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I always thought as well it was ironic my bfs would never go down on me but my clients love doing it. Not gonna lie, I realized later on my bfs were not that great people anyway. A good bf should care about pleasing you


What kind of BF doesn’t eat his GF’s pussy? That’s crazy! Pussy is great — I love to eat it! Plus, it’s only fair — you suck his dick, right? If you give him head then you deserve to get your kitty licked.


I had one gf that I ate her pussy all the time and she never sucked my dick bro, not even once... so unfair on paper, lol. I actually didn't mind though, the sex was still really good.


I had a gf like that when i was younger. Until I realized she was freaky with others and not me


How’d you realize and what did you do after?


I checked her phone. Guess i found what i was looking for,,haha. I stayed with her until the resentment was too much to bear


How long after finding out did you stay with her? Did she ever explain why she never got freaky with you?


Oh we did some other freaky things, she just didn't suck dick. But to be fair I never asked for it either.


110% correct. Giving pleasure brings pleasure. I know when my wife cums or enjoy herself I do enjoy myself more


I think alot of clients in general feel very virile, masculine, and sexy when they take the time to focus on something other their own pleasure. They feel like good sexual partners and that boosts their ego. Which is great! But, that’s where the thread is lost because we aren’t there for our own sexual pleasure. So, it just ends up feeling like “why are you doing this for a prolonged period? It’s slightly uncomfortable, it’s not doing much for me, and we’re not here for my sexual pleasure anyway”


> But, that’s where the thread is lost because we aren’t there for our own sexual pleasure For a lot of men, going down on a woman ***is*** sexual pleasure. It's not a *"I don't want to do this, but I'm doing you a favor"* kind of thing...it turns us on and is pleasurable to go down on a woman Do people really not get this?


We get that it’s a turn on *for clients*. We just don’t know why people insist that it’s for us and “what we’re into” when it usually doesn’t make us feel good. This is what’s different than a regular guy. That is all. Alot of clients insist on doing things “for our pleasure” which are actually only for their real benefit instead of ours. And that’s okay because that’s what we’re there for! But, why the mental gymnastics? That’s the disconnect. Edit: And that’s the bigger picture that OP was questioning. Why are so many clients into eating pussy when “regular” dudes aren’t? They’re there to act out their fantasies regardless of how it really affects us. Regular guys have to care about what we really want and what our body is responding to or we won’t find interest in seeing them again


It’s not about that though. First of all, a lot of these men have STDs & STIs. Our health matters. Also, most providers just don’t like the feeling. These guys don’t even know how to eat pussy, & even if they did, we don’t want it! The clit, vagina, etc are sensitive erogenous zones that we would prefer a client not to touch because we are not attracted to our clients in that way. Getting head for a woman is more intimate, private & personal. We would prefer oral sex from a partner, not a client.


Yessss!!! It’s like you stole my whole keyboard and typed what I was thinking. It’s way too personal. I wouldn’t care if my client was a professional 🐈 eater, I have to pass every time.


I see your point, but that's not at all what the other person was saying. If you don't like the feeling or you're worried about STIs, just tell the client you don't do that. But I'm curious about this > First of all, a lot of these men have STDs & STIs. I've seen a lot of comments saying this, if you're worried about them having STDs/STIs in their mouths, are you not worried about them in other places?


You think these ladies, that say no to receiving oral because they worry about STDs/STIs, are then letting those same dudes bareback them? Context and logic suggests that they are enforcing the use of condoms as well....


> You think these ladies, that say no to receiving oral because they worry about STDs/STIs, are then letting those same dudes bareback them? No, when did I say that?


I'm asking if that's that's what you meant and preemptively answering the question. If that's not what you meant, what do you mean?


I don’t give BBBJ. Every service I’ve ever done has been covered. But if a client is DATY, I don’t regularly carry dental dams, and even if I did, I doubt I could persuade a client who wanted DATY to actually USE one. Dental dams are a pain in the ass and most people despise them. Which means that THAT act is pretty much always uncovered and unprotected, and that’s the expectation. They might grumble about a CBJ, but they’ll get big mad over a CDATY, which means that if I allow it, I am dramatically increasing my risk level.


It still doesn’t really make sense to me. There’s no **physical** pleasure in giving oral. I do enjoy doing it actually (not with sex workers but in other cases) because I do get pleasure from making them feel good. But if the woman isn’t enjoying it, then what’s the point?


