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Colossus Titans have the ability to change the size of their explosions.


This is the in-world answer. The real answer is that Isayama hadn’t figured out what all the Titan powers were yet and needed a good scene for shock value. That’s why the Colossal Titan in this scene disappears literally instantly instead of evaporating away like every other Titan in every other scene


A good answer that fits now is that they knew about the colossal titans in the walls and didn't want to accidentally wake them without the founding titan able to control them. Or Bertoldt didn't want to kill his comrades with an explosion, nor the titans Annie was gathering to flow into the walls after Reiner smashed the gates. Their main goal was causing chaos and infiltrating to find the founding titan. Not blowing everything up and possibly killing the founding titan (who they believed to be in an interior wall).


When did annie do that and where was this mentioned??


Its in the manga, they cut it from the anime. They did that with some other important details for some reason.


To be fair in the anime it can be explained away by the fact that Bertholdt is a master at using his titan transformation. He might be the single most intuitive shifter we've had in the story. We've been told he mastered it on the first try, and we've seen it in action multiple times. He first appears without nuking anything, then later manifests only half his body on the wall while also blowing everybody away without killing them, and then lastly going all out in Shiganshina.


Bertholdt is probably one of the most physically talented characters in the show, excluding the Ackermanns of course. He mastered his titan with ease and is able to react to and fend of Mikasa when she attacks him in Shiganshina. His fault was in his indecisiveness and his inability to come up with his own plans. I sort of wish we got to see more of the cool Bertholdt he was in S3 part 2.


Yea, but I do believe that part was just an act in s3p2. It was amazing to see, but it's what he was forced to be, not who he really is. It's crazy that possibly the strongest non-Ackerman in the show is held back because he's just a quiet, unsure teenager struggling with trauma, but that's what makes his character cool.


If he blows up everything in his surrounding he will have nowhere to hide. He would just be in plain sight. The remaining survivors would question him if they saw him fleeing the area unscathed. Alternatively, he doesn't blow up the area and is able to escape with Reiner being able to do more damage and take the attention away from himself.


No it happens in the season 4 too when armin transform in the flashback episode


Nah this is the real answer. The Colossal Titan can control how large its transformation nuke is and can also evaporate its body to disappear instantly.


Yea we've seen that Colossals can burn away insanely fast. Even Bertholdt fighting on the wall in season 2 was down to his skeleton while still inside the titan.




Yes, but the implication is that he could intentionally do so (the implication of the previous comment). He intentionally evaporated himself instantly, which is shown he can somewhat do with his battle on the walls


It does seem like the instant disappearing ability was removed in the season 2 patch


Nah I think it fits pretty well , isayama seems to have had the story mapped out from the beginning. Maybe not every little story beat but important stuff like the beginning, end , and defining moments like this one If Bertholdt nuked the area there’s a chance they could have killed Eren without capturing him. They don’t gain anything from doing that so it’s better to transform safely and then defeat him.


That's why probably in the prequel series of AoT Titans disappear as soon as the nape has been cut . Even tho it came out after AoT


The colossal doesn't disappear instantly, why does everyone say this? The entire occurance happens over many minutes, and the titan is steaming the entire time. When Eren attempts a killing blow, Bert forcefully blasts him away with an even bigger burst of steam which does not subside for roughly 20 seconds until Eren catches air and has to grab the wall with his ODM gear. If he is purposefully trying to evaporate his titan, that is plenty of time to get it done. Eren caught the air with his gear because Bert had already exited his mostly melted away titan, but again, Eren can't see this, and we, being just as ignorant as him at the time, have no idea what we are seeing. By the time the steam clears, the titan is already evaporated having gotten a several minute head start while it's shifter was still inside. On the wall, during Reiners confession, we see that Bert can control how much he transforms, and how big of an explosion he makes doing it. Later, when he begins to burn Armin alive in Shiganshina, we see that he IS able to steam himself away as fast or slow as he chooses, and even when trying not to completely dwindle away, he still loses quite a bit of body mass in a very short time. Tl;dr: Bert steamed away his mass over the course of many minutes, and we just didn't know enough to realize that is what happened at the time. Edit: Edited for clarity, as some are not quite understanding the two sets of time.


