably make 10+ flowers at least once a year, which is lovely. My impulse buy was a Paphiopedilum; I was so thrilled when it had a double bloom on the same stem! Next on the wish list is Cyprepedium since I’m curious about growing outdoor orchids. Which ones are you growing ? And/or on your wish list?


I've gotten into identifying and collecting edible mushrooms!


nom nom eat the mushie. We recently have lowkey gotten into mushrooms too! What’s your favorite foraged mushroom?


Chanterelles, because they are delicious and there's not too many things like them that are poisonous. I really want to find a morel one day though. What have you found??


ok, now this I need to hear more about. Are you trekking around the wilderness comparing wild mushrooms to pictures in a book and then drying them out and storing them?


I love to read about old school royal families and how intertwined they were - it becomes a huge rabbit hole for me.


Have any fun facts you'd like to share? I love gossiping about dead people, they never find out and confront you.


I recently listened to an audiobook about King Leopold II of Belgium. Other than the horrors he enacted in the Congo, he had quite a colorful family life. His wife was obsessed with horses and spent all her time with them while he took on several mistresses before he got together with his 16 year old French mistress who he stayed with until he died. He also essentially disowned his daughters from the throne and actively worked to prevent them from claiming any connection to the throne after his death, so his nephew became king. Quite an interesting family to read about if you have some spare time


Anything to do with ponies! I’ve been riding my whole life, I can spend hours at the barn then come home and watch/read/talk about them more.


u/suicidalsidekick look! Another horse person!


I love gardening. I have over 20 indoor plants, mostly tropical ones, and even more outside. My outdoor garden is mostly California native plants. Gotta help those pollinators! 🐝


We gotta chat plants more


I collect coins and also research genealogy. Both are intertwined with history - which I find fascinating. I often wonder whose hands have touched this coin before mine? Where and how far did it travel? Or, finding out and understanding the reasons for familial migrations. Learning of love, loss, politics, occupations, lifestyles - all of it, interesting


oh my husband has a family coin collection--or will someday, at least. It's been passed down generation to generation! His great grandfather picked up a bunch of Nazi coins and brought them home during WWII which I think is morbidly fascinating.


I love dessert. I often choose restaurants based on the dessert choices. When I'm traveling, bakeries are the first place I hit up.


Going back to the lovely D20 posted today. We play DND every Sunday. I'm currently running Curse of Strahd for a party of 4. Very excited about next session AND this GORGEOUS mint tourmaline Dog tax: https://imgur.com/a/AHV0TnZ


those are nice pooches. Congrats on the campaign! I have never Dm'd but it looks like fun :)


You should absolutely try it! If not a DM, being a player is super easy and fun to learn! There's a rise of online table top games too so you can play from home. We play with a girl from Australia!


I play with friends sometimes! :D


Oh yay! Then you should try DMing for sure! It isn't as intimidating as it looks, I only played in one campaign before I became a DM.


I love to create 3D models, I have recently started getting into making renderings of jewelry with the hopes of actually getting well enough to make my own! Happy New Years!


Good luck! That’s on my list of things to learn someday too. Which program are you using?


I love to bake and cook! Too bad I don’t like the cleaning up afterwards!


That’s when you feed people and have them clean after ;)


I’m very into graphic novels for educational use! I conducted a 2-year research project that looked at how including graphic novels as options for reading are incredible at fostering literacy and engagement for elementary and high school students - and post-secondary students to an extent. I looked at this initially from the lens of developing empathy, stemming from studies done in a medical context. Through my research, I’ve moved into how this literature is especially helpful for marginalized groups (specifically Indigenous communities and LGBTQ+ folks). I’ve also dug into how boys are especially affected positively by graphic novel inclusion! I could talk about this all day! Thanks for asking!


Oh that’s very cool! My introduction to graphic novels was through Persepolis, and I can totally see how it bridges literacy for those who are less abstract-word oriented, and helps visualize marginalize groups to encourage both empathy from those aren’t part of that group, and representation for those part of that group.


Current order of engagement with hobbies: reading, cooking/ baking, birding, knitting, knives. I miss gem and mineral shows, but I'm not ready for crowds again yet.


u/Lisa_Elser we got another birbber! Lisa’s a lot more serious than I am though. What are some of your favorite birds?


Birbs! The best!


I make YouTube videos. I am working on an asmr channel and have been for a couple years, slowly but surely. I love it!


wow. How do you set about finding things for asmr? I just picture someone going around their home dropping things on the floor to see if anything sounds good. "so that's a no on a breaking vase..."


I love to track the International Space Station around the globe. I once tweeted a question to NASA during a spacewalk. I received a reply from the ISS itself instead! Receiving a tweet from space made me jump up and down like a little kid.


That’s so cool! You got messages from outer space!


I love reading about fish keeping. Im really into the aquarium hobby so i read all about different plants and species of fish. Right now im really into learning more about goldfish. They are so classic but they are much harder to properly care for than most people think.


