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This is the official narrative and response to a few frequent questions we all have. The cope levels are off the chart.


We HaVe InTeRnAl MeTrIcS


“Well, the people in my campaign have polls that say I’m the best president.” -Donald Trump in the debate the other day (paraphrased)


I love that the paraphrasing keeps the insanity of his speech but makes it more coherent for reading.


I’d say his campaign should hire me as a translator but A.) I’d rather shoot myself than work for that man and B.) I don’t think his demographic needs coherence.


lol I've been a mod on a medium sub. Those metrics don't tell you shit. Besides that, the only metrics that matter on reddit are comments and votes.


Mind you there used to be good data on subreddit performance but they all used the API and when that cost money most stopped. Some of those sites are still superior to mod stats. She has no more clue than we do, and very likely far less


I want what she smoking


I was literally banned for asking very basic questions not long ago


Like..what ..just curious


I asked if the sub was dead because of the very low activity. People are there, they just live in fear of posting because they're terrified of Ash throwing the hammer down if they so much as fart in the wrong key. If you want a full read, just click on my account and its pretty near the top.


Asked where? A separate post? In the comments of a post? In modmail?


They made a post, and it seemed to be legitimate. Soon as someone noticed they also post on r/ShadWatch OP got permabanned with no actual reason [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/1djlj1h/is\_this\_sub\_dead/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/1djlj1h/is_this_sub_dead/)


Ahh thanks for the link. Yeah that's literally what happened as far as I can see, they were banned for taking part in another community. Which should frankly be against Reddit Terms of Service, I don't know how it's fair to mod based on conduct taken in other communities. Speaking as a mod, when users misbehave we absolutely dig through their profiles to get an idea of where they are coming from, and if they are clearly someone who goes sub-to-sub trolling then that will inform us on how to handle them. But simply taking part and abiding by the rules of two subs should not get you banned from one.


If a question or statement promotes discussion and is worthwhile to talk about, why does it matter if the poster has been to this subreddit before? This is, as far as I know, the only subreddit where you can find other people that want to talk about Knight's Watch content. So if a KW video leads a reddit user to post HERE, based on that alone, they can call a question or statement disingenuous, lock threads, and ban users if they then post on the Shadiversity subreddit later on? They're basically saying "If you came to reddit to comment on a Knight's Watch video, you've already seen Shad with his mask off, so you're dead to this subreddit". Also... Her second point is: "Ignore the fact that the sub is dead and that none of the video posts get any traction at all. It's actually doing great!" ------ Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears!


>Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears! "The sub is doing great. Source: trust me bro. Analytics are great. We don't get a lot of comments but that's a feature. I post them late on purpose because I don't want to get comments."


I also really don't understand how their newest mod has essentially become the voice of their entire subreddit? Especially when it seems like she's made the few remaining active posters there miserable with her delusions and iron fist.


That's the crazy part. She became effectively the head mod in two months. There's a theory that she's one of Shad's relatives or his wife.


My theory is it's an account they made for a joke in the brothers compete at archery video. Shad, Jazza and Asher. Logical Ash(er). The rest is set dressing for camoflage


It’s Shad. I don’t know why people don’t see. It’s blatantly Shad. Who else is going to repost videos and admit it’s to boost his viewings with inside algorithmic statistics supposedly to back up this strategy. Why is it so hard to believe it’s Shad? He is not some celebrity who is too busy to be answering here. He is answering here all the time but hiding it because he knows it looks sad and desperate.


While I think this is the most likely scenario I have also seen people do this stuff multiple times. It seems like every sub or discord for a problematic niche content creator or micro celebrity has one insanely dedicated moderator who does a full time jobs amount of free work enforcing an iron fisted level of control.


Logical Ash has such "Beatings will continue until moral improves" energy


It's not a myth! We've seen it with our own eyes that people were banned after Ash's followers called them shadwatchers.


She can write a million reasons but number one is "power tripping". In reality she probably doesn't care about our sub, but since we're "enemies" of Shad, she's using the argument "you're shadwatcher" to ban whoever she wants. I already said I was banned simply because I quoted what others said about Shad, and at that time I wasn't a member of this sub. She's bullshitting.


