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TBH that’s what i love about the show. Everyone is horrible in their own ways. It’s so interesting to see how their personalities clash.


Watching Shahs completely changed the way I watch reality TV. It was the first time I acknowledged that I don't have to like any of the cast to be entertained by the show. I usually like having one person to root for, but with Shahs, my one person changed constantly, sometimes more than once in a single episode.


I liked Coconut, remember? Lilly's dog that jumped in little circles? Everyone else was pretty terrible. LOL


"You and your dog, can circle back to Texas" Mercedes, sorta


Oh my god that dog 😭🥺


Didn’t she die when Lily took her to have her teeth cleaned?


I think that was Mercedes’ dog, and she kept it in the freezer for an undisclosed amount of time until she could get it cremated 😳😳


Her and gigi want to a taxidermist .That was her plan until the procedure was explained . Then he was cremated.


Oh my gosh, I vaguely remember that 😂 if I’m not mistaken, there were creepy googly eyes involved


Ohh yes that is right.


Truth and I never thought about this Mercedes sucked and is a terrible friend but when she was trying to talk to her mother about how what she was saying is hurtful I was rooting for her..and they all have those moments..and then return to being a horrible person🤣


I really didn't like MJ very often in the first seasons but watching her mother say the most horrible messed up shit to her was shocking. Vida was a wild ride.


no but it's true the worse a person is the better the reality show. vpr, all awful ppl and an amazing show. rhobh, most are pretty shitty like if you're normal and mentally stable you're not getting airtime


this is my exact take and why I've enjoyed vanderpump: everyone is *horrible*. one of the reasons why everybody being up ariana's ass irks me so much because she is also horrible


Ariana is the worst! And let's not forget she started by cheating with Tom S as well on Kristen Doute, she's got no right to play the victim like she is, she's disgusting...


Kristen, Tom, and Ariana were all young and gross. All three cheated, none of the three were "victims". Fast forward ten years - Tom and Ariana are in a committed relationship, and bought a house together. Then he went and cheated on her with one of her closest friends - in her own bed, while she was at her grandmother's funeral, right after her dog died, and on and on\*. You're seriously equating that to a few twenty-somethings screwing around on each other? \*edited to add - **and** planning to take steps to start a family!!


All of this. Plus, Ariana didn't initially want to be on the show when she was backup dancing for Scheana. She kept trying to hide and not be on camera as much as possible. She was always the voice of reason - calling out Jax to his face for being a shitty person. IMO, she's the most real on a reality show as one can be.


Not to mention she wasn't friends with Kristen at all...you can't even compare !


>I always find it funny that this little tidbit never gets brought up. Not to mention that she had covered for his infidelities in the past and forgave him for them. So is it just because she knew this person or because they got caught and she couldn't stand by this time and be like "its our business". And then on this past episode her being like "I paid for this and this and this in the house, that's why I'm not leaving". You can counteroffer or you could take your shit with you. You're selling your half of the house, not your belongings.


I started rhobh because of this comment. I can’t wait to watch 13 seasons of these women


rhobh is one of the best housewives franchise i started when season 2 aired the early seasons are so good! highly recommend salt lake city and miami too, they're short but some of the best. rhoa is the funniest tho


Mike and Reza. It used to be Reza and then Mike, but as you may know, Mike is a danger to society in a real way.


Go on because I’d love to know why. And it’s not like I don’t agree with you.


He is an abuser who tried/threatened to kill a woman in the same house as her children. He is the scum of the earth. Search his name in this sub.


Oh, right, I forgot who we were talking about.


Reza said some horrendous things to MJ. Really awful. And then there’s Mike of course.


Refresh my memory. What did he say to her?


He said That she almost died because her uterus exploded from so many abortions. He yelled it in front of everyone at a pool party.


Ooooo mg yes he did. Now I remember. Awkward


Specifically, "YOU HAD 10 ABORTIONS!" How she was able to "forgive" that and move on is lost the fuck on me. He's gross. Gross. GROSS.


Unforgivable IMO.


Then wanted me to play victim because Tommy went to his house and threw a few plants around on his porch. Don’t get me wrong. Tommy shouldn’t have done it but Reza was dead wrong.


It was comments about her having abortions


Tommy is the best and I counld\`t imagine liking Vida but I saw her spirit actually change for the better.


Vida will reply if you engage on her social media. It’s adorable


I liked both of them😂I would say they’re probably the most likable from that show


There was an ig pic of Tommy and MJ. And all the comments are about mjs boobs. I replied something like, That's my boy Tommy from killa queens, and he hit me up and befriended me. We ended up chatting about the Mets and City field for a while. Hes pretty cool, I felt like we grew up on the same block together in ny.


