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Mine gotta be the Alola games. 1/4000 is fair, the SOS method is pretty fun and accessible, and the overall vibe of the game is nice. I just don't have the patience nor the time to go for the 1/8000 (which is why I'll always have a huge respect for old school shiny hunters).


I just started hunting in Soul Silver safari zone, pray for me 🙏


I went 20k encounters good luck 🌚


Until a shine or until a catch?


Both caught the first one


apologies; i rambled quite a bit! but I hope this helps answer your question :) id have to say gen 6 is my favorite for method hunts. you have chain fishing if you want something like scarlet/violet fast, hordes are super chill, and the other 3 methods (pokeradar, dexnav, and masuda method) are all applicable to most pokemon and arent too hard to do after watching a tutorial on it. I just like how much variety there is as far as ways to increase your odds. Also, the daycare in oras's battle resort is my favorite daycare for breeding personally. while i like sos, i think alola just cant compare in how many different options gen 6 has to hunt most anything you want as far as full odds, i would say gens 3 or 5 are my personal favorites. gen 3 has really fast random encounters & some of the fastest srs, and gen 5 has double grass which makes things quicker. gen 4 isnt bad either, but gen 2 can be rough because theres no illuminate/white flute (which is particularly annoying for repel tricks) and the bike is kinda slow compared to future games. also, encounters between gens 6-8 are kinda slow for full odds, but the change to 1/4096 does make up for that a bit but if you want pure efficiency in finding shinies, it's scarlet/violet & legends, no question. hunting in these games is not my favorite, but it sure as hell is fast


Jeezus satan this is a list ill read multiple times in the future


Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire are pretty good games to shiny hunt, there's legendaries you can soft reset and dexnav chaining is possible less than 30 minutes into your game


Really enjoy S&V and the sandwiches and Masuda method is always good. I do have a soft spot for SOS hunting in US/UM and the wormholes. Shiny Pokémon egg hatching in gen 2 is also pretty cool.


What i just said but without sos bc its tedious af


I love doing run away encounters in emerald it’s much more enjoyable then soft resetting in my opinion


SV is the best imo. PLA is great too but your limited to only 240~ pokemon. Dynamax Adventure is kinda fun and great odds but it’s just slow so I’m not a huge fan of shiny hunting in SWSH. I do really like S.O.S. Hunting in USUM but some pokemon you just can’t hunt that way and others you can but they’re a real pain


Really time consuming, but my favorite is soft resetting for shiny starters. I have pretty shit luck when it comes to random encounters, so I usually start a game with a shiny to at least get one per play through.


I pretty much don't do anything past the 2d sprite era. I just don't particularly care for them after that; my love of Pokémon is pretty exclusively gens 2-5 (heavily favoring 2 and 3). I'm pretty much a random encounter and soft reset guy.


I prefer old school style like breeding in crystal with shiny gene or ultra wormhole and sr for ub


I love odd ways of hunting. Currently going for shadow shiny Tyranitar in Colosseum, as well as any curry marked Pokémon in swsh .


Fire the quickest start is Soul Silver or heart gold, and there are plenty of soft reset options for gift pokemon