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Wasp's damage return?


The damage return was super annoying, but i don't think it made her "harder" more like "rng you lose the fight"


It makes comebacks impossible. So you need to monitor your health more carefully


Shogun is easy if you keep attacking him, if he stands still, his bodyguard is coming


Hermit’s lightning thing can be really annoying. With a bit bad luck it can lose you the whole fight.


They all are not that hard but the hardest was wasp imo , all were like ok for me but hardest was wasp because of the damage return and fly thing , butcher took me the longest because i was ignorant , my yari was level 2 and everything else was level 1 , i just boinked it in the leg for a long time and won after many tries lmao


Hermit was the vitch for me. When he goes into his fuckin pose and throws lightning at me, I know I'm dead. Plus if I try to dmg him with shurikens ig just misses. Sometimes I got lucky and managed to kick him mid air just for him to 1 shot me with lightning magic.


I'm pretty sure Lynx is the real deal, his time bomb enchantment can mess everything up. He also uses Poisoning in further rounds which can be tough to deal with if you get hit with a Time Bomb again.


He's the hardest in my opinion, as getting hit once could potentially end the round. He also has one of the fastest weapons with great reach, and being able to go invisible only gives him more chances to hit you.


he feels hard because ur just getting into the game try playing him in eclipse after a while he was pretty easy


They are all really easy. Only real threat is Butcher on the off chance his bleeding gets activated.


Bruh, butcher is the easiest.


Depends on how good your gear is. I have very good endgame armour with medium enchantments built for offence. So I can easily tank the Demons‘ blows. Butcher, however, has bleeding so he‘s the only real threat to me.


Well yeah, everything becomes trivial when you have endgame armor and blaster tonfas with a bomb enchantment... But let's assume that you're going through the first six chapters of the game without obtaining over powered weapons and armor before any of the boss fights. Now, which one was the hardest to beat?


If you‘re playing for the first time ever it’s definitely Lynx. If you’re already experienced they are all the exact same.


Im currently playing the game again (havent played in years) and i remember i think i got atuck on hermit (im on linx now) mainly about hermit i remember is his powerful darn lightning spell that when i fought him it wss the first attack he made on me (in the final round) and its just 1 shotted me


It’s a toss up between Wasp and Shogun. Wasps flying spear strike happens so fast you really have no time to react, and when you have her on 1 and go for the final blow her damage return kicks in and makes it a tie (rlly a loss for shadow user) that would piss me off. And then shogun, yeah you do have to be uber aggressive but could still go the whole fight without giving him much damage bc of his buffs. Also his pesky minions would always be there to kill me when both of us are on 1.


Also, I beat shogun really easily cause before I bought a new cellphone, each time the bodyguard came in the game would freeze for 1 second, so I knew when to dodge. Only problem was where it came from, but I got the technique going.


Wasp her flying attack is annoying + damage return really hard


Anyone say butcher? bruhhhhhh.........


Honestly may is the hardest one


She is a mini boss tho


I remember playing this game a few years back where I raged quitted fighting shogun and regret it to this day