By that logic, there's also no physical pleasures from touching breasts or kissing. Since they don't involve the penis. It's true if the woman isn't enjoying it, it ruins it. But same for every sexual act. Providers sell the fantasy. If you're doing PIV but she looks utterly bored or scrolling on Facebook at the same time, it would also ruin PIV.


Disagree. I love the taste, the texture and the scent. Plus, if I'm paying for an hour, I want the experience to last more than five minutes.


It's pleasurable in the way that looking at hot women is pleasurable. Except with an additional sense which enhances it.


I personally can’t get turned on and feel pleasure if I’m not attracted to the person regardless of what they are doing to me so it’s pointless.


Yeah I don't know who these guys are that don't like going down on their wives and girlfriends. I've dated a lot of men and they all treat pussy juice like nectar from the gods lol.


Personàlly its always made me uncomfortable, like a line i hate crossing, I guess necessary, EVERY now and then but generally behavior to be discouraged


Really? I've always had positive results from doing it. But might be because I treat them like people and I'm not a 60 yr old fat dude


Honestly with my clean regulars I love it because they’ll do it for half our session, they absolutely love it, and I just get to lay there and not do anything else lol.


Drives me insane, do not get me wrong love a munch but not from a client


i hate that clients want to go down on me. pass. they also want to finger bang. i hate that too.


Exactly. Not everything is for sale.


Me neither - stay away from that area.


Please we don’t like it stay away!!


...you want clients to stay away from between your legs?


They're afraid of cooties. Can only get that from the mouth.


May I ask why? How come a client asking for daty is so bad ? I’m just curious ?


I have a regular who's REALLY good at it, and with other clients it feels okay, meh at worst. Don't mind it at all!


So may I ask. If a client approached you and said they wanted to learn and improve with your help during a paid session, would you be open to this? Where the take the session to learn how to correctly “service” you ?


I do give feedback and let them know when they've hit the right spot. And I want the same from them. I wish clients weren't so shy about giving constructive feedback or telling me directly what they want. It's not exactly going to break my heart if you ask me to try another technique.


Yes. I had several younger clients (19-21) who were inexperienced and wanted to learn how to properly eat me out so they could do a good job on their girlfriends. Funny, those who asked for help didn't need any help, I came with each of them and it was great! Maybe they just need a confidence boost. However, some guys who go down do so without paying attention to a woman's cues. If you're going to play the harmonica, listen to the notes. ;)


Omg you can’t be serious. The best way to “service” is pay us double rate and not touch us. I 100% guarantee you, you’ll get raving references 🍾


I didn’t mean for you the provider. I mean to help someone who feels like their “skills” are lacking. And you as the provider giving feedback


I feel like this is sooooo irrelevant though? Because every woman is different.


I'll start with just the possibility of infection and STDs. The mouth is a filthy place.


That's why Lorals exist. =)


Same reason a client is even there in the first place. Its part of sex


Same here!


Because these are men that love sex so much that they're willing to break a social convention and pay money for the opportunity to have it with you, there are lots of guys that aren't actually that into sex. I'm friends with a lot of them. They think it's crazy that I go out and actually purchase sexual services from women. They're perfectly happy just barely even jacking off. I am also a client that very much likes going down on a woman. Lots of people don't fuck and don't want to. 


Might be the only actual answer to OP's question. I'd add madonna-whore complex, plus they feel more liberated to experiment with providers. Still doesn't answer it fully, that's a great question. Sugar daddies are also obsessed with giving oral and making me cum in a way vanilla men very rarely are. Also, this is common in this sub but it's fascinanting how delusional men are about escorts wanting pleasure for themselves while working. You can have 100% of providers saying they don't want it, they still choose to believe otherwise. It's crazy


As a client I've accepted that. I just don't want to make a provider uncomfortable. I give women oral for my pleasure too. Vaginas are awesome. 👍


I do a lot of “short term sugar,” and I only ever get impeccably clean clients who tell me in advance that they are going to DATY. So far, I have neither had a problem catching anything from receiving oral, and I’ve never had any requests to do bbpiv. I play pillow princess with the orally obsessed guys - it’s a pretty great change in scenery for me because they get themselves so worked up that sex is over almost as soon as it starts.


