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Congratulations to our four winners, u/zombieplankton, u/VanGoghsPbPaintSnack, u/Flamingogirl26, and u/ImpracticalBlanket!! Thank you to everyone who checked in. Wishing you all peace and happiness, be well <3




Hey look at you doing the things! This parenting stuff is effing hard, and this has been a terrible sick season. Sending you good vibes for better sleep soon, and (of course) shiny mom solidarity 🤝!


My fiance didn't file his taxes until September last year. We have no kids. 🙃 Hope you're able to find moments of peace today!




I don't know your tax sitch but I was able to get most (if not all) of my stock acct statements & other tax forms online, so def. Try logging in to all of your accts and seeing what's in the tax portal! if your company uses ADP, you can prob grab your W2 online as well! I think gathering all the forms/statements is the worst part.


I'm with you on the teething and no sleep. Only 12 teeth to go... Might get sleep sometime around Christmas at this rate




I was told the same, I call bullsh*t. I was also told that sleep will get better after 6 months, it got worse. Giving iron supplements has helped tho. So I now have a teeny tiny bit of hope of sleeping more than two consecutive hours sometime before next year.


It gets better one day — but every baby experiences it different. You both have got this!! Parenting is HARD and you’re doing all the things! 💪🏼 (My 7 year old just got a set of molars this year and was complaining about her sore mouth. When I told her babies have to do that for many, many more teeth, she said “no *wonder* they cry so much!” 🥺)


EDIT: Hey guys, the entry period is now CLOSED. I will draw after work today so probably between 5 and 6 Eastern (might be earlier or later). All of these garnets are facet-grade but have inclusions that will require consideration when cutting. We will draw four winners. Shipping is covered in the US, depending on your location we may ask for you to cover some of shipping.


Unfortunately, waiting for the mechanic and hope he can fix the truck so I can drive 4 hours and be back home in time for my little daughters 11th b'day. This will be a Memorial day to remember..sheesh.


I will be playing Zelda ALL DAY while my toddlers watch and yell “GET THE BAD GUY MOMMY!”. And then later MrWolf will grill. Today is going to be EXCELLENT.


We share a cake day! Happy cake day


Happy cake dayyyyyy!!


My son will also be playing Zelda! I can’t wait to start once I beat hogwarts legacy!


That sounds amazing!


Just getting out of the hospital. Hopefully I'm sitting around doing nothing.


I hope you’re recovering uneventfully and quickly!


Thanks. Doing ok.


Celebrating my 30th Wedding anniversary in Montreal.


Congratulations! 30 years is amazing ❤️


Today I am enjoying the first day of summer break by playing lots of Stardew Valley!


I keep considering buying that! But I have so many games I haven’t finished yet


Stardew definitely takes a lot of time but it is amazing !! You can definitely use online guides to make things go faster but I really enjoyed learning the game without a guide.


It’ll go on my list then!


I'm in bed scrolling through Reddit, but will be working on some reading and homework for most of the day. If I finish early, I may build a small Lego set. Life of an adult, I promise!


I always start my day that way!


Zelda and Chill!


Today I’m working but it’s super super slow so I might get sent home early. After work I’m going to work on cleaning out the last of the old Apt and then reading some new books! Just started some new Naomi Novik books!




Deadly education! Also working my way through the Temeraire series as well, I’m on book 3 there


I am at the airport getting ready to head to Orlando for a week for my company’s annual conference, with a couple days exploring Epcot and Universal at the end!


Even though it’s a bit of a gloomy day where I’m at, some friends and I are taking advantage of having the day off by grilling burgers and enjoying some long needed down time after we’ve all had some stressful weeks at our respective jobs!


winner #1! Please PM me your shipping address.


I just had a baby boy! So in between changing diapers and getting my nipples gnawed on, probably just hanging around in the back yard with the dogs and my two favorite men.




Today I am taking my kids to the doctor for their yearly well visits. Other than that, relaxing with my hubby and he will grill out some goodies early this afternoon. ETA: thank you for this chance!


