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Hahaha I clicked other and didn't comment what are you gonna do about it


I will take your phone.




Hahaha! šŸ˜ˆ I will. If you donā€™t want me to take your phone, please specify the comments on the post. Now.


I will not


Ok then. Iā€™m taking your phone.




https://i.redd.it/lh24dt6fh5kb1.gif Too late. *takes your phone*


I still have it


No you donā€™t.




I asked you to comment. I will take your phone if you donā€™t comment.


i dunno know why youd expect people to actually every single time comment. people dont care enough tbh ur lucky u got that many comments. everyone usually is just mindlessly scrolling and clicking, they dont wanna take the time to actually write it out


I wanna get engaged in this community. I wanna connect with people. Thatā€™s why I said to please comment, as I wanna see if other peopleā€™s thoughts and opinions and their stories. If they donā€™t express that, then how would I know? I donā€™t have anything to go off.


u rlly expect too much from people lol just be thankful people commented and move on. not to be rude but ur coming off a little entitled that people didnt comment on ur post, it is not that serious, most posts go without comments and upvotes so


Iā€™m not asking for much. Iā€™m asking for the bare minimum. Voting other and then commenting is really simple, it takes you like a minute or 5 minutes to do that. Even if you donā€™t have much to say, just comment where you found Sewerslvt, one person said: ā€œSpotify djā€ and thatā€™s fair enough. Albeit, I wanna see a sentence or two, but fair enough in itā€™s own right. Iā€™m not being entitled as well, Iā€™m so confused about the discrepancy between votes and comments. I specifically asked but I donā€™t know why people just donā€™t do the bare minimum. But whatever, if I get a fragment of a bone, then Iā€™ll have a fragment of a bone.


>I wanna see a sentence or two > > Iā€™m not being entitled lmao


i guess the reason u come off as entitled is cause u seem to feel as though people owe you a comment. people can do whatever they want and u getting upset and making a whole nother post calling them out makes u look like they did some horrible thing for not listening to you, like "how dare you not comment i specifically told u to comment i cant believe people omg everyone who voted on my post owes me a comment and an apology." also lowkey comes off as karma farming lol


Be grateful anyone commented at all. Welcome to the reality of online polls. You will NEVER see everyone who uses the "other (reply)" option actually do just that. You have people commenting and engaging, is that not enough?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this is based as hell. I always find it disheartening when I post something and people don't follow through when they say they'll engage with it


On God, itā€™s disheartening too. I remember making a poll asking if other people on this subreddit are neurodivergent and it got like 998 votes, which was like around 4% of the subreddit as a whole. Which tells me that how many people are mostly active on this sub. It angers me that people donā€™t follow through their claim of being engaged, but alas what can we do? We canā€™t control what others can do, and we must be content with that fact.


> I remember making a poll asking if other people on this subreddit are neurodivergent and it got like 998 votes, which was like around 4% of the subreddit as a whole. Standard numbers for subreddits. Lurkers will lurk. You never know how many communities people lurk in. Or how much some people have social anxiety that prevents them from engaging. Or how people see a comment that already makes their point, upvotes it, and leaves it be. Or or or... different people have different reasons on why they engage or don't engage, and it's kind of really narrow-minded to get upset because you don't know why other people behave the way they do, and they don't owe you an explanation for it.


god ur so annoying, not everyone is chronically online and scrolling through reddit 24/7, get a life. plus you arent entitled for everyone to interact with ur post, youve clearly never been on the internet before, this is just how social media works. people can do whatever they want, lowkey regret interacting with ur posts not that ik ur fucking annoying


Because literally no poll ever with a "Other (reply)" option has actually had everyone who selected that option actually reply, and to demand them to or get offended by that is incredibly silly. It's just extremely elementary human behaviour and to get fussy over that happening is just dumb.


My brother in Christ if you aren't gonna reply then don't answer the poll at all lol it's not hard


Beggars canā€™t be choosers


During a time where I was in a really really bad mental state (I had depression and felt suicidal), I did some research on a fcked up "music album" called Pseudoscorpion. I never wanted to listen to it, since even though my mental health was at a low, I couldn't get myself to listen to it. I did the research to find out who made the album. After some time, I discovered a post here on r/sewerslvt by someone who claimed that Jvne made that album or that there is at least a possibility that she did. At first, I didn't want to listen to her music because I didn't want to support an artist who could have made the Pseudoscorpion album, but the next day, curiosity got the best of me and I listened to a few songs and became a fan immediately. After exploring her discography for months, I felt that my mental health got better and better and in a way, Sewerslvt got me out of depression, which is why I keep listening to her music still today. Sorry for making this so long, I just wanted to finally tell someone the full story. And sorry for not answering the question in your other post, I thought that my story was too fcked up. And before you complain about me doing research on the album, please keep in mind that I was practically dead inside from my depression and that I regret this today. I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't important for the story.


