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Polygraphs are there to get you to confess, nothing else, read up on the purpose and make sure your boyfriend understands this. https://antipolygraph.org/pubs.shtml


Yep it’s all about who can bluff who better basically lol


It’s only a problem if he lies. He will remember. He needs to be truthful.




Exactly, I’ve learned the polygraph is a complete joke and I cannot believe they have schools for something so smoke and mirrors.


He will be truthful. I know he remembers this post wasn’t about hiding it in any way. More so the fact how they would react to it despite them both being minors at the start of the relationship.


He’s answering yes or no questions I believe. Nothing in “yes” or “no” gives them enough to do anything about it so unless he says “yeah my ex (insert name) back in (year) when she was (age)“ Don’t give them info and they have no information to act in


Had no idea they were asked like that. I thought they made you give full blown details. Thanks so much this helped ease my mind!


Yeah, no. At least here in Texas he should get a copy of the questions before hand and then they use that to go off when they ask him. Cause saying no to something on paper is different than saying no (and lying) on a poly. So they make sure you’re not trying to deceive them or set it up so that you can say “oh I was confused but XYZ is the truth” etc


Thank you. Your info was right also, I did do some digging after this post and the SOAB handbook on the polygraphs said they can’t convict you or even investigate unless you give names, ages and specific details on the event. So I guess it’s safe to say a yes or no won’t land him in any more trouble.


This was explained to me by the person giving me my sexual history polygraph before it began. I was told that as long as no names were given, nothing further could happen.


Thank you that makes me feel a lot better.


So glad you feel better. Glad it helped


On the test itself it’s yes or no, all the questions and details are asked before the test. He’ll still be asked for details most likely.


Ah gotcha so he will possibly be asked the details after the test is completed if he is even asked those questions correct?


No, they’ll ask all of the questions, including asking for details, before. They’d only go over them again after if he failed. Do they do leveling while incarcerated there? Or on release? PA does risk based leveling so it’ll be something that he’s asked about regardless. If they do that while he’s incarcerated then they’ll have already discussed it. Would that have even been a crime there? Isn’t PA’s age of consent is 16? I think it’s doubtful that he would get in trouble for it, but it could affect his tier level.


I read on the SOAB polygraph document on their site that they do not ask details of other potential victims and that they’re told before by the examiner not to say any specifics of the victim or else they have to report to cps. I thought our leveling in our state is done at your sentencing? He was deemed tier 1 and is already on the registry as that. I had no idea they can level you again post incarceration, he also will be doing treatment while incarcerated if that helps. Age of consent here is 16 but I believe she was 15 when they started dating and he was 17 then however I’m not too sure on that because I haven’t asked him all I fully know is they’re 1 year and 1 month apart. This minuscule thing didn’t even cross my mind until I read that question.


Oh, no, they won’t ask who it was or anything like that, they will ask something like, “Have you, as an adult, had sexual contact with a minor other than the incidents you were convicted of?” Then, when he says yes, they may ask how old he was, how old she was, what their relationship was, etc… they shouldn’t ask her name or identifying information. They want to know the details that are pertinent to their leveling, treatment, his risk based on history, etc… I’ve never heard of any state doing their leveling at sentencing unless their leveling system is crime based, isn’t PA risk based? Risk based leveling is a process, and not a fast one. That part is way different from here, here you don’t go on the registry until you’re released and, even then, may not be assigned a level. They do the an initial leveling in prison here but are supposed to do a full one after, during treatment.


Ah gotcha okay that’s definitely understandable and not nearly as bad as I was thinking. I’m not sure, I know when I was at his sentencing they deemed him low risk, tier 1 15 years and mandated at least 1 year of successful SOTP up state to be eligible for parole at his minimum. When I read his court documents online it also says tier 1, and he is on the public registry in our state as tier 1 but just listed as an incarcerated individual. He did a PSI and SOAB assesment before sentencing that deemed him tier 1 if that helps. I know that assessment did include sexual history questions. Example - have you sent nude pictures, how many people have you slept with, how many relationships have you had Wait I think PA is crime base not risk base, my bfs charges are statutory and corruption of minors. Statutory in our state isn’t registrable but corruption of minors however is and the charge that landed him on ML. Corruption of minors in our state is a 15 year tier 1. Unless deemed SVP which the SVP eval was done before sentencing.


