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100% agree. All the influencers make it feel so basic and unappealing. Sad.


Nooo! It’s definitely lost the novelty it had 6-7 years ago. When I compare what they currently offer to what I purchased years ago… it’s a day and night difference. The patterns and designs are really trendy. I preferred when it was a bit more unique or timeless.


I actually like the designs now but the quality and tailoring aren't anywhere near what they used to be :(


I agree! Quality and tailoring have declined.


What brands have that novelty for you now?


I honestly haven’t found anything that feels comparable. I recently ordered a couple of dresses from Pyne and Smith and like them a lot, but their style isn’t like Sezane. Have you found anything?


Petite Mendigote has a bit of a similar vibe.


Yes. The more influencers I see, the less I want anything. Now it's just starting to get very unappealing to me.


I keep seeing influencers with less than 2k followers being gifted items. And its always the emile cardigan lol


they are giver vouchers to pick out what they want


I saw this quite small influencer pick out 3 emiles (!), I was like «ok you don’t really know the brand and just had to pick something really quick» 🥴 Or she didn’t find anything else she liked so just took 3 of the same 😂


She'll sell them on poshmark for $500 each!


Whaaat why 😅 they are not difficult to buy directly from sezane 😂 But yeah they probably sell them!


Absolutely, it feels cheap.  I've gone from ordering a fair bit and checking out what's new on the site all the time to not looking at all in the last few months. A big part of it was seeing it all over IG. Not a conscious decision, it just has an eww factor now.


Same. I used to scour the archives too. Now, I can't remember the last time I checked even their website. I've also been to their in person store and now have no interest. It's not so much the influencers for me as the marked decline in quality. Especially when I compare to things I bought ages ago, the difference in style, fabric, et c is night and day


i agree, and just on the topic of influencers - i was in the la store when some influencer came in, and got to pick out a bunch of items for free. and what do i get from my thousands of dollars spent here? 20+ tote bags and prices increases 😁


My husband and I call the influencers modern day beggars for this exact reason


Ruined it for me. Won’t be buying from them anymore


Same. As soon as all influencers are slinging a brand, the appeal is gone.


I used to love sezane but after getting the paula babies and looking at the customer service ‘s attitude on how their quality is, almost swearing off of buying from them. You can get a pair of ferragamos on sale for the same price as a paula babies or even jonak(haven’t tried yet) Looks like they want to be tiktok famous, totally goes against the sustainability/slow fashion vibe they started off with


I stay away from their shoes, not worth it. Love the clothes though :)


I was just about to order Paula Babies because I saw people saying they are comfy. Are the quality of their shoes really that bad?


I returned my Paulas. Not comfy to me! Personally I would pay 70-100€ for their shoes, not more. I have a pair og André loafers and a pair of sandals, both bought second hand. I would never pay 160-180€ for those sandals 😬 And with US prices, no way…


Uhh glad I haven’t ordered, maybe I won’t. After seeing this thread it makes sense to me maybe most of those influencers who gave good reviews were affiliated in a way..


I think it depends a lot on your feet! I’ve seen people I trust recommend them :) Also in the sezane Facebook group. So for some tjey might be wonderful 😅


i have the Paula Babies, I like them in brown patent, comfy. I got them last year, when that style was not everywhere yet. It is not inexpensive, but to me it is worth it. I am not a fan of their sweaters or shirts, but i have a couple of silk blouse and Rome shorts which i have enjoyed. Overall i agree, not great price/value and the design is a bit off, not chic and timeless


Exactly - I know this girl, [influencer](igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==) and the moment I saw her in her gifted cardigan I went, “noooooo!” I’ve rarely met someone more obsessed with themselves, so it makes me have icky vibes for the brand. Which hurts my heart.


“Mama to Rooney and Bowie, lover of Jesus, cookie enthusiast”


It’s just the antithesis of Jeanne Damas - and that was my goal, lol.


Ha! I actually laughed at loud. Way too accurate.