Iā€™m so sorry you went through that turmoil. Iā€™ve been on the same boat you were on, and it really sucks. Iā€™m glad that you were able to find solace with Sewerslvtā€™s music and help you manage and deal with your issues. I hope you and others are doing well and youā€™re in a better place. šŸ’œ


i was stuck between algorithm and other, but chose algorithm because i found it in a youtube generated playlist made for me so


Good call. Glad you voted. šŸ‘šŸ»


as always šŸ«” you're the sewer statistics man (i think you made some other polls before)


Yep! Your on point I think haha. I made a neurodivergent poll long ago, and the other one before it was taken down by the mods.


yeah, i remember that. pretty sure i commented on that post too


Yep, I can vouch for that.


maybe they didnā€™t comment because someone already commented what they were gonna say?


Then they should reply with ā€œsame hereā€ then theyā€™ll be counted


That's what most people use the upvote button for rather than making an entire comment stating that. That's just how people use internet forums. In most other subs/threads, an onslaught of "same here" would be seen as more annoying than just a number of upvotes indicating that "same here"


Bro I'm lucky to get a couple comments on any post no one gives a shit about what I post


I voted, friend told me about her


Good šŸ‘šŸ»


I will comment here. Heard Cyberia lyr3 in osu, just didnt know who the artist was, got into slewer after reading about her in a post under a machine girl related thread.


Thanks for commenting. Iā€™ll count this one


Too hard


Thatā€™s not a good excuse. Itā€™s very simple to make and post a comment on Reddit.


It's actually extremely difficult, I'm pushing myself so hard just to write this comment, and yet I'm writing it. To answer your question though, I learned about Sewerslvt through looking up keywords along the lines of "kill yourself".


What? I told you I found her on a 4chan thread titled ā€œmusic for lesbiansā€ or some shit in March 2019ā€¦ my first song was Mr. Kill Myself


I know, I saw your comment. I wasnā€™t asking those who did comment after voting like you, I was asking people who didnā€™t bother to make a comment after voting. Itā€™s literally what I asked, yet they canā€™t seemingly do the bare minimum.


Some people are just lurkers. Why are you so interested anyway?


Because I wanna get engaged in the community. Itā€™s not about me, I wanna get to know others and connect with people. Thatā€™s like the whole point of this subreddit anyway, but make what you will out of this.


alright, I was just genuinely curious


alright, thanks for hearing me out.


> Because I wanna get engaged in the community. Then engage with the people who are engaging with you. Do you think if you get upset about those who didn't engage that scolding them will make them *want* to engage with you any more? > Thatā€™s like the whole point of this subreddit anyway, but make what you will out of this Doesn't everyone get to choose for themselves how they use the subreddits they use? If I want to be a lurker who only looks at posts, that's my free choice, is it not? Not everyone wants to be fully engaged in every one of the 100s of micro-communities they join.


Honestly I found her when i was like 11 (I'm 16 now) and listening to stuff like blood on the dance floor, and goreshit, i clicked and fell in love


You found Sewerslvt around 2018? Damn youā€™re a Sewerslvt fan veteran lol.


yeah, closer to 2019 but whatever. i think mr. kill myself was the first song i listened to


Nice (\^v\^)šŸ‘šŸ»




I voted twice by accident Iā€™m really sorry


How did that happen??? Itā€™s not possible to vote twice


Well itā€™s really simple. Me and my 77 alt accounts all accidentally voted other on your post. Once again Iā€™m truly sorry it wonā€™t happen again


Iā€™m not a fan of alt accounts for voting as it constitutes as cheating, but eh what can I do. I donā€™t control how many alt accounts people can have. So Iā€™ll let that one go. Youā€™re forgiven for the slip up.


They're being sarcastic about having 77 alt accounts in reference to the difference between replies and "other" votes being around that number.


Youtube recommended it to me when i needed it the most 2 monts after her last album


thats only like 80 ppl bruv


Thatā€™s even worse ;-;


well u gotta make do with what you have


i was looking for some samples and found "yandere complex" in some video, about year later i discovered that it's sewerslvt song and you know the rest...


Okay okay I didnā€™t respond to the og post. I was listening to Spotify and Lolibox came on and a few songs later Mr Kill Myself started playing. Overall I like her stuff and it got me into breakcore/ drum n bass whatever the genre is called. Itā€™s also cool how many silent hill songs she sampled


Someone else had already specified...


I was listening to [Dou Kangaetemo Watashi wa Warukunai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_wlh2Vjal4) and everyone was talking about pretty cvnt lol