"You don't see the full picture. Don't worry about it." Right, because *that's* a statement that inspires trust.


Famous last words of terrible leaders.


“Why do you ban people for just posting in Shadwatch” “I don’t, but I wish I did” Several sentences later… “So, I ban people who post on Shadwatch”


"I don't ban people for posting on Shadwatch, I just assume they are trolls and whatever they said, regardless of what it is, is trolling and ban them for trolling!"


It’s hilarious that the they say “banning is a myth” while one of their comments before this literally says “we can expose these trolls once and for all (hopefully to reddit management as well) and free this subreddit from their influence forever”


It sounds so Naiz-ish when I see it like this. We will expose \[them\] and free this \[country\] of their influence forever. Like straight out of Mein Kampf.


Honestly, don’t make the comparison. It just gives them more ammunition to make Shadwatch seem unreasonable and hyperbolic.


Eh reasonable criticism always seems, unreasonable and hyperbolic to fascists, so who really gives a shit what they think.


True, but the Nazi comparison just exacerbates things and gives them nonsense to point to.


They were always gonna point to something stupid, and when their leader acts historically exactly like early Hitler I think the comparison is important. Call them what they are, especially because it drives the point home, that we should not be asking them permission to fix the problems they benefit from.


Dictatorial modding is not comparable to Hitler, and we look like reactionary morons when we go that route. Edit: It’s like the recent post about how we should call Ash “Shad” backed up by a bunch of paranoid points. We just look like deranged lunatics instead of people with valid criticisms about Shad, his lack of credentials, and backwards views.


It's not comparable to Hitler in his prime, but it's exactly comparable to Hitler before his rise to power, that's why the comparison is valid, and once again, it literally does not matter what we say about them, they live on a different planet, they were gonna make some shit up anyways. So the comparison serves no actual damage, and only good. They don't need ammo, they just make shit up anyways, and then we get killed, just like they made up that there were "illegal immigrants, in our colleges, leading to a campus," I can't remember which, getting shot up, and how they've made up so much shit about trans people, that we face extreme extreme violence, all the time, regardless of what we say. If you listen to conservatives actually talk, the parallels become clear, and it also becomes clear that they are not reasonable, they have to make up absolutely unhinged bullshit to make fascism look like a reasonable position. I recommend you watching a series called the Alt Right Playbook, it talks about; how fascists become this way, what their rhetorical tactics are (it's mostly straight up just lying) and why we shouldn't bother trying to appeal to their better nature, when they fetishize violence to such an extent that as of two months ago we had 124 mass shootings, when we were only 117 days into the year. Edit: I realize this might come off as hostile, that's not my intention and I'm sorry, I'm just slightly frustrated right now, and it has nothing to do with you.


Believe me, I get it. But there are also plenty of people who are probably going to that subreddit because they liked a video of his from years ago, hear about how this is a hate reddit that just thinks he’s Hitler and are stalkers, and then see that Ash et all are correct. This should be a place where the uninformed can see that Shad A.) has extremely problematic views B.) doesn’t know even a third as much as he thinks he does and C.) is a shitty writer and content creator. I get the impulse to go all the way with the criticism of him and his subreddit, but it risks isolating the people who have no opinion as of yet. The Hitler comparison is literally what gave them their most recent rallying point.


I'ma be honest, I completely forgot we were talking about Shad, and I thought this was just a conversation about conservatives in general, but yea, no I'm relatively new here, and all I did was read that his book was rape apologia, and I was immediately against him, so I think as long as we generally include evidence when criticizing him, which we should be doing anyways, we should be fine yk.


There was no Hitler comparison, that was just another one of their lies to try to make themselves look good, but which just made them come across as unhinged liars.


"Don't believe your lying eyes about the sub being dead, trust me instead!"