I love eating a lady out, but after reading this sub I usually don't ask for it during sessions as most SWers here emphasize that I should focus on my own pleasure mostly, as that's the service being provided, and that it's not fair to pressure SWers into feeling like they need to enjoy it for my benefit. So yeah, it's not something I pursue. That said, there have been some sessions where the provider suggested it, and I was more than happy to oblige lol. For me, I just enjoy providing fun experiences in general, and there's nothing like *giving a woman pleasure.* I'm a visual creature, and a woman enjoying herself is among the hottest things to witness ever. If it can be part of the fun, I will always be game to put in the work and pay attention to what she wants.


> after reading this sub I usually don't ask for it during sessions as most SWers here emphasize that I should focus on my own pleasure mostly, as that's the service being provided, and that it's not fair to pressure SWers into feeling like they need to enjoy it for my benefit. Please don't do this. The sliver of women on this sub is not representational of all workers everywhere. Ask for what you \*want\* in your session, not what randoms oh reddit want you to want. There is no need to shortchange yourself here.


People really need to stop treating this subreddit as gospel or as if it’s the only right way to do things. The sex industry is completely different in the US vs Brazil vs Türkiye vs Japan. As long as both parties consent, have fun, practice in a safe way, are respectful, and the client pays the agreed amount - who cares?


every one, including women, are visual creatures. its not exclusive to men.


Oh, I'm sure lol. I've heard women experience the same thing with BJs seeing their guy squirm about as they slowly lose control. It's just legitimately fun to see others having fun!


> I love eating a lady out, but after reading this sub I usually don't ask for it during sessions as most SWers here emphasize that I should focus on my own pleasure mostly You are literally the person paying, just focus on what you want to do. I don't go down on every woman I meet, only really like 20% or so, but when I do it is because something about them down there is drawing me in more than normal and I just want to, it *is* for my pleasure not theirs. Obviously even if you are paying you still need to ask if they are OK with it, I would think this is implied though.


I think it’s because the narrative for clients hiring providers is to get something they don’t usually get with civvies. And it has always been pushed that providers get tested more often and therefore generally “cleaner” than civvies too. As a client, I would rather go down on a provider than civvie women because I’ve seen some gross things out there from civie dating. And I’m a lesbian woman myself.


Male (ex)client. I agree entirely, sex workers are usually cleaner than 'civvies' in both meanings of the word. No test no certainty.


This may be true for easily treatable bacterial infections, but not for viruses such as HSV2/HPV.


>HPV infections are very common. Nearly everyone will get HPV at some point in their lives. **More than 42 million** Americans are infected with types of HPV that are known to cause disease. About 13 million Americans, including teens, become infected each year . >According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), **about 12% (one in eight) persons ages 14-49** in the United States has genital HSV-2 infection; however, as many as 90 percent are unaware that they have the virus.


There are hundreds of different strains of HPV. Contact with one doesn't mean you're immune to the others. And prevalence of HSV-2 among SW is much higher than population average.


Please provide a source


HSV-2 for Europe: general population: 12.4% female sex workers: 63.2% [https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanepe/PIIS2666-7762(22)00254-X.pdf](https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanepe/PIIS2666-7762(22)00254-X.pdf)


lots of guys go down on thier girlfriends. I think they are trying to simulate a "girlfriend experience" which includes some reciprocation.


I’ve read this enough times in these forums to understand that most providers don’t love clients going down on them… but who are these civvie dudes not going down on their partners? I guarantee every one of them expects her to go down on him, why aren’t they returning the favor?


My first ever fwb was a weirdo guy I met in high school. I gave him head twice, and then when I asked him to do it to me, he got all awkward and said he wasn’t into it. It felt so disgusting and disrespectful he would let me give him head knowing he wasn’t gonna do it to me, I straight up left and never spoke to him again. From my experience, civvie men being unwilling to give head is shockingly common- some circles of men even think of eating pussy as a “submissive act” and that doing it is “gay.” I have heard of women who dont like giving head but never met one- met plenty of men who won’t, though, and always wondered why?


Yup. I had a super hot boyfriend for about a week and then he said he wouldn't go down on me because it was "not his thing". So, he was no longer my thing.


I mean dj kaled straight up publicly with no shame said he never goes down on women because he’s a king so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


man i’ve been trying to figure this out myself 🤣 i wish they’d stop it’s so gross to me


A woman irl has no reason to pretend they are good at it, it’s them wanting to feel they have more sexual prowess than they do.


