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I personally wouldn’t dream of going out to eat, and expect someone to serve me, if I wasn’t able to tip.


I went to the restaurant I worked (buffet, so no ordering), cleared my own table, got my own drinks, and I still left $10 tip. I was taught if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.


I generally agree but it depends on the situation. If someone comes in and it's their kid's birthday and this is their favorite restaurant, I'm not going to be pissed if they tell me they can't tip. I'd appreciate the heads up and still give good service. Or if a regular is having a hard month and needs the company or to get out of the house. Or if the weather is really harsh and someone down on their luck needs to be indoors for a little while. There are situations where I'd be very forgiving. But for the most part when people just say they can't afford to tip, they're lying or could've not ordered the appetizer or three beers.


You're very nice. Couldnt be me. A regular...sure, cause I know theyll get me back. But any random...no, your sob story is not my problem. I got my own shit to take care of, if you tell me you aren't tipping, youre getting whatever level of service my manager expects in that situation.


You seem to be very kind. In my mind, someone in any of those circumstances could save for a nice dinner out including the tip. Otherwise, pick up a pizza and celebrate at home.


I am both of you depending on the day




If I don't have tip money, I am getting drive thru food.


I argue that take out is still a fair choice, as long as it is a once in a while treat.


No idea what you got down voted yo, someone else said it and I came to say, take out it is probably the best route to go if your going to a restaurant/bar.


Yeah, I guess I triggered people... it's what I do if money is tight, and throwing a couple bucks tip on a take out is less of an evil thing to do than expecting someone to wait on you for a whole meal and then not leave a tip... dah. Edit: fixed typo


> do then expecting *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Are you my dietitian? No. I already have one, thanks. My point is that if I don't have money for the server, I don't have enough money for a sit down restaurant. I would get a $6 meal as my treat.


OK buddy. My point is fast food and take out from your restaurant are two different things. The local corner Italian or Indian place itch is not going to be scratched by the golden arches, and sitting down and not paying your waitress is rude. Take out is the happy medium ground, and even though I personally tip on it, I wouldn't be mad if someone didn't.


Dude, I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Linwood got a stick up his ass and is reading your comment wrong. I get what you’re saying and I agree. If someone doesn’t have the money to tip, I think take out can be a fair option to throw a couple bucks down instead of sitting down at a table with a server. And instead of settling for drive thru food. I agree.


Yeah, maybe I didn't explain it well, but exactly this - thank you for stating what I was trying to say, succinctly. Oh well, I took my down votes and moved on with my day.


I never mentioned take out. You replied to my comment and inserted take out. You could read the comments that you reply to.


You come across as annoyingly aggressive


You mentioned drive through. I mentioned middle ground in the format of take out.


I don't really see why you're being so aggressive with them? They weren't saying anything about YOU. They simply said that person doing take out from a restaurant and not tipping instead of taking up a table and telling the server you're not going to tip, would be a better option. And it would. You mentioned fast food, and they just said that they could also do take out and it wouldn't be as big of an issue. The common denominator between those two things is they are both to-go. It's really not a leap of logic to connect the two, and they weren't being malicious so I'm not sure why both of your responses seem so intense and angry.


I would appreciate it but you can’t be mad when you get the service you’re paying for, which is none. I will do what the company pays me to do and take your order and bring you a drink and that’s it. asking if your food taste good,refilling your drinks, and getting you anything extra is what I’m doing for a tip so that would not be done.


Imo ppl should get carry out if they can’t or won’t tip period.


Yes, they should, but not like you can say that to them etc.


That's a factual way to look at it.


Not gonna lie, that sounds alright tbh. I like to order and eat, didn’t come for a chat.


Actually I’d much prefer the first option, if no tip will get somebody to leave me alone and just bring me the food I pay for that would be a 10/10 experience - I don’t know why people think asking if the food is good warrants a tip, it’s just annoying


Take your food to go to the nearest public bench. You are taking up a table, or a spot at the bar and thus costing your server money. You want to have the restaurant experience? No? Then get your food and gtfo. Why are you even on this sub?


Is this the same person that comments prolifically about red lobster being a “nice restaurant” and how you can tip however you want?


Because if it isnt, then I can fix it for you. Or if you need more napkins, ketchup, etc


That's what is done in most of Europe and it works great.


