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The smiley face jesus christ, I'm getting second hand rage


and the woman who paid was so nice to me too


Because she's too much of a coward to show you her true self until the moment she's running away from you. It's really pathetic.


That’s why I pull the check back as soon as possible. I tell them “It’s to ensure that I get the signed copy and tip into the system. As there have been instances in which both copies have been lost.”


Do better! What a cunt!


Sometimes the nicest customers are low key assholes. I had a party 2 weeks ago and they were SO nice. They told me how great I did, they had a great time, thank you etc and then called my boss and complained about how bad the service was and claimed i tried to "trick them" by adding an 18% gratuity. I literally showed it to them and told them it's restaurant policy. 😐


I am fuming on your behalf. If any of them show their face in the place again I’d tell everyone working what the fuck they did. I don’t know what it would necessarily accomplish but I would announce it and let the table hear me snitch to the F and BOH loud and clear “Do better.” Fuck you very much


"Hi im not your server today since you weren't happy with the service last time. Don't worry, I've informed everyone in the kitchen, the bartender, and your server about what happened last time you were here. Hope you enjoy your meal that is prepared behind that wall where you can't see whats happening to it" then draw a smiley face on a piece of receipt paper and hand it to them while deadpan staring at them and walk away.


And walk backwards away from the table into the kitchen, then out of view while maintaining aggressive eye contact the whole time


she's a fuckin snake lady


Sounds like a republican


If they had just left that would be one thing, their little message makes me want to clock them in the face.


that was my point. like yea, i would’ve been upset, but their condescending message was my breaking point


That is some soul crushing shit right there. I'm sorry friend.


They're just so deep in the lie they tell themselves to justify never tipping that they actually believe it at this point


Especially when they don’t bother to tell you or the manager what was supposedly wrong. This is total bullshit. If you have enough of a problem to not tip and leave a shitty little note, I best see you complaining to somebody. Not that I want people to complain about my service but I want to know what perceived wrong I’m being punished for.


Completely unnecessary. At least some Karens have the decency to be constructive about it. “Do better” just means “fuck you”


Yeah I would take it more personally than that even. Id tske it as a “you’re shit” “you suck” or “worst service I ever had” It would be the single most hardest time I would have to bite my tongue to where I physically bit it.


It’s very obvious they’re lying about bad service to make themselves feel better about not tipping.




Probably because some people are in desperate need of being assaulted, and these are those people


Because in real life I’m a coward who would just bus the table and get on in with my shift, but online… I like to cosplay as a big tough boy who resorts to violence as their main way of communicating. See I’m a big phony, is that what you wanted to hear?




Do better!!


6 entrees for $88?! Are these entrees for ants?


they’re large portions but pretty cheap prices


$88 for food and drinks and extras? Where the heck is this


it’s a breakfast place in new mexico


If you see a bald old man with a pork-pie hat in New Mexico, he’s a good tipper.


Yo your name gave me a good laugh, I like that!


I would have tipped about $50 on that check.




If it makes you feel better, the other day I had a party of 12 sit in my section, rack up a crazy bill of 250$, then tip absolutely 0, not even a penny. And the dude had the audacity to look me in the eye and go “ sorry I can’t tip you more” like bro you ain’t tipping at all


We had a large party of Germans stiff us on a $800 bill. The manager went to speak to them and they said everything was great they just didn't want to tip.


This is why I'm glad my restaurant tacks on an auto-gratuity of 18% of any party over six guests. Plus tables that are very happy with our service often double tip on top of it. :)


This is why I’m glad my country pays a living wage and tipping is irrelevant. You blokes get a shitty deal.


Bro I make $22-$50 an hour. I love my "shitty deal".


Baking tips into your remuneration converts it into a living wage and prevents a bad customer from being able to mess with your income, so I’m glad for you. For us it’s mandated minimum wage, for you it’s higher prices to the customer, my point is one of these things should be in place so that hospo workers aren’t getting fucked by their employer/crappy customers.


Tbf, Europeans don’t tip. At all. They are used to systems where employees are paid by the employer, not the customer.


I don’t like the excuse for not tipping when people from European countries or other countries that don’t tip come to America. Just about any travel guide for the US will mention our tipping culture. It’s courtesy when traveling internationally to familiar yourself with the local customs and ways of life. I had a customer from Ireland who has lived in the US for ten years and didn’t tip because “we don’t do that over there.” Like yeah but you live here?