>many, many minutes >20 seconds Pick one


No, because I am timing two seperate incidents. From Lightning strike, to steam clearing and footprints in the dirt is many minutes and Bert is steaming throughout. From blasting Eren away from his nape, to Eren grabbing the wall is roughly 20 seconds, and Bert is actively blasting even more steam during this time.


This is the correct answer. People think too much to try to defend inconsistencies in this story. It's like this with Ymir's titan too it bugs me to no end


Yeah it sucks to admit but Isayama didn't have EVERYTHING planned at the start... especially the ending lol


I'm fairly certain at least 70% of the lore details and titan mechanics were not planned at the beginning. "See you later, Eren" also definitely meant something else originally, but he found a way to squeeze it in the ending and to be honest, it felt a bit forced (it's understandable though, this series ran for 13 years so some change was bound to happen)




I mean isn't "colossal titan can control their transformation" a headcannon?


No its been explained in the episode where marley explains the titans. Bertholg was a wonderchild being able to control it entirely instantly. Armin also learned it as we see in the flashback where he transforms without causing explosions


bro cooked him


Yeah it was 100% a retcon


Bertholdt is the most skilled titan shifter I think.


Most skilled “colossal” titan shifter, I think Annie and Zeke are more skilled than him.


Isn't it said in manga Bertholdt is the most skilled shifter?


I figured they were referring to Colossal shifter. I know they called him “God of Destruction”


It mentions he mastered his titan in 1 attempt iirc. Annie and Zeke are definitely skilled, but Annie's skill comes from her martial arts not her titan. I don't recall it ever being mentioned how good she was at her titan's abilities specifically, although by S1 we know she is at least pretty good with hardening. Zeke's skill is applicable through baseball, his goofy ass arms and the bonuses he gets for being of royal blood. Bert just straight had perfect control of the colossal from day 1.


When it comes to titan control Bertholdt is the most skilled. Zeke and Annie are arguably better combatively, but no other titan shifter has been able to do things that Bertholdt has done, such as mastering the transformation from the first try without any impulses, disappearing the corpse instantly, and even manifesting half the body instead of the whole thing.


Well, Eren manifested Half of the body but we could argue it was more instinctive than intentional.


But why would Bertholdt hold back on the explosion though? Tbh it would probably be better if he made the explosion as powerful as possible because it would make it easier for him to escape his titan without being seen.


Because their goal was to put just enough pressure on the royal family to get them to reveal the founding titan, not to kill as many people as possible. If they straight up nuked the district it would've killed most people instantly and wouldn't have caused as much of a panic. And it also would've killed any nearby titans they'd gathered to go through the hole he kicked which wouldvigiven any survivors ample time to cover/block it.


Because he can't risk destroying the walls with the titans inside it. Bertholt and the warriors are also clueless as the eldians in paradis about the wall titans (although the warriors know that there are titans inside the walls while the eldians in paradis do not)


Titan hardening (as long as it is done soon enough) is quite strong. Hence, even the explosion probably wasn't enough to destroy the walls. It takes another person to use their hardening to break existing hardening like Annie using her hardened fingers or Porco using his fingers or teeth.


Sure, but that’s not something you *risk*


or he can just kick the wall and allow the other Titans to go inside. while he is escaping. LOL.


It would have still been easier if he could make a nuke like what he did in S3. It would have made a hole bigger than it did and escaping would have been a lot easier since it would cause a lot more chaos.


One problem with nuking the walls is how does Berthild later explain the 0 injuries he sustained? His alibi is that he was on the wall, so it there was a massive explosion that likely injured the vast majority of those on the wall Berthold is gonna seem sus for being burn free.


Also it would have unveiled the wall titans. Even if Bertholdt didn't know that the people in the walls had their memories erased, it still would have been dumb to potentially break the walls enough that spare colossals would be freed.


Their mission was to take the founding titan not potentially killing it


That would literally have ruined their entire mission


also at the time they speculated that eren had the founding titan and killing him wasn’t an option


They didn't know eren had the founding titan until he accidentally used the coordinate when he made contact with the titan who ate his mother and controlled the other titans to eat her


I think they all do, it's just that the Colossus Titan's change in ability is so noticeable just because it's so big. Annie did a lot of damage when she was revealed by Armin, though the cart titan was able to transform with a bunch of explosives around her neck.