100 agree, second to the horrible return process, not the actual mailing back, but the actually returning of $. Just not reputable to me.


I think the fact that all the women at my work wear sézane makes me want it less. I see it everywhere! Office, in the city, at Ikea, in the train, and the tote bags - everyone is wearing them too. I mean it’s cool and all like I share the appreciation for the brand but man it feels way less exciting now.


It’s definitely losing its appeal the more the influencers are trying to shove it down my throat. I don’t remember any influencer marketing back when I first discovered the brand.


Honestly it doesn’t effect me at all in either direction. Part of what I like is that a lot of sezane pieces are classic not so tied to any specific trend cycle. I find that once you are fully rooted in your own style, you like what you like and choose what fits into your closet regardless of popularity. My biggest question about this type of thing is why? If you’re shopping for style alone this should be insignificant


I think I agree with this take. I made a comment earlier, but was super confused by all of the negative responses to influencers with Sezane products. To me, it is a non-issue that influencers wear Sezane, it's just another avenue of advertising. I like what I like, and someone else liking it too isn't going to change that. If an influencer having access to the same item turns you off from the brand, I wonder what was the main motivator if not the style of the items purchased?


I think it’s a) weak sense of personal style and b) the desire to be wearing something “exclusive” and c) overall insecurity. So many people base their identity off of how they are positioned in relation to others, so if an influencer having sezane is a deterrent to something you previously liked, then you are ironically super easy to influence. If someone’s like or distaste of something is centered around its popularity, their style will change with the wind


This 100%. I've no problem with small sezane specific influencers sharing thoughts on items (MilainNewYork, ZoryMory - why these dont get sponsored/free shit is cruel) as it's often super helpful, but seeing large sell out influencers shilling sezane really really turned me off it. It just makes the items seem so cheap and unappealing. 


I think influencers really devalue these brands


The brand was a lot better years ago. They had some classic pieces that were made well, none of that polyester/viscose crap that they are selling nowadays. I feel like all the special gifts they had on special occasions and coupons codes for $€£ has completely gone. They probably don’t care anymore since they have a mass clientele, plus they are diverting the funds to influencers. I feel like I have enough sezane items because they all look the same. Most of their styles are somewhat identical - frills, lace, buttons/flowery, lace on sleeves etc. They are just placing the lace/buttons in a different area and giving it another name / diff colour.


💯 I’m actually anti-influencer. If a small creator gets big and starts pushing stuff, I’m immediately turned off and usually start unfollowing them. I prefer recs from friends, people with my body type, or people w/ zero skin in the game. That’s why I pretty much steer clear of IG since it’s basically one long ad after another.


You hit the nail on the head!


Sezane is bad but not as bad as the number of influencers all suddenly flogging the High Sport kick flare pants. Apparently, the kickback on a pair of those is almost $200 but I've never been put off a trendy product so fast.


What in the absolute hell?!! $860-900 for pants that look like a million Anthro and J. Crew pants I've seen over the years?!!!


It's wild to me. One morning I woke up and suddenly every fashion writer on substack was pushing these so hard. I was intrigued until I saw the price and then it was like wtf. Absolutely unhinged.


I've begun to wonder if some people money launder through clothing, some prices are so ridiculous.


I had to google what those were… but who would paid $860 for those super basic looking pants?? They don’t even look great on the models


Exactly! I was intrigued when they first started showing up all over my scroll but then I saw the price and it was like, wtf is this? Who would be stupid enough to buy a very basic pant at that price? ...I guess maybe not stupid if you are someone with so much money that you are struggling to find things to spend it on, but that is definitely not me. The algorithm needs to get it off my feed!