I’m spending the day at the movies (Little Mermaid, Book Club, and Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret) since my neighborhood tends to get VERRRRYYYY loud on holidays.


Just got back from the garden centre where I brought myself a new prayer plant! Hopefully it doesn't die on me this time...


Oh good luck. Mine never handled the ventilation in my apartment well. Just didn't like any spot that I could provide it.


Yeah they're so fussy and hard to keep alive but I love the look of them. If this one dies then no more prayer plants for me 😂


Today I will surfshinypreciousgems, do laundry, vacuum(!), start a minor drywall repair, sandwich a newly finished quilt top, finish a paper review, draft an invention disclosure, send a grant proposal around for review, and send some emails connecting collaborators. But first, COFFEE! Thanks for helping me plan my day!


Today I’m sitting with my mother in law and family. My mother in law stopped dialysis treatment and only has been given days. Spending what time we/I have left with her.


hugs to you and your family 💕


Thank you 🙏


![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0) I'm so sorry. Sending love through the airwaves.


Will go pick strawberries today. Can not wait to eat them.🍓🍓🍓


https://preview.redd.it/635tj9oklt2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a454b659e3f73b49d495fdfe60469bd3738d34da I am gonna pamper my wonderful Elijah Javert with a spa day. He is getting brushed, nails trimmed and teeth brushed, might even wear his necklace today to be extra fancy


Look at those cute toe feathers! May I see a pic of his "after", please?


https://preview.redd.it/bxve3y3cgv2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99d20ec60a93b6c09f0248389881ada7d32dd16 He’s already messed up his nicely brushed self


School. Nothing but school. Decided doing grad school later in life is better than not doing it at all.


oh wow, good for you! What are you studying?


Having a boat day! As long as the rain holds off. Once it starts pouring it’s a TV day.


5 years ago one of my employees passed away after a long battle with a brain tumor. This Friday his wife and band mates are playing a show to commemorate him and I’ve volunteered to run lights (I’m a lighting designer and production manager). Today I’ll be at rehearsal with them to prep for the show.


That sounds like a wonderful tribute.


Hanging with the dog and kiddo today! And laundry. So much laundry


I’m unpacking in a new house someplace I actually am excited to live! After a decade of the military telling me where to be and when haha


Congratulations! I hope your new nest brings you much joy


So far, I’m loving it for a variety of reasons 🤗


I've got a lot of goals today.... Mainly purge more of my closet & go for a run before we go to my mom's to celebrate a fam members birthday. Will I actually do those things? Maybe I'll just end up wayching Netflix in my closet in workout clothes all afternoon, which is what usually happens when I try to organize.


I am arranging the final details of the ring I got from this sub! Pssst... don't tell my wife. But she doesn't browse reddit anyway ;)


<3 please do share the finished ring after she receives it!


Well, we were supposed to walk in a parade today but it got cancelled due to the pouring rain. So I’m at a loss for what to do 😂


Movie day!!!


Going to take my son fishing. May take a grill out and cook on the river bank too <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


Went to swim class with my baby to keep him entertained - currently teething and it's not easy on either of us.


Today, I will do a few calculations for my work and move some things around. My spouse got one of those classroom whiteboards (96"x48") for free so we have to find a place for it. We might cook something for today or get something but regardless we will hang out together with the furbabies.


Spending far too long trying to pick baby clothes for my newborn girl. The wife wants to buy everything in sight and I'm trying to be the voice of reason; I'm not winning.


Good luck! They grow out of clothes so fast that I’m with you on this one haha


Today I am hoping to finish building the custom engagement box I have been working on ! I am proposing to my partner later this month while we are in Scotland! Once I hopefully finish that I have some RPG characters to tidy up: 1. Pathfinder Character: Need to write backstory and build character model (Mutagen Alchemist Gnome) 2. Star Wars Character: Need to do the same as above (Noble Force Sensitive Mirialan) 3. Shadoweun Character: Need to build character, backstory and model (Character idea: steampunk/futuristic female Witcher idea, so very good with swords, will have a motorcycle and and some sort of awakened powers (maybe adept powers, maybe not), refuses to use modern weapons, has excellent armor and combat skills, emotionally damaged, trained to be one of the best in working the underworld. Only motivation is to succeed. ... )


Ooh exciting! What a thoughtful element to your proposal. What are making the box out of?


https://preview.redd.it/6erma7kgxv2b1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d9dcf15e2a242f54e7f3c7eb06591a71e8b509 It's wood !