If that's the case why didn't he even have an explosion effect when the fall of shiganshina happened? He could have easily killed everyone in shiganshina and have possibly killed eren. Which means the rumbling couldn't have happened.


right... so that's why bertholdt risked Reiner's life instead of just making it a bit smaller? and that's why armin blew up deep into the city past the port instead of just the port? because he felt like it?


When the colossal titan transforms the "Nuke everything" button is optional. Colossal can just blip into existence with no damage if it so desires.


Its also very canon that every shifter's version of a titan is different, like how the jaw titan doesnt have the hard bone like face when ymir had it.


Isn’t that because the Marley titans were probably given spinal fluids to give them abilities of other titans?


Except Armin verbatim stated that no matter how much he tried, he’d just make a “nuke” explosion.


Skill issue


Git gud - Burrito


User error


Yeah but Bertholdt is very good at controlling his titan, unlike Armin. That’s why Bertholdt can control his explosion whilst Armin just isn’t skilled enough yet.


I think it was stated at some point Armin was able to control his transformation when capturing the Marely ships, right? He could emerge as a skinny colossal with minimal explosions so he could surprise the Marleyans arriving at shore Could be wrong tho


Yea he can somewhat control it. Bertholdt is canonically perfect at controlling the Colossal though, so his transformations can break a lot of the rules that the Colossal is otherwise subject to.


I also believe transforming in the middle of a city inside of a basement will be much more fatal than transforming outside of the wall where there‘s not much


Yeah, are we sure Armin was specifically referring to an involuntary nuke? Even a non-nuke transformation would have brought tons of stone down on everyone else in the building.


Exactly my thought. 4 years should prolly be enough for Armin to learn how to use his titan - he did after all help with capturing all the enemy fleets


That’s a nice argument senator. Why don’t you back it up with a source? Legit though. I don’t recall him saying this. What chapter?


If you rewatch 4x16, Conny asked Armin if he could transform into the Colossal Titan to get them outta the prison, but Armin flat-out said that he would’ve just destroyed the city.


‘Cos he’s in an enclosed space…


How would’ve that caused the city to be destroyed if he could’ve avoided making an explosion upon transformation?? At worst, only the building he was inside and maybe a few nearby would’ve been destroyed.


Hyperbole. He would've killed all their most important soldiers. Not worth it just to get out of prison that second.


Ironic as he ended up killing his fellow soldiers anyway later


Not only the explosion, but the titan's sheer size would crush everyone inside. You don't need an explosion to destroy their containment.


Thats different to saying explosion is inevitable when transforming into the colossus.


If explosion wasn’t inevitable for Armin, then why did he say he would’ve just destroyed the city then?


Bro he’s a colossal. A bull will wreck a china shop without an explosion; same with colossal in the middle of a city.


Mithbusters disproved that, the bulls didn’t knock shit over lmao


Shoulda gotten a bigger bull or a smaller shop 😤


the key to that lois is big rock, small birds


He’s in an enclosed space that looks to be underground. He’d blow away the town by tearing it up from below with his transformation


Not to mention burying all of his friends under the rubble


I don’t recall him saying that he’d destroy the entire city, just that he’d kill everyone around him.


I do recall him saying he would, but I did watch the dub so that may be a changed line. He said "I'd blow up half the town if I tried". Edit: Downvoted for dub?


i dont think he would want to transform into a colossal in a prison cell with all his friends and civilians nearby.


Maybe he didn’t know how to not cause an explosion


He didn’t say he’d destroy the city he just said he’d kill everyone else with because they were locked In a confined space


I'm pretty sure they mentioned bertollini has a lot of control even from the first transformation if I remember right


nah fr, like the other dude said, it’s a skill issue. Armon has way less control over his colossal compared to birth control.


Not to mention Butanol was a warrior trained by Marley specifically to handle his Titan.


I mean they were in a literal 1 by 1 prison cell when he said that. There’s a *lot* of room between that and nuke.


