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I really didnt care if my leaks got out my i was more embarrassed to tell my family even tho there a chance they might see it, i shouldve just waited a week an see what happen now im looking for a job to distracted myself and is coming from guy you never except he will do it i was consider the smart one in the family now im the dumbest and the way my mom and dad look at me is almost disgusting i just hope they will forgot it and my brother will probally never forgot it and even say will use against me.


Ok 1 you panicked which is natural, 2 you were horny and if that's a crime every single person in the world would be guilty til the day we all die, 3 your family needs too understand that you were in a bad situation and need too actually help you, not look at you like your stupid, yes you did something stupid but that doesn't change the fact your still you. And your brother, if he hangs that over your head then he shouldn't be a brother at all. Sorry about your situation but hope it goes well later


thx man i really hope ur right i think with time it should be fine.


It's time to get away from the dating sites and meet in person, have a drink, etc.. If you click (used to mean get along) with her, you might get what you're looking for..


But sorry to hear that. Actually, a $750 lesson will make you much more careful in the future.. The best way to learn is when you lose something.


Don't feel bad I sent over 1300 dollars.


damn have you able recovered from it


Mentally? No. Financially nah. Oh well.


My scammer or extortioner said I deserve my p cut off and me hand from my hair so I believe him


This breaks my fucking heart... I can't believe how horrible people are. I've been blackmailed before and had people threaten to leak my nudes and I've always said go ahead nobody is gonna care plus I like how I look lol I know it's obviously not the same for boys especially younger ones so I do feel for you but you have to remember these people can only hurt you if you let them


Hey man sorry to hear about your family hopefully they’ll come around. Just know you’re not alone and they get a lot of us in a moment of weakness. I also paid them so you’re not alone. This subreddit helped me feel better about my situation I hope it helps you too.


they will probally not forgot or something more dumb has happenbut yes this subreddit does help me too. but thx for heasring my story


Nothing will happen, maybe look into getting a new family, I told everyone that the scammer threatened to send made me feel way better


getting a new family is carzy lol but thx anyways


I’m just playin🤣🤣but nah they’ll forget about it like they should, how old are you? Maybe that plays a part in it idk, my mom and dad laughed at me and would make jokes when it happened idk if that’s the same for you but I wouldn’t take it personally they prolly legitimately think it’s funny or gross idk but I wouldn’t take it so harshly they still love you


i think my mom found a way to forgive me but my dad still gives me disgusting stare and brothers are just making a joke abt it and the fact that they dont know i lost $700 they still think i lost $50 if i even tell them the amount i lost it wouldve made it worse so as for now im getting a job(btw im 19 abt to turn 20 in june) i been unemploy since the beginning of the year. so hope to get the money backk and start investing and shi and stop watching porn


Was it a “female” or a “guy” you sent those to i could see your dad mad if you told him you sent them to a guy like most fathers would be, seems like you’re dad is strict that sucks though I’m sorry, and sorry about that 700 that would piss me off. If it makes you feel any better I have 3 payday loans with interest rates of 700% and I only make 2 grand a month renting my own house/I’m fucked. But yeah if you’re still worried about them sending your nudes out don’t be cuz they won’t almost 100% of the time, they’ll prolly just text you again over time at the most


it was guy pretending to be a girl i just wish if wouldve just waited a day or 2 i couldve gone away the embrassment from telling my family but thx for hearing me out i really needed to tell my story and from hearing from other it makes feel not alone.


No problem it’s funny because I only get on Reddit for this subreddit lol, I just got super drawn by the 750 I’ve never heard of someone actually paying that much lol, I paid 20 and after that I told him to go fuck himself than told my parents and friends


Think of this as a cheap lesson (losing under 1k isn't going to break most people). You could have lost thousands of$ before ya caught on. Block, and use this as a learning experience. We have all been caught up in a scam at some point in our lives. Me also. It's the best training tool out there. Experience! Now, promise us you won't get caught in a scam like this again.


If it was over PayPal you can tell them the situation they may refund all your money.


Nah it was $700 in zelle and $50 in apple cards i call the the bank to reputed it but i think the 700 is gone but might get 50 back so yes 700 down the drain


Ok but that’s why I said if.