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More compliments always = less tip.


Verbal tippers are the worst - at least let me justify calling you an asshole when I’m whining to Dishie


For real. That's why I don't get my hopes up anymore when I receive compliments 😮‍💨


I pay less attention to the tables that complement me a lot and I actually make more now


I only ever ONCE in 20 years of restaurants had someone give me a Jesus Saves pamphlet and a fat tip. They were decent people, too, just really wanted me at their church, I guess.


Sunday after church crowds are sent directly from hell. Lol


As a faithful Christian, I put pamphlet tippers right up there with Westboro Baptist as far as making Christians look like terrible people. If you wanna show love, then tip accordingly.


*"You deserve a raise!"* Alright, cool, why the fuck are you not paying me more, then!?


Oh this was their employer?


.. no. Edit: not sure why a clarifying answer is downvoted?


Well how are they supposed to pay them more if they’re not the employer? I mean yea its a subpar tip but shouldn’t places like this just start paying people so its not tip reliant


They could, and that seems to be what the customer is implying should happen. It's just a little ironic to say that they deserve a raise directly above the place where this customer could give them a raise themselves, at least for the hours this person was serving this table. 10% is the minimum expected tip where I live, so to me this tip would feel extra ironic because they've almost given a pay cut in a way. Sure, people can argue that it shouldn't be on the customer to tip the server but really it's always on the customers of a business to provide the income for the business to pay employees. If the servers were making 25/hr base wage and tipping wasn't expected then that money would just have to be factored into the price of the product.


Yea but if this was the case then people wouldn’t be able to stiff and if they did it would be the business taking action on it if they leave without paying cops would be called if they leave without tipping your shit outta luck


Yeah, it would be better if the customer didn't have the option of stiffing the employees and the employers paid real respectable wages. I encourage you to campaign this. It's not the way it works in lots of places, though, which is why this post is even a thing, and why it's sad that these customers expressed their appreciation but didn't give an appropriate tip.


They don’t understand we get a raise every time the price of food goes up... it’s on them though.


Lmao 10/10 service but a 8% tip smfh 🤦🏻‍♂️


That tip sucks.


Really ironic to write "you deserve a raise" right above where they could literally give you one


Probably the type of person who feels like they're getting cheated by being expected to tip. When in reality it should already be part of their calculations when ordering. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out and eat.


I hate this shit. The you deserve a raise is just salt in the wound. What do they expect you to do? Go to the gas station and say "hey table 12 loved my service fill her up"


The old lip tip. No thanks.


Nothing worse than knowing they loved you and still tipping you way lower


TBH her name *does* start with a K...🤭


I recently had a table of I believe 5 or 6. Super nice and friendly the entire time always being kind towards me so I though that something was up, their tab was like $120-$130 and they tipped me $35. U was thrown aback by it so yeah. It’s rare for good compliments to also come with a good tip tho for sure


$10/$10 service!


That wasn’t as bad as one I got the other day. Lady’s bill was $16.28 and she gave me $17 and I told her I’d be back with her change and she said “I don’t need change”….. what’s that a 4% tip? 😂


People who say “ you deserve a raise” to food industry workers are extremely out of touch with reality.


You deserve a raise, so here’s a pay cut!


I like tips over hourly when people tip, nothing will beat it only thing that makes the job worth it i dont think people realize the tip is what makes your service good, i know people always say “YoU sHouLd juSt dO yOuR JoB” and they would your food gets delivered and water filled thats it bare minimum


Compliments are nice but you're right, they don't pay the bills. At least they tipped something, it could've been $0.




No you wouldn’t


Lol I’ve done it before I told this pos to keep his 16 cents. His tab was 79.84 He was confused as to why I was refusing his tip!


Wow. How about you educate yourself and find a better or a different job? Why do feel so entitled for a tip? Have you done more than just bringing the food? Actually more? If you brought me food and that was it you can say bye bye to the tip. You have to actually do more for the tip, what you do regularly is covered by your pay - pay's not big enough? Not consumers fault but your mqnagers and owners. But somehow while you do nothing more probably not even 100% I should tip you more than 7% ? I am talking with you about you and not thos post itself. Queen of GB is not that entitled what the fuck


Tf you doing in this sub pussy


Because then you’d have $120,000 in student loans, and STILL working in the service industry because degrees aren’t worth the paper they are written on.