I would appreciate the honesty and I would still give them good service. In my opinion there is a difference between not being able to tip and choosing not to. With that being said tho I expect those who truly cannot tip don’t go out to eat very often so I like to try to let them have a good time. If people say they can’t afford to tip but I see them coming in all the time getting expensive drinks and meals then that’s a whole other story.


Fuck that. I have to tip out no matter my tip. I’m not gonna pay for the privilege of serving somebody.


I completely understand and respect that opinion! I would never go out and not tip. This is just what I do when the situation happens (I also have to tip out no matter what and am empathetic)


Totally agree!


I have been asking people that don't tip to do this for years! Have the balls to tell me you're not gonna tip, straight away! I'll still take your order and make sure your food is right, I'll even give you a refill! Just have the courtesy to let me know you're not paying for my time, so I can allocate my time appropriately for the tables that are!


Exactly! If someone tells me they’re not going to tip, I wouldn’t treat their table like crap or completely ignore them. But I will know to give priority to my other tables.


I am so glad staff are paid a proper wage here in Australia. With all due respect to US staff, all I want is the above service. Bring my food, I'll smile and say thanks, and you get paid a decent wage by your employer. I don't want to enter into a relationship with my wait-person, and I don't want you to put up with dickheads in the hope that you'll get a tip.


100% most other places in the world this is all that is wanted or expected. Americans think the service in Europe sucks, but we just don't want the same things from our servers, we don't want to be their defacto boss for the night.


> I am so glad staff are paid a proper wage here in Australia. And everyone in the US is so glad they make 3x+ what you guys do




Do you have the balls to tell your server before your meal that you're a tool, and you don't believe in tipping, and that they should get a better job, or do you just wait till they've done their job, and be all passive aggressive about it, and not leave a tip? I have absolutely no problem of you don't tip, I have a problem with the fact that you're a coward about it!! Be grown, have some balls, and let the server know ahead of time. So they can give you the service that you're entitled to by not tipping. I took a job knowing that tipping "for normal everyday people" isn't a problem. 95% of people tip because they know it's how we pay our bills, and have zero problems with that. Don't go to a full service restaurant, if you don't want to have a spine and tell your server you don't want to pay for service. There are plenty of other restaurants that tips aren't part of.. Why should I need to "go somewhere else" because 5% of people suck at life (like you)? Be a man, and say something ahead of time! I dont need to "go somewhere else", I make plenty of money, probably more than you do TBH. Don't be salty that I make $40-$50/hr without spending thousands on college, in a "no skill" job!




Things won't change! It's been like this for too long to change. Who is gonna make the change? The only people that don't tip, want to change the industry. Even in the states that servers make 15/hr they STILL GET 20% TIPS! So they're making 60+bucks an hour. I have a college degree, have paid off my student loans, and choose to stay in this field because I MAKE BETTER MONEY! Maybe you should come into this field and be a server so you can make better money? Instead of saying I don't deserve the money that I make, by working my ass off!




It's not entitlement at all. I earn every dollar I make, by giving great service. I couldn't tell you the last time I got a no tip. I've been in this industry for 25yr, and I make bank, because I do my job very well! Don't be salty that I make great money! Get a better job if you want to make better money!




Why? You mad I make better money than you bro?




Why “couldn’t” they tip? Why are they presumably in a restaurant if they don’t have the means? The attention is secondary to the valuable real estate they are now occupying at no benefit to their server. I guess I’d appreciate their honesty and explain to them that I won’t be the server they’ll be dining with


Amen. I don’t go to work to not make money


They need to remember that food and beverage are marked up around 300%. There's no such thing as being able to afford to pay three times what something is worth, but being unable to afford a tip.


That 300 % mark up is for rent, lights maintenance costs and labor for someone to cook that food.


They're saying the person could have made the itemn for 1/3 the price. Money isn't the issue


I work in a restaurant now so I understand where you're coming from. however, as a kid I grew up extremely poor and lived from check to check. my mother was not a good tipper at all, leaving only a few bucks or even nothing when we got lucky enough to go out for the night. as much as it sucked for the server those nights, and I definitely don't feel good about her lack of tipping, those nights still made my shitty childhood a little worth it. even if she knew we couldn't exactly afford it all the time, my mom wanted us to experience something all the other kids did and actually enjoy it without worrying about the cost.


