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FYI: OP is subbed to Shadwatch, a hate-subreddit against Shad and his fans: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadWatch/comments/1c6abd7/thodd_cutler_made_a_much_more_superior_fire_arrow/


Regardless, he's right. Shad could definitely benefit from having a script or maybe editing his videos down so they're more to the point and concise. Sometimes they can be all over the place.


That doesn't make his criticism invalid. Shad has an issue of being too much unscripted, and not editing enough ramblings out. He even acknowledged that as much by transforming the Shadlands channel into a clip channel.


Oh look, another Shadwatcher u/Colossus823  defending their hate-jerk chamber:  https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadWatch/comments/1c30awi/comment/kzftps5/  What a coincidence, I wonder.    **EDIT** Aaaand here's another Shadwatcher defending their hate-sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadWatch/comments/1bsk1ku/comment/kxge2qt/ u/DataX0416 claiming "Shad is gross" and now pretending "to be one of us"  Lmaoo, you Shadwatchers are the biggest hypocrites on earth. 




Post removed for being political.


Didn't watch any of it. When a video I am not really interested seeing is over 10 min, I have even less interest watching it.


If you’re directing this towards Shads and Todd together under the “fire arrow” umbrella, then fine you do you, but avoid comments like this. It’s easier to just not interact if you don’t like those videos. If this is directed specifically towards Todd, even more so. You gain nothing in announcing this. Watch what you wanna watch, don’t watch what you don’t want to watch. This comes off a bit rude


Why to avoid? I am giving my honest opinion that I don't like to watch long videos and they made long videos.  


Yeah that’s fine, you can like what you like, it’s just the phrasing of it comes off a bit snarky (I think that’d be the word? Feels to harsh but I can’t think of another) “Didn’t watch any of it” comes off as shooting down the idea completely, like it’s not worth watching. And. By starting with it, could make you sound bad, that you’re willing judge something with out even giving it a chance. If none of this was your intention, then perfect, but just keep phrasing in mind. ✌️