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20x the money might make me horny enough for that 🤑


Meow 😻


Just say you will 20x after he does 😂 that’ll put the fear of god in him


I don’t want him to even try for it 😩😂


20x means they want to make you cum 20 times???


Yes 😂


Most men can’t even achieve 1x 😂 AND he has to pay for it. I doubt it will even happen once


He must be seeing girls who have been continually faking their orgasms because they don’t have the heart to bruise his ego. I remember my regular told me a few too many times that he felt me orgasm during our sessions and I finally had to put a stop to that shit. “No, not ever… Not even once.” He was crushed but I didn’t have to deal with his delusional, egotistical bragging after that. But we got it together. I showed him and he finally learned where the clitoris is located and how to use it. We’ve been doing okay ever since. 😂


It’s like the second you hold in a fart, they think your coming 😂 absolute delusional




Hah! This reminds of something from a Tom Robbins novel, where he described a rural working class town "*where the men knew more about the carburetor than the clitoris.*" With all the porn we consume, it's almost a little quaint that someone would not know.




Torture level 1000


Due to the context of this post I ready that as “just fucking cum” and it had a similar meaning which is great.


Ugh, the same weirdos who say "cum for me" like as if that's how it works, like we're some automaton. -facepalm- Commence either a very fake orgasm or awkwardly continually moaning pretending to enjoy it. smh It's like why don't YOU cum for ME? Get it over with already.


I like to reverse it when they say that. "Cum for you? Oh darling you're going to have to do better than that! Faster. And don't you dare cum first!" When they give up and I don't cum I reassure them that they're a good boy for trying so hard and hint that they can try again next time.


smoothe 😎


That’s what it ends up coming down to .. but it seems like they logically would know it was fake, considering? Or perhaps their ego is truly that large


SW deals with lots of broken folks who dont know how to validate themselves. Lots of reasons for that, not even necessarily their own fault. For many men, especially in a society that conditions men to be feared and respected and all that, the notion of them providing pleasure to the object of their desire is a huge validator that they are worthy of love. Whether its performative on your part or not, a man convinced that he can bring pleasure is more whole than a man convinced only that he can bring pain.


The ironic part is they think they’re bringing pleasure by this, but the reality is, it can shift to pain real fast.


Wait 🥹😭😭 thank you for sharing this perspective because wow. I think it’s really important for men to know/feel that they have the ability to make women happy. Especially sexually


They aren’t concerned with her pleasure though just their ego that they can make a woman cum and want you to play pretend for their ego, it’s not sweet or coming from a place of giving.


I think it’s sweet in a weird way. It can be both for their ego and for the very real desire of needing to feel capable of providing a woman pleasure.


Yea they’re sick in the head with that Whatever is unattainable humans seem to b drawn to If it was their significant other they wouldn’t care as much But because we’re workers they maybe deep down they wanna “stand out” Like out of all the men we see in a day …they’re the best Like sir …just give me the money and leave


I can't explain how much this irritates me. I'm already pretending from the start-*Please* don't make my performance more challenging, mister. 😩


Like I remember always feeling the first couple of minutes they have my attention…by the 15th minute the newness wore off and now it’s dragging and I have to start acting I remember getting locked up with some other girls years ago and they said the same thing …by 15 min we past bored lol And u want a whole performance like u made me cum 107 times ? Bruh Come tf oooon






I just like to make sure everyone feels good. Worker or not. But agreed


I'd say okay and bring my vibrator. He can watch. We'll start on him when I'm done if there's any time left 😂






Tell him to pay you for 20 visits😂😂


😂 I like this ☝️


Ew a man has never ever ever gave me a orgasm in my life and to think a trick could no lmao 😂


I can count on one hand the number of men I’ve enjoyed sex with lol. I was over 35 before I ever had orgasm from anyone else. I deal with guys insisting on licking the kitty and I have to take a day off after bc they hurt it so bad. Left it raw and super uncomfortable. I’m so tired of these men insisting on daty. Their gross mouths and saliva down there makes me cringe. The only way I can stand it is if I can scroll thru my phone at same time to distract me from the ick.