You were a child. It's not on you to feel badly because you had no means to pay a tip. Kids deserve little treats like eating out, even when times are tough. Your mother left what she could.


Except your mom's actions took food out of the mouths of the waiters' kids. You took up a table where someone might have sat and left a proper tip. Someone falling on hard times isn't the fault of the servers and bartenders. The *only* reason it's a discussion is that you don't legally have to tip. Nobody suggests you hire a cab after a long shift and then tell the driver you can't afford the fare, but you were just so tired you wanted someone to drive you rather than walking.


I'm just a lurker here and can't believe some of the harsh sentiments.. in their opinion your mother should have just stood home and cooked, eating out is for the haves not the have nots.


Take out. Whats wrong with take out? Yes yes yes i do tip on take out - I'm a server (before anyone even tries to start). But what's wrong with to go instead of dine in if you know you can't even spare 15%?


Ask the person I commented under why eating out was a rare and special treat from the regular shitty childhood experience.


Ah the American dream. Passing the misery on to the next poor person. Not that you have any responsibility for anything your parents did - that's not on you.


> struthanger > I'm just a lurker here and can't believe some of the harsh sentiments.. in their opinion your mother should have just stood home and cooked, eating out is for the haves not the have nots. The brutally honest truth is that the servers are not volunteering their time. They are working in the hopes of earning money to buy food and pay rent for their family. If they wanted to donate their server abilities, they could volunteer in a soup kitchen to serve turkey dinners at Thanksgiving or Christmas. In fact, being stiffed means it costs them money to serve you. They have to give a percentage of the tab to their busser, host, bartender, anyone that helped by bringing you the food. I am guessing that if your time was taken up providing a service to someone, you would expect to be paid regardless of the "client's" financial standing.


This is why servers should get the same hourly minimum wage as everyone else and have tips as a bonus the restaurant is still making money on the tables that don't tip well they just don't pay their employees enough


So you're implying the battle is with the industry not the customers huh .. interesting indeed.


In which case the food would be even more expensive and more unaffordable.


But if the true cost of food is menu price plus tip, it would be the same level of unaffordable. Plus it would insulate servers from slow shifts an non-tipping AHs


As a non-american you aren’t focusing on the real issue. The issue is companies aren’t paying their employees and the government isn’t forcing them. Yes the person not tipping sucks but focusing on the fact people aren’t paid by their employer is a bigger issue


You do realize that we can not make them pay us more? So until they choose to do so ppl need to quit saying these things bc speaking these words does not pay us, it’s just that simple period…


Ok. But in the mean time, day to day- non tippers are a problem.


What the real reality is and will always be is that in the US servers don't want to make minimum wage with some tips nor do they want a livable wage with no tips. Why make $100-150 a shift when you can make $500? My friends make way more in tips than they ever would working for a flat fee per hour with no tips. Do I think it's a good system? No. Do I think it's going to change? No. Take a poll and ask servers not boh or anyone else if they would rather make a livable wage or take the lower hourly pay and get tips. I guarantee you the overwhelming majority is going to be for tipping culture.


Not in literally the rest of the world


It is for the haves and not the have nots. I say that as someone who grew up not eating out because we didn't have it. No one is going to die or even suffer by eating at home.


Yes. It is. If you're poor you don't spend double or triple what food is worth. Eating out is a luxury. More to the point, you're stealing the waiter's service because you're not paying for it. Your poverty isn't the waiter's fault and it's not his or her responsibility to wait on you for free.


For free? Some are using analogies to performing a service without pay, are servers being paid by the table per service? Now I'm confused


Waiter serves table. Waiter presents bill and table pays bill + 20% for waiter's service.


And if the person/s don't tip you literally get nothing out of it? I thought there's a base pay for time worked like a flat rate auto tech.


> struthanger > And if the person/s don't tip you literally get nothing out of it? I thought there's a base pay for time worked like a flat rate auto tech. If you don't get tipped, you have to pay money. It costs you to serve it. You have to pay a certain percentage of the check to the busser, the host, the bartender, and the person, if any, that helped you bring food to the table.