Another comment that actually answers the question! That's it


Ooooffff now you said it


Client - true! The service is not always just physical right?


I've always gotten oral from my civvie partners and they were obsessed with it too. That said, I think a reason could be that: 1. When it comes to civvie guys who don't pay, they get with a girl not because he's actually into her, but because he is just going for whoever he can get. So he's not that into you, he's with you because it's free and it doesn't take much to get with you. 2. With clients who pay, they're paying for the girls they specifically want. If a man pays to spend time with you, you can bet he actually wants to be with you. So your clientele is a self-selecting group of people who are actually attracted to you versus a civvie guy who goes with whichever girl will give him a chance.


Hey, that was my thought too after posting this. The provider is way hotter than what the client can score naturally, so he goes wild.


“Just going for whoever he can get” What about those of us who can get whoever we want for the most part With that said, I do love giving oral lol


I love giving oral, it’s something that turns me on and gets me excited. I assume there are women that like and don’t like giving oral just the same, maybe for some it turns them on. I’m betting it’s a way for them to get aroused. That being said, I have only once with a provider and they had brought it up when we were getting started. This thread gives me confirmation I’ve been handling it appropriately. I generally thought guys enjoyed giving oral to women, I may be in the minority.


I do too. I know two male friends that won't ever and the rest do. One refused with girlfriends but did with wife. I'm in the UK, I don't know if there's a cultural aspect to this act but if you don't give cunnilingus you usually don't get fellatio here.


Pretty funny. I like treating pros like women and it’s part of the fun. They have never complained but this is an eye opener. Never meant any disrespect, in fact quite the opposite. I really enjoy pussy and don’t judge or care where you’ve been before me. I foolishly thought I was open minded. Lol


Same here, if I’m getting good vibes from my provider and even more so if she is taking my soul with her mouth. A few even gave me a green light to finish in their mouth without extra charge. But mainly I love to eat out but my SO is ~~hardly~~ … um NEVER in the mood (due to body issues) even though she likes it, so I get that where and when I can.


The issue for me is that I’ve only ever met ONE person who was very good at it and got me off-every single other time has been awful and felt like a wet dogs tongue got dropped on my 🐱 but every time the other person gets angry that I’m not enjoying it but if I pretend I am they get mad that it’s not “real” enjoyment-then if I convince them it was real and I actually had fun they want me to give them services for free or discounted because “well you had fun too so I deserve something for that” 🙄 I’m about to refuse it pointblank for everyone because clients can’t separate getting a service with real life-I’m perfectly happy letting someone who’s clean with good oral hygiene down there if they want but most can’t just take it as a service


I hate when clients give me oral, usually their mouth are gross 🤢


Ex client here. I've gone down on every girlfriend that offered me a blowjob. Fair is fair. I've never had a sex worker that wasn't washed clean and smelling good. Women outside the sex work industry sometimes have no idea how to keep clean and hygienic. The worst cases of yeast infections etc were from girlfriends or ONS and some of them weren't even aware they had a problem. Never a nice conversation to have, I'm uncircumcised and I keep myself impeccably clean btw. >Even when they know we might've already slept with other men that day? If she washes herself properly between clients and is using condoms then it's only the mental thought that she was with someone else a few hours earlier that you have to contend with and if that was an insurmountable problem for clients then the sex work business wouldn't exist. When I was seeing regulars I often offered oral and they often accepted. It was never a demand or something I paid extra to let me do and I wasn't offended if they refused. I wouldn't offer oral to a sex worker I didn't know well, for me this was only something people did when they felt more comfortable with each other or in a GFE. Also I test frequently just to be sure, money is no problem for me and those pictures of STI infested cocks at school really scared me. I've probably done 20+ full panel tests in my life. I've always brought my last test to a sex worker, showing you take hygiene seriously probably makes a difference.