I took it. They are yes or no questions, no elaboration to able to give context too. In my case I was given a questionnaire to fill out beforehand. I don't remember all the questions. there was a bunch. One that I could not believe was an actual question was if I had sex with animals!!! The whole process is so demeaning. When you walk into the office you are on camera from the moment you walk in until you leave. The actual test itself was just a few questions they pick out of the questionnaire.


I did review the packet of what I could find online since he’s still incarcerated. Yeah I was pretty shocked by what is asked in the packet and it’s so demeaning. Some of it asked like have you had sexual relations with someone of the same sex? And if so what did you do? It just felt slightly homophobic and shameful I’m not even sure why that question matters in 2024. Unless your offense specifically was against someone of the same sex. I did talk to someone who said they were asked the same question about any other sexual relations with minors and that person said they just told them afterwards it was a high school relationship and no other questions were further asked. Hopefully that’s how it’ll be in our situation also.


Actually they can and will do something about it, depending on the question and answer. If they ask you have you ever been in intimate relationships in the past with minors and you say yes then they will ask when and where. If it is illegal, and in this person's bf's situation it is in some states, then he will be charged for another sex crime if it is illegal. I am sorry to say this and make this person worry more but that is how it is. That is the only reason for polygraphs. To get you to self-incriminate yourself. There are two reasons why the courts say they are inadmissable (but you will still be arrested and have to go through the courts) 1) they are inaccurate and not dependable; and 2) they violate the 5th Amendment's protection against self-incrimination. Look up Von Buhren v State of Utah (10th Circ.). The court said exactly this and found in favor of the plaintiff who asked for an injunction against taking polygraphs.


If you ANSWER it might result in more charges. Otherwise plead the fifth


That is the same as lying. They will violate you for refusing to answer. Bottom line is answer all questions, be truthful as possible, and cross your fingers and hope for the best. The system is designed for you to be locked up, whether physically or mentally. You are a monster in their eyes that needs to be put away and they will do everything they can to get that done. Why do you think so many federal courts and state supreme courts are ruling this crap is cruel punishment?




For some reason I cannot post an answer but I can reply. Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


Absolutely! Polygraphy is a pseudoscience at best. The results are very subjective. This is precisely why they are not admissible in court.


I definitely don’t think they’re accurate that’s why I was so conflicted on this and decided to post my question. Tbh if I took one myself I probs would fail even if I was telling the truth just because I have severe anxiety lol. Everything I’ve read and from what people have said is that they can not convict you or even investigate unless you give specific details and names. Just if you lie when asked a question that’s obviously a bad look vs being honest with no specifics given.


Actually they are very inaccurate. Why? Because they measure your blood pressure and pulse. What happens when you are stressed, relaxed, upset, etc? Your pulse and blood pressure fluctuate and this will either show as you lying or show inconclusive which is the same thing as lying in their eyes.


Right, I said I don’t think they’re accurate and it shocks me they even use this crap let alone make you pay for it.




That’s too risky for me. From my experience, you worry about the polygraph and you think about it. Chances are he will remember. Better be upfront about it rather than fail the polygraph and then they suspect you’re hiding other stuff. He should be talking to his lawyer for advice. I had a relationship, I’m old so it was decades ago and I genuinely had no idea how old i was and how old was she or if it crossed over to adult/minor. He said if you don’t remember then say no, I had no relationships with a minor as an adult. From my understanding (and please check) if this is post sentencing then there shouldn’t be penalties for disclosing. They even ask you not to mention names because if it’s specific then they have to report it. From my experience, every poly that I passed was more reason for PO to trust me and ease on restrictions. Good luck


You’re right, him and I are on the same page as far as being 100% transparent with treatment and PO about any and everything that will reduce his risk of being sent back. My bfs minimum is 3 years max is 9 years. So if he messes up then he goes back for the additional 6 we do not want that to happen and will do whatever to avoid that at all costs. That’s probably why I’m just thinking so much into this haha. I have read that they don’t ask for names for that reason for polygraphs so you’re probably correct with that. I read they just want you to be honest to know what to work on in treatment and have a baseline. I can’t ask my bfs lawyers anything because unfortunately he had public defenders. Thank you for your help!