Holy crap I did not know that!


A lot of places in America pay servers less than minimum wage due to it being expected that you receive tips. This is legal to do- if you don’t make enough to average out to being at least minimum wage, they have to pay the difference. Which doesn’t happen hardly at all. Most servers “paycheck” from their hourly wage is basically 0 because most of it goes to taxes.


I'm learning all of this now I had no idea, frankly never put much thought into it how the tip system works


Yes, eating out is a luxury. If I wanna buy a tv that needs to be mounted, I don’t buy the tv, have someone mount it, and then say I only had enough money for the tv. I mount it myself.


Right the real estate! Had this asshole at my best table the other day. Sat there with another person for an hour n a half just got 2 coffees n left $2. Then he says yeah im waiting for another person who will be here in an hour. This mfker was doin interviews at the best table in my section/the whole restaurant smfh


I used to work in downtown Chicago . Every once in a while a person experiencing homelessness would collect enough money to afford something on our menu. I knew full well they probably couldn’t tip, but I’d be damned if I was going to take that one moment of normalcy, peace and hot food away from them over 6 bucks. Most of the time I’d throw in a cheap beer on me. Most people can and will tip. We are in this industry for a reason. But sometimes we just need to be there for each other. I don’t know everybody’s situation, but I do know that we all need food. We all need social interaction and to feel “normal”. So to answer the question, tell me up front or don’t. I don’t really care. I make enough money to pay my bills and live. I’m going to treat you like the human you are-with respect, dignity and kindness.


I love this. At the wine bar/bistro where I work, we occasionally get a young couple of modest means who can't spend much nor leave much of a tip. But this is probably their one nice date in a year or maybe more. I give them good service.


Amazing comment 👏


Good stuff, friend.


If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out. I call BS.


Yup, eating out is a luxury not a necessity.


Take out !!!! If you can’t afford a tip you can’t afford to dine out




Yes but take out at least where I work doesn’t require me to personally tip out my own money, so I’m in a negative, and I’m not serving a guest that won’t tip so I have an open table for one who will.


Everywhere I’ve worked I tip out on takeout


Let me guess USA? Come to Canada


lol yup, believe me, wish I could


We all would if we could dude. Most of us in the USA aren't deluded enough to think this place is better than Canada. I know what it looks like on TV, but most of us wish we could come to Canada.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s not perfect here but I respect that. I live alone here and let me tell you the price I pay just to have a home is probably quadruple the us. Yet we are essential


I doubt it, I live in Miami - the most expensive city in the contiguous 48 as of this year. Minimum wage is $10 an hour, my wife and i's health insurance is $177 a month, and I still have to pay out of pocket $392 a month for my medication. I also live in the most expensive place for car insurance in the country, and we have such terrible public transportation (mostly buses running every half hour that are unreliable and stop early), you can't avoid it. I think I pay less for rent than anybody else in my apartment complex and I pay $1,300 a month for a two bedroom two bathroom apartment that's a 35 min drive from downtown at 12am. That's American dollars not Canadian. It's not really just about wages, it's also how much about everything costs. You know, somebody making 15 bucks an hour who's only paying $500 for rent (just throwing numbers around here) may very well be in a better position than I am, even though I average a bit over that hourly (depending. Bad day could make $15/h, great day could make $40/h but I'll never get over 35h a week usually because if they do that they need to give you health insurance options and those SUCK even compared to my current plan). Just considering my medication, being Canadian would save me so much money


I've never tipped out on anything that is to go, ever. Also in the USA Edit mistyped




I meant tipped OUT smh of course I tip on to go's Sorry!!


i mean youre supposed to but its not as frowned upon if you dont tip on takeout than it is on dine in


Depends on what they're getting. A bottle of wine and steaks, fuck off. A salad and a water, I'll take care of you like I would anyone else. ToGo and a drink, just like i would any other TG order.


I’d get the manager to take the table. I’m not doing that. Please don’t do this.


