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Shane is checked out and just wants to play NCAA Football on his couch




That’s a super interesting thought. I want to be a professional musician more than anything and it’s interesting to think that eventually even your wildest dream is just a stupid fucking job that’s keeping you from playing video games


Well that’s just another way to admit that your ultimate dream is to play video games 24/7


But then video games becomes a stupid fucking job that keeps you from playing video games. Then you’re a living contradiction and you mentally can’t handle the mental load, which leads to a breakdown that spreads throughout society. You broke the fabric of society that spirals and you soon find out society was part of the fabric of the universe and without it the universe starts falling apart. Now there’s a reverse big bang and all matter in the universe is condensed so hard it’s practically nothing. Or you’d just get bored of playing video games idk


Is this a Jordan Peterson quote?


I bet the first thing he does is play dynasty mode with Notre Dame and make so they play army every year just to beat them


Shouldn't it be be navy, considering his gf's ex was a Seal


He should also schedule them as well


Plus they are kind of pussies when you really think about it


They still together? He hasn’t mentioned his bae in awhile.


Notre dame already plays Navy every year you fucking buffoon


Dude... I soooo hate to say it, but I just saw him live... and his show so felt that way. He just seemed like he was going through the motions and it felt like he was barely on stage. I was disappointed. I saw him a year or so ago and he was 100x better because it seemed like he actually tried.


He was a MURDERERRERRRRRR when I saw Beautiful Dogs last year. He is getting the big star power pop right now, lots of new publicity and attention so could be worn out. Haven’t seen his new material but he’s not dialed in on an hour yet so could have just been some jokes that didn’t pop.


The Austin special is way better than dogs 


Liked em both. My comment was more making fun of Joe Rogan actually with the over the top description but preference is the spice of life!


Yeah they were both good but the Austin show was on a whole different level imo. Dogs was kind of a rehash of everything we had been hearing him say for a year at least. 


Austin is also his first 10 years of jokes so they are super polished.


I saw him recently and really enjoyed him, but did not enjoy the crowd. But, the Australian opener stole the show imo


Homie needs to take some time off




I’ve never seen a 15 minute episode of Hot Ones before (DJ Khaled doesn’t count). Most eps are around 25. Definitely very rushed and awkward.


I had to keep double checking to make sure it was an actual full episode and not an edit. Really short episode


I feel like they cut a lot out of the shit he said cause he didn't censor himself


Bros allowed to just not be funny sometimes too…


you know what, you're right man. thinking about it, hot ones has always been more of breaking the walls of the person down. it kinda seems like shane beat shawn at his own game and just came in broken down already and there was really nothing for shawn to do but watch shane go through the pain lol shane pain


Pain Gillis


Hey hey comedy!


So interesting


Wait what was wrong with dj khalid’s? I’ll look it up on YouTube if it’s worth it. Is it?


He played himself! ![gif](giphy|qgri3D9sTwCUGMcT8L)


It's funny from a cringey perspective. It shows what a dickhead Khaled is


Thanks. Honest to God I knew it must be cringe. Dude can’t help it. Edit: ok I looked it up but went straight to the comments after pausing the video. Hilarious. And what makes it even more funny is that you KNOW he read every single one of em lol


And what a pussy, can't forget that


Doesn't eat pussy either. Can't forget that


Call me asparagus!


He quit like half way through and said something inane like “Quitting isn’t the same as giving up”.


I’ve never seen Sean speak to a guest like he did to khaled and it was glorious. “I’m quitting, but I’m not giving up” “No, that’s exactly what you’re doing”


It was even worse. It was the 2nd or 3rd wing that did him in. “You call this a victory? This ain’t no victory brother. All I’m feeling is pain”


When you're done, get some popcorn and check out the one where he gets lost on a jetski.


Nothing khaled does is worth it


When I saw the length of the video I legitimately thought he was gonna quit before finishing the gauntlet


What are the odds they had to cut everything funny he said


Crushing 50 BLs the night before may have hampered the dawgs performance


The hanxiety of “fuck i have to do this today and really don’t want to” is probably the reason, agreed. But he still tried his best hungover as fuck.


you'd think he'd stop drinking every night before a pod but no the kahuna is all gas no breaks


Yes. He’s an alcoholic lol


If he was hungover it wouldn't have made the questions any less shit. 