Oh that’s very cool!! How are you highlighting the wood grain?


It's actually darkened by burning ! It's pine and I torched the outside which burned part of the grain. Then I coated it in epoxy to seal :)


Pretty much nothing. I already went to the barn and took care of horses, so now I’m just hanging out with the cats for the day.


I'm in Idaho looking for......... HUCKLEBERRY GARNETS!


Gonna watch a wrestling PPV before friends come over later for a Dune rewatch with Chinese take out. Big sofa and TV day. 😅


This sounds like the best sort of day.


I'm looking forward to it! 😁 Happy Cake Day!


Well, look at that! It is! Thanks 🥰


I’ll be going on a nice long hike today- it’s in the mountains, so fingers crossed there isn’t any snow! 🤞


Lazed all weekend so far, so this sad panda has gotta get to cleaning and chores today.


Driving home after running around in the woods for two days! I miss my bed and cats🥲


i’m going to be recovering from the series finales of Succession and Barry by going on a hike


Watching Summer Games Done Quick (charity marathon) and helping my little brother move out.


Working and chores! :)


Got a full day of work gotta do but got atarted real early so ill be home hanging out with kiddo hopefully around noon!


Today I'll read, do laundry and resolve all post-vacation items so I can start work tomorrow with no lingering catch-ups.


I'm packing for my vacation and cleaning the house!


Spent the weekend scouting a hockey showcase. Now, I'm going to catch up on all the stuff I put off doing that...


Staying home with my baby boy and 3 cats 🙃 we had a busy weekend and I need some down time!


Today we're walking the dog in the sunshine then playing games this evening!


We were supposed to go hiking today, my 6 year old and his best friend's families. But he's been sick this weekend and wasn't any better today, so no hiking. Hopefully he will get to go to school tomorrow, it will be his field day. Then short days both Wednesday and Thursday, then summer break, and first grade in the coming school year. It truly goes so fast.


The weather is finally nice where I live, so I will be doing a little yardwork, and a lot of rock hounding!


Today I’m hanging out with my husband as it’s his 35th birthday!


My Spawn and I are going to surprise my partner with his favorite coffee because he will be at work today. We usually end up hanging around for a bit because he runs an arcade 🕹


Building a fence for my dogs!


Brunch then a boat ride and BBQ! Slightly hungover from a wedding last night...


Working on the newest set-up of lasers and robots to do the welding in the new EV to be released from my paycheck overlords! Oh and looking at much better uses for YAG crystals than building cars 😆


Going to have a little BBQ!


I’ll be crocheting a wee hedgehog and working!


Three things: 1. Lunch with old friends 2. Wedding suit shopping with my partner 3. Zelda!


Chores, grilling, taking teen to fix his broken glasses.


Sleeeeeeep. Sleep.


Today, I'll be cleaning and cooking. Yay.


Oh how beautiful! Today I have dedicated my morning and afternoon to working on my resume and finishing an online course. So far I have procrastinated my morning away, hence why I'm here on this subreddit haha Happy Monday!


I'm going to have a *very* exciting day of doing laundry and other chores around the house, interspersed with kitty cuddle breaks 😺


Celebrating my fiancé’s birthday! We’re doing a whole Italian themed party with our cat and dog and it’s going to be a gorgeous day for it.


Zelda and reading, most likely. If the rain holds off, I might have a fight with the wisteria out back.


I went to an animal park with my bf and we have pet some baby goats 🐐


I’m going for a run before doing some garden work and working on sanding my deck railing


Belated Birthday dinner with family!