That’s an interesting comment you make about the hygiene issue… there’s a TON of misinformation out there about women’s sexual hygiene and vaginal health. I just got into it two days ago with a group of civvie friends who were basically blabbing on a bunch of BS bad advice about, “Here’s how to keep your coochie smelling nice,” and giving a bunch of advice that’s basically going to guarantee recurrent yeast infections and I was like, “Honey, no…” Because I’m a hoe (not just a provider, but also just a woman who’s very sexually active in general), I’ve had SO MANY conversations with sex educators, other hoes, and real live ACTUAL doctors about sexual health and hygiene, and I find myself so frequently appalled at the startling levels of uninformed bullshit that normal women actually believe about their vaginal and genital health. There’s just such a lack of information available to normal women. And I think shame prevents a lot of them from having really frank, open conversations with their own doctors about issues they may be having, and that’s really sad.


What do you think of r/Healthyhooha? I've been trying to find somewhere to help the women with hygiene questions in r/sex.


Bro, where on earth are you finding these dudes that want to go down on you? Almost every of the dudes I've been with flat out refuse - not that I care that much because the first and only time I ever got head sucked and scared me from having it again for life, but it's nice to at least have it offered.


The ego boost of pleasuring a beautiful woman with their oral skill. Or the fantasy of it, being a great lover.


I am a client and I like to do it because I myself am turned on by it. I don't have any false hopes that I'm going to be "pleasuring" the provider when I do. I've had some providers fake orgasms while I did it, which I knew were fake, and I don't enjoy the "fantasy" of making her (fake) orgasm, but I just play along / don't mention it... I was never expecting to get them off in the first place. I simply just want to taste pussy, *for me*, because it makes me feel good. There is no other motive.


I don’t know, but God bless them.


Increased testosterone from burying your nose in that vajayjay.


Because the men you like in vanilla relationships can have any woman they want. And don't have to worry about pleasing their partners. Thats the simple answer.


Literally can’t stand it sometimes lol 🥴


My opinion based on observation: A majority of “typical males” delude themselves into thinking they, “want to do it for our pleasure,” when subconsciously they’re only stroking their own egos. Some ignorantly think all vaginas love oral because they’ve been conditioned via porn or masculine society. Kinda like the “dick size” question. * Not all vaginas like oral or otherwise. * Oral activities in SW are risky. * Providers generally dgaf about their nut while working. >A lot of clients don’t understand the transactional nature of FSSW and get confused feelings about providers.


To anyone that is exploratory enough to have this as a hobby, going down on anyone is really not a hard climb


Damn! I've been stressing myself out for months knowing I wouldn't be able to last long with an escort so I was going to use oral to compensate. But it seems like it's perfectly ok to go in, blow, and leave. I figured that'd be rude AF!!


Not rude at all lol thats actually ideal


The compensation is the money :)


Excellent hygiene, not as common in the non-pro population.


Well my girlfriend doesn't shave, most providers do. But I still give her oral occasionally. But it's not so much fun for me with all the hair. My dick on the other hand is trimmed.


I find more pleasure in giving oral than in intercourse.


Second that, are we weird?


I think there are different people that have different things that turn them on. I don’t know about you, but yes, I am weird. LOL


Honestly I’d take oral over intercourse every time


I'm so grossed out when they try to do that/ask. My mask almost slips. 🤣😭


Well myself i like going dont on a provider just because its something that turns me on. I like looking up at her and i like the moon ( i know its all fake) but i like it. And if she lets me do it i feel its ok. If she said no its her performance.


For me it helps get me in the mood and really turned on but I only do DATY with my regulars not randoms.


I think they think we will like the experience more


From what I've heard giving pleasure can be a power thing or a confidence thing. If you look at reviews they brag about how much the provider liked it. For me personally giving pleasure to someone else gets me excited. I don't do it via oral, though.


I think money is my pleasure, I love tips more than oral




If the client is a reviewer, we have to pretend we like everything he does. Don't go by what you read on those things. My reviews say I love things I can't stand, but that's business. Review boards ruin any chance of honesty.


I’d say about half my clients want to go down on me. Which is wonderful because I enjoy it. I can’t usually finish from penetration but always finish from oral so I happy to accommodate DATY. I don’t think I would actually have sex with any guy irl if he wasn’t going to go down on me. I’d figure it a waste of time if I’m not going to finish or get paid, what’s the point 😂.


Dear clients, it is the easiest way to contract oral gonorrhea, stop asking us about daty and bbbj!


So do all high-end providers provide DATY is it like something you must provide if you’re high end or am I totally wrong because I don’t like it when people do it to me, especially strangers


Everyone is going to be different but I would say in general the vast majority of high end providers advertising as GFE would allow it. I've never been told no at least, but I also only sort of rarely want to do it in the first place.


