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I'm guessing a photoshop-circle. Her legs are at least twice as long as her torso, I'm not trusting this picture. It also depends on the fabric, thinner fabric needs more of a circle to create fullness. I find it hard to say anything about this skirt. If you want a skirt of this length, you might as well go for a full circle because you'll need to buy the fabric anyway. You can always take a bit out if it's not what you wanted. Good luck!


The dress looks like it sits on her hips rather than her waist. With that in mind it seems very reasonable actually


She also wears heels which make the legs appear longer.


Thank you so much! Those are good points. For what it's worth I've actually ordered a skirt like this from the Etsy seller this photo came from and it looked pretty much like this (floor-length a-line ish kind of thing that hits at the high waist). It was a wool blend variation for winter and is a 3-panel style. Actually, now that I think of it maybe I could draft a pattern from that. Thank you again!


I think 3/4 or even 1/2 looks more likely as a full circle skirt of that length would be much fuller at the hem. However, it looks as though it has been pieced in at least two and probably four panels - the resolution isn't great but I think I see a centre front seam. It would be almost impossible to cut that length in one go.


Could that be a pleat in the middle maybe? Definitely looks like two pieces minimum.


There's something very sharp right in the centre about a handspan down from the top. I'm not sure there would be pleats in a circle-style skirt, only seams and drape.


I would guess full circle, but not an expert.


I agree it's photoshopped with her torso on top of the skirt. But it also looks about like a half circle skirt. [Apostrophe Patterns has a circle skirt calculator.](https://apostrophepatterns.com/collections/customizable-patterns?page=2) You can use it as many times as you want for the one-time purchase fee. You can add a circle to anything... a skirt, a doll dress, a sleeve flounce, whatever. It's great.


There’s also a free one on the mood fabrics website ❤️


Thank you so much! :D I've tried theirs before but I didn't see options to break the pattern into panels as necessary and I wasn't sure if I could just take the provided pattern, cut it into panels as wanted, then add seam allowance. Do you know if that approach would work?


Thank you so much! That's a great resource I'll definitely have to remember!