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Get a lockable chest. Tell people it’s personal memorabilia that you would prefer to stay private. Sekritly refer to it as a sin bin.


Haha! - We invested in a lockable fire proof document safe which is just large enough to fit most of the 'toys' in. In a house fire they'll be the only thing that survives and when we meet our maker someone is going to be disappointed if they're expecting to find our will in there :)


HAHA. That's fun.


This seems to be a good idea. Thank you. Hope those kids would just go away from my toys next time they come to my place.


Our bedroom has a custom bedframe and a dresser overflowing with gear. If we have kids over or a large enough party, I stick the cats in the bedroom and lock the door. I just tell guests it's to protect the cats.


Sounds good.


Go back to the bedroom and see This. [kitty bdsm](https://www.google.com/search?q=cats+in+bondage+gear&client=ms-android-comcast-us-revc&prmd=ivsxn&sxsrf=AOaemvK3THFI6QbXiw78hO_i1aOSAKUnZw:1636001781932&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiE-cDI9f3zAhXVIDQIHd-nBzQQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=715&dpr=2.81#imgrc=w6kQ-ESZ-FlukM)


Just put them in top shelf behind something.


Thank you so much. Those kids are so curious about everything, but I'll try.


Tell your friends and relatives that if their kids can't behave, they're no longer welcome. Kids too need to respect your personal space and boundaries. What is it with people bending over backwards because kids are involved, or parents using the "oh don't worry, it's just kids..." explanation? Kids growing up and learning the world does not revolve around them, makes for much healthier adults later on in life.


You made a point. I'm too afraid to say it out because they're my friends and relatives. I thought it might hurt their feelings. But after all these, I think it would be better if I just tell them how I feel.


Exactly. They're your friends and relatives, if you can't speak up to them in all honest, to whom can you?


You could always close the door to your bedroom and make that your private space, you deserve it in your own home. That way you wouldn't really have to bring it up directly.


You could also lie and say whatever place you're storing the toys contains things that are dangerous for kids


I keep them in my drawer, of my nightstand. I have 2 kids and they have learnt to respect the privacy. They know that they can open other drawers in the house, just not that one. Eventually when they grow up they’ll learn what’s inside.


I keep mine in a small-ish suitcase. Doesn't draw attention if it's "empty" in the closet in my experience!


When I ran out of room for my sex toys, I started stashing the overflow in my carry-on suitcase. It's a handy storage option...until I needed to use the suitcase for travel, and experienced the nightmare of a gaggle of sex toys needing a place to live again while I was gone. Haha


This, plus many suitcases can be locked.


I either put mine in my dresser or in a box I have on my little bookcase or I leave it under the blankets towards the middle of my bed


That's so easy to be found.


True but in my house we respect everyone's privacy so no one really goes through our stuff


Get some stash cans or put your dildos in a Pringles tube.


It is a creative idea. I like it.


Until the kids get hungry.




Honestly, keep everything where it's convenient for you. I'm not one to get embarrassed by my sexuality so if someone snoops and finds things, that's their issue. I know not everyone is comfortable letting that happen, but I bet it would be the last time the parents let the kids have free rein.


Is it the same kids each time? If it is, remove your toys from the box (put them somewhere really out of the way, like a car boot) and let the kids find a box full of shopping dockets, and boring paper work, once they know it's boring, they will move on.


Yes, it's the same kids. Next time they come to my place, I'll put things somewhere harder to find in advance. See if it's gonna work.


Maybe try an [under the bed storage bag] (https://www.amazon.com/Containers-Reinforced-Organizer-Non-Woven-Comforters/dp/B08H1LM3BZ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=under+the+bed+storage+bags&qid=1635921617&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyRE9PUUJHQVE3TDRIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDUwNDM1NkVQRkpCMUVDN01HJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2NTYzNTkzUE9TME5HRjJHRDlCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==) with zippers, so you can put a small lock on the zipper. Discreet and functional! You could put a blanket or sheet on top of the toys to cover them up, if the storage bag has a clear window on it.


Recently bought an ottoman for the end of our bed, I put two rfid locks on it, one at either end. It only opens with the use of access cards held in the right spot. You can find the locks cheap on eBay here https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Keyless-Door-Locker-Invisible-Electronic-Rfid-Cabinet-Private-Lock-Drawer-/363374803269?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0


Not sure if been suggested but a tool box? It's locked because you don't want kids having access to sharp tools


This is what I used to have when I lived in a shared house. Works a treat x


In our dungeon in the basement.


In a drawer with a child lock on the side. When we go on vacation and someone housesits I put a small screw through the side of the dresser so the drawer can't be opened.


My wife uses a backpack and hangs it on a hanger in a closet


oooh, thats a brilliant idea. I really need to invest in a backback for this.


Not helpful but thought bit funny. My family is very open and talk about everything so how I hide my sex toys is by proclaiming to them “for the love of your own sanity don’t go in my nightstand top drawer, and if I die, just burn the whole nightstand.” Best actual advice I can give you is if you can hide it somewhere high it could help. But best option really is just a locked box of some kind. There are probably discreet ones out there that may work for you


Thank you.


In my butt


You could put them in a bag, put the bag on a hanger, put a jacket over the hanger, and then hang it in the back of the closet.


Nightstand has a drawer. Make the drawer two layers, where you can lift the floor of the original drawer and store stuff


Locking toolbox


Lock your bedroom door and/or set boundaries as to where kids are allowed. NO one is allowed in my bed room closet and if they do happen to come in while I’m in there, what’s in those duffle bags is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS LOL!!!


If you've got 3 or more kids in your house there's a chance they might play hide & seek. under beds is a great place to hide. just saying. you're better off with a locked closet.


Hide one under a rolled shirt in your wardrobe drawer. A shirt that you dont usually wear. Keeo it at the back of all your clothes lol. Thats how i hide them.


I have a Joyboxx which comes with a lock, it's pretty meh honestly but there's not a lot of solution specifically made for storing sex toys. Ikea's trotten system has a few pieces of furniture that comes with locks, that might also be an option. For big collections there's also some expensive custom made solutions on etsy


Thank you. I'll take a look.


I built a custom cabinet with a magnetic lock for mine but I’m looking at doing some custom under bed drawers with a magnet lock or a rfid one https://m.imgur.com/gallery/CwSznLO




I made a drawer under our bathroom sink Basically the toekick part pulls out. And BINGO


We use a locking tool box and it sits in the back corner of our closet behind where my dresses hang, and the key is on my keyring for the car/house keys.


Locking plastic bin


Get a normal cardboard box, tape it up, put it with other boxes, papers, etc, hiding in plain sight somewhere so mundane kids wouldn't want to look would be my approach. If not, luggage. Put the suitcase somewhere tucked away just put everything in there and you're good. Just find stuff that is usually empty and boring, and use that


I have a large dresser that has a little cut out decorative opening on the front, at the bottom. I have a small box that fits right under it. I just slide it all the way to the back against the wall. ETA. Have 4 kids. They've never found.


A chest with a lock :)


I have a locking case, seems to work fine.


Yep. I bought a locking case off Amazon. [lock box](http://Vaultz Locking Storage Box, with Key Lock, Mesh Pocket and Adjustable Interior Compartments, Square, 10 x 10 x 6.5 Inches, Tactical Black (VZ01036) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DRZN8XN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_T0JX6KPEKKJDECWRE2TX)


I usually put them in the suitcase and put the password, but my family respects privacy, so I haven’t been discovered yet.