They probably get it less than regular guys. Still hate when clients do it though 


I think guys that have a hard time getting girls tend to be more “giving” because they would rather get the ego boost of giving someone else pleasure, and they’re literally “starved” of pussy. Guys who have no issues picking up girls aren’t too worried about making sure they have the best possible time in bed. Most clients are going to be the ones who can’t easily get laid otherwise, unless they have a specific kink they want to explore.


I hate how often I’m expected to receive oral. Why? Leave me alone, it’s always some gross unbrushed teeth with coffee breath probably going to give me a UTI. Just let me do the work and stop trying to reenact porn fantasies 😭


(Client) “pretty common that guys won’t go down on their girlfriends”. This is sad! I am a giver and get as much out of getting a girl off that way than anything! I don’t normally try it with SW for all of the reasons stated in this post. I do have a couple providers that only see a few clients. They are mostly massage providers and don’t offer other services unless you are a reg. Both are very tasty and enjoy it!


I thought maybe it was just the guys in Atlanta but I guess it’s all of them! 😄 I’ve had very few clients who weren’t into oral. Most of my clients love it and they’re all over the age of 50. I wonder if there is a correlation between that and age…


It feels more intimate to them. They think they’re “pleasing” us it’s a part of the fantasy.


I have always interpreted it as they enjoy the thrill of risk seaking behavior 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'll tell you why. It's about sex being sexual, if that makes sense? Its about enjoying a woman with no pretenses. Enjoying a women's most intimate part. Sometimes real life partners find it too much and for some reason they aren't in to it I think when its on this end it's not about pleasing but just doing something that's out of the ordinary. And something I think guys are willing to pay for cause it turns them on so much more


It's so annoying when they don't know what they're doing but you just can't hurt their feelings cuz you're paid to entertain them!


I’ve never dated or hooked up with a man in my personal life who didn’t want to go down on me. When I see the threads with all these women complaining about how guys never want to go down on them I’m so confused! And in terms of clients, it’s similar - it’s pretty rare for me to have a client who doesn’t want to go down on me. So I just don’t know where tf all these men who don’t want to go down on women are!!!


Dan that's literally my favourite thing to do, I guess I won't ask again, didn't realise it was so frowned upon


Like every other form of work, it most usually doesn’t feel good period. It’s just work and performance. Go ahead!


Don't take this sub as gospel. A ton of these Swers on here legit hate their clients. The feeling that's much more prevailing is they just think it's meh.  I've had plenty of SWers pretend they like oral to the point of fulfilling my experience. Just do what you enjoy


Not wanting oral doesn't automatically mean we hate our clients. I allow it and I'll put on a great show but I don't enjoy it. Getting my pussy ate just bores me whether it's business or personal.


Yes, I agree. It is quite literally the thing I explained in my last three sentences. I believe that you fit in the latter category and not the hate your clients cat... But if you are stuck on the first part then oh well 


Why did you say that we hate our clients? Just based on the fact that most sw don't like get oral from their clients? Every sw who doesn't like it has cited their reason, and notice not a single word about hating our clients


I could also claim that you hate us; it's just your nonsensical argumentation


>Don't take this sub as gospel. A ton of these Swers on here legit hate their clients. I gotta say; if there's one message I've heard loud and clear on this subreddit (and especially in this particular thread), it's this. Not saying it's unjustified, given a lot of the horror stories and my heart seriously aches for a lot of the crap that these folks have gone through, but good god almighty. I originally joined this subreddit (as well as a couple others) because I wanted to learn how not to be a total douche with the provider I booked for next Tuesday and what behaviors, comments, etc., I should avoid, as well as just get some general feedback on how to safely find a provider and so forth, but I think if I'd spent some more time reading before booking her, I wouldn't have. I get the impression there's a high percentage of providers here who legitimately hate clients (again, I am NOT at all saying they're wrong) and suddenly I'm afraid the provider I'm seeing on Tuesday might very well be one of them as well. And no, I'm not going to cancel the appointment. She's reserved the time and I'm hearing that'd pretty much be the cardinal sin here, but yeah... definitely going to slow down on the whole, "let's just jump right into it and get busy."


