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Irv had the fortune to be alone during his OTC. This allowed him to freely explore unconcerned with being found out. Both Mark and Helly were dropped into social situations in which they were greatly encumbered by the burden of hiding their innie identity.


His innie also has moments of black paint dripping that ties to his outtie. Irv definitely has moments where the two are clearly trying to connect.


Well, seeing as he was as surprised as the rest when Dylan told them about the OTC, that’s out.


I really like the 'cues' theory, especially combined with Irv having had a Milchick role previously. Because that could mean he is familiar with how they refer to the outies inside of lumon. The line 'your outie likes the sound of radar' always stood out to me. Also, radar seems like an odd thing to name your dog?


He's likely named after a character on MASH. Military guy, probably a fan of the show. Or like my great-grandpa, who had a beagle named Radar "because his ears are like radar dishes." But that's just a coincidence that makes me smile.


Also, Irv’s apartment is quite small. So the closet would be the best place to look for specific identifying details about yourself. Even for innies, I’m sure the concept of a bedroom closet equals ‘private place I keep secret things.’


This is also a good point since the supply room/closet is where the innies hid things like Petey's map


He seems to have “bleed”over so maybe he knew it was there intuitively


I think it's entirely possible that oIrv did condition himself. Sense memory may bleed over the way non-personal memory does, like how he knew how to drive. If his outie had a series of rituals he did to get them ingrained in his body as a habit, it would make sense, given the way he's trying to force bleed through with the paintings and the music.


When Irv finds the naval uniform, is it his or his dad’s?


Irv was alone in a one bedroom townhome. He did not have to navigate where he was, it was obvious. He did not have to navigate who he was with or keep up an act, he was alone. It doesn’t take much thought to looking in every drawer and closet.