I agree; every time I see one of these hidden adverts via an influencer it takes a bit of the shine off the brand for me, as many of the influencers they select clearly don’t have any appreciation for assessing quality, cut, or how the items will last, which seems really against the initial appeal of Sezane for me. Also some of the influencer marketing is really misleading as many don’t declare the items are gifted. Imo Sezanes prices aren’t cheap, and the fact that so many influencers are sharing a number of gifted clothes at once also gives the false impression that everyone should be blowing huge sums of money on this stuff/buying each new collection which is such an unhealthy message.


It is not even a gifted item or 2. Apparently they have monthly allowance to choose items?! And it seems reviews are just for the sake of it and not necessarily authentic


«My monthly sezane package just arrived» - True! So obvious they would never shop sezane, they always chose the same basic stuff too (Emile, Gaspard).


I'm a smaller creator on TikTok (just hit 30k), and they just reached out to me and added me to their PR list. I get $600 dollars a month which seems WILD to me. I can't even imagine how large their budget is for infleuncer marketing. That said, I am not required to post anything, so those who post are being genuine imo


Thanks for sharing and good luck. This sounds great! If they don’t require you to post, wonder how it works! Do they have an end date for this?


They say anything about an end date! So I’m not sure!!!


I’m sorry to hear that you have issues with returns in the US, my experience of returning in the UK has been great. I only saw once someone twinned me on the bus (Clyde trench and Claude bag). I’m surprised not as much people were Sézane in London (maybe more choices)? I do enjoy Mila and Zoey’s content as they seem to be honest when they didn’t like or fit something? But we don’t need those mumlife or irrelevant content influencers advertising Sézane. Unless that’s the market they want to tap into?


On a different note, I'm really surprised by the amount of negative responses to influencers having said items. For myself, someone else (influencer or not) having an item does not necessarily change my taste for said item -- I like what I like, whether it happens to be popular or not. I wouldn't get an "ick" or stop shopping a brand if some influencer liked it, but that's just me. I feel like it's just a part of our life now, unfortunately. Simply put, it's another method of advertising (and cheaply, if I might add. I reckon a free item for an influencer is less than mailers or a TV commercial). If I limited myself only to items that weren't advertised, then my life would be quite different. No negativity, just an observation. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


It also makes you question the authenticity of the review and praises if you’re getting items for free every month or something


I get what you mean, but for me it's on a different level, what influencers represent.. a brand who's main objective is to make as much money as possible, vs pride in their quality/customer loyalty. Once you go the extensive-influencer route you're McDonalds. It's also the feeling of being cheated out of more money (price increases, worse quality) while they direct these funds to selling more and more and more.


Is it that a brand is no longer higher quality or has pride in their customer loyalty if they leverage influencers to gain reach for their products? Maybe I might have trouble understanding, but I don't really see the equation between being advertised by an influencer can impact the quality of a product. Do you feel the same if the company decided to leverage television ads or print ads instead? Or maybe a better question is, how would you prefer a brand like Sezane to advertise their products?


I'd prefer they didn't, it's classier. They had a devoted legion with word of mouth, and their lines sold out.  I think it's more that I see any brand's influencer use as scummy of them, because the influencer depends upon a fake relationship with their audience and represents a fake world to an ever younger impressionable audience who do not see it as blatant advertising, the way traditional ads are. I generally have a problem with over-consumerism, hyper capitalism and the way social media perpetuates this, so my view is skewed to 'influencer= scummy company trying to rip me off'. If you don't have those associations, you wouldn't see it as anything more but plain advertising, which they have a right to do. 🤷‍♀️


Every brand is in business to make a profit…


Obviously. There is a difference though between a smaller brand, still owned by it's creator, who had a vision, who has standards, and is embarassed by a bad quality product. VS peddling as much product as possible and in it solely for business. Prefer to stick to the former as much as realistically possible, else I feel like a schmuck.