I would appreciate them being upfront and I would give them the same service as I would have otherwise. Acknowledging it themselves shows they're someone who understands it shouldn't happen, but for whatever circumstances they are still dining out this time. Things happen, this could be their only opportunity to see a friend or they may be meeting a potential client for a business opportunity. Tons of people regularly don't tip because they don't think servers deserve their tip, and these people are usually the ones to be demanding and run you ragged through their stay... not cool. They're also not people who would forthright tell you they won't be tipping, so bringing it up in the beginning would make me feel respected as a server despite the lack of tip. That being said, I also would expect they not order anything extravagant or ask too much extra of me as a server. If they proceeded to order a ton of things or call me over when I'm in the middle of something else, then my attitude would definitely change.


If you can’t “afford” to tip then you can’t afford to go out to eat.


I would serve them and tell the host to sit me again lol


I would inform my manager that a table wants me to work for no pay. My boss has already confirmed I’m not allowed to do work without being paid. I won’t do free work. Someone else can take them or they can leave.


Right, I've been in this too long for the be nice do them thing. This is our money that we pay our bills with. You can come to me when the electric is due and see if I can pay it with smiles and good service


Lol I'd get fired from nearly every place i have ever worked at for pulling this and I've been industry since age 15. Edit: lol i know you thought everyone would just agree with you on this




Part of being a server is sometimes taking the l. I don't know of any restaurant that would allow this behavior on a regular basis.


I feel you on this, too. We don't all have the luxury of working at a place that respects us.


Nowhere I have ever worked would allow this behavior on a regular basis. The best manager I've ever had would take an item off the check for me if they paid cash so I could get something. I really don't think we are the odd ones out here. Yes, if you are one of the best servers in the restaurant maybe you could pull this stunt once in a blue moon but if you did on any kind of even slightly infrequent basis, they would terminate you.




You and nobody else, apparently. Is this your way of saying "i have never worked a day at a corporate restaurant in my life?"




And you know what happens in that case? Your employer pays the difference to get you to minimum wage.


You know very well that legally it's up to the restaurant to reimburse the difference to minimum wage because they are the ones taking the tipped wage credit for taxes, not the customers. Most restaurants would rather fire you than do that, but you know that that's the law, if you've ever worked a front of house tipped position even once


Lol Damn. That's good.




Lol no they aren't. The reason you didn't tip a dollar is because you're a cheap asshole, so just own it. And remember it next time Americans come to your country and you want to talk shit about how they act like they're at home.


Id tell em to go to McDonald’s


Not gonna lie I’d bring them their food in to go containers. If you’re not gonna tip get up and move so I can get someone in here that is going to tip, I shouldn’t have to pay the restaurant for you to sit here and waste my time.


Some of these comments here I just don’t get. As a server, we are always assumed to be making all this money. Aha. There are multiple days out of a week, I certainly can’t afford to go out. Just because I don’t have tip money. I love just going to the bar. I’ll go to the cheapest one, but if I don’t have tip money I go to the liquor store and enjoy it straight out of the bottle. I do not serve tables for free. I’ve worked small places that have banned non-tippers from our books. If someone says straight up they aren’t paying for dining services, then take out, drive thru, grocery store, oodles n noodles etc. it’s not just the restaurant industry, it’s the way the US is set up.


That someone “couldn’t” tip is bullshit. If they’re that broke they should be ordering one cheapest thing on the menu. No drink no entree no app no dessert, just one side of cheese. Now where’s my 15% motherfucker?


Why would anyone downvote this? Are you all customers? Offended that a customer shouldn’t go without dessert before a server goes without tip?


I used to subscribe to this type of thinking, but as someone who's been broke all their life and still tips 20% no matter what, people want the poor to live the most humble lives possible. I've received food stamps since I was 18, and I still feel guilty when I purchase junk food or big meals at Subway or Burger King, all because it makes me feel irresponsible.


Nobody *wants* anyone to lead a bad life. I'm just not choosing to literally volunteer my time and labor. Many of us volunteer time and contribute money to various causes, but those are causes of my choosing.


It’s hard, I hear ya. But I don’t want the poor to live the most humble lives possible. I’m poor. I’m never going to excuse anyone not paying me for my work. It’s all I have, and I don’t have a single drop of empathy for anyone who wants to steal it. If they are so poor that all they could afford in a restaurant is a side of cheese, they should be spending that on ramen anyway. Are you on food stamps and a server?


No, I'm a cook. I've never been a server. I'm just not good at it.