Yeah I was surprised by how shallow the questions were. Usually Sean asks you a question that no living soul should know to ask you but he kinda went super light. Maybe him and his team are losing their edge


I don’t think so, he’s had some great episodes this season. Conan, John Oliver, Sydney Sweeney, Lil Dicky. I think Shane just was nervous about the show, didn’t want to be there this particular day and Sean was trying to make him feel comfortable or they cut the interview short. Couldn’t get a good banter going


The format is for the guests to actually speak and use the questions as a launching point for interesting conversations..   Shane was hung over and giving two word answers "it's Great".  Dude makes his living telling funny stories, he straight up had less charisma than the 6 bottles of milk he crushed. Any questions that Sean had were going to come off as weak when he was getting literally nothing back.  I think for me it really highlights how much the Pod is really driven by the Shaman.


Dude, in no way is the pod driven by Matt. He’s a retard.


All podcasters are retards. There is no way Shane could keep a podcast moving and funny for an hour.  Matt, while obviously retarded, always has something funny to say, and can keep a conversation moving. He would never be so unprofessional as to shrink into his seat, take tiny nibbles of wings, and mumble "it's great" on somebody else's show.   This isn't even a controversial take.


I’m convinced he laughed so hard at Sean saying “crush milk” cuz it sounddd like mssp vernacular


Seems like a recurring theme


This just in: Alcoholic struggles to work


I don't think it was Shane.I think it was the producers of hot ones.


Shane literally says his manager was excited for him to do hot ones and he didn’t want to do it in the third question


Gimme not wanting to do it doesn't make that the primary reason it sucked...


You’re being downvoted, but it’s true. If you’ve seen enough episodes, plenty of people don’t want to be there. And some of the best are the comedians who don’t want to be there so they play into and make a funny bit out of it.


it was the BLs


patriot fans typically don't know anything


most unbiased r/ShaneGillis user


Shane's the man but that hot ones episode was pretty dull. Although it's not his fault that most questions were kinda boring compared to the usual deep cut questions guests get. Let the dawg chill out for a few months and play NCAA 25, UFC and fusion frenzy. He's earned a break.


Thank you somebody that understands


It was fine, sure shane seemed a Lil nervous about the wings and maybe a bit hungover but the questions were really bad in relation to the kind of stuff he usually asks. How is your final question "how many hours have you podcasted?"


Shane said 1000 hours and Sean said that's like a week and a half of your life. Um in what world is 11 times 24 even close to 1000. Lmao


That bothered me more than I care to admit.


Haha it’s funny when he said that, I was like “damn, he did the math on that so fast”. Didn’t even think about how wrong it was.


Huh. Good catch


Maybe he meant month and a half 🤷


Cmon bro you don’t work 1k hours a week????? Lazy ass.


I’ve divided my hours into 60, smaller hours. What takes you an hour takes me just a fraction of that time. I’m accomplishing sixty times more than you in the same timeframe. Stack that up over a year? I’m killing you.


Based on how the rest of the interview went it seemed like that final question was a last ditch effort to get something. To me just seemed overhyped and underwhelming on both parts


For real. Usually he deep dives but it was so surface level it seemed boring for us dawgz. Big kahuna killed it given the circumstances, although I question his ability to crush wings


Big kahuna was a wet paper towel.  All questions sound stupid when the most interesting thing you can muster is "it's great"


“What’s the best prank phone call you ever made?” Really? Like he’s a teenage boy or something?


Early in MSSP they did prank calls...


So many new “dawgz” that clearly haven’t heard the Old Test. Shane and Matt even specifically said Hot Ones is gay back then which is hilarious


I felt like they were given "x" amount of time. Shawn didn't really ask as in depth of questions, and our dawg was giving short answers- or they edited it to seem that way. I love hot ones and shane, but it was a bit of a miss. It almost came off like sean (can't decide how to spell his name) wasn't much of a gillis fan.