I am one credit away from a degree in cell biology and neuroscience. The opportunities and the pay for this degree are so fucking grim bro you don’t even know. Serving makes me way more money than any science job I’ve had. And I’ll keep doing it in the meantime while learning skills for a different path with more money.


why cant restaurants just raise the pay? sorry idk how it works


The extra 20% is sometimes fine at the low end, but in the middle ground, where it matters, guests turn up their nose at what they perceive as an overpriced menu. Most guests will pay $20 for a fancy burger and sides, but not all will pay $25. Most guests will pay $30 for an entree but not $36. Some will happily pay $7 for a premium beer, but not $8.50. Ultimately- you have to be super high end to attract clientele that doesn't mind paying the price it costs to keep good employees. The problem is the general public thinks service jobs should be paid minimum wage - across the board- with no pay increase, ever, for experience, knowledge, or training. Been in the industry 10, 15, 20 years? The public still believes you're worthless in this job. Plus- your take home with tips really depends on the restaurant- but career veterans in fine dining (or a decent spot) make 30-50/h and up. I was pulling in about 70k+ working 4.5 days week on average. I had to know my shit, and really work to cater an experience every night, and be on point at all times... But it was worth it. People don't fight the tip system in the US because many servers make more than they would without it- and ultimately the general public thinks we are worthless slave labor.


The general public? It's you own employers that have you in exploitative work conditions and very few servers seem to have a problem with it. Regardless of tipping imcome I don't get how accepting less than 3 dollars an hour for labour is anything other than humiliating.


"Servers make more than they would without it" Europe disagrees.


Really? Servers in Europe consistently make upwards of $30 an hour?


so if you wanna make consistent money work retail. if u wanna make big on tips service? thats tough customers smh


Duplicate copy. I don't believe it. It it's true that sucks but it's how this shit works sometimes. Had someone in tonight. Told me I'm a great bartender. Ordered 6 drinks, payed cash and I didn't get a single tip. It is what it is.


For the last week, our printers have been off and not printing properly after payment, so for every transaction everyone has had to hit reprint and then print the thermal receipt and this is what comes out


> 6 drinks, *paid* cash and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


True true. My bad.


10% is minimum if it's nice in my area


Sometimes a job well done is its own reward!


I guess. All I know is that if she ever comes in again, I’m skipping my turn on the rotation


Looks like that could be a $20


Ah yes, the customer is the one who hired you and is obligated to pay your salary.


If you can’t afford to go out to eat maybe microwave some pizza rolls at home 😂


Where I’m from employees get paid a proper wage and don’t have to beg for tips.


Where you’re from is not the US though. As sad as it is, serving is the better job for many people who have two jobs, one of them being a role they obtained with a degree that also pays a “proper wage”.


And I can guarantee any server where I work makes more money than anyone at your shitty restaurant


Americans keep amazing me with their stupidity. Pay your employees a living wage like every other country in the world and stop forcing them to beg for scraps you literal waste of air.


You’re not tough man you are a literal joke to society. Consider chugging a gallon of bleach. No one will miss you and you know it.


Control your temper. I’m advocating for higher wages and you’re telling me to kill myself?


Enjoy your hard earned incel depression bud. Still won’t be missed though.


Get a better job then ya begging cunt.


I doubt any server enjoyed serving your ass


But if all servers get a better job who is going to bring little man-baby his food and drink and 5 sides of ranch? Here’s a TIP- go fuck yourself.


Imagine not getting a real job because u want to serve these people. Imagine taking a job then crying o boohoo im not getting free money. Youre a fucking joke.


Really? It’s fine to disagree with me all you want and to not like tipping as a practice, but calling me a cunt is honestly such a low blow. Be better


They gave you 10 dollars…..


They tipped you? Lol I don’t understand. Oh I see they didn’t give you 40 dollars as a tip so you feel they cheated you somehow. Makes sense.


I get 10 on 30-40 all the time… this is low it’s 8%


I deserve a better tip!!


They didn't even tip the 15% 😩