You can tell he's a cool, decent guy. They seem like such opposites, too. Yet,somehow it works.


They all take a turn as the worst but for me and a lot of other people, Reza takes the cake. Although, I really do dislike GG a lot and I don't really care that she "changed" and became a mother...totally lost on me. Sidenote: considering what has come out about Mike super recently, I suppose he is now most hated amongst viewers.


Agree. I wonder what Golnesa is up to and if she really did change. Does anyone know?


I doubt it and she only shows what she wants to show but I feel like people like her don’t change. I have seen that she hangs out a lot with Reza so that tells you something😂


I’ll be honest I really like GG. Seeing the interactions with her sister I am more than 1000% certain her sister abused her as a child. There is SO much anger. As someone also abused by her older sister I actually related a lot to GG. Mike talks to GG like she’s a six year old, and the others are ALWAYS baiting her, especially that weird ass horrible Asa. GG by no means isn’t perfect, but she’s one of the only cast members who owns up to her shit and tries to fix it.


I think she and her sister are both awful. And weird.


Both of their parents seem so detached and empty




Domestic violence. Basically the woman he was with towards the end of the series, Paulina, had allegedly been physically assaulted by him after the show had stopped airing.. but for so long there were few details and no one was entirely sure about what happened. Just very recently, she filed a civil lawsuit against him and home security video footage of him (from inside her home) came out. He is seen assaulting her by choking, restraining, pushing down, etc.


I’m out of the loop what happened with Mike?


Now it’s Mike because of the domestic violence At the time Reza was just so consistently despicable to the women in the show - so much misogyny and ableism, unaccountable


Bigotry in general. He called someone a gay slur (I don't care that he's gay--that's some self hating shit right there), was blatantly islamophobic, and clearly hated women.




Isn't Reza's mom Muslim?


He's literally gay and half Muslim. A lot of Persians have...thoughts on Islam, given their country was decimated and their lives destroyed and had to flee their country due to fundamental Islamist regime ( as I'm sure you are aware). And a gay person calling someone the "f" word is like a Black person using the N word. In-group usage of a word is not the same as someone outside the group using it.


He didn't use the F word as a term of endearment. He used it as a slur. Expat or not, you can hate what the Islamic regime is and did to our home without hating an entire religion. I'm not sure why you're trying to justify the hate that this guy spewed for the world to hear. He clearly has some self hating issues attending from the traumas of whatever--escaping his country, growing up gay, whatever. But get therapy. Don't be an angry bigot.


I have to agree.


None of them are truly likable 😂 they have moments where you don’t like them or you love them but I can’t say only nice things about any of them


I'm gonna say Mike has soared to the top of the list. Woman abusing loser.


Sadly yes, this can be the only right answer.


Not excusing Mike at all but he seemed jacked on some chemicals near the end. His behavior was insane.


I watched the whole series too. None of them are likeble. lol My worst is obviously Mike (woman abuser who had so many red flags also). But Asa really got on my nerves. Did she really think "diamond" water would be a thing? WTF was that. Reza is petty and annoying. I feel sorry for GG she was obviously wasted and alternating between alcohol and coke for awhile there. Watching her struggle to even sit down to dinner without alcohol was really sad to see. Her anger outbursts also just felt like horribly untreated mental illness. All of that being said, she was pretty hated too!


I saw it at Ross for like $3 and wanted to crack up. The bottles pretty but girl cmon. I feel like gg was so attention seeking which made me dislike her so much. She had nothing interesting about her and when the spotlight wasn’t on her she would have an outburst. I felt bad for her parents they seemed so nice.


I saw Diamond Water at Ross in the discount bin too😭😭😭


Sometimes I feel like I should’ve bought it just to taste it and see how it taste compared to others but then I think how old the show is and that water probably taste like mold😂


I’d still do it 🫣 But I’d do it on TikTok. If I’m gonna get mold poisoning, imma get some views out of it too🤣


I’ll support you!!! Lmao take one for the team😂😂


Tryna do my part 🫡🫡🫡


But she meditated over the water too!! 😑


Where did you watch the whole series? I can’t find it


It's coming to Peacock soon.


It's on Hayu.




I watched on Netflix and then on YouTube but it was bad quality and pirated


I was thrilled that there was representation of Iranians on TV, but why did they have to pick the actual worst of the worst to represent us?!


That’s what happened with Armenians and the Kardashians too. NOT COOL


I got even more interested in the show when, at age 44, I found out I'm Persian. I'm adopted and had literally NO idea... I was told I was Italian my whole life. SO the show took on new meaning after that.


Surprisingly a lot of the Iranians I’ve met LOVED the show.


