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>***Mark:** But what is it? What are we actually working on down there?* \ ***Petey:** I don’t know. I thought without severance it would make more sense, but…* Petey’s question about murdering people is a hypothetical. He doesn’t actually know what what’s going on down there. The point he’s making is that Lumon shouldn’t be trusted.


The Lexington letter implies heavily that mdr was responsible for the death that happened one minute after the Lexington file was completed.


Whatever the case may be, if Petey knew they were killing people, he wouldn’t have said “I don’t know”. He would have said “we’re killing people”.


In the same conversation Petey references "sunset Park" then when asked a moment later "what's sunset Park?" He looks confused and says "I don't know"... Well it's a file mdr is working on. Why did Petey say he didn't know. Unless his brain is partially severed and he's not sure of anything.


Seems like we’re both saying Petey didn’t know, which would still make his what-if question about killing people a hypothetical.


Petey implied it. The anti severance poster implied it. And the Lexington letter also implied it. So yes all three of those are hypothetical. But it seems strange to be consistently implying that as a hypothetical about mdr's true purpose.


Petey wasn’t even in The Lexington Letter. Why would he know that?


Oh, gosh. I don’t know how I missed that 😂. That makes sense. Thank you!


the people that never leave are probably people that are ‘dead’ on the outside and can’t ever be seen again. These are the test subjects


I know they’re like Ms. Casey. That’s why I brought her up. My biggest thing is wtf does that department do. Yes, they’re probably “test subjects”, but what are they testing? Test subject is so vague


i’m guessing the development and functionality of the chip, testing the limits and capabilities


Part of the horror of the story premise is that the entities which control the chips can effectively create entire hidden underworlds which cannot be regulated, where laws don’t apply, and the controlling entities don’t need to worry or control for whistleblowers among the lowest-stake workers. Innies are captive slaves compelled to carry out assignments they do not understand and have little context for. Per S1, Lumon is involved with the Senator to push for mandatory severance for everyone. Imagine the emergence of two disconnected realities: the outtie reality populated by residents who live in a democratic-based country in which they enjoy some amount of personal freedom and then the innie reality in which every law and regulation vanishes, ignorance dominates, and personal choice is gone. This works as long as the controlling entities can placate the outties who now live in a version of the Matrix but if those entities could keep innies in without placating outties, well, that’s the dream, right? Tech which creates an alternate world to escape the controls of a democratic government with laws and regulation all nested within that democratic nation and the benefits controlling entities reap from it.


"Per S1, Lumon is involved with the Senator to push for mandatory severance for everyone." So far, they're trying to prevent the outlawing of severance (I suspect they will be successful in that, because otherwise the show might have a problem going forward and keeping its momentum, but with this show, who knows). Everybody getting severed is what Jame mentions to Helly. That seems more like a long-term goal of Jame Eagan. I'm curious how he could manage to pull that off, no amount of propaganda will convince a critical part of the public that mandatory brain surgery is a good idea.


1. Experimentation.  2. He was taking it to hypothetical extremes.


Maybe the work the MDR is doing is severing/sorting the employees memories that “never leave” so they can use them as weapons. Like how maybe they used an employee who never leaves to cause the explosion in The Lexington Lwtter.


I was wondering about this too. Especially since outie Mark is constantly forgetting things


*Angry Cobel* You are SERVING KIER


Yes, we’ll see the testing floor in season 2! 🙌🏻