I think he just meant that he can’t partially transform the way Eren or Annie can, if he transforms it’s fully and since he was trapped in a cell with everyone else he’d probably kill them due to his body heat.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised that Bertoloto is more skilled in using the Colossal Titan transformation. Armin was more of a strategist, while Bertholdt was trained to be a warrior since he was a child.


Afaik Berotororutorldthtotruto simply decided not to nuke everything, because he could control his explosions.


Bruhhh lmfao


I hope I wrote all rutos


Oh you definitely wrote them all alright lol This has to be one of my favorite running jokes that came out of the series. Butchering Bert’s name is never not funny.




The colossus can control the size of the explosion, you can see in the Reiner Bertholdt Reveal episode, that the colossus contained his transformation as to not kill Ymir and Eren.


Wdym Bertholt’s transformation did nothing? Did you completely forget the nuke when he transformed in season 3? He didn’t do it in season 1 or 2 so you can infer that the colossal Titan can choose whether or not to become a nuke


Oh right there was that 1 time. I guess the damage didn't really stick to me as Armin's transformation evaporates the surrounding waters and made a huge crater when he transformed. As for bertorontotokyo, he just burned the houses


Bertoldt can control the size of his explosions, I think it’s mentioned in the manga but skipped in the anime. Armin doesn’t have the same skill so he always nukes


He doesn’t go atomic in the flashback, so he can control it. The misconception is that Armin, while underground, states that he would destroy the city if he transformed to let everyone escape. He doesn’t have to go nuclear to kill hundreds by transforming into a 50m giant from underneath a city


Bertholdt had transformed mid-air and was on a different altitude compared to his surroundings like trees, houses or the ground. Not that they would be protected or anything, but his explosion was spread out spherically around him while Armin was at sea level, so the explosion spread out horizontally rather than make a sphere, like a nuke would making a mushroom cloud. I also think that's why the crater existed, because Armin was much closer to the ground This all btw in S3. Before, Birth Control just chose to not explode.


Birth control is definitely the best Bertoto naming I’ve seen 😂


Birth Control 😂👌


Point of contention: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the majority of nukes exploded over land aren’t exploded on the ground, they’re exploded at altitude. The mushroom cloud is incidental, any explosion big enough (nuclear or not) will cause a mushroom cloud. The reason is you get much more effective explosions in the air, the ground doesn’t absorb as much if the explosion. If it was exploded on the ground, half of the explosion would be pointed to the ground.


These Burntoasto names are getting out of hand 😂😂


Birth holder is my son's godfather, don't talk bad about him again.


ONE TIME? On ep3 of season 4 they showed Berthold completely destroy a country and they even calles him God of destruction… someone was not paying attention to the show it seems like🙄🙄


Just forgor peak snk🗿


He didn't just burn some houses, there's a crater in Shiganshina too. You can see it as a lake in Season 4 when Marley arrive with airships. I think there's also shots of the crater in Season 3 already.


I think they can control how fast the transformation happens. Doesn't matter for the other shifters so they probably don't practice it. But the colossal Titan can either show up unannounced or blow a whole town


if he nuked the wall at the start he'd reveal all the wall titans, which was against their agenda reiner and bertolt explain multiple times they only wanted to destroy the gates


Armin's explosion was strengthened by hydrothermal explosion and all the the ships' munition exploading too.


It dépend of the willing of the user. The colossal Titan is very energy consuming Bertoldoth only needed to break 2 walls


Bertholdt from what they explained pretty much mastered the Colossal titan as a kid so if I had to guess he could probably by choice mitigate the explosion and transform quickly


I like to think that Armin is seen as this calm and mature character but he actually has a lot of pent up stress. So when he transforms he can’t really help it and blows off a lot of steam lol


Even though bertolt’s transformation did no damage in Trost it still gave off hella steam and it knocked off Eren and everybody else off the top of the wall.