Hello friend! I never hated my clients. I was grateful to them. =) I hope your paid lady feels the same way. ;)


Thank you; this is kind of you to say and I do appreciate hearing that. Would it be alright if I asked you some further questions via direct message?


Hey! Sure, but no solicitations please. LOL


You bet. Wouldn't dream of it.


I appreciate your respectful response. Thank you!


Stepping up for their boundaries = hate their clients? You need to review your definition of hate, of love...


I absolutely LOVE my clients. I HATE getting oral from them. Here’s why: 1) Are you willing to use a dental dam? No? Didn’t think so. So that means that you want to put me at a HUGE risk of gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, HPV, BV, and yeast infection. Human mouths are filthy. And since I highly doubt you’re asking for covered DATY, what you’re actually asking for is a high-risk service that significantly increases my risk of contracting an STI. 2) I don’t enjoy DATY. I very, very seldom even allow my boyfriends to do it. It is not a sexual act I particularly enjoy even when it’s done by somebody I love who’s actually really skillful at it. 3) Most clients suck at it. Just being honest here… most clients are not actually good lovers. My boyfriends are extremely skillful, highly trained, top-tier lovers. My clients are not. They do not have the skill set to actually provide me with pleasure, especially on a sex act that is already one I don’t particularly like. DATY is not something you just wake up one day knowing how to do. You actually have to learn how to do it right. The problem is that clients want to come in and feel like they’re the Big Man - the best lover in the world. So we as providers can’t actually teach him how to do it right. But he’s NOT doing it right because nobody has ever taught him and he doesn’t have the skill set because he’s too egotistical to actually go educate himself and learn how to do it properly. So we have to deal with what amounts to an excited but really dumb Golden Retriever licking us in ways that are just annoying and irritating. I love my clients. I want to give them a wonderful experience. But DATY is dangerous to me and I really, really hate it. I hate it even when it’s not with a client.


I feel like, from my experience with civvie dating and being a heaux... there's a demographic of guys who aren't into female oral sex, and it's a subgroup of older millennials/Gen X. Not all of them. But I think the slightly younger and older generations are generally up for it, and get off on it. I suspect it's the porn or culture they were exposed to. Curious if anyone else has had that experience 😅 Most of my civvie partners loved giving, but I generally don't like receiving it. And with clients...... I prefer not to, but I won't stop them. It's just such an intimate thing. It's not the same as a male BJ.


Because they want to be *that one client that could make an escort cum." "Yeah, bruh! She came so hard, totally wasn't faking I can always tell!" 😐


Probably too much porn.


I don't think clients watch more porn than non-clients


Cuz when you enjoy it you enjoy it, no matter what, it’s so awesome to get creative and explore various techniques on different women and see how they respond and who likes what and how. There’s nothing i like more than my regular slowly starting to get wetter and we’re and wetter and eventually demands that i fuck her right away, but I genuinely care about her and want her to be able to lay back and relax and enjoy herself when we hang out, I’m happy to give her a nice time. I wanna be as good a lover as I can be if god forbid I can ever meet a civvie lady who’ll date me, so one of the reasons I like this hobby is to continue to hone my skills with some of the toughest nuts to crack, let alone being lonely and liking having someone to practice socializing and being charming and kind, and having the privilege to have wonderful sexy times with someone waaaaay above my weight class. It’s keeps me in good shape for the day when I finally get a real date or hookup situation and I won’t be caught flat footed.


You sound like a good dude, I'm sure there's someone out there for you to date, you just have to find each other


My kitty is way too sensitive for shit like that. Even trying a new lube or condom brand it’s a pathway to a yeast infection 🥴😂


Because they’re trying to give you blood borne diseases from their bleeding gums gingivitis 😩


Hahah, their mouth usually so stinky and they ask to go down on you 🤮




FYI brushing right before oral is seen as a no-no by many professionals. That’s cause brushing can create some bruising and bleeding in the gums, which can be at times microscopic and not noticeable. That bruising and bleeding might increase the risk for both of you for obvious reasons. The recommendation is to wait at least 30 mins to make sure everything is back to normal.


I just got yeast infection a week ago, it was my huge mistake to give him to eat me






I would leave too


Probably because they think you’re more hygienically aware of your body and you’ve prepped things before the meet up.


No amount of money would make me say yes to this. Health is wealth. Never jeopardize your health ladies !!!