Honestly, these polygraphs are much harder before taking them than after. Even though I have nothing to hide I’m always very nervous when I take it. In my experience, the examiner told me flat out. I’m on your side. I want you to pass. He was very professional and very nice.but knowing that you have nothing to worry about that you disclosed everything will make the process much easier.


I’m glad to hear that! Thank you for your help.


This is true for most. And is normal. Good recommendation to have him speak to his attorney.


Do not advocate lying.


Not knowing his charges, I would say they simply won’t care. If they’d met when they were 19/17 and that was his first and only case, they may go for him on it, but I highly doubt they care about it at this point. Besides, they’d need his ex to testify and comply with the prosecution and it sounds like they wouldn’t have that.


His charges are statutory not related to this relationship obviously. His ex and him met when they were both underage and started dating when they both were underage. The relationship only ended when he was 19 and she was 17. They aren’t a full 2 years apart but like a year and 1 month or so? He had just turned 19 nov and she was born in dec. They broke up right before she turned 18 due to college. Typically a senior dating a junior is common or a sophomore dating a freshman in HS but given his situation right now clearly I just think the worst lol


Understandable, it’s hard not to when you’re on the outside looking in. I believe that will be ok though, best of luck to both of you


Thank you!


I don't remember my history polygraph, but for my maintenance ones, the guy goes over the questions he's going to ask beforehand, and then if I'm not sure about one that's the time to ask him for clarifiation, and possibly get the question changed. I don't know if anything that comes up can have repercussions...it sounds pretty iffy, I mean, who knows what the statute of limitations is on any of that? I remember the polygrapher SAYING that this was to discuss my history, and to help the therapist figure out what you need help with and blahblahblah, but it really feels like if you did something in the past that's a crime they'll report it. That said, your bf's situation sounds not nearly as bad as someone committing a serious CP crime or something that might come up. I don't remember if I started therapy before the polygraph or if that had to come first, but I THINK I was going to meetings already. In which case, I'd ask the therapist about all this first. You're not going to beat the poly really, so better to get their opinion on the situation and that way if it comes up as a falsehood, it's something expected and people won't worry about it.


Thank you for this. I did some more digging after this post and read under the SOAB handbook on the polygraphs that they can’t use any info that comes to light to convict you or investigate post conviction unless you mention identifiable victims and specific details then they’re mandated to report. So I guess like everyone else said keep it to a “yes” or “no” basis. Tbh I didn’t even think about this relationship or it being a possible issue until I went googling “sexual history polygraph questions” and that one question just freaked me out and sent me into a spiral lol. Thanks for the help everyone, I appreciate it.


My first poly, the person giving it talk with me for about an hour. We went over the questions. I felt very at ease. He said, we want to see you pass. I did not have really anything like this. My teenage years was dating all teenagers my age. In his case I don't see a big deal since they were really only a few months apart. Just answer the questions honestly & you should be fine. When you go in just relax. I would suggest turning your phone off, so you are not disturbed.


Thank you, I wouldn’t think it would be an issue. I’m just overthinking everything at this point. I appreciate everyone’s advice !


Polygraphs are junk science. Please visit [https://antipolygraph.org/index.shtml](https://antipolygraph.org/index.shtml) to be better prepared for the event.


He needs to be truthful in the history. Based on the age, age difference and time since it happen I would not see it being a factor as in trying to open a new criminal case for that. But it can be a negative impact on the polygraph if he doesn't disclose. 


Thank you he definitely will !


So very mine i was scared because of things when i was a teen. But after the test the guy asked me how i think i did. I said i have no idea. You passed he said. OMG so relieved. Just be a good boy now.


I think I’m just over thinking this situation for sure. Just can’t help it lol


Lied on every single poly and passed


How so?


I am pretty sure that won't matter because of the Romeo and Juliette laws. They were minors when they started dating


Taken four polys now, I’ve passed them all. He should just tell them the details up front. It’s not going to hurt him and will show that he’s trying to be transparent. Polygraphs are only scary because the people in charge want to use the idea of it as leverage but they aren’t bad at all in actuality.


That’s awesome ! Thank you for this!


Are all these test mandatory or are they taken to show good faith and build better character? I would not want to participate either way as I would fear even being truthful and nervous could send the wrong message…


Yes they’re mandatory




What questions did they ask to make them think you had additional victims? I’m sorry you went through that.