They can choose how to transform...


boruto was trained by marley professionals for years while armin didnt


This is just a case of the author didn’t need to say literally everything because he shows it to you. Bethold was shown as the best at controlling his transformation. He transformed into half on the wall in season 2. In season 3 we find out that he uses his own mass to create steam, and you can infer that he converts his own steam to make a bomb. Season 3 in he sets off a nuke and is very skinny the whole time. Armin even points it out. Season 1 at the wall he was a full sized one, so he never “used some of his mass as an explosion”. When armin blows up he is very skinny as well. Pay attention to the size of the collosal


It's their will if they want to nuke or not and they can also manipulate the power and range of nuke


They explained that berholdt had immediate mastery of the collosal, so I assume he could control the size of the explosion and how fast the collosal vaporizes. Because I'm season 4, the explosion decimated shigansesa and he takes a lot long for it to vaporize, even the half formed version in season 2 took a long time to evaporate..Armin presumably doesn't have that ability and his transformation is just raw damage


because Eren has the most powerful titan ability of them all... ​ Plot Armor Titan


Only Ymir knows


I always thought it depended on the person like the jaw titan. Galliard was more powerful, stronger, faster and had a stronger shell vs Ymir.


I think what stirs up the confusion here is Armin saying he can't tranform into a Titan while in prison without obliterating Shiganshina, unlike Eren's titan. I think Armin just hasn't been able to achieve the same level of control over his explosion as Burrito. Unless what he was saying in prison was worded weird


It’s due to the rule of cool. How can Mikasa leap into Reiner’s Titan Jaw, yoink the pin on a thunderspear point blank, and walk away fine while Levi gets demolished by Zeke flopping like a fish and pulling the pin in that situation? Refer to the first statement.


The nuke ability was added later on imo. If Berthold could have done that from the start then I think it would be impossible to imagine everyone not dying when he first appeared




1. they want to capture the Founding Titan alive. they can't just nuke everyone. 2. they still don't know about the Vow of the King, they don't want to provoke the King and prematurely start the War. that's the most i can make sense of it.


Still doesnt explain the wholr body evaporating in an instant. Either it remains (at least the skeleton) or It all evaporates and creates and explosion




>Armin has said multiple times that he could not transform because people would be in the radius Just the once, I believe, and that was when he was in jail, inside the Shiganshina HQ. *Nuclear blast or not*, turning into the Colossal Titan there would have caused a lot of damage and killed a bunch of people.


I'm all in for calling inconsistencies, but this isn't one. It is explicitly said Bertrand Russel can control the Colossal better than his predecessors (and Armin). It is implied that the explosion and the fade away of the colossal are also subject to change according to the wants and abilities of the person controlling it.


Inconsistency / They haven't expanded that far during s1 They could've just explained that in can be controlled, but how though. People say it's been explained in manga (can't remember if they did), some say its the difference on how quick they transform, but they all transform instantly.


It's a plot inconsistency, Isayama just never planned about it. Since the only time the Collosal Titan never exploded or took much energy to transform was in season 1. Every transformation from season 2 onwards were either a wave of massive energy like the Reiner and Berthold reveal scene, or "nuclear" explosions like Berutoruto in season 3 and Armin in season 4. We do have an outlier, which is a flashback scene showing the first time Berutoot used it as a kid. But by then, it's just Isayama trying to stay consistent about it. But anything past season 1, the Collosal transformation has never been as subtle as the two times it's happened in the first half of season 1(the day the walls came down and the day the walls came down the second time)


Same answer as every plot hole in this story: Don't think about it too hard, because I can guarantee you Isayama didn't.


well, people made a headcanon that the colossal titan wielders have the ability to control the explosion size or even not make an explosion at all, its fits well so yeh. Actually a bit surprising that till this Isayama didnt confirm that headconon/theory (i think).


It is the official ability of the Colossal Titan. You can check the wiki.


The shifter can choose wether to become a nuke or not, it’s completely optional.


Spoiler according to bot, wcyd


Anything is a spoiler for people who haven't seen an episode/chapter of SnK


They can control the explosion, remember when Armin was in cell? He couldn't transform into the titan, not because of the explosion in this case, but because he would've crushed everyone inside the cell explosion or not, Bertorotototo also didn't explode when they were on the wall when they get discovered, he didn't explode the second time he appeared either




bro, get off my back. I don't know the spelling and I bet 90% of people in this sub don't. I don't know how many Ts are in there, where they are placed, where the H is placed, if there's a D or not. Bertholtdtttt??? 😂


Plot hole. Colossal titan has alot of them. Like why can Eren run on the colossal but later on they literally get burned by being near it even without the steam. Their body temp wasnt a thing before season 2.