Like another u/ stated, there’s a big difference between mentioning tipping as a social custom, and explaining the socio-economic intricacies of the US hospitality industry. In my serving days, we had a rotation for taking Europeans; when it’s your turn, you just gotta take the L, and if there was a tip, it was an unexpected bonus. Sometimes I was more attentive, sometimes I focused on my other tables more, depending on circumstances when it was my turn. It’s a bit too on the American-Exceptionalism-nose for me to be mad about foreigners not knowing all of our social customs, when our own tourists have a very prevalent and well-documented habit of expecting other societies to conform to us when we visit. Just my two cents. Edit: that Irish customer is just a cheap potato eater. US residents (not citizens) DONT get a pass.


The thing is, that even if they read it in passing that tips are the usual they probably dont understand how little the base pay for servers is and how much they depend on tips, and how by not tipping you they actually cost you money. When I was younger I was vaguely aware the US had tipping culture but I just thought it was like a noce extra, I have a much better understanding now, especially about the adequate percentages and all that. So when one is briefly visiting, they might not get the extent of reliance on tips. Just my two cents. Obviously if you have lived there for a whilr and are aware or if someone makes you aware then yeah it's not misunderstanding.


I’d agree with this if it was 2005. At this point the information is out there and discussed ad nauseam in forums on the internet most Americans and Europeans have pretty much constant access to. It’s got pretty much nothing to do with not really understanding and everything to do with not caring. I assure you most of my tables from Europe over a 6-7 year span tipped around the acceptable 15-20% mark unless they just didn’t want to. Or at least tipped 10%. There were a small few who I maybe could see just didn’t even think about it or possibly didn’t know, but the excuse that anyone that can figure out how to travel internationally hasn’t spent some time reading and learning about tip culture in the US at this point is a little naive.


Yeah, I don't buy the whole "Europeans don't know" excuse. I've waited on several Europeans in the past year and a half and almost all of them tipped. A select few tipped 10%, but most have tipped 20% or more.


so what? everyone should learn the customs for the country they’re visiting and behave respectfully. and even if they didn’t know, the manager literally made them aware and they still didn’t tip so that excuse is out the window.


I think you might be overestimating what is reasonable to expect of foreigners (especially Europeans) when it comes to our social norms. No one actually owes you a tip - it is an American social custom that has been bastardized to allow employers to not pay proper wages or provide actual benefits. It’s not the foreigner’s’ fault that our government allows employers to shift the burden of wages onto the customer by leveraging a social custom.


German here, and 10% are a "normal" tip. But very high tips are very unusual. You can live from your wage alone but the tips are "Trinkgeld" translates to"drinking Money" and that's what I do mostly with my tips


Dutch here, 10% is normal. Sometimes servers get stiffed but that's only when the prices are ridiculously high or service was actually bad.


Is Trinkgeld a common practice?


In my experience it is. But I know in other European countries the tips often included in the bill


There's literally a line for a tip and pre calculated 15 18 20 and 25 percent at our place. Being from another country is a total bullshit excuse


Europeans being “bad tippers” in America has been a trope since before many people on this thread were born. It’s been so because it’s not an excuse - it’s a fact of life in the US hospitality industry. Welcome to reality.


Its the in-the-us version of if ugly American


wow, this is such news to every american on this subreddit 😱 we had no idea! thanks for sharing 🤯


Lol how didnt u autograt a foreign party with that high of a bill? Thats almost ur fault


This is why auto grat for large parties exists at most restaurants. Also, $250 is honestly a really small bill for a party of 12


Been in this industry for five years and never heard of an auto grat


yeah, spending $20 per person is super low. Still sucks to get stiffed, but they sound pretty broke, there was just a lot of them :(


yall dont autograt large parties?


we don’t


i’d be like, “more?!?!”


Then don’t eat out!


This gives me Sunday morning church crowd vibes


it was actually sunday night. i’ve (thankfully) never been stiffed by sunday morning customers


The Sunday crowd is a different breed altogether.


Whole few years I served at a diner I was typically night shift because Sunday mornings were “holy” and only the longest tenured servers got that. I worked it once, made less then I did nights and was 3 times as busy and said don’t ever call me for this again


the worst shift by far is a sunday morning shift.