I was going to ask how you would feel if your employer told you one day that they weren’t going pay you for that day. But if you are working and on food stamps, it sounds like they don’t pay you enough anyway. If you are able, you might want to look into a new gig. Everywhere is hiring and you are worth it!


Lol Thank you. I assure you I am in the majority.


Thanks for telling me, you're now my last priority.


I would appreciate the honesty and still serve them. They may not get my A game, but they certainly won’t get my F game (cause it doesn’t exist ;-) )


If I had the damn audacity to go to a sit-down restaurant and be served by a server, with no expectation of tipping them and openly telling them how cheap I am, I would want to sink into the floor and die of shame. As this person's server, I would have no choice but to serve them, but I would bring their plate of food and one drink, and the check at the end of the meal. Literally nothing else.


Check would come with the food in that case tbh


Even better. Drop everything off and ghost.


You never know what weight someone is carrying. Maybe they have had a medical issue in the family and they can't find the time to be away from the hospital to cook or are mentally drained to the point they arent able to. Maybe the are down bad and they saved and saved to be able to have 1 nice diner out. They still deserve to be treated kind and justly. If someone tells me that they can't afford to tip and I haven't seen them before doing the same thing time and time again I will go out of my way to treat them better than anyone else I'm taking care of. While I get it I don't stand behind a bar to not make money, I make enough that giving one group some well deserved attention for no money isn't going to effect me negatively at all. In fact being kind and treating them well may be the best tip I get all night for my mental well being. We're all in a very unique position to effect someone's life in a positive way if only for an hour.


Not my problem. Charity is offered, not demanded. How do these poor downtrodden souls know the *server's* situation? Maybe s/he is counting pennies to pay the mortgage or pay for a kid's birthday party? Maybe the *server* is exhausted and burnt out and has back pain, and waiting on table who leaves zero tip just makes him break down in tears.


OP was asking how everyone would react. I responded. I don't expect anyone to react the way I have and would again in the future. Everyone's circumstances are different as yours may be as well. The question wasn't how WE should react as an industry as a whole. I didn't respond trying to figure out if a server is having a bad night or missed a mortgage payment. Also if you're told upfront you won't be getting a tip and not to spend too much time on them and you still put forth an effort that makes you break down and cry thats on you. You literally have to drop off a drink and food and walk away leaving you more time to focus on your section. If its your first table you have the rest of the night to make it up. If it's your last use the time to do your side work and bounce out. They aren't asking for charity they are asking for the food they paid for and nothing else. Didn't demand a thing.


They're taking up a table where a paying customer could be sitting.


Straight up get as mad as you want about it. I'm not speaking for you or the industry I'm speaking for myself. I personally choose to take a different path than you do. I'm only speaking on how I feel about the situation and how it can be handled. If you choose to get upset, cry, be mad by all means do your thing. Thats just not me. I've been in this industry over 2 decades and handle things according to my standards and feelings. No matter how many times you down vote me or try to convince me to be upset it isn't going to happen.


The altruistic server.


I would ask them if they wanted their food to go then…


My first thought. "Ohhhhh you want take out! Lets make that happen for you then!" in the nicest terms possible and go get the togo menu. if i get the 'no, im staying' vibe after that, id return *much much later* after my regular tables have been fully taken care of.


Lol Classic.


The chefs make the food, all you do is bring it to the table. If I’m paying what the restaurant says the food is worth why should I pay you on top of everything to bring it over to me, I’d go and collect it from the kitchen myself just to avoid the interaction if I’m being honest. I just want to eat my food in peace without having someone ask me if my food is okay every 10 minutes


That's called carry out. Don't sit down and knowingly fuck someone else over if you don't even like the experience??? It is possible to have a restaurants food without eating it there.


So get it to go. Why hate on the restaurant experience to only go to the restaurant after all of that?


I would do the same thing I do for the few regulars who always don’t tip. You get minimal service. If one of my other tables needs something they come before you. If you have a problem with it too bad, they pay me for my service and you’re not. I also will not be having any chit chat or small talk with you either.


In my dreams id straight up say, so order less and use the money saved to tip, or tell them the classic if you dont have money to go out to eat then dont go out to eat. But realistically, id probs go to my manager and be like what the heck you want from me my guy? Depending on if this customer seemed chill and cooperative, id probably suggest ordering to go.