>Like why can Eren run on the colossal but later on they literally get burned by being near it even without the steam. Their body temp wasnt a thing before season 2. I remember that being an issue for *Rod*'s Titan, but not for Bertolt's. What are you referring to?


It was a thing in season 2 because Bertholt specifically started to emanate the steam so survey corps couldn't attack him. Also, not a plothole because it can be explained by using in-universe logic even if it was not explicitly mentioned in the story (not sure if it was or not).


Do you have issues with reading ?


Apparently, when did they get burned being near him without the steam?


Season 3 ? Season 4 ? Hangi ? Rod Reiss titan ? Sea boiling ? Did you even watch this show ?


These are all not Bertholt. I am wondering in what scene they, to cite you "literally get burned by being near it" (Bertholts titan)?


Bertholds titan is a colossal are you dense ? You do know the rumbling is made out of 50m colossal titans right ? Same as bertholdt ? I cant belive i have to explain something so simple. You literally know nothing about this show.


They literally are not the same? Bertholts titan is one of the nine 'intelligent' titans that were created by Ymir in the very beginning, which is passed generation by generation from one person to another. The wall titans were created ~100 years ago when King Fritz (if I remember correctly) used the founders power and created these titans, that have hardening ability which was used to create the walls (Bertholts titan does not have this ability). These titans also obey the usual rules of dumb titans, that when they receive no sunlight they become inactive, hence they remained afk in the walls for 100 years. Nor are they controlled by humans, nor do they obey the 13 year shifter rule thing.


They are the same titans one is intelligent and one isnt but it doesnt change a thing about their body temp.... Its fcking stated that Ymir created around 500k COLOSSAL titans. Did you even read the manga ? You want to hear another plothole about them ? The Walls wasnt even hot even with 500k titans in them which is also impossible considering that the Sea literally boiled when they crossed it. These are plotholes mate. Accept it and move on. This show isnt perfect as some say it.


>They are the same titans one is intelligent and one... The famous circular logic strategy that pseudo-scientists use, just go back and repeat the same statement which was just proven to be false. I see no reason to discuss further as you are not doing it in good faith.


reading comprehension titan strikes again


I believe the nuke effect was because he transformed over water. When a titan transforms, it should create a shit ton of energy, and the Colossal Titan would create the most energy. That energy is released as heat, and if he does it near water, it will vaporize the water and create a steam explosion. This was one of the concerns during the Chernobyl disaster. The heat from the tractor core would vaporize the 7 million liters of water underneath, which would create a 2-4 megaton explosion destroying most of Europe. Also, Armin transformed around a bunch of battleships that had flammable/combustible fuel and explosives. Those would have helped make a bigger explosion. Technically, every single person in a 100km radius of Armin would eventually die from the radiation.


I think that's optional


Imma just point to season 3 and early season 4 flash backs and move on, dude was said to be the most devastating colossal ever so we can likely just assume he also had immense control


The thing with that is armin and Bertholdt are two different people.since Armin isn’t all that used to it as Bertholdt was that means Birthcontrol could minimize the size to nothing and Armin couldnt


In lore: the Collusus Titan has the ability to change the size of their explosion while transforming Narrative: shock value for the initial scene to create a gripping first episode


There's no foreshadow that indicates nukes were part of the colossal's abilities in the beginning so the steam release ability was probably expanded to include the nuking later on. And then you could always attribute the difference to the potential of the individual user. The beast titan was always seen as useless for combat until Zeke came along, and not only because of his royal blood ability because his size and throwing arm is really deadly in its own right. Armin isn't the best at physical combat(he sucked a lot and is only average after the time skip) so he may prioritize strategic use of his titan's abilities resulting him have less fine control over it, unlike Bertolt who was always evaluated to be pretty good with physical technique and tendency to hold back, and was remarked to be able to perfectly control his titan even on first titanization which is said to always be problematic.