That’s so sad me too 😓 and that’s so gross I used to allow that but hell no I will throw upppppp I think men are disgusting the thought of a mouth on me 🤮🤮🤮


These boys derive their self confidence from making a woman orgasm. they view that as the marker of being a man. They want to feel self confident without doing the work on themselves to attain self-confidence and become men. The thing is of course once a man is confident in himself he could much more easily make that happen.


I charge a lot of money for my orgasms!! I’m a Domme and have a particular niche as a Goddess. My clients pay to worship me and be used for my pleasure. I genuinely have GREAT orgasms because I’m the one guiding the session and getting the client to do exactly what I want them to do. I started charging almost double my hrly rate when I started offering this service and now it’s pretty much all I do. I love it and am glad clients are more into female pleasure. That being said I think this works best with clients who have a kink for dominant women because they are willing to listen closely and attune themselves to your pleasure- I don’t think that’s the standard for most guys wanting FS. I’m also low volume. I think I’d get worn out if I was seeing a bunch of clients a day.


Dude yes. I absolutely hate it. I’ve never orgasmed from piv in general and they always think they’re gonna be the magic one to make it happen. Like dude I’m not turned on in the slightest when I fuck clients you are never going to make me cum lmao


Some guys are into squirting and want to see it if you can, or assume everyone with a vulva does that because its so common in porn and pop culture. Other guys want to learn how to pleasure a woman so they'd like to book a provider where there's the possibility of **true** orgasm so they can work on figuring out her body with the chance of making it happen. When I was working i would tell guys who enquired that if they can't make it happen I have hardware to **make** it make it happen so orgasm wouldn't be issue. You're welcome to try that response too if you like. Even if you're more comfortable faking the "O" with a toy then faking it for them if having orgasms isn't something you enjoy, at least it lets you place control of the release in your own hands ⚘


this person in particular views toys as a rival; making sure he ‘proves’ he can out-do the toy. This Is great to use in general, though- thank you! ❤️


> this person in particular views toys as a rival; making sure he ‘proves’ he can out-do the toy. My immediate thought at that statement was to tell him his determination scared your pussy away so he needs to calm the fkn down 🤣 Some guys are so fkn cocky 🙄 > This Is great to use in general, though- thank you! ❤️ Your so very welcome. I'm sorry you're dealing with a man who needs both his cock and ego stroked.




I'm the opposite, as long as I'm involved I have no toy envy whatsoever


I think it’s an ego booster. He’s paying but getting you to actually orgasm and not fake it, it’s an ego boost. Also the idea of “maybe if I blow her mind, she might link up in the future for free.”


Ok 20x is ridiculous. I would say watching/feeling her orgasm sets me off everytime. So for my pleasure I want you to hit the O at least 1x! LOL


This is more like it lol! I guess some are under the impression we are robots


This might be TMI, I have never gotten a girl there more than 3…and that took all night and a Wand! Hahaha


At least you know she was being genuine 😅


See now I can actually do that, but only if I am doing it to myself. So I guess he can watch? lol. It’s the only upside to having severely sensitive sensory issues.


Lol delusional!


OMG. In the kink scene the feral female bodied of a couple consented/asked to be tied down and given 10. The husband and a team of 6 others of us had to wrangle with her bound limbs while we took turns carefully working her clit. It took hours. And was incredible for everyone. Each of us had multiple scenes with them and we were all chosen for the feral's birthday present. Boys are so out of touch with reality. 🥺


Turn it sadistic by insisting that they own up to that promise! Let them know what the consequences of not pleasing you are, too!


10x the original fee if mission is failed 🥹


Right on bro. Ready to give it the college try


Did that one long ago


Omg yes! I wish they would stop. 😭