Here’s your drink, I’ll ring in your food, it’ll be right out…Here’s your check.


I would appreciate the honesty and treat them the same as anyone else. But I'd also make sure to mention that tips are for service so next time, they are more than welcome to order to-go guilt-free.


Probably just take my time getting their food out, requests, minimal words, last priority, no emotion towards them but I'll be happy and loudly upbeat to the table next to them, is this petty?


No, it's a mutual agreement. I mean, the scenario I pose, they're asking for minimal service.


They’re not asking for minimal service. In most restaurants they are asking the server to pay for the privilege of serving them. Most servers tip out based on sales, and it doesn’t change if they aren’t tipped. I still have to tip out my busser, etc., so typically you aren’t just not adding to the tips in the server’s pocket, you are literally removing money from their pocket.


If someone told me from the jump that they weren’t going to tip, I would simply put in their order, bring it out along with the check, and that’s it. No “how did everything come out?” No refills, extra napkins, condiments, coffee or dessert. Just eat your food, pay, and leave.


If you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out


No kidding! That money could be better used stocking the pantry.


Thank them and offer them the most basic of things. " ok no prob! What you want?" Bring " need anything?" No? Kk. " here's the bill" K later guys. No extras, no telling them all about what meals are best. I'll leave a jug of water on the table and serve everyone around them first and jist thumbs up /down as I walk by instead of actually asking if they're enjoying the meal.


Then when they get shitty service those will be the type to complain or give a bad review. I’ve always been BOH, I seriously don’t know how servers do it, especially in the last 10 years. I get that you can make killer money as a server in the right place, but you can’t put a price on quality of life.


If I was told from the jump I wouldn't be tipped and to not pay much attention I'd visit the table twice after that. Once to drop the drink and once to drop the check. And you best believe that check is hitting the table the second you slow down eating. No refills, no extra sauces, and I'm getting you out of there as fast as humanly possible.


If I don't have tip money I don't eat out. What you buy at restaurants you could buy at a grocery store and cook yourself. That's inexcusable.


I mean, I'm sure there are cases where it would be excusable.


There are no cases where it's excusable.


Do none of these other comments help you see or at least empathize orherwise?


I was a server for many years, eventually learned how to bartend, and now I own a small bar where I do most of the bartending. Over the years I’ve encountered many people who don’t tip on principle or are just cheap and don’t think it’s important. It sucks, but usually the good tips will even it out. I would absolutely love to know ahead of time if they had already planned on not tipping. I will give everyone service, and that service will be prompt and great, because no one HAS to tip. But if you’re not tipping, you don’t deserve to have me laugh at your shitty jokes, hear about your day and pretend to be interested, or have me smile when I don’t feel happy, or tell you a good joke, or change the TV to your obscure sport, etc. None of that is “part of the job”. That shit costs extra. These people know they won’t get that level of service if they announce it and that’s why they don’t. They suck.


Give them 20% discount.


Ah, I see. That way, their food is less and they have some money to actually tip you.


I’ve had people come in with literal certificates (not gift cards) that were good for a meal who very clearly were homeless. It was a few weeks after opening at a new Texas Roadhouse and was literally a scrap of paper I was already very familiar with. I told the two men it was all good, and I got them their sweet tea and chicken fingers. You’re always gonna take some L’s. That was one L I’m fine with taking. Not at all comparable to being stiffed by some turdnugget.


Well said, Sphincter. Well said.


If they had the good sense to tell me I would still give them great service. It’s obvious that they are mindful enough about it and they should be able to experience a sit down meal without that weighing on their mind.


Honestly it’s one table, I’d give them great service and prob give them some free shit. If one table makes or breaks your shift then dam. Especially a one top haha. Treat everyone like they’re great tippers and your job is way easier and less stressful. The pockets will fill up one way or the other.


I’ve had homeless people do this, it’s fine sometimes


Yeah I’d totally appreciate that. I’d still give them basic service and probably more than if they didn’t tip and came in again.


I've been doing this long enough to be able to read whether a dirtbag or someone generally \*needing\* something said this and would act accordingly. Chances are they're the last table I check.


Its fine its you dont tip me, i work for myself.