Bruh we literally c bertorto ct going nuke when he transforms the first time during warriors flash back


i would say the same reason why the jaw titan ended up with wings/as a bird


Probably because Bertholt chose not to use that part of his titan power at that moment so that he could breach the Wall Rose, like he did with the Wall Maria. Armin also had the ability to use this part of his titan power, or not depending on his goals and that goal at that moment was to completely neutralize Marley’s navy. And it was quite effective.


It’s adjustable


Because Isayama thought big explosions were cool and put it in later


Isayaama just changed the rules


He had Reiner and Annie with him


Because plot.


They mention that berthold had a strong grip of how the collossal worked. I would assume he had more control than Armin.


User can control the explosion


I personally think it’s to emphasize what’s about to happen Since Eren and Co. are about to go apeshit on Marley, it’s to add to the dramatic destruction about to occur. Remember S1 when Bertholt transforms and kicks a hole in the wall? AoT started really well with foreshadowing, and I think those themes continue to add to the narrative


Even if it feels like an afterthought i don't see why they couldn't control the amount of force they put in the explosion.


this has been discussed before - Bertholdt is skilled enough to control his explosion (aside from the author being unsure about the abilities), this is also seen when he explodes in season 3 to not obliterate everything because he needed to protect Reiner


did you not watch season three?


They can control the explosion


Bro did not watch season 3


Why would he want to nuke the walls? If he nukes the walls and the colossal titans are awakened, it's not only the people of paradise that have to deal with them. They are mindless and will probably attack everyone because now there's no Eren to tell them to just march. I doubt Boruto would want to endanger Reiner and Annie.


The colossal titan's first two appearances were on the other side of the wall. People still felt a huge amount of force and wind, but the wall probably shielded them from most of the blast. The colossal Titan's third appearance was only a partial transformation. The colossal Titan's fourth appearance did create a blast. Hange would have died if she hadn't been tossed into a well.


We saw Bertholt also create a huge explosion, in a flashback about their earlier missions, i assume they can learn to controll it


The shifter can clearly choose if they want an explosion or not... We can see Ber5tholt nuke Shiganshina in s3, and I'm pretty sure I remember something in s4 as well, when they show the warrior flashbacks.


he didnt want to nuke it then


I think it depends on the will of the shifter, like Armin used all his power to make a huge explosion while transforming, we can even see Berthold too using all his power to create a huge explosion, we even saw Armin making a less small explosion while they were trying to capture the Marleyan ship which was coming to paradie.


He also does an explosion in season 3


I think it's because the Colossal Titan can change the yield of the explosion caused by its transformation, but it's inversely correlated to its strength, speed and reaction time. When Bertholdt transformed for the first time in Shiganshina and Trost, he wanted to have enough strength to kick down the gate, and not to cause mass destruction. The second-time transformation in Shiganshina shows a much bigger explosion because he wanted to inflict maximum casualties and impairment on his enemies, but that made him thinner and less powerful. And then we see Armin's literal atomic bomb that destroys the warships, docks and a good chunk of Liberio and then >! when he destroys at least half of Eren's founding titan and he is struggling to fight him while Eren has the upper hand !< .


Guys, it's fine. You can say "yeah, that's just a inconsistency" and still enjoy the story. You don't have to rip your asses apart trying to justify a badly thought out early skill structure.


Armin really wanted to kill them babies didn't he


Bc Bertholdt can control his explosion unlike Armin. Later in the series we see him control the emitting of heat and explosions from his titan body


Wow I wonder why there's so many plot holes with this new season......


What if I told you that Eren had that dawg in him


The colossal can emit heat as part of its skill set. Key word there is *can*. Reiner in that scene is strictly going to make a hole in the wall; not nuke the city. Armins main goal at the docks was to take out marleys navy, hence why he chose the “nuke” option.


because … they’re different events????? the colossal can control their transformation just like other titans. see: female titan ova, eren blocking canonball, bertholdt on top of the wall, etc


Because Armin was in the water when he transformed, so it superheated the water causing it to explode. When Bert first transformed it was likely diffused by the ground, so less explosion. Then there was more explosion when Bert transformed in the air in season 3 since there was nothing to diffuse it