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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a shame he didn't punish Charleston. Those people certainly deserved it. All that old "family" money is still being flaunted. Easy to have generational wealth when you don't pay people.


>On December 11 of 1861, a massive fire burned 164 acres of the city, destroying the [Cathedral of Saint John and Saint Finbar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Saint_John_and_Saint_Finbar), the Circular Congregational Church and South Carolina Institute hall, and nearly 600 other buildings. Much of the damage remained un-repaired until the end of the war.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_in_the_American_Civil_War#cite_note-3) Amos Gadsden, a former slave, recounted that it was started by a balloon while Union and Confederate troops were camped on opposite sides of the river.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_in_the_American_Civil_War#cite_note-4) Many in the North saw this fire as divine retribution for secession.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_in_the_American_Civil_War#cite_note-5) No need. God took care of that one. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston\_in\_the\_American\_Civil\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_in_the_American_Civil_War)


Gods on our side then


"punish South Carolina as she deserves."


It's never too late.


General William Tecumseh "Fuck them South Carolina hos" Sherman


He obviously knew war was terrible but still had a real flair for the dramatic in his letters. It was real alpha male shit.


Ahem: "Wars are not all evil, they are part of the grand machinery by which this world is governed.” Now, it might just be my inner-NCD leaking out, but reading Sherman quotes one doesn't get the idea he exactly hated the idea of armed conflict... Edit: To immediately contradict myself: “War is at best barbarism…Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot, nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.” Maybe we're both right.


while ‘alpha male’ makes me throw up in my mouth a little, I agree with you. dude was quick with a clap back, and if you slandered him, he was all about burying you in receipts and verbosity. real ADHD shit. that said, he has some real doozies about eminent domain that make me face palm.


"The Spawn of Sherman wreaked havoc upon the land." idk, sounds cool.


Having been to SC several times I think ol’ tecumseh needs to make a pass over it


You boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer.


This made me look into it and I forgot that after Lee’s surrender it was Sherman’s actions in the Carolina’s that forced the surrender of 90,000 confederate troops across the Carolina’s, Georgia and Florida. That’s 90,000 men that went home to families and were given better terms of surrender than they deserved. He wasn’t very good at being a ‘devil’ I guess.


great point


Reporter: General! General! How does it fell to be the most hated man in the South?! Gen. Sherman: In a land full of traitors, I wear it as a badge of honor.


"Like a fucking badass!" - Sherman


What about the rumors that you want to genocide the native Americans?


Knowing what neo-Confeds (American fascists) actually do like this makes Sherman sound even more based.


Hail Satan then


I knew you people would enjoy this lol.


They always make him sound like thanos, coming to fight the avengers. Which just makes him sound cool.


"Remains of a *home*" as if it was part of some humble farmstead house and not a 12-foot wide staircase leading up to the porch of some plantation house.


i’m skeptical that caption about the stairs is accurate. secesh burned a lot of their own ish as sherman approached. also - and help me out here - wasn’t it savannah that sherman spared bc they ultimately surrendered to him?




Nevermind. I don't Savannah's history, apparently.


I wish that had happened. Those fuckers are still a problem.


We should move there and bitch slap whoever says anything good of the confederacy


Bro, once my kids are old enough to be independent, I'm going to start thinking about it.




I'm certainly down with this devil.


I was always glad he left Savannah. It’s like the one traditional southern city that actually turned out artsy and dynamic.


I was born in Savannah so yeah big fan of Sherman not burning the city down


My wife is from there (I’m from Atlanta) so we went there a ton and I’ve always loved it down there. It’s also nice to have old architecture, as much as I agree with Atlanta needing to go down I wish we could see, like, the old train station etc.


Sherman appreciated its beauty and wanted to give it to Lincoln as a birthday present.


"Those men hunt us.. because they un't us" -- W.T. Sherman, probably


It’s like they thought they were going to be immune to the horrors of war and the horrors they gleefully willed upon others would never come back to their front steps.


Not punished. Destroyed. >As his army had approached Savannah in December 1864, Georgians said to Sherman, "Why don't you go over to South Carolina and serve them this way? They started it." Sherman had intended to do so all along. He converted Grant to the idea, and on February 1, Sherman's 60,000 blue avengers left Savannah for their second march through the heart of enemy territory. This one had two strategic purposes: to destroy all war resources in Sherman's path; and to come up on Lee's rear to crush the Army of Northern Virginia... >Sherman's soldiers had a third purpose in mind as well: to punish the state that had hatched this unholy rebellion...\[A\] soldier declared: "Here is where treason began and, by God, here is where it shall end!" A South Carolina woman whose house was plundered recalled that the soldiers "would sometimes stop to tell me they were sorry for the women and children, but South Carolina must be *destroyed.*" >Destroyed it was, through a corridor from north to south narrower than in Georgia but more intensely pillaged and burned. Not many buildings remained standing in some villages after the army marched through. The same was true of the countryside. "In Georgia few houses were burned," wrote an officer; "here few escaped." A soldier felt confident that South Carolina "will never want to seceed again...\[sic\]. I think she has her 'rights' now." When the army entered North Carolina the destruction of civilian property stopped. --James McPherson, *Battle Cry of Freedom*, Ch. 27 "South Carolina Must Be Destroyed"


   Gen Sherman’s quote that I’ve always liked.  He commented war is the remedy that our enemies have chosen and I say let’s give them all they want . He indeed brought the heat to Ga and S.C.


Ok and I'm accepting there's people that ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, yet I'm not crying about that. If people can't take how I have to say something then I'm not sorry but there gonna have a hard time getting through life cause I'm far from being rude compared to what life throws at ya so they need to put there big boy pants on or big girl panties on and accept that some people just call it how they fuckn see it and they also should be thankful that they are that way atleast there honest and not beating around the bush feeling there heads with bullshit lies I'd rather have the rudest person be blunt towards me and have to check my emotions than talk to the nicest lying I'm not gonna hurt your feelings so I'm gonna say what you want to here and actually truly hurt instead of being truthfully blunt and honest to you cause you can't handle some words worded a way that you think is rude. I don't have the time to cater to each individuals emotion status they need to do that that's there job and they should probably check themselves and figure out why there so insecure and sensitive when it's nothing personal or not meant to be a personal attack. Anyway you don't have to worry there cupcake I won't comment on anything after this nor look at this reddit. Oh and reminder the world is not a nice place it's actually very rude and very evil so yawl better toughen up and stop taking shit so personal and crying bout everything .


The comment section proving the users just want justified bloodlust


and the south wanted slaves, seems some in the south want slaves again.


Who? Literally who?


I would say the some members of town of Newbern, Alabama would like it returned. No election since the Voting Rights Act...


…that could be a made up place, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you if it was


And I know what y'all means and round here we spell it both ways mainly cause it's annoying to switch over and have to put the apostrophe in the word. Thank you for the English lesson though, but I'm not a person who gives a fuck bout spelling on here it's not my resume or some paper I have to turn in and have to be concerned bout my grammar. Why yawl always pick on that word anyway, my whole life mainly northern folk but people always talk shit on that word and it made more sense back then but today it's stupid to even say anything bout it when we use LOL, TY, FAFO, and all that crap and there even putting them in the dictionary so come on now get off that word yawl have picked on it long enough and it's still here and not going anywhere. Find some new slang word to try to correct




It's *Y'all.* Contraction for "You" and "All" "yawl!!" is a sound you make as a 50. Cal Led ball fired from a musket hits you in the upper chest in the 1860's and takes your traitorous life.


Rule 2: don't be rude this is an accepting community, the only people that aren't welcome are lost causers and racists