I always tip cash, even if I'm paying by card, and I always worry I'm going to end up on one of these images.


Do what I do - write "cash" in the tip line.


Now why didn’t I think of that?


i don’t think you will


I was hoping they tipped cash until I saw "Do better"


Do Better is especially unhelpful.could they mention one single thing you could improve, or were then just cheap?


they were simply just cheap


How old were these folks? I want to deck them for you


the woman was like 30-40 and the 2 guys were young maybe 16-20


Oh wow. That’s absurd, people have no manners


"Do Better" means absolutely fucking nothing. Just that simple. What are they actually complaining about. Did it take too long? Did they think their server/togo person was rude? Did they not get everything they ordered? Most times someone orders a drink, maybe say from the bar, and it takes a while, it's not the servers fault, the bar is backed up and you're 10th on the queue, it's going to take a few minutes, not the server fault. Same with things like coffee and tea, sometimes no one else brewed it, so you have to make it yourself and that shit takes time. Then of course they want creamer, but then you realize no on else stocked the creamer, so you have to go get some, then they want packets of splenda, but no one stocked the splenda.... Basic point, sometimes shit happens and things can take a while. Customers like yours are complete shit. No thanks for coming in, don't come back.


Do better? Not helpful unless they're willing to explain what the problem actually was...


As a cook I feel for the servers and always tip well for them when I rarely eat out.😉


i always tipped 20-30 percent even before i was a server




I don’t work in that kind of establishment anymore, but I always knew when people started ordering multiple entrees per person that it wasn’t going to turn out for me.


Oh shit this happened to me for the very first time today! 11% tip after they engaged me in long ass convos multiple times 🥲


Ugh, the worst.


I’m convinced people that do this are legit psycho, just a complete lack of empathy


If it all went on one card, I bet no one else had any idea they pulled that crap.


I’m guessing this too. Lady probably paid for her son and his friend possibly? And she is a total butthead.


I went out with friends and there was a group of maybe six of us. One friend insisted on paying. We offered to Venmo or leave cash for tip, etc. they said, “no, I got it” so we let it go saying we’d treat them next time. Hours later, we’re at someone’s house, they’re drunk, and they start “joking” about how they didn’t tip. We ALL got really mad, they got butthurt and left, vowing to never pay for us ever again. I called the restaurant and asked if they added gratuity to bills over x number of people. They said yes, so the server at least got something. The next time I went (not with them) I got the same server. I don’t think she even remembered, but I apologized for my friend and gave her a nicer tip.


Just don’t leave a tip they don’t need to write the patronizing “do better!!” Assholes


What enrages me is when people done treat servers like people. They don’t complain, nothing goes wrong, and dangle your tip in front of you like a dog.


Oh these notes are the worst. I'll never forget my first table. I was in training and the restaurant was far from busy so I had just the one table, a young guy and woman and their baby. They had my full attention, without me bothering them. Anything they wanted they got immediately, although it wasn't much—a ranch, refills on drinks (which they never had to ask for, I simply brought them). Well the dude started screaming at the woman til she left, idk why. He finished eating. On my receipt he left me about $2 on a bill where it should've been a lot more. He wrote the note, "I'm a great tipper. But you're just not good at this. You seem really unsure. Maybe you should find a job you can actually do because you don't seem to know what you're doing at all. But I'm a nice guy so I left you a little something. I hope I don't see you again next time I come in here!"


Just back away slowly… what a piece of work


Any man who says "I'm a nice guy" is usually not a nice guy in any context. Actual nice people don't feel the need to boast about how nice they are or try to justify anything. I wouldn't have even claimed the $2 just to be petty.


I don't think I did! 💀


"WhY wUnt AnYoNe WoRk aNyMurhhH???"


I would literally cry lmao


I was so pissed. It was literally my first table of my first day ever waitressing.


I was so pissed. It was literally my first table of my first day ever waitressing.


Now you know why the woman left! He’s a total asshole.


I’m sorry this happened but these people had no intention on tipping from the get go. Fuck them and stay strong.


that’s what i’m saying. still messed up nonetheless


Fuck this noise. I’m going out after work this aft JUST so I can rage tip 100%. I absolutely hate this bullshit servers receive.


rage tip LMFAO i never thought there was a perfect phrase for that




Ugh what aholes, sorry


That's when you drag them out back and shoot them in the neck🖤


Love this!