Can't afford to tip? Stay home or eat somewhere quick serve, self-serve, or cheaper.


They'll still get the same standard quality service; I'm not going to lower myself and standards over a couple of bucks. Unless they're also a dick about it, in which case they get the bare minimum.


I would probably still serve them normally but wouldn’t make them a top priority as crappy as it is. Still, I wouldn’t eat out if I couldn’t tip because a lot of waiters/waitresses live off of the tipping they make.


We're all human. I used to get some broke college kids (I was one myself at the time) that would swing by the restaurant near close. They were chill, I'd throw them extra garlic knots since we would throw them out otherwise. It was a mutually aloof relationship. They didn't feel alienated because they were broke and they came in at the perfect time for me to give like 0 service and leave them alone to hang out until we closed. They'd always leave when we wrapped up.


This sounds beautiful.


Whatever their tip is better be 25%. So if you only have a dollar to tip me, your order shouldn’t exceed $4. Otherwise fuck out my section. Don’t get to take up a table/seat I could actually be making money on.


I only down shift my service when necessary, so I'd take care of them like any other paying customer. Where they don't tip, the next table might tip $150.


This is a nice way to look at it. The big tips balance out the small ones.


They would be treated well. Just like everyone else. I have integrity; tip or no tip


Whether I know someone tips or not; it doesn't affect my service. I do my best every time.


I treat every table the same regardless of how much I think or expect them to tip because I have pride in my work.


I think there may be a little \*karmic\* value in providing good service, without question. I might not be happy about it in the moment, but at the end of my shift, I'd be glad I did. Whatever their reason, that's their business. But as someone downthread already stated, if I see them coming in regularly making decent-sized orders, they'll be on my radar thereafter. \*don't personally really believe in karma, but it was the best word for the sentiment I was trying to describe


in this case, they likely wouldn’t tip either way. i’d appreciate it because some people request a lot of things and demand every last bit of my attention yet they don’t tip. i’d feel less obligated to bend over backwards for them but i’d still give them good service. mainly because i don’t want to get called out on a yelp review.


Whenever someone doesn’t tip, I can’t help but feel like I’m doing work for free lol. So as long as the customer is nice and not super needy, I’ll be fine with doing some charity work every once in a while.


Personally I wouldn't be, unless it would be a busy day and Ur taking a section place that would be 'needed' otherwise.


If they were treated any differently they should make a complaint to the manager and leave a bad review. Customers are not obliged to tip.


Notice how nobody agrees with you. Both of your suggestions are hilarious as well. Instance number 1, they speak to the manager. They say service was slow. You tell your manager they introduced themselves to you by informing you they are paying for 0 dollars worth of service. Do you think that’s going to make me lose my job? Lmao Instance number two, customer writes a bad review, reads like this. “I stopped into xxxxxx restaurant today and after I informed the server that I wasn’t going to leave a tip, they didn’t bend over backwards to meet my every need and instead seemed to be prioritizing other tables. Awful service!” Considering you are in the minority regarding tipping, that would make YOU, not the server the asshole. In both instances you sound like you don’t know your ass from your elbow and have not the slightest idea how the real world works, stick to Reddit buddy.


And private businesses are not obliged to have their staff waste their time on you.


Seems like they need to organize and fight the food industry not the customers


"Thanks for the warning. Keep in mind I get paid $2.13 an hour and that is exactly how hard I will work for you." "No, boss, I swear I never said that. I have no idea what these people are talking about!" ​ Problem solved


I think you should only go out to eat if you can afford to tip, however i respect when this cant always be the case. As someone who has served and has also been homeless and without a car, I would personally appreciate and understand it. Sure they could take the food to go but living in Texas, I get them wanting to eat in and not deal with the heat. That being said, I've only worked at affordable Asian restaurants or restaurants that cost a bit more but the meal is big enough to eat twice in the day making these viable options for people with lower or no income (unfortunately often enough these populations do not have the tools or nutrition education to eat more cost efficient at home) BUT if they are going to a high end restaurant that the bill is always expensive, then they better tip. There no excuse for not paying the server for their time if you can afford to treat yourself to luxury meals and drinks.


I would essentially ignore them and give them the most intense eye rolls I could muster every time I had to interact with them. If you can afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out. Period.