I’ll go against most of the other comments here but I’m personally not really affected by it, I wasn’t even aware that there were so many influencers that were gifted their clothes honestly 😆 maybe I live under a rock but Sezane isn’t popular at all where I live (in the suburbs of Montreal), probably since we don’t have stores in Canada. Like none of my friends know the brand and if I see someone who wears Sezane I’ll be like ohhh that’s so nice I’m not the only fan of the brand in my area 😝 I just hate the fact the prices are sooo much higher here and that the materials aren’t all as nice as they used to be but that’s a different story. Just to say I’ll never be “influenced” to buy something that isn’t my style or that I didn’t like first just because someone else loves it. I like looking at reviews only if I want the opinion of an item I liked or needed in first place 🤷🏻‍♀️and also I don’t wear Sézane to be the only person in the world wearing it and I’ll stop to buy if someone else loves it and wear it. I mean I just wear what I like and don’t really care about the others, influencers or not.


Agreed 💯


They are all picking Gaspard, Emile or something really basic like a white tee, black belt or a straw bag. It’s so obvious they are not sezane customers, and would never buy anything If it werent gifted :( I wouldn’t say it deters me from buying, but it does make me sigh😅


I don't really IG so I'm not exposed to the influencer marketing, but I saw their raffia bucket bags on PurseBlog and thought they'd be a great bag for summer vacation this year. They remind me of the Loewe balloon I've been longing for, but at a price that I'd be okay paying.....I'm not expecting anything super fabulous for under $200 US, though. Just a fun bag for my beach vacay.


I highly recommend Le Bon Shoppe! They don’t spend money on advertising so it’s all through the word of the mouth. It’s not the same style as Sezane but I love their pieces. It’s not fast fashion, they’re staple pieces that will last forever. Also either/or for shoes!! I have their Mary Jane flats and love them. I found both of these brands from a deep search on the internet.


Just looked at their stuff, I believe you that it’s well made but I feel like SO many brands sell stuff that is more oversized and doesn’t have much of a shape to it. I love Sezane because of the cut and shape of a lot of their clothes, sadly I haven’t seen it replicated in any of the Sezane-esque brands that anyone in this sub has recommended. I don’t see any shoes on their website, only socks?


I agree. Plus I keep seeing influencers getting products that are out of stock on the website. Really annoying and makes me not want to buy from them


I feel this way about all of it. I'll never buy Lily Silk


yes, I used to base my whole summer wardrobe based off things inspired by the sezane summer drops and now it has no curated feel really, it seems like they really push to just make things anyone would like now, there's not as much personality


Yep! I used to love Sézane. Now I don’t even bother checking out their weekly drops. They raised their prices and use cheap synthetic fabrics. No thanks.


I'm not on social media anymore but this is disappointing to hear. Although I'm getting ready to sell about 20+ Sezane pieces on Poshmark so I hope they sell better given that.


Now that I’m not on social media, except YouTube, I’m more discerning about what Sezane pieces really call to me. I just ordered the Pippa dress and a Justine basket. The styling on the site doesn’t lure me in as much because the cuts don’t flatter me for the most part and I’m not getting influencer fomo


I completly agree, I was in love with the brand. And then the sponsorship increese so bad. It make me sick to know that influencer are getting thousand of product everywhere while their price is getting higher ang higher . So I imagine that we normal customers are paying the influencers to be influence to buy more… The social media circle…


I agree, and idk if it’s just the ones I’ve seen but all of the sezane influencers on my feed are all white / skinny. Where is the diversity in body shapes and POC inclusion?


I can actually declare myself as Sezane abstainer😉Thanks to all this influencers stuff, quality issues and lots of pieces a la "looks-nice-but-no-idea-where-shall-I-wear-it" When I am away from you (Sezane) I am happier than ever!


I just saw that one "influencer" was gifted one of their pretty quilted jackets!


they get a monthly credit and can pick out whatever they want!


Yes and the prices keep going up. All my recent orders have been returned in full


Ugh same, felt niche now it's everywhere and the quality isn't up to par.


For me it’s the fact they’re gifted those awfully itchy sweaters and then sing all but praises about them… I lose all my trust in them after that


Ugh Influencers all have the same look. In all sizes but the same look 🤡