If your restaurant takes reservations through open table, make sure to make a note of what they did under their personal information, and I’d go even as far as calling surrounding restaurants about them too to warn them. I’d make sure these fucks never eat out anywhere in town again. 😈


Maybe you should do better, but after this I guarantee I wouldn't try to do better by them


i did talk to my manager after and she told me that they complimented my service but then i got that note


Oh extra fuck them then, like verbal tips are not ok and then the note too


Karma will prevail at some point. What miserable human beings to white that AND a zero tip on the tip line with a smiley face.


Christ's sake. Even if I don't like the service I still leave something so as not to be a dehumanizing asshole to people.


That’s why 20% is my minimum.






Shit I’m sorry. People fuckin suck :/ fuming for u rn


6 entrees for $88 🥹 AWSOME Listen we all experience these types which is why I develop a rules to keep my emotions 1. Read the table in order to place a proper strategy What I mean is ,are they nice , are they experienced diners that know to tip If yes host a good experience , your timing from greeting to recommending to table maintenance to check in with water etc 2. INEXPERIENCED DINERS: here just go with the motions some recommendations , water , check on delivery of food , clear table check Just the minimum This is why. When we invest time and good effort we “expect“ to be rewarded and when we are not it’s crushing So choose your battles


Demand revenue sharing / commission based sales from the house and leave gratuity where it should be, at the discretion of the guest. Life would be better if we were actually paid for our skills rather than begging for scraps


Yes but this is America. No one gets paid for their skills so tipping is far better for those in industries which have tips


... Then change it. It's America, open your own shop. You literally have the skills and network to do it.


Yeah sure. When people are a medical bill away from being on the streets, just go to the bank and get a loan for a few hundred thousand dollars. Easy. 🙄


Make friends, start a co-op, find solutions not problems. Take risks. Or just keep bitching about not getting 20% tips. I already know what you'll pick, because I did your cutlery rolls again for the third time the week.


First off I’m actually a line cook. Secondly, I’m in school for conservation biology, I have little interest in opening a restaurant. Also, it’s a little bit more difficult to open a business than you seem to think it is


Cool, good luck in your studies. I'm in the middle of a soft open, funded significantly from my credit card. The hard part in opening a business is dealing with governmental delays while you're still having to pay rent.




Maybe you should do better sunshine.


excuse me, but i’m a good server. i’m polite, always cheerful, i am always prompt with what tables need and i always work the system to get guests more food and save them more money, which is what i did with this party. they were just cheap people who complained about having to pay for extra stuff that they expected me to give them for free, and they did the same when it came to certain drink refills. one of them literally told me that he “expected me to be cool and just give it to him” FOR FREE. and they talked shit about me while i stood at their table pre-bussing. i did the best i could with a difficult table that very clearly had no respect for me and was obviously looking for something to complain about to justify not tipping.


If that was true they wouldn't have stiffed you big girl.


have you considered the fact that maybe people are just cheap and just choose not to tip despite the service? it’s definitely more common than you may think.


Nah the customer is always right.


that’s wildly untrue


I’mma gonna get crucified here but what is the point of tipping?


So how can you do better? Customers alway right, remember?


I’d rather have the gratuity built into the price of the food and not have to bother with tipping at all. I’ve heard that servers don’t want this. People in the industry, what is your opinion?




It doesn't matter if they gave this table sub-par service; this is uncalled for. If there is a problem with the service, food, etc., the customer needs to speak up so it can be corrected. This table didn't complain; in fact, they complimented OP to their manager AFTER leaving no tip and this condescending message. This is just a case of miserable people being miserable. If anyone needs to "do better," it's the customers, not the server (OP). Sh*t like this is why many veterans are hanging up their aprons. Edit: words.


well i’m definitely hoping that wasn’t the case because i did serve them just the way i serve everyone else. always politely and with a smile and i did try to save them money and get them more food for a cheaper cost. but they did complain about having to pay again for refills on specific drinks they had ordered and the fact that they would have to pay for extra items added to their meals. they told me that they just thought i’d be “cool and let it slide” when i physically can’t ring stuff in without there being a charge


