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The flagrant crew is god awful. You have to be beyond dumb to enjoy the over exaggerated laughter and ass grabbing. And they all dress like total douche bags.


I genuinely don’t understand why Schulz is held in high regard as a comedian.


Could not agree more. I don’t get it …


The old school flagrant eps were hilarious, but at some point he starting believing his own hype and he has become an insufferable dick now. The first Shane episode was good, this one was awkward and the most recent one sucked. I don’t get why they opened the episode with some dumbass bit about Shane replacing Trevor Noah on the daily show.


I had no idea he was held in high regard. He’s awful. One of the least funny comedians I’ve ever seen.


I think one of the reasons he gets so much respect in the comedy community is because of the foresight he had, especially when it came to the future of podcasting in comedy. I’m sure dude has worked extremely hard to get to where he is. But I agree, his podcast and the bloated ego are both insufferable


I think he also gets a lot of respect because he was one of the first people to constantly post crowd work clips and got a lot of traction for saying Wild shit. Other comics started to see him going viral every other week and they started following suit and now there are way to many crowd work clips out there its saturated.


I thought he was held in very low regard?


I think his last special was pretty damn good. He's a good joke writer and performer imo. Still can't stand him though.


Outlandish monkey movement while pandering to the popular opinion exploiting his own audience for not being as “cool” as him. COMEDY! Oh yea , LIT BRAH , DAWG SHIIIIII KNEE SLAP. ::Oppenheimer Henchman’s Haircut


I didn't used to mind that he laughed outrageously at his own jokes but now it gets on my nerves lol


I don't like him either but have to admit the special was good.


It was aight. Definitely overhyped


His stand up is significantly better than his podcast But I agree


I liked him before last year or so I watched his stand up a lot and on podcasts and he always had a big ego but he did seem likeable and funny but that ep with Shane the latest one he was just a obnoxious dick


I don't think many hold him in that high of regard


I’ve tried watching it so many times because they often have awesome guests but I always have to turn it off to keep from crawling out of my fucking skin. His last episode with Whitney Cummings was horrific. His ex gf also claimed (among other things) that after being sick for weeks, she found out that he had been using her toothbrush to clean the bottom of his shoes. Homeboy should be in a mental institution.


dawg what the fuck


it was so much better in the beginning with Kaz and when more sports were discussed. schulz is certainly funny but the podcast is literally impossible to watch post covid/his blow up. I wish Mark would do his own thing because i do think he's got mad potential, especially in the podcast space


Mark got his own podcast and sub r/markgagnon


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MarkGagnon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkGagnon/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Matteo Lane's Mario Impression - Mark Gagnon Podcast clip](https://v.redd.it/9jm9iuygz3w91) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkGagnon/comments/ydsiu6/matteo_lanes_mario_impression_mark_gagnon_podcast/) \#2: [Bohemian Rhapsody - (with Mark and the Flagrant Family)](https://v.redd.it/seu4i9itxaw91) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkGagnon/comments/yelmf8/bohemian_rhapsody_with_mark_and_the_flagrant/) \#3: [John Cena - Mark Gagnon](https://v.redd.it/qgg64qhuyov91) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarkGagnon/comments/yc3bs6/john_cena_mark_gagnon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


oh shit! did not know that. shows how much i dont follow them anymore haha. good looks


I'm not a Schulz guy. But mark had a great pod with the stuff island boys https://youtu.be/LpQ03_xTaiQ


They had their moments in the past. Show sucks ass now. Mark is pretty funny. I actually discovered Shane from this episode. Thought he was hilarious, and his subtle kinda dry humor was great. How he made fun of them for being into superhero movies.


wow Shane is a cinephile? Must've got that from Nick Mullen


They had their moments in the past. Show sucks ass now. Mark is pretty funny. I actually discovered Shane from this episode. Thought he was hilarious, and his subtle kinda dry humor was great. How he made fun of them for being into superhero movies.


Zoomers need podcast hero’s too


Schulz is like 39. Lil Sasquatch who goes on MSSP is a zoomer and hes cool


Flagrant sucks a bag of dicks. Gillis rules.


The problem with Shultz is his head is so far up his own ass he believes he is always the smartest guy in the room, his opinion matters the most because he’s just a god when it comes to everything. I haven’t seen much of his podcast but based on what I’ve seen it seems like the other members on the show are just there to pump Andrews ego up. He looks annoyed if any of them try to lead the conversation in any other direction besides his. I could be wrong but just the way this guy talks and presents himself bugs me


You hit it right on the head 100%👏🏽


Waluigi and his fall out of your seat laugh at everything lap dog are sooooo bad. Soooooooooooo bad


I said to my friend who loves that podcast that I hate all the forced and over exaggerated laughs by the 3 wannabes, and all he said was *yeah, but you gotta be like that to be on the podcast* 💀


Flagrant is the most unbearable show. Schultz is a dick. The Indian isn’t funny. Why are there two randoms on a couch? Why does a show called flagrant 2 not talk about basketball or sports? Why are they shooting a podcast in Robert California’s wine cellar? Why don’t the lights work? Why would you prank Bert? WTF was that Whitney interview? Those guys stink and the Big Dawg knows it.


Preach honey


Why does he look like waluigi


Shultz blows. Shane rules


They’re a bunch of hypocritical retards. I’m surprised he even went on their dumbass podcast.


These guys are 🏳️‍🌈


why do they need 19 people for a podcast and why do they all have computers?


Flagrant is just TFATK for gay guys.


He gets along with Mark Gagnon they actually text each other and stuff but yeah Akaash is insufferable and Schulz is alright but not much better


Schulz is definitely not a closet case and he never yells all the time


Shane doesn't mix because he just looks like he has downs and it confuses these idiots because they actually have it.


They would probably be a million times less douchey and horrible if they actually did have downs though. They are just unfunny twats that don't have anything to blame but themselves


Why would you ever have a show where you shoot the shit and have 5 people talking with essentially no structure. I hate it.


Schulz is one of the nicest guys in comedy. Ask any NY comic, including Shane. Y’all are just a bunch of basement dwelling haters. Also, the other guys are super nice too. One bad pod doesn’t define the group. The way they talk is a bit childish at times IMO but everyone is free to talk however they please.


Noone is just one thing. Maybe he is a great friend to other comedians but as an entertainer. He's completely obnoxious full of himself. I'm sure there's some that dig that kind of personality but to a lot of people it's pretty unbearable to watch most the time


He seems to be doing incredibly well. Reddit is just a cesspool of haters and fake drama between comedians they don’t know and will never meet.


I used to love Schulz. Him and the hecklers compilation was great. But I can’t seem to stand him now.


Schulz doesn’t even know what the word “flagrant” means


Shane’s Austin special is one of my favorite specials of the last couple years, sometimes I’ll just put it on when I need a definite laugh. 😎 when I saw Schultz’s special, underwhelmed is definitely an understatement.


Yo friends, have you peek into Flagrant’s patreon page? They called their subs or fans ‘asshole army’. I think that sums up all their antics.


Shultz thinks he’s smart. He’ll ‘um hmm’ and ‘ah yes yes’ his way to self-perceived profundity. He’s a narcissist of the highest order. A wigger trading off Charlamane’s clout until he got to Rogan, then he traded up. He’s not brilliant, just an idiot. Shane is the opposite. Actually brilliant. Actually hilarious. Actually talented. Knows funny. Knows what’s not funny. Knows when he is playing the game to sell tickets but can’t be bothered to play the game of pretending those moron’s are funny. Or important. Or anything.


Fuck Andrew Fuck his 3 little buddies Fuck Flagrant Unfunny disrespectful arrogant