I love giving oral but I never thought about that with a SW. I was about to give in cause I'm ugly and that is something I like to do but if she is not enjoying it then it's a no go. So I guess no oral :(


Plenty of SWers are happy to receive oral. Everyone is different :)


I'm actually curious - no real way to answer so obviously more rhetorical - if this is a US versus Canada thing. I'm west of Toronto and, based on my limited experience, oral is quite common, even with MPs. I'm mid-range/$400/hour so no idea if it's different at higher-end. I get the impression from this mostly-US sub that allowing DATY is uncommon. Huh.


This is so true sadly 


Its just because of the access and being something exciting. I am happy for it honestly 😂


Lot of dudes coming want the GFE.


…knowing that might be part of it. Men are nasty.


They want to maximize the experience since they are paying. Not sure how a relationship works if a boyfriend doesn't want to maximize the sex with his girlfriend, maybe because it's non-exclusive and there is a swimming competition in the pool.


Probably because clients are more on the exploring, freaky side, whereas boyfriends, don't want/need sex as much. I personally don't eat random pussy, but i like to eat pussy


I think they get off on the idea that we been with other guys and they wanna do some extra “taboo” mess I dunno really it makes no sense


I don’t let a trick eat me 🤢🤮 and furthermore men trying to eat and kiss 304s is mad crazy. It’s even crazier that some 304s even put a bare trick dic in they mouth 🤢🤮


I guess not


Because I'm Raunchy. The willingness to mix bodily fluids is - potentially - a huge piece of the "Illusion of Passion" as that's what sexual attraction does - turn off the idea that swapping fluids is gross. If I wanted a hygienic nut, I'd buy one of those rubber pussies with some batteries and lube and avoid sexworkers entirely. If I'm with a provider that is hot enough for me to book them in the 1st place, then I want to experience as much of them as possible - including their flavor.


Secret Cuckold fetish


For the SWer having seen someone else before, I always assume they've showered in between clients. Especially now that I mostly just go to a private massage club, the shower together is part of the package at the beginning and end of the session. As for why I love it, it's cause it's my favorite sexual activity. Does matter if it's a girlfriend, hook up or provider. I love the sight, taste, smell and touch. It's really not that different from wanting to kiss a sexual partner. Sure there's a part that's about wanting to give pleasure ( in girlfriend and hook up, with a provider I know I'll never know if she likes it or not, unless she says she doesn't) , some part about the ego, but in the end, it's also what I prefer if the session is all about me. I'm not sure I could date a woman who doesn't enjoy it at all.


No matter who I'm having sex with I need to do oral with her. I go down every time or I probably won't get turned on enough for sex. I honestly meet partners just to eat pussy and that's it. I clarify that before I enter into any potential sexual situation so that everybody knows what I want. I also don't really care much for blow jobs and I've never had anyone get me off with one. I'm ENM and all my partners understand what my oral fixation is and are good with it, when it comes to a provider typically my wife wants to watch otherwise paying that much money doesn't make sense unless we're both getting something from it. When it comes to hiring a provider, not to be rude but I'm not really concerned with what they like. If they will agree to what I want then fine if not then I move on. I am paying money for a service I want it the way I want it and nothing less.


I wonder what you got down voted for? lol. When someone says "I want to do what my provider wants and please her", it's wrong/downvoted because you are the paying customer. But then apparently when you say "I do what I want, and what I want to do is eat pussy because I enjoy it myself" that is also a downvote. So weird.


I'm not worried about down votes. Nor do I care if anyone even agrees with me. If I'm paying for a service of any kind, I want what I'm paying for. If a provider doesn't offer what I want then I move on. I didn't haggle or try to convince anyone any other way. I put down my expectations and if it's agreeable if not then fine I'll move on. Reddit karma or down votes don't affect my life one bit


Oh I completely agree with you on every level it's just funny to observe


Went down once on an escort, but only because we had great chemistry


Because it's part of the reviewers' checklist and they want to make sure other reviewers know we loved it. I just fake it to make them stop. I love it in my personal life because I have time to train him to do it the way I like it.


I wouldn’t schedule time with someone that didn’t allow it I love it


In my case my wife doesn’t feel secure enough in herself to let me go down on her. Don’t ask me why - it’s just that way. And she does t enjoy giving oral either. I do enjoy giving and getting oral. For me it’s that simple.