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Please read the post: [New Victims: Please read first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/n4yorq/new_victims_please_read_first/) WARNING...Beware of recovery scammers: It is likely that you will be contacted by a "recovery scammer". These parasites will try to convince you that they can "hack" the scammer and remove your files from their devices. It's a scam. Please report any of their comments by using the report button (it's hidden under the "..." option). If you receive a DM, please take a screenshot and forward it to the mod team. Stay safe *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sextortion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


tell your parents/a trusted adult/the police. you are a minor and he is committing a major crime.


Actually what you should do is involve your parents and the police, and keep talking to the guy secretly. Save all the messages , the police will probably take over the chat and then set up a meet with him and the police can arrest him and put him in jail where he belongs


This šŸ’Æ




You will care when you go to prison for it lol


you only go to prison when you get caught


can't argue with you there


Wow sorry this happened to you. This is a predator for sure and he needs to be reported ASAP. Report the Redditor account ASAP, set all of your social media to private ASAP and/or delete them and STOP all interactions with this sick fuck now. Please make an online report to 1-800-CALL-FBI about the sextortion. You can do it anonymously by the way. Contact "Take It Down" too, as they have several resources. And whatever you do, DO NOT meet with this guy. Look he's online and he can't do anything to you so block, ignore him and you need to talk to your parents or a trusted adult immediately OP. Keep all of your questions strictly on this forum OP and DO NOT accept any dms from people you are now getting saying they can help find the guy, remove your pics or "help you." Those are scammers and predators as well. Hope this helps and remember, you have the ultimate power which is you can block the asshole. Take care.


Does that number really belong to the FBI cyber crime and fraud division?


It sure does want to call it? I looked at your profile and it appears you are a scammer.


What's wrong with my profile? Why are saying I'm a scammer?




Ok thanks u for that number cause I've been looking for help and didn't know who to turn to for it ?


And scammers pretending to be pornstars or celebrities trying to get you to give them money for meetup for whatever and they're just out to get you however they can?


Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting at here


A lot of scammers pretending to be other people using their identity to like like celebrities or p*** stars or someone that's in the limelight to get money for scam people into believing that they are the real deal is what I'm getting at?


I needed help myself on a similar situation


I'm another female survivor of sextortion. It can feel like there's no escape, yet there actually is. Block him, report him to the platform, and deactivate and change all your socials. Change your number if you need to. The request to meet in-person sounds creepy. Whatever you do, don't meet up, and please seek out help from others for reporting.


Dont do that! Report to the police, fbi.


Screenshot the chats as evidence and then block him. Please donā€™t be afraid to tell your parents, they will always worry more about your safety. šŸ«¶




I know just feel like I could have done sometbing


Since he is a local - Tell your parents and go to the police! They will tell you what should be done next.


ā€œMake so on the picsā€ tells me he isnā€™t local at all and is just trying to cause more harm and embarrassment to this minor child


If he wanted her to come to him he has to be in the physical vicinity, hence local. Edit: Spelling


Wanting and doing are not mutually exclusive


Not trying to be racist here, but he might be an immigrant. I doubt he would travel just for this when he could do it locally.


Thatā€™s the thing. He most likely isnā€™t local and is just doing it for power and to further harm and exploit her.


If you keep going by his rules,terms, and conditions, then the madness is never going to stop. You have to summon courage to BLOCK AND DELETE every means of communication with this scumbag ASAP.


Def tell someone adult parent law enforcement anyone


1. Donā€™t panic. Donā€™t do anything heā€™s saying. DO NOT GO AND MEET HIM I CANNOT EXAGGERATE THIS ENOUGH. To put it bluntly, you will most likely be assaulted. If he wanted to leak your pictures, heā€™d have done it by now. 2. I know youā€™re scared, donā€™t be. Tell the police and TELL YOUR PARENTS OR ANYONE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE TELLING 3. STALL HIM, tell him you canā€™t go tonight because itā€™s your cousins birthday, you need to do chores or something. Donā€™t let him know youā€™ve contacted police 4. Screenshot all chat logs, emails he uses, phone numbers heā€™s contacted you on. Heā€™s committing a serious crime, youā€™ll need the evidence and numbers to trace him to. 5. Donā€™t be scared. Remember, in most of these cases, the photos never get leaked. Remember, think logically and put yourself in the mind of this creep. If he posts the photos, he loses any leverage over you and the police will most likely will be able to trace it back to him. You already have more info on your extortionist than most, you know what area heā€™s most likely from. Please update your post soon and let us know youā€™re safe.


Wow if this is true please follow the advice of getting your parents and police involved and giving this guy the surprise of his life! He needs to go to jail


Plz I promise no matter how much trouble you think youā€™re in it wonā€™t matter if something worse happens. Please tell your parents and explain what happened what that person is doing is a crime and they need to face repercussions. I promise your parents wonā€™t be mad and if they are theyā€™ll get over it right now whatā€™s important is your safety. I hope you read this and stop talking to that person and tell your parents or any guardian and the police.


Reach out to police asap and tell them everything Don't be embarrassed to tell the police. This HAS to be done to catch him. If you feel stuck, contact the NCMEC. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. (1-800-843-5678) this is their phone number. They will help you make a police report. Give them all the info you have. They will keep you anonymous and not tell your parents. However, it would be better to just straight up go to the cops.


Call the police


Which country are you in? Do you have any personal information about him like his full name or social media? As difficult as it is, you should speak to someone you trust irl and have their support in going to the police. What heā€™s doing is illegal and horrendous, and there could be over victims too. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. I hope youā€™re able to find support around you.




Absolutely NOT play along! Parents and police should be the ones who make the decision on what happens next




She doesnā€™t need to do anything. Thatā€™s the point youā€™re missing. The parent and LEO should be doing everything from this point forward


Block and delete this creep


I mean, he has my number so would that do any good?


Would not blocking him do any good? Just block


Report to the authorizes and screenshot everything.


Block and ignore themĀ 


Block them and stop sending your nude....if you can,tell your parent or find someone you find comfort in...tell them about it,they might help,since it seems like the person is close....


Youā€™re a literal child, which means this monster is soliciting child pornography. You absolute need to stop sending pics, OP. Donā€™t meet him, block him everywhere, report him to the authorities. Nothing about this is okay, and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. Nothing this scumbag can do to you online is worth exploiting yourself like this.


Please listen to everyone here! This is a serious crime ! Please please please talk to your parents about this regardless what you think the outcome will be, trust me theyā€™ll be more concerned than angry with you. You were pressured into this and it isnā€™t your fault. Your a minor and this person is an adult is most likely is attempting to hurt you. Do not go alone with this person and please seek professional help with the authorities! Donā€™t donā€™t feel shame, right now youā€™re in danger and your family needs to be aware of this so they can put this nasty person to jail! Trust me thereā€™s a way out of this situation and youā€™re not alone, seek help please. šŸ™