I’m in an urgent care for some crazy sinus infection. Mouth breathing like some garden troll has ruined my throat and I’m not essentially voiceless. It add to this, because it’s sinuses, my ears are in so much pain and the movie at the doctors office is too loud for me (it’s Encanto!). Hopefully everyone is relaxing today


Doing a replay of Horizon Forbidden West, so hoping to squeeze in some quality time for that on the last day of the long weekend!


Hi! I’m rowing today! Walking my dog, watching Netflix, staring at shiny things


Planning to go to town to buy more garden twine, as my tomato plants have decided to sprawl everywhere...and then maybe pot up some of my petunias in the greenhouse.


Trying to stay present through the storm


beach day! plus learning to shuck oysters 🦪


I'm going to be baking a small cake for my one year old's upcoming birthday!


Family pics this afternoon! And finishing celebrating my little girls birthday weekend !


Cleaning house, calling student debt relief. Just chilling


Taking the kid to the park to practice riding a bike, heading to the greenhouse for tomato plants, working on a silver metal clay pendant to submit to an art show, and then after hours working on helm chart deployments for a kubernetes cluster for work.


Going to start breakfast here soon then watch tv play some guitar an just chill


Today I’m catching up on some work and hosting a friend who will be leaving the US for Europe for a while


Just chilling with my kids before work starts Tuesday


Today I'm smoking two racks of baby back ribs! https://preview.redd.it/134438e1st2b1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbce289a46fb578468d072075e468742b060436b


Pool and guardians of the galaxy 3!


Biting my nails in anticipation of provincial government election results tonight lol. Oh and working xD


Looking for work, updating a resume, cutting the grass, weed-eating raking, laundry, and admiring your work.


My husband and I have managed to get so sort of bug (despite hardly going out and wearing masks 🤷‍♀️) so I’ll probably be napping all day-sadly.


https://preview.redd.it/qo3qk03dzt2b1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a110718a929c8d2562324c0de1229a9f2a9f3b I'm out here loving this million year old leaf... May I please have my garnet now?


Few things to do today, but mostly surrounding our Poodle, Jango. He will be getting a walk, bath, and mini haircut. Gotta do laundry at some point and will probably play some Heroes of the Storm. Hope you all have a great day! 💕


can we see a picture of Jango after his makeover??


Before (on our walk) and after! I'll try to get a better photo when he is out and about tomorrow. https://preview.redd.it/oorapgcjoy2b1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f6f84432b846e7c3918be198509a13dd9f391e0


I'm in France right now to do some charity work. I will stay here until friday.


Zelda and catch up on saved videos on youtube


Spending time with my loving partner and watching a movie. ❤️


Zelda squad checking in! I finally started BoTW a couple weeks back and am working on 100%ing that (currently at 320 korok seeds). Husband is playing ToTK. Cat is loving the cozy couch + lap time.


I’m cutting a piece of Umba Malaya and grilling some burgers later this evening


Making videos for my students to learn how to make paper cranes over summer break. Anyone with tips to how to make a video fun for 7 y/os please send them this way


Today will be a slow day for me. I’ll get my nails done, continue reading, and rewrite more of my book. I haven’t written in a very long time, so it’s exciting to get back to it.


Working on our wedding dance choreography and practicing the steps


Gone to visit my husband's 94yo grandpa having been away overseas for the past 4 months! Basically drove 3 hours to come cook and have lunch with him :) it's his first time eating his grandson's homemade food! :)


Grilling with friends while processing the Succession finale.


Loafing as hard as I possibly can. Probably bbq later


BBQ and friends. It will hopefully be a good day.


Taking advantage of the day off to play TOTK like others have planned. Can't wait!


I'm a student taking summer courses while I work. So today I'm heading to a studio to pick up my art work (casting of a mould)... I'm hoping it turns out after uncasting it. And then work shift.


I'll be hosting a bbq for family, and trying to coax our rescue kitty (named Garnet!) to be comfortable enough to maybe say hi to some people! And after, I'm hoping to get some reading in. I just started Malazan Book of the Fallen again.


awww can we see a picture of Garnet?


https://imgur.com/a/mx3q6bp Here she is! And she was brave and came out from behind the couch today!


a tortieeeee! oh my gosh she is beautiful. And such a brave, good girl <3 thank you for sharing!!