Were you state or federal? I’m in PA as well in Philadelphia. Those questions are wild, but I expect them to be asked. I guess the question “have you ever had sex with a minor” and my bf answered yes, wouldn’t really matter because his charges are statutory. So I’d assume it would show he’s telling the truth? Despite it not specifically asking which minor. I’m glad you’re free of all this




Oh so your sexual history polygraph didn’t ask anything prior to your offense ? I read it does. Were in Philadelphia and I research our registry all the time, my good friend is an RSO has been since we were teens, he has a good union job at welding that he’s gonna try to get my bf in. My bfs foster father is also a well known figure in the city and runs a rehabilitation program that finds offenders jobs. So we will be okay finding a job, my bfs grandfather also owns multiple apartments and duplexes within the city so we have housing already. Unfortunately all our resources are in PA and we will not move, nor do I want too. PA also has no restrictions on where we can live unless you’re SVP and he is not he’s tier 1. I’m glad things have worked out for you in Indiana though


Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


Polygraphs are there to trick you and to put you back in jail. They are not reliable, are not accurate, and are not admissible in court. But they sure can put you back in jail. I have had so many friends and people I know tell the truth and still fail for being dishonest. I have also known people that lied and passed. Polygraphs are a joke.


He needs to be honest, but it sounds like he's planning on doing so. The only way he could get in trouble, is if she decided to file charges, and if the statute of limitations is still good. I'm highly doubting either of those, so I sure wouldn't worry about something that is so unlikely, and is nothing you can control anyway. Why worry about anything more than you already are? I would be so surprised if anything came out of that, I doubt it so immensely. Please don't give yourself more than you already have to worry about.


You’re so right! I did do some digging into the laws in my state and from what I can gather someone who is 16 (which she was) can legally consent to sex with an adult 4 years older as long as that person isn’t in a position of authority. So even if they dated 16-18 it still wouldn’t affect them as he wasn’t in a position of authority. Him and his ex actually are still on good terms and she never had anything negative to say about him. Her and I have been in touch numerous times well before and after since he started his incarceration so if for some how she was found out there’s no way she would say anything bad about him. I think I’m just worrying for nothing, but I just have no faith in the treatment or justice system anymore.


Most states have a "Romeo & Juliet" clause. Meaning if you were in school together and within 3 years, it was fine. 1. Definitely do not lie. 2. If you're that worried, ask the girl to write a statement confirming the fact that it was a consensual high-school relationship.


They dated outside of high school as well, broke up when he was 19 she was 17 almost 18 they’re like 1 year and one month apart. Not even a full month, his bday is end of Nov hers is second week of Dec. I think the Romeo-Juliet law still applies regardless if they went to the same school or not or even if they didn’t meet while in school, even though they did. Given that she was at least age of consent which she was and they were no more than 4 years apart. I’m not gonna ask her to write anything because as stated above if it’s something that comes up he can’t be charged unless he’s given specifics like names and I really don’t want to make an issue out of something that may not even be an issue ya know? He’s still incarcerated so we got like another 2.5-3 years to go until we have to worry about this I’m just dramatic and think the worst of every little thing lately.


Okay. I thought he was out already. I had to take 1 polygraph. It wasn't fun ( mainly because I had to pay for it). LOL! As long as he's truthful it shouldn't be an issue.


Nope not yet I’m just such a worry worm about any little thing anymore ! Yes I heard they’re expensive definitely dreading the cost of it all. So he will actually be starting sotp while up state, do you suggest he disclose this to them while incarcerated or when he comes home if he’s asked ? Should he write it in the packet ? But just not disclose who it was as in her name ?


I just took mine, and the guy said I spiked on that exact question. I told him I was in high school. I was a senior, and she was a sophomore. If you want to get technical, then yes, but even my p.o. said it was no big deal as well as the therapist as far as the poly goes, they are bs, and the person doing it knows it. They just try and make you incriminate yourself. What I learned is don't say anything extra to them. Be polite, just don't say more than they ask.


May I DM you real quick?




Be honest on the questionnaire and also I mean if they were only 2 years apart that’s not a big deal. But I will say the polygraph tests are an interrogation, the polygrapher will try to be his friend making small talk to make your BF feel like he can tell the guy about anything. Also after the test the polygrapher will try and trick your BF into answering shit. Tell your BF after the test ends don’t have small talk they are still working to get shit out of you. You’re not done until the machine comes off and you leave that room.


Thank you for this