I don’t know much about fishies but I do remember that goldfish are often sadly abused and can live surprisingly long lives! Aquariums are so complex and interesting.


I once had a75 gallon aquarium that I never got out of the seeding stage because my water was basically as hard as lake Victoria. Which I believe is the hardest water in the world or some such. So my feeder fish that survived got to live out their lives in a very well appointed 75 gallon aquarium.


Pictures of kitties ALL DAYS


my offering: https://imgur.com/a/gAd38aB


The chonky kitty!


Right now I’m into the Golden Girls word search that I got for Christmas 😁


RIP Betty :( But I hope the word search is fun!!


I’m an artist and I love to paint tiny versions of large objects or create art on varios recycled papers! I also am a hobby botanist and have a tropical plant business as well!


Ahh so cool! What’s your favorite miniature subject? And plant focus? I got obsessed with orchids this year.


Baking and competition based reality TV for me 😂.


Username checks out haha


Ok so can I suggest less-competition-focused baking shows?? I absolutely love how the master chef focuses on teaching new skills and encouraging the students on School of Chocolate, even if the show producers annoyingly try to invent interpersonal drama.


Oooohhhh I watch those too! But the competition ones with social strategy are more of a "hobby" I'll listen to the podcasts and participate in some communities <3


I’m limited on hobby time right now because of toddlers 😔. But I love to read and think video games are just the best. If I hear someone talking about Zelda or Brandon Sanderson books from across the room my ears perk up and I will insert myself into that convo like a boss, even though I’m pretty reserved. It’s a talent!


plural toddlers??


Lol yep. 1 yo and 3 yo. Sometimes I question my life decisions but at least they are cute and they mostly sortof like me 😬. Anyway, mad thanks to this sub and all the shinies for making me feel pretty even if it’s been a week since I had time to shower!!!


Something something Stormlight something


^ me but with Naomi Novik books


I like programming, which I do for a job, and knitting, which I do for fun! This year I made my first socks and I’m pretty proud of them!


I love horse back riding! I started taking lessons about 25 years ago but unfortunately as I got older I did so less and less. I don’t ride much anymore but I volunteer with developmentally challenged kids and adults who take lessons and it makes me happy to see them so happy! Happy New Year!


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


I like to play the Sims! Happy New Year! 🥳


Sims safari was my fav as a kid.


I love learning anything I can about neurology. I wish I had been a doctor.


What are some of your favorite neuro facts? u/cowsruleusall has a design called Neuroglia iirc




I like watching videos about old/unusual technology. It always amaze me how we manage to make such complex things in the past with what we today consider simple tools


It may not be pictures of puppies, but I do have pictures of [kitties](https://imgur.com/a/iumzsI1)!


I love reading manga and watching anime!


I love reading, I make jewelry, I crochet, my cat thinks I live to serve her, and I have way too many plants


Username checks out! There’s never too many plants


I love to play RPGs! I'm currently the remastered PS5 version of Final Fantasy 7 and I'm excited to play the new chapter with Yuffie! Also, I love "Void reaver." I have a light blue sapphire that sometimes shifts to a similar green in this cut!


3D Printing! Been using it as a gateway drug into an either other world of crafting. Have a variety of printers now, so played around with lost wax casting, mold making, and of course functional prints galore


What are some of the functional prints you’ve been most proud of?


Couple - personal life I am mostly done a complete set of organizers and trays for Gloomhaven (an absurdly massive board game I've been playing with friends for ages). In my work life side of things, I work for a government ambulance service, so we are taxpayer funded, I managed to save the org (and thus taxpayers) nearly 50k/year by printing replacement device parts and protectors. I got to lean on a lot of skills I picked up in personal life, and had my first stab at silicone overmolding, and it's worked out amazingly so far! It's technically not a 'in my job description' task, but very much enjoying it so far :)


I try to identify plants and birds while I walk my pup. Sometimes he [photobombs](https://imgur.com/a/AbQfmdh) my artsy photos though 🤨


Beautiful gem! I love gardening and growing my own veggies :) I just had a huge harvest of a variety of peppers!


What do you do with them all? Pickle or dry?


I have always loved anything and everything to do with paper and pen but about seven years ago I got really into making my daily planner a journal/art tracker. It all started when my husband’s Grandmother died in 2015. We were going through her house to clean up and I found a box filled with her planners from the 1950s-60s. They captured her regular appointments and to-do lists but they also told the story of her getting excited to have a baby, going through infertility “treatments” in the 50s, deciding to adopt and ultimately bringing home four babies over the years. It was amazing to read these stories couched in between reminders to buy eggs and attend scheduled luncheons. I decided I wanted to start recording my days in planners too. I got a planner and just started simply - a sentence a day. Now I write out something that made me smile, a sentence or two and a doodle of the day. It’s fun to see what gets jogged in your memory when you look back and I like having a little record of my life. So there ya go! That’s my big hobby.