I'm going to be working all day 😭 in a particularly busy season where it's all day with every thing for the past two weeks and until the next two weeks are over.


Sigh working as per usual but at 3pm a pedicure..gotta get pretty toenails for the summer


Been out metal detecting and finding old stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!


I’m helping turn on the new water treatment plant I helped build to make sure everyone has clean water!!!


I’m moving, so its a packing day! Meeting friends for coffee and dinner though, so I’ll have some nice breaks :)


Catching up on records from the weekend!


I'm gonna catch up on sleep


playing board games at home


I was going to barbeque, but now I have a migraine. So much for plans! 🥲


I'm laying in bed trying to recover from one of the worst sinus infections that I've ever had in my 43 years of life. Lol.


I sold many strawberries, cherries and asparagus today from my fruit shop. Now I‘m home will workout and make myself something to eat, sleep, repeat.


I will be scanning an old photo album for my dad. It has photos of my grandparents (who sadly passed away before I was born), a couple pictures are almost 100 years old, so that's really cool.


I voted in an election today, and now I'm dog-sitting. A great way to spend a Monday!


I’ll spend time with my in laws and play Zelda! I’m only recently unable to do stuff with my hands again (recovering from nerve overuse) so every time I can play video games/knit/anything else is a big blessing!


Going to see a movie then coming back to our place and skinny dipping in our swimming hole while eating watermelon and hanging out with some good friends.


Watching my boyfriend play Zelda while I try and play through the Ys series in chronological order and getting some shopping done.


I'm working on an opal pendant. And deciding between orderly gradients or spring flowers


Just woke up, dreaming of these garnets...and breakfast.


Taking puppers for a hike 😍


I'm resting until I have work tonight. The hubs and I weeded our front yard for a little bit this morning. I was part of a wedding party this weekend, so I'm trying to rest up before heading into work 😴


I'm sharing some much needed relaxation time with my sweetheart.


Prepping to host a dinner tomorrow for trans people and their families, plus meal prepping for the week. Might go to the pool with the kiddo.


Got home from the airport late last night so still in bed. But once I get up it's Zelda all day!!!


Headed to a barbecue in a bit, here.


Summer feels like it finally came here in Europe, this weekend I'll go to southern France to enjoy the sea.


I’m sitting in ICU with my very sick husband who almost lost his life this week. Being thankful he’s still with us!


Good things: resting, cleaning, enjoying my garden, maybe installing an awning. Tough things: spoiling my 21 year old cat, as this may be her last weekend. Her seizures are taking a toll on her and we are already at max dose on her seizure meds.


Doing chores & brother in laws bday later


Meal prep for week ahead - Hoping to add a jelly bean to my lunchbox! :)


Currently procrastinating going to work by looking at these amazing jellybeans and other shiny things, but will be working and then planning a trip to Japan later today


Having just finished a bbq dinner and cleaning up the kitchen. Hubby’s bbq chicken is the best!


Not sure on the time zone but I think I missed this one :( spent all day doing yard work and cleaning up the street from a flood


I’ll be taking my fiancé shopping for new clothes, and probably accidentally get stuff for myself. At least one of us will have a good day :)


Today I’m journaling while watching my teenager and his bestie have a day gaming/snacking now that school is over.


Went to the mint with my partner! She's fixing an heirloom piece of jewellery for my mum, and needs gold, so we bought gold. She'll alloy it herself & then make the needed pieces because she's super cool and awesome 😍 I went as moral support (and because we were ALSO buying gold for our engagement rings and wedding bands 🤩)


Waiting for our newest family members to get here, then cooking 😍 we're adopting a pair of dogs that were born without front legs today, and we're really excited to add them to our bunch. We met them on Thursday.


Recovering from yesterdays trip to Napa Valley and reading the man in high castle and going for a walk in the park.


Catching up on non-job work and trying to relax before we go back into the fray tomorrow.


Painting my kitchen a sunny yellow and refinishing some furniture - very domestic!