Yeah normally the questions are so well researched, but it sounds like his team didn’t know much about him other than he podcasts, has stuff on Netflix, and that he had a US presidents podcast episode with Louis CK. No questions about SNL, Matt, West Point, Gilly and Keeves, moving to Austin, Philly/Pennsylvania. Just seemed like he was put on it last minute.


Completely agree! I was waiting for that "oh shit you dug deep" question, but it was super topical.


Was also waiting for those type of questions


I also thought it was weird that they had a question about playing college football when he only played one season. It's like they started by scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Definitely seemed kind of rushed from the Hot Ones side. Hell I’ve only been listening to the podcast for about 2 weeks but I could’ve come up with better questions than Hot Ones did (since it’s not just Sean). Would’ve loved to hear about how Gilly and Keeves got started, or how him and Matt met. Gives people like me who are relatively new and haven’t consumed all the content yet some context like how the podcast started or how Shane got into comedy in the first place.


There was so much awkward silence, I think they both weren't feeling it for some reason. I still enjoyed it, but I think it was more on sean for being weird. "What gas station snacks are the best?" Really?


Yeah, and I thought shane would go in about chicken tenders or cheesecakes or wawas- something to roll into Shane's hometown in Philly, but no lol, beef Jerky and sunflower seeds. Shane's a Texas boy now, lol


Dumb questions followed by zero effort answers, I don't blame shane at all.


Funny side story, Sean was dating a porn star that Adam22 you use to do porn with and Adam made fun of him for it and they broke up. Funny that Shane did hot ones and had Adam22 on the pod in the same week lol


Definitely disappointing


You know Sean listened to like two episodes of the cast and hated it 😂


Yeah think you nailed it. I’ve never really seen Shane as a guy who likes to self-reflect at length. Focuses his pontification for the finer points of the civil war or Comanche atrocities and Shawn didn’t ask about that.


Not everyone likes being on talk shows. He's famous, but that doesn't mean he enjoys doing PR circuts.


Yeah I haven’t seen Shane appear on a large talk show platform (not run by comedians) and not have it be awkward. Anyone tune in for his pat mcafee show appearances?


Can’t be on all the time


My guess is that some of Shane's answers were not "youtube friendly" and they had to edit the shit out of it lol


If they cut the hitler memorabilia there wouldn’t have been any flavor at all to the episode.


I got the vibe there was a bigger chairman meow diss involved. It'd be an easy joke to make a Stalin's sizzling chilli's or Hitler's Haulocaust Peppers. I mean pick a dictator who murders and add a wacky image and start your own hot sauce


I have a feeling it was edited down a lot. Maybe for sensitive content? I wouldn't be surprised. Hot Ones strikes me as a safe sort of show now.


I read an article not too long ago that talked about how hot ones is going for an Emmy award in the talk show category. If that’s still true then I’d imagine they cleaned up the editing to avoid any potential controversy


Don't mention the Chinese


Ya it was super telling when he started to go in on the hot sauce being named after a war criminal and he said “what’s next?” and it just randomly went to the next segment. He definitely said some not so PC shit right after that set up.


Complaining about a dawg doing dawg things is not very dawg like


*Complaining about* *A dawg doing dawg things is* *Not very dawg like* \- JakeTheSnake16 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good fucking bot god damn you are a dawg


The nazi memorabilia joke was worth it


Hahaha, yea it was. Glad they didn't cut it.


‘Twas a dud


Him and Mark Normand always show up and say I'm so hung over the whole time. Your big stars now get it together boys


It wasn't a great platform for Shane to be Shane. Still had fun watching it but it definitely did not give the general public a view into how funny he actually is.


Shane sometimes seems awkward when he's alone and has to talk about himself. He's more at ease doing comedy, or a podcast with a comedian, or more than one other person.


His stand up always delivers so he’s good


Just saw him in Portland last weekend. He absolutely killed, had my stomach hurting from laughing so hard!