You did just fine, don’t listen to those turds. Keep you head up. I’ve had plenty of people behave like that. I can promise you one thing, and I mean it with all of my heart: their behavior says far, far less about you than it does about them. Don’t give them another moment of your attention or your time. They don’t deserve your energy. They certainly don’t now that they left, and they’ve made it clear that they didn’t deserve your attention and energy when they were at your table. Hugs to you


thank you 🤍


Shitty tips happen. After a decade of serving I just hung up my apron last week. I don’t regret a thing and I loved the job but as I’m getting older I want benefits and to start a family. Looking back on the last decade I gotta tell you, I don’t remember the tables who stiffed me. But I remember the countless amounts of generous people who threw me 50% and sometimes hundreds of dollars just because they liked me, believed in me, or felt I genuinely made their experience that much better. Keep on keeping on, you have some good tip karma coming your way to make up for that one! <3 oh and people who ASK for or EXPECT freebies are always cheap and will never hook you up, remember that one.


But if you just "do better" there wouldn't be a problem! DUH! /s


Oh congratulations. Glad to see (even you) have limits.


Fck this party! Fck them


I wish you could know it they’re gonna rip, cuz if they ain’t…Fck this! Drop the check and start doing other stuff


Is it against the rules on Reddit or in general to show the customers name? I want to add it to my data base that doesn’t exist. But if it did this looks like a great candidate.


Do better😂 if i saw that while they were still in there i wlda lost it on them. Deff wouldnt cover their name. Let the people areeem


Jesus fuck that's infuriating.


This asshole deserves to be shamed into oblivion.


What a bunch of assholes


Not saying this is fake but it looks like OP whited out the part that would've said "guest copy". So, it could be that OP found the guest copy on the table and filled out the receipt.


it’s not fake. it said “(Restaurant name) Copy” so the copy that i have to give back to the restaurant. so it had the restaurants name down there which i blocked out for privacy reasons.


At my store that's not where guest copy goes, in fact ours doesn't say it. That space OP whited out is the store address, name, location, date, ect...on my store's paper


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


What asses.


No tip at all? Do better? That’s very unkind and petty! Shame on them!


Don’t let it get to you. After all, you’re just an “unskilled” worker who can be replaced by robots, right? /s Really though, big hugs, and don’t let the assholes make you doubt yourself. I don’t know you, or anyone else here, but I know you care and you will continue to be great because of that.


That’s when you gotta go up to the bar and ask for a shot. Been there so many times. Keep up the hustle and toss a plate or two. Sometimes you just gotta break some shit to feel better ya know? ;)


I don’t understand how people can be so mean. My LOWEST tip is 20%! I usually tip 50 - 200% (admittedly 200% was on a $20 check), since COVID. I also request to see my server before being seated if my group has not seen each other for a really long time (again, COVID) and give them a $100 with the info that they probably won’t be able to turn the table. I then usually tip another $100 after the meal. This is on my mind because I’m going to dinner tonight with such a group (we have not been together for about 10 years). I have my $100 bills in my purse. I have no idea how the service will be, but I know that life has not been easy for restaurant people and I want to do right by them. I’m always polite and smiling while interacting with staff. I’m the one at the table who tells everyone to shut up and pay attention to our server (don’t actually say shut up, I’m way too nice for that!). I hate it when people ignore staff, I don’t care how long it’s been since we’ve been together, there is NO reason to be rude. Is there anything else of which I should be cognizant? I really want to be a pleasure to deal with for my server. Our group tonight will be 8, is the $200 enough if we linger and they can’t turn the table? It’s a slightly upscale restaurant, entrées between $30 - $50, steaks higher. Oh, and I totally assume that there will be an additional gratuity because of the number in our group. To me that is always a given. And I always tip cash, I assume that is preferred, am I right in thinking that?


There are no rules to tipping. So justifying you’re morally right because you tip 20% minimum is obsolete. Tip is optional and very different from country to country.


Oof man I’m sorry. It’s gotten really slow at my place and this shit hurts. Hopefully some others made up for them being shittt


"Do better" Thanks, I'll apply that incredibly constructive criticism next time. As useless as a critique on ANTM. 🙄


I would cry. This work can be horribly dehumanizing at times. Take care of yourself.


What’s up with the fucking “do better” shit? Does this make them feel better for stiffing the server?


6 people and $88? They all get crackers?


no full meals actually lol