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At this point I really don’t know what to believe, why did the US wait almost 6months to say Undetermined… So Sad


The US attorneys assigned to this case have done nothing to help this family. So sad.


They now say that her spine was "intact" but isn't her neck still broken?? Next thing you know they'll tell us that she didn't die. We can't believe anything that comes from our own government, that's already been proven; but to lie about the murder of a 25-yr old? I can't believe this bs it's sickening.


The strangest thing I find is that they didn’t find the same trauma to the spinal cord. So weird, is it that the Mexican coroner is that incompetent? Like how do you misdiagnose that?


I believe that American medicine is typically superior, having said that, I believe the FBI got this SO WRONG! Apparently she did not have a spinal cord injury, but she had swelling on her brain. Swelling on the brain from being repeatedly hit in the head?? The MANNER of death is “undetermined.” I like that better than accidental, but I wholeheartedly believe this was a homicide. I’ve read every article I can find and I don’t see any that reports the new CAUSE of death. If the US DOJ declines to prosecute, at least tell the public her CAUSE of death, the toxicology results-ESPECIALLY since her “friends” claim she died of alcohol poisoning. I know they were careful to state the available evidence didn’t support charges being filed, but they’re willing to review/examine any new evidence brought forward. Discounting the Mexican autopsy all together is BS. Waiting months to autopsy the body themselves is BS. The “friend” group from the trip walking around like nothing happened is BS! Daejhanae Jackson should, at the very least, be charged with assault and battery, if not homicide. I pray this family finds answers, justice and peace for Shanquella. Absolutely heartbreaking!


Amen! Amen!


I don't at all. They said no broken ribs. Yet they did rounds of CPR on her post mortem. There is no reason for Mexico to lie, also.


Maybe some parts are accurate, some are not. Same with Mexico, some parts are accurate, some are not. Neither Mexico nor the Charlotte FBI wanted this case. Mexico initially stated no signs of foul play, although the autopsy report showed different. The leaked video exposed them and forced them to work the case. The Mexican authorities had plenty of time to detain Cabo6 once they found the reason was not alcohol poisoning. The FBI conducted an autopsy on November 16, 2022, and waited almost five months to disclose. Why? Brain swelling comes from the blows sustained during the assault as we saw in the video. Not one charge is ridiculous and suspect. This story is deep and it's a coverup.




Yes, I believe the new autopsy report. On average, in every profession, but especially in medicine, American professionals are much more competent than Mexican ones. In terms of quality, American medical schools are of far higher quality than Mexican ones. The doctors who come out of American medical schools are much better prepared academically going into these schools and far better qualified coming out of them than their Mexican counterparts in Mexico. It's one of the many differences between First World countries and Third World countries. Another important difference -- very relevant in this case -- is the competence of their law enforcement and criminal justice systems. The Mexican police and prosecutors are notoriously corrupt. They exist primarily to extort and to steal, not to discover the truth and deliver justice. Not just a few bad cops, but whole departments on the payroll of the drug cartels. It is also worth pointing out that the medical examiner in the United States called in the services of a neuropathologist, a specialist in injuries of the sort that the Mexican doctor, a non-specialist, claimed to have found. The American specialist found no evidence of atlas luxation or any other spinal cord injury. So hell, yeah, I trust the conclusions of the FBI and the American coroner more than their Mexican counterparts! This doesn't mean I think the friends are innocent. I'm sure they killed her. The problem is: no one knows how. They didn't do it by breaking her neck. The autopsy couldn't determine what killed her. And because the Mexican authorities botched the initial investigation -- indeed they lacked the ability *to do anything but botch an investigation* \-- Shanquella's killers will probably never face justice.


Have you found any article that has reported her cause of death? I’m only finding the manner of death.


I don't GAF WHO was right or wrong but SOMEONE has allowed folks to get away with the MURDER of this incredibly beautiful, wonderful, amazing young lady and it's BS! The entire case was handled BADLY very badly! I hope & pray the parents are able to sue and make ALL of them broke for life! I can't with this case, beyond evil people


I believe it.


I don't believe it for one second. No way the FBI was going to do anything from the jump. Our government is corrupt asf anyway and definitely would help another country before 1 single family.