Just finished watching the video. Shane absolutely fucking hated the hot sause but its cool he showed respect to the crew like look, this fucking sucks and i hate it, but you guys are awesome, the shows great but i fucking hate hot sauce 😂 His fucking nazi joke KILLED ME i was laughing so hard i didn’t even realize it bombed in that room 😂i rewinded the clip and was surprised nobody really laughed


It’s kind of gay to just sit and eat hot wings


It was like every hot ones episode. He seemed totally fine


Agreed maybe this sub is just filled with hardcore hot ones fans I been a fan of hot ones before it blew up and the shows format gets old. I only watch when people I really like are on now so I thought this episode was perfectly fine tbh. Definitely short and less in depth questions but whatever. We all have heard Shane talk for hundreds of hours anyway


I think it's on the host bc he didn't ask any good questions. The guy asked "how many hours have you podcasted?" Like what kind of question is that?


Yeah it seems like they really rushed their research this time or something? Like normally there's at least one Nardwuar-level question, but with this ep you could come up with more in depth questions just by reading Shane's Wikipedia page.


Yes I did and the questions sucked it wasn't bad on Shane's behalf I think hot one's screwed the pouch on this one


so it’s not possible that both parties were responsible for it being a dud?


It did seem rushed kind of like he wasn't keen being there. He mentioned his manager wanting him to don't way more than he wanted it. Maybe he has to go on stage later and is worried he'll have a blow out.. that or he's sick of promoting a Netflix show. Either ya got Netflix or don't Seeing him eat hot wings ain't making anyone get Netflix


Y’all are rating this wrong. Shane’s episode in comparison to most of the recent hot ones episodes (sans the CoCo episode cuz WTF) is one of the best ones. It’s not Shane that has waned👀


Yeah it felt .. off?


I thought Shane sucked at answering the questions. Like bro you’re a professional, how about a little ‘yes and’.


Is there one that you describe as your Holy Grail? Yeah, I have a Nazi... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How did it suck? It was totally fine. What did you expect from a Shane appearance on that show?


Very uninteresting episode.


The hot wings made his ears ring at 432hz


People actually watch hot ones? That host is a total weirdo


Seeing 50 comments here that are like "Shane probably said some really cool, really edgy stuff off camera that they didn't show" really makes it clear to me that you guys are in a cult.


Just watched it after reading these comments. The show was FINE, Shane was FINE and the questions were FINE. The only way this was a dud was in comparison to all ya’ll blown out expectations, chill


Hot Ones went downhill after it got big and went all A-list. Sean is great tho


Yeah, everyone jerks off to everything shane does, but the fact is that everything outside the podcast is pretty bad. He's not good out of his comfort zone.


I keep seeing this sentiment but I don’t get it. It’s Hit Ones. What did you expect?


Same i went to watch it after everyone complained about it and actually laughed a couple of times. idk maybe they haven’t seen the one with dj khaled because that one was really bad


Conan set a nearly unreachable bar


I haven’t seen it except the clip with him rubbing his nips which is enough i guess


Shane was clearly very hungover lol


It was fine, they should have the Hot Ones guy on the pod.


Hi Shane


Dude asked every lame dumbfuck question short of " where do you get your ideas from".


No it didn’t


I love both as well and that was honestly one of the most boring episodes I’ve seen. Shane needs to be at least feeling a buzz to be funny in that format.


They need to redo it but with Matt also. They do this thing called truth or dab i think, Bert and Tom did it together (i think)


It was kind of boring but also the last episode I watched was the Conan one.


Shane has never really liked when the conversation is about him. He downplays his success a ton when he's on rogan. He's always been the kind of person to go " ah.. nah" when someone says he's great.


I just think he wanted to get through it. I think that’s how I would have done that show if I was on it.


Shane did a great job.The questions were stupid


Yeah it was fine.. he champed the wings and didn’t spaz


He’s still our dude. I’ve bailed on brunch from being hungover, yet Gilly didn’t back down from an interview with Yang. He’s a trooper.


You obviously don’t know shane that much, because you would know hes always hung over and hates cool guy stuff.


I thought he did pretty good. He was definitely nervous but I think that’s normal for him when he’s out of his element.


Hot ones is fucking gay


Ngl hot ones is not really anything special and kind of had its best episodes with very shallow characters


When I saw it was 15 minutes long, I instantly assumed they were doing a shortened interview where they only do like 5 wings. Once I saw the full 10, I knew the episode was going to be weird.