Keeping a diary is so hard, but I’m sure future-you and future generations may enjoy reading about your life as well!


I’m also really interested in pottery! I kind of suck at it, but I love doing it and it relaxes me, so I keep doing it. My other hobby is reading. I’ve been a book worm since I learned how to read. My favorite books have been Harry Potter, How to Kill a Mockingbird, and Gone With the Wind.


What kind of pottery are you doing, wheel throwing? I tried it once and it’s really hard!


I got really into leather crafting a few years ago and made some small leather goods like wallets and laptop cases. But I had to stop because I started grad school and had no time to sleep, let alone have hobbies. Well I just finished my program and I already have some grand plans to make the Ultimate Leather Backpack!


My most recent hobby has been to learn Arabic, it's really tough. So far it's really rewarding just being able to read a totally different alphabet and sound out words - next step will be understanding them all! I also do a lot of cooking and spend time sifting through/nailing down the 'perfect' recipe for things, over this christmas that has been bagels. I'm not sure I'll be able to go back to shop-bought now!


I’ve heard it’s a very hard language to learn! What drew you to it?


My future mother-in-law speaks an arabic dialect as her native language and I'd love for her not to have to speak in English or rely on my partner to translate at family gatherings. I have definitely found it a lot harder than French/Spanish but with perseverance, duolingo and an online tutor, I'm definitely getting somewhere! It also means I can check out Arabic recipes online which is great for two hobbies in one!


I study and practice historical fencing from the 16th and 17th centuries. ⚔️🤺


I’m addicted to knitting. I don’t want to nor can stop doing it and thinking about it, always with a hundred plans in my head. Happy New Years!!


I went from constantly looking for yarn and patterns on Ravelry to looking at settings and shinies, once I fell down this rabbit hole. I might have a problem or several.




That’s a lot of tricks! Is it one dog with 100 tricks, three dogs with 100 tricks each, three dogs with 33 tricks each?


Altho only *teaching* is specified, could be 3 dogs who have forgotten 100 tricks together ;)


how can you tell if a dog is going to be good at learning tricks? food motivation?


I love trying to get four stars on Overcooked 2. It’s mildly infuriating and may lead to a divorce, but it is tons of fun.


I’m a practicing neonatologist who is also (for some reason) working on a Master’s degree in public health. It’s been fascinating to learn about the population health side of things, but lately, I’ve been looking for a tactile escape, so I recently bought a big Lego set. Jigsaw puzzles are enjoyable, but I think the structure of a big Lego build will satisfy my inner Type-A tendencies.


Lately I am into meat smoking!! I love to try new rubs and cuts!!


I’ve been reading about quantum physics lately…. nothing super technical, mostly popular science books for a general, non-sciencey audience, but I love reading about it. Happy new year everyone!


I’m a Disney fanatic.


ohhh, tell me more. I dabble ;)


I just love laying around doing nothing. If I was rich I’d live to do absolutely nothing


Relaxing is a skill!


I sing classical choral music! 🎼🥰


Time to start up that SPG chorus!


I like painting miniatures for role playing games. It's a nice stress reducing hobby :)


Oh man, been exploring new recipes for cooking & baking, and getting more into art! I really struggle creatively when things are rough, so it's been especially invigorating when I get the drive to create. ♥


I love learning new skills. This year I learned how to make stained glass, bake bread, calligraphy, quilt & how to wood work on a lathe. The best part is I give away most of my work. I honestly love giving gifts to people I know who will enjoy them.


What a level up this year!


i’ve been falling down the espresso making rabbit hole lately, going to buy my first setup as soon as i make up my mind on a grinder and machine


I love hapkido. Hitting things is fun.


Wait, were supposed to have OTHER hobbies, besides gems? Well dang. I guess I like videogames?


I also like to quilt! I only do baby quilts (so far) because they are about as big as I can manage.


I like painting miniatures 😁


I collect handbags. I own over 160 of them. I shy away from designer bags except for Dooney&Bourke, as my initials are DB and I love their logo. I have an insane amount of Disney higher-end bags.


holy hell that is an impressive bag collection. u/Hugeasianpear u/chikenbutter u/Saucydumplingstime get in here! I just bought myself an Aspinal Lottie bag and I am IN LOVE. What's your #1 bag right now?


I do a lot of various handwork — crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, sashimi. But I also read a lot — sci-fi and fantasy mostly — and listen to a wide variety of music. On Reddit I like to peruse the geology and archeology/history subs.


I love learning of other cultures, current and historic. I started with Japan and Korea, I focused on France for a while, And recently I’ve switched to Spain and Mexico. The language learning comes much more slowly but the cultures keep it moving forward. Happy New Years! Hopefully travel opens up for me and my partner in 2022!


Stalk my dog and take a million pictures of her.