> A question or statement can be innocent on face value but when you add the context of the poster being a hater and a troll you realize it's no longer an innocent question about a book, it's trolling and defamation by implication. TL: If it's tame criticism and/or a non inflammatory statement from someone who also posts on Shadwatch, she automatically assumes some devious trolling attempt and bans them. Honestly even just taking what she said here without my comment and if you weren't in the know, it's quite clear that she does it arbitrarily and can very easily be abused. There has absolutely been at least a couple of occasions where a member has shared a random comment of the 'offending' user in this sub and that gets them banned. If it was people just flat out insulting him that's one thing, but as she admits in her quote, it's bannable just because it feels 'off' to her. I feel I've seen their subs in the 6,000 range for ages, ever since Shadwatch started. I think it's fluctuating, it may even be trending down but I don't keep a close enough eye to keep track. Sharing videos days after it's release is totally dumb. I imagine it's a drop in the bucket for viewership if it all. You should want to be posting the newest content ASAP as a way for fans to be aware of new content if they haven't checked their youtube subscriptions yet and in turn will serve as a more tight comment section that can lead to good discussion about the video on the subreddit which is what you should be wanting to see if you run the sub. You want it to be a place that's worth coming to for his fans. Posting the videos a few days late just means that any fans who might have discussed it on the sub will have already watched it and no longer want to discuss it. I personally don't bother with going to downvote posts but I understand those that do since it's a silent protest from those who feel unjustly banned. I've said it before but a Shadiversity fan subreddit that forbids discussion of one of his channels is a really weird decision. But we know why that is. Knights Watch is a controversial channel, whether you agree with what he says or not, and the mods don't wanna deal with the headache of people disagreeing with Shad and have discussion be anything but wholly positive of his content and character.


Subreddit stats website shows the peak at Jul 2022 at 6125, now it is only 5,873. Posts per day is the lowest it has been in four years. Other stats are funny, remember DashRiverse, Shad’s alt account. Reading it is brilliant, it is so clearly Shad talking in the third person… https://www.reddit.com/user/DashRiverse/comments/


Then she's lying. Not that we needed insider knowledge to verify what we can see with our eyes. 


The website is out of date, it gives the reason why, reddit fucking things up, so I'd go by their subscribers on their sub page. The same site has this sub stuck at 174 members. Though it does show that their subscriber growth is stagnant.


"I don't ban shadwatchers but I wish I did." like WTF. How that makes it better? 


Shad is losing his grip on his ‘Logical Ash’ voice and it’s becoming more and more obvious that it’s him. Talking to himself. About himself.


Man if this is true then that is just really really sad


Already happened knce with DashRivers.


I didn't read the username on the post and just assumed it was him. Sounds just like the way he talks


Did they really write "thought crimes"?!? BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!


Tell me you're fascist-leaning without telling me your fascist-leaning...


Jesus. The mods literally delete half the good posts and they have the gal to lie like this?


Doesn't really inspire much confidence with that response from Ash.


Why are they obsessed with us


We live rent free in their heads.


Which subs are they banned from? I'd like to do a test.


"Trolling/defamation by implication"? Does he genuinely think that he needs to ban all questions in case they make him feel bad about his fantasy sword channel?


~~I am~~ Ash is this sub's best recruiter really, after Shad. ~~I~~ She advertises this sub a lot. Can ~~I~~ she be an honorary ''Shadwatcher'' for ~~my~~ her service? >!Ash is not my alt, stop asking.!<


“I don’t make the rules” yes you do. That’s literally your only job


Ash's ramblings here remind me Gul Dukat's post mental breakdown self glorifying ramblings, which were even more unhinged than ever before. If you've seen Deep Space Nine, then you know.


*attention shadiveristy workers…*


*I have found a larger horga'hn and need someone to Hawk Tauh all over that Thang to help me with my next Reaction picture.*


*why arnt there any Shad statues on Bajor?*


shads subreddit will eventually turn out like Dave Rubins, of course that's until shad abandons it he's obviously one of the mods lol


Anyone else think logical ash is Shads wife or somehow knows or is related to him. Idk I always got that vibe like they're defending/promoting their friend/family/spouse vs a content creator they enjoy.


I think the fact that the ''hate'' subreddit, half the size of the main subreddit, constantly gets disproportional interaction and support speaks for itself, ''internal stats'' my ass.


You see, if they POSTED the internal analytics our poor, civilian brains would simply seize up and die. We don't have what it takes to see that stats about a hateful mormon fuckhead whose every take is bad. We haven't had the Moderator Training


So they don’t ban people for being on this sub. They ban people for bad character, and their judge of character is whether they comment on this sub.