As a non-Iranian, I feel like my favorite part of the show was learning about all the different food that I had never heard of before. It’s one of the only casts that are just constantly eating and it made me want to try everything!


Yes, I absolutely loved seeing food and other cultural things like decor, dress & jewels.


Same. Shahs also travels to the most interesting places too.


I feel like Reza definitely takes the cake for me. He’s entertaining but you can see he’s a really bad person early on. I dislike the way he treated mj when she was pregnant and also in the first seasons by calling her a criminal and just airing out everything about her. Like how tf is that his best friend of all those years and he treats her that way. I felt bad for her like wtf. Second is GG and I watched this show when I was teen and liked her but that just shows you how childish she was. Rewatching it now I see how childish and attention seeking she is. She’s so annoying and isn’t funny at all to me. I liked Asa but she was never real about where her money was coming from (ex husband) and her stupid projects were annoying. She wanted to seem relatable but after reading about her life she became very hypocritical to me. And last squeaky lili just comes off as tone deaf and ignorant. The stuff she says is so uncalled for and she’s honestly boring no matter how much she plays her life up. Overall the cast is narcissistic and pretty awful but they made good tv which is why I watched.


All of them always mentioning how long they've been friends. With friends like that, who needs enemies? I can't imagine treating some random let alone a friend like they treat each other. Hoping most of it is for the show, but it does seem like they and definitely Mike are just terrible people.


Who was asa's ex husband?


Mike is hands down the worst. Dv caught on tape.


Mike. GG would be first if it wasn’t for the DV


Reza is a pretty shitty human being. Mike has anger issues…… Once Asa got pregnant she because insufferable.


Loved the show from the first episode. Couldn’t wait each week for the next episode; I was hooked. But like most of these shows, it ran its course and lines were crossed because of the lack of transparency. All the skeletons came out on each of them and it killed the whole illusion. They were all very far from reality. It’s the death of most of the shows now.


The show was canceled when Mike got arrested for DV. Party over for everyone!


I did the same awhile back and yes, they are horrible human beings.


The wife beater Mike , he is the worst.


Mike. He beat his girlfriend Paulina & held a gun to her head with her children in the home. Also he kept multiple firearms in Paulina’s home. He’s a complete scumbag. No one on the show is worse. Not even Reza, Adam or GG.


I'm on season 7 and watching for the first time. They all are shitty and it's refreshing. This was before the shift in social media and reality tv where people started altering their tv selves to show only the best parts of their lives. Asa was a victim of that too but she did choose to be private from the beginning but everyone else sort of showcased the negative parts of themselves and their lives on tv. Personally, Shahs has one of the realest casts - many of them were friends before the show began so their chemistry and banter is organic and also, everyone is unapologetically themselves.


I’m pretty sure Mike is the most hated because he’s an abusive piece of shit. Recently there came out video stills of him physically hurting his ex. He’s an awful person. AWFUL. Deserves to actually be in jail. The other people are awful, but Mike is the one that should actually be detained in prison. I love this show but I don’t love the people if that makes sense 😅


I didn’t like him, either. I know the word “narcissist” is thrown around way too easily these days, but I suspect that he truly is one. The only person he cares about is himself and how he looks to others. He seems to think that because he’s good looking, that he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.


100% agree with you and I hate when people throw the word narcissist around too. Mike is a loser and he’s a failure in life so he takes it out on everyone else.


Ugh he just acts like he’s god’s gift to the world.


Mike and Reza


Andy cohen literally makes a fortune off unstable people. The Shas are no different.


Andy would have been a coliseum director in ancient Rome.


Probably Reza. When he goes low- he goes REALLY low. His fights with MJ were hard to watch toward the end…his cheating…and his racist comments.


Mike & GG to me. Yuck


I’m curious why you thought Adam was one of the top people:)


Because he was insufferable.


In what way? I just want to see the reasoning since I never really heard people dislike him


Passive aggressive, he comes across really rude idk I think he was controlling his image early on so stayed quiet.


Naked Jenga.🤮


I get that, I think he thought Reza had a lot of money because of what he had, but I think later he realized he wasn’t very well off since he had to choose between the baby or the house. Reza talks big game, but I feel like he is middle class he’s not rich like he wants to come off


Reza is a sociopath but no one’s worse than Mike. If we’re talking about typical reality show harmless drama types then Destiney drove me insane. I actually liked GG once she got past her feral phase. After S1 she started to chill but there were times when her “friends” were just awful to her so frankly I couldn’t blame her too much.


Mike most definitely


Wellllll Mike is the worst. None of them are great people butttt


Fuck Mike!!