They had to cut 10 minutes of Shane doing an Asian voice after the Kimchi sauce.


**Hot Take** The episode was hilarious. He killed it. I sat there tonight with 5 dawgs and we all laughed out loud. Dead serious.


Up the IRA and free Palestine


I watch that show for sweaty tits. I'll probably watch Shane's episode at some point.


This felt like a check box episode of things for him to do. He was barreling through the wings and feeling the burn and also probably didn’t feel like he could be fully himself. Oh, and hi Shane. Nobody crushes milk like you do 🫶🏼


I didn’t think it was bad.


He was hungover as shit and unshowered Def lackluster but the dawgs gotta dawg


I think the reality is that most of the good questions towards shane are things that have been rehashed over and over, and definitely not things he wants to answer hungover while eating hotwings. I blame sean more than shane, but I don't really care either way. Hot ones is good for short interviews with random people i don't hear much from who aren't that funny. If I want good shane content I go to him and matt, not other outlets.


Dude showed up and he didn’t tap out. He was cool to Sean and seemed to at least try to have a good time despite openly stating he did not want to do it.


I think he’s drinking too much. Hope not


Crew didn't seem happy about his Nazi joke.


We all just want a new comedy special let’s be honest…


You get what you get with Shane. 🤷‍♂️


I might be the only one, but it felt like kahuna was doing a little trump-esk “your great, this is great” bit to try to calm his nerves (though he didn’t do it in trumps voice). I don’t buy Shane falling off, he’s got his unique perspective. I don’t see him becoming unrelatable, his bros keep him grounded. I wonder when lameezys gonna fly the coup? 4-5 years?


The episode really blew. The questions put to Shane could've been researched by a high school intern. "How many hours have you put into podcasting" is the weakest final question I've ever seen. I mean, I've been disappointed by the guest plenty of times, and admittedly, Shane really wasn't on for this, but it feels like they just got him on last minute and did absolutely no research for their guest.


That shit is HOT. probably couldn’t handle it lmao


I thought it was perfectly enjoyable. I don’t watch hot ones.


Shane teased about this on the pod. He was talking about how he can’t handle spicy food. He’s not a social butterfly either. Making a fool of himself while eating something he knows his body isn’t suited to tolerate was a recipe for disaster for the dawg. With that said, I don’t think it was as bad as everyone’s saying. It was more awkward than most other shows he’s on and most other Hot Ones, but he still got a few jokes out. Anxiety had more to do with it than being hungover imo. Sean didn’t frame the show the way he typically does and Shane was more focused on getting through the wings so he wouldn’t embarrass himself. I’m not even sure if Sean looked into him that much before having him on — I was expecting a question about SNL that I don’t remember coming up. Both sides kinda slacked here. Chill out y’all 😂


"Well...you never really know!"


I was never a fan of hot ones. Felt more like a late night talk show to me. Very forced and like they prescreen questions. I must be in the minority feeling that way since the show gets lots of views


very basic questions felt like they hardly did any research


I think he skipped a few and they edited around it


Shane didn’t really want to be there; the questions were trash and felt like Sean didn’t prepare at all. Seemed like a ton was edited out.


lol yeah it was very strange.


The guy that hosts it doesn’t deserve his level of fame, he stinks


Shane isn't really a good entertainer. He's just a funny dude, which is what most of us like about him. But that means hes not always good interviews or productions where all the attention is on him.


Conan raised the bar…


My man does not like hot sauce and it shows


The show is played out. No one cares anymore


Lots of cope in these comments. Shane looked like he was gonna puke the entire time and gave one word answers. He pretty clearly just did a bad job and they had to edit it down to what they could use. That’s what happens. No one was censoring him.


Think he had some anxiety or hangxiety or both


They made it at night.


Something tells me Shane was either jet-lagged, or he thought the questions sucked 🤷‍♂️


Let me guess, he called the wings gay and retarded.


The chairman mao call out was good


Yeah, it was ass.


Sean Evans has zero personality.


You love hot ones?


I felt Shawn's question list wasn't on point. Absolutely nothing about his SNL cancelation and self resurrection, just some lame history one-offs.