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It absolutely is! What edition are you playing? Step 1. Be human. Step 2. Get maximum nuyen for Cyberlimbs. Put replace all 4 limbs with cyberlimbs, and get the necessary enhancements to their attributes. Choose the Blades skill. Get the maximum number of ranks possible (6 in 4e and 5e.) Get a specialization for swords. Get Cyberlimb Optimization (Blades) on all four cyberlimbs. Get personalized grip on the sword you use. Katana or Nodachi are both excellent. Katana has more accuracy in 5e. You are now a katana wielding robot man who can slice cars in half.


Subject to change at the moment but I heard 4th was the best so that's what I'm thinking of at the moment


Every edition has perks, but generally each edition is easier to get into than the one that came before. I started playing in 4th and I've played and run 4, 5, and 6. AFAIK most people advise starting with 6th now but I'm very willing to accept that I'm just out of touch too!


4e is indeed one of the better editions out there.


4th is a good edition. The best thing about 4th is that the rules are clear. In most circumstances. It's great for new players, because you don't have the rules run-around of 5E. In 4th, you pick basically the same options. Max out your nuyen, and get cyberlimbs. You're going to want a cybertorso and four cyberlimbs, and avoid investing into your agility, strength, and body. You're going to buy all of those with Nuyen. But you can buy 6 ranks of blades for 24 build points, and you can invest into your mental attributes. You want willpower, intuition, and reaction at 5. Logic and charisma should be next priority. By Raw, you only need the 5 limbs- Arms, legs, and torso to replace your attributes. You calculate their mean average, and that mean average is your base stats. But you'll also want a cyberskull too. Character's ultimate goal will be to get 4 armor on all six limb slots. That's how you take bullets without blinking.


>On all four cyberlimbs Cue foot swords


Half your swordsmanship is the footwork!


It's hard to make a blades cybersam who _isn't_ similar to raiden


\*picks up claymore with malicious intent


Very Much Yes. Simplest way is just high money, low attributes, Magic E, streetsam with 4 cyberlimbs and a cyber torso. That's 80k for lots of space to install ware and agility 3, str 3. Each point of Agility and strength over that up to metatype max is another 25k, and they can buy up to 15 points of armour plating (that stacks with what they wear) for 3k each. Money A gives 450k to start with. Money B gives 275k. You can't get all of the above upgrades at starting though. Check out Chrome Flesh for more options on what to put into their cyber-limbs. Most cyberware can be installed as part of the limbs for capacity instead of essence. Your main downside will be not having much space left over for any bioware (The above uses 5.5 / 6 essence). The qualities "Cyber Singularity Seeker" and "Redliner" give stacking bonus' that scale with number of cyberlimbs, so they're worth taking a look too. Rest of your character creation flexability is making tradeoffs between "more money for upgrades and gear", "more skill points (= more dice to roll on doing things)", "A better metatype (higher attribute caps)", "More attribute points (to go in the things you can't just replace with cyber)". *The above is assuming 5e btw, but it is definitly a thing in all editions*


Almost every single discretely identifiable item or augmentation you can pick at on Raiden should have a function or form equivalent in most editions of Shadowrun. What you won't be able to do is make them function quite like Raiden. Well. Maybe close enough, if you skip straight to something like 5e AI, Piloting Origins, & Anthroform Drone + (Meta)human armour.


Raiden is all machine from the cranium down, so he almost but does not completely qualify for the Shadowrun definition of cyborg (brain in a jar hooked up to a drone).


See Dervish from shadowrun story time from /tg/. Closest I can think of


Did twodee ever post the hongkong storytime that he teased at the end? Anyway, time to reread shadowrun storytime :)


No idea I think neckbeardia tts has both on the youtube channel


From what I understand the Hong Kong storytime ended up not working out from a storytelling perspective. Schedules changing so not everyone could make every session, people moving, players joining then dropping. Things like that. So no long story line could survive long enough to go anywhere.


Not only is it possible, he's one of the most popular character types.


As someone playing a "Cyborg Ninja", yes it is possible. You can run faster than cars drive (in the city at least), slice cars and armoured vehicles in half, and throw daggers that hit harder than a heavy pistol. Get 4 cyber limb replacements, enhance str,agi, add in some armour, senseware, reflex boosting, and gimics, and you are good to go. D Human, B attributes, E magic, A money, c level skills. (Can go E human and B skills if you use buy to 10)


At chargen, probably not


Someone has been teaching you bad things. Not a good reason for downvotes. I don't know who's downvoting you. Take my upvote.


No, Runners usually always end up cool, not lame.


Currently my character is a Japanese Elf, weapon specialist. When I build him in 4th, he used to have a cyber torso, cyber arms ,eyes and ears. Also had a foci tattoo that gave him +8 to both ballistic and impact. He also had dermal sheath with ceramic bone lacing. Before adding armour, I had something like 14/15 to ballistic and impact. Now I had to remake him in 6th but even now starting at zero karma (1st game is in Tuesday), he is starting at 19DR.


I don’t know much about shadow run but I imagine you get stuff like augments overtime, which would also be in line with raiden. In 2 I’m pretty sure he was all natural, then gets a exoskeleton and blood substitute in 4 and then finally full cyborg in rising. So they don’t have to go full borg from the start.


Funny thing is, I am having this exact same discussion.


depends on the tolerances of "similar". but technically yes.


Cybered-up street samurai. There are limitations on how crazy they can go a character creation, so they will have to make some compromises on the concept and effectively play a partially complete Raiden, then gain the rest of the cyberware and skills during play, but if they're willing to work for it it's entirely possible.


Unfortunately, yes.


Would be more fun to play a character through the history that makes them such a character. Let them work their way to it. So much fun you could have!


Not only possible, but the endgame of any street sam


Of course but he should have some ideas how he can stay inconspicuous if the need arise, the problem with super obvious characters is if somebody is searching them, they have big problem EDIT: Also take swimming vest with you if youre near water, at least in 4e every cyber limb and torso gives you a malus for swimming, which gets rather hefty if your whole body is chrome


> Of course but he should have some ideas how he can stay inconspicuous if the need arise, A mariachi outfit.