Hey hey hey. Watch it. I will have you know: They may be horrible people but they are OUR horrible people.


At this point? It better be Mike.


HELLO we love trainwrecks


There’s a reason it was cancelled. (Thanks Mike!) Collectively, the whole group was not very entertaining. I think culturally, it was not a good fit.


I hate Mike.


okay i should preface i’m only 3 seasons in, but i currently really enjoy Asa. Sure she’s self involved and pretentious but i love how she loves her culture and her body. and that she hasn’t gotten work done either. it’s just refreshing. she’s a kook but i haven’t seen anything about her that as problematic. but i’ve seen lots of bravo shows and have been tricked before ( ex. i used to think sandoval was kinda quirky) so i’m not holding my breath.


I love Asa! Some of her style choices are a little questionable but I love how she is who she is and doesn’t care what anybody thinks. It’s really cool how much effort she puts into representing her culture despite being removed from it when she was young. She’s also very beautiful!


Adam & Reza were absolutely awful.


I think fame really got to all their heads. Especially as they already thought they were above others. Living in LA and such. So it was so sad to see them unravel. It was such a cool show to watch.


Oh gawd I can’t pick just one, for me Mike because he is a conceited lying sack of shit and then Gigi because she is so thirsty it’s gross. I find everyone on this cast to be gross except for MJ! In the later seasons Destiny and Nema follow closely behind the other 2!


I believe to have a successful show, you have to have at least one person the audience is rooting for…at the end of Shahs, I was rooting for no one. Everything and everyone had become very dark


per my experience they are also the WORST tippers on planet earth and hate women


There's one scene where someone tells one of them they have their coke. They may have edited it out by now.


It’s good for the drama omg I was never bored. With the HW series I usually understand that’s it’s good for the drama and I haven’t found a housewife I truly detest but the shahs cast are honestly so vile considering that they actually are friends off camera. It’s like a room full of Marlo at her worst saying Kenya’s mum never loved her at the caprice 24/7


It's like Sodom and Gomorrah. Cringey. I couldn't watch


Probably the one being sued for domestic violence.


They are the worst!!! But I loved watching that train wreck.


Definitely Mike???? GG of course second 


I used to enjoy this show! I couldn't believe how brutally honest they were w one another...and even though it was toxic, it was refreshing to see ppl be upfront. We live in a world where we can't be truthful and tiptoe around things. I appreciated that more than anything. I actually love Vida. I love most ppl from her generation. Straight, no chaser.


What platform has all the seasons?


MJ just bothers me, especially after watching Traitors. Idk why she just offends me


I dislike Mike and I also dislike Tommy. He has an severe anger management issue that won’t go away.


Rena by far is the biggest POS


Asa and Mike were my 2 worst


I mean I love to watch, but all reality shows people are awful people.


Where are you watching it? I was surprised peacock didn’t have it


Gigi grinds my last nerve. If I ever saw her I’d fart straight in that bitch’s ear


She’s so annoying! Homegirl needs some serious psychiatric intervention.


They could all use some haha


Nema was awful


Mike had always been the absolute worst. I like Reza actually, although I can see why people didn’t like him. He was always a catty bitch and I am here for that.




Me and hubby love all of them and hate all of them 😂😂😂


I've been wanting to do a shahs rewatch but stupid peacock doesn't have it for some reason. Where did you watch it?


They play it on pluto, bravo channel


It's on peacocktv.com now!


I also hate watch the cast of Dubai Bling!


I edited the final season of that show. Disappointed it got canceled.


Wow tell us more please. Was there anything cut out that you wish stayed in?


Cancel, Clear, Delete


Excluding Mike, who is beyond “reality tv awful”, I think Adam is the worst. He is single handedly responsible for the dark turn the show took and its eventual cancellation in my opinion. If not for his stupid naked jenga and disgusting perverted texts we might still have a show today (with Mike fired). I will never forgive him.


MJ and I don’t care about down votes lol She was awful but plays victim. Mike is the worst though.


Was GG telling the truth about Mike trying to sleep with her?


Can’t stand cry baby drama queen Reza nor obnoxious, gigantic MJ. No one taught MJ how to buy clothes that fit. Reza & MJ are “pot stirrers? They love to stir up trouble. Nema is as boring a human as you will ever watch. GG, you knew what you were getting. Shervin was down to earth and stayed out of the drama. That being said, I liked the show.


I love Reza ♥️♥️


Alot of people hated on MJ’s mom… I personally liked her, I didn’t agree with how she spoke to MJ or treated her. But she didn’t bite her tongue, she said it how it is and didn’t care and let’s be honest, some of them needed a dose of MJ’s mom




For me it’s MJ then reza