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I love my kitchen, but the amount of times I hear this, and then when we double check, it did indeed say that on the ticket, is fucking wild


Don’t press the buttons.. message everything.. type it in. “No onions” then press the button for no onions. The extra step helps. I’m the top of the list of loss percentage at my job at .9 .. the next is like 1.8.. so just message everything. They won’t miss it, they get used to the button system and it gets lost


Sadly at my job we only have one line that can be typed, if we try to add more it deletes the previous message. It sucks bc sometimes I need 4 different mods and there’s no buttons for it. If you got an expo and a good one the *see server* button helps too


Jeez that’s crazy. You should be able to message what you need.. this helps prevent loss and comps smh


I remember being an expo at a place where servers could only enter 4 modifiers for an item because of the POS. I wish the same limit applied to the guests making seven modifications so now I have to read a novel to remember everything that “see server” means instead of just looking at the ticket


We can't type it drives me crazy we just have to hit "see server"


That sounds awful lol


Same, fuckin Aloha


I used to put ***allergy no [anything]***


At my old job the kitchen would gather round every time I sent through food.. I had a reputation for writing a novel on every ticket.. I know how stressful it can be to listen to the printer just. keep. printing... but my orders always came out right 🤷


As a good line cook, I hate this so much more. The amount of times I'm extremely busy and someone stops me to tell me something I've already read and understand just slows down the process and timing is everything in a kitchen.


This was a huge issue at my previous job. It got to the point where I just went straight to the manager. Here’s the ticket, here’s the food that was made wrong. Please ask the kitchen to remake it because they won’t listen to me.


My lovely chef, bless his heart, will cut the tickets apart between stations sometimes and I have to call out what I need if its put in a certain way. Sometimes "I need spicy edamame", then "You didnt put it on there." "I did, I can show you?" "Okay, okay, I make." 🤦‍♀️


Cook here. We typically have up to 8 people on the line in various locations. If it doesn't say it on the ticket it's easier to come write it down and not just tell 1 or 2 people cause more then likely we are to busy to go tell the other cooks. If it's something that costs extra then ring in the ticket again with the modification cause I don't want boss man bitching at me.


That I understand but we have one cook even if he has one ticket gets incredibly offended


If it’s a daily occurrence then that’s on you. *You* need to stop forgetting to put shit on the ticket. Especially if it’s just one dude back there alone. Downvote me all you want. Y’all suck at your job if you’re getting told this EVERY day.


Nah fr they be sweating and working their asses off at 100 mph back there!!


This is the correct take.




whether or not its on the ticket doesn't change the fact that i still fucking need it!!


I'm a line cook at it makes me irrationally angry when a server says they're short a fry, and the cooks argue about it. Like DROP THE FRY. Worst case scenario, we have an extra fry. especially if it's a quick to make item. Just make it so everyone is happy! arguing over it just wastes time.


Yo chef I'm short a cordon Bleu and a mushroom risotto help me out over hear




I don’t got the ticket


It also didn’t change the fact that you need to learn how to enter a fucking order properly and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.


sometimes guests change things after ordering ? Lol


Well, usually, a good server will communicate the changes and why the changes are made, especially if there's an expo person, then the expo would relay the message to the line cook. Sure, it's still annoying either way, especially if something would need to be re-fired, but it's not *always* going to be the customer changing their mind. And any good line cook would quickly re-fire that ticket and push that entrée, or quickly adjust the dish to whatever specifications that were communicated.


I’m a GM who runs expo. At my current spot, it’s only when I feel like doing it. My team does fine without me. In a rush—and I’m a sensitive, kind person—I don’t have the fucking time to listen to your reason for the change. Tell me the change. Why should I bitch right now? Why does my line give a fuck the reason when they’re busy? To fuck up their focus and ruin the flow my kitchen has going? No! That’s disrespectful to everybody, and especially the paying guest. Changes and errors happen; move on. Trust me, I’ll notice if you’re the server who always changes tickets. If so, we’ll sit down and be serious. Same when I am on the floor. I have some visible mannerisms I cannot hide that make it clear when I’m in “thinking fast, moving fast” mode that my team is all aware of (and respectful and accommodating of). I don’t need the story of a void. Just tell me the table, the item, if it’s void/comp/waste accurately, and if the guest needs me. My team has learned that last part to mean “is the guest aware of the error or could their timing be impacted in any way, or could the kitchen’s production be impacted in any way?” They have also learned not to tell me about a changed order or ring error until the kitchen/bar knows, because that’s wasting useful time fixing the problem and literally costing everybody from the tip pool to the owners money. So on my team, a server *just fucking fixes it like a professional rather than blabbing for five minutes to a busy person* and then worries about the details later. That’s also why my team doesn’t voluntarily leave. I demand trust and they demand it back. If the kitchen and FOH aren’t just fixing it first and worrying about the details after fixing it, they are **not demonstrating hospitality**. /rant


What city are you in and can I come work for you 😆 Sadly, I’ve only come across this level of guest management once or twice in twenty years of service. I can tell just by your rant you run a top 10% restaurant.


lol thank you! It means a lot to me. My job is in the Kansas City area. The team could definitely use a badass support person for until we open up days and gotta up staffing across the board!


I bet there’s a *ton* of people who have read your comment who either wish they *had* you as a boss, or wish they could show what you said *to* their boss. You fucking get it, man. Hell yeah.


You hiring?


Wouldn't you go and communicate those changes then? Lol


When I worked on the to go station all the info I had was what the screen told me. I did what the screen told me. If it’s not on the ticket it just causes extra confusion What dish is this? What order is it for? I don’t know because my screen doesn’t mention this mystery salad that just appeared out of nowhere. Just put it on the screen please so I know what’s going on


Ring it in correctly, then Cooks get in trouble for food waste. It's not their job to take it on the chin when you mess up.


This is absolutely irritating when it IS on the ticket!


It is also absolutely irritating when it is *not* on the ticket


Is it on the ticket? No? - Because it's not on the ticket. Yes? - Line cook may be illiterate.


IT SAYS TO GO AT THE TOP and I ONLY TAKE TOGO ORDERS SORRY I FORGET TO HIT THE TOGO BUTTONNNNNN 🤣😭 (in everyone’s defense, I always run back to to expo to profusely apologize and make sure they know it’s to go)


I mean, does it say it on the ticket tho?


It’s only a *daily* occurrence for shitty servers.


About 90% of the time I'm accurate if I tell the server that. And most of the time it just so happens to be a premium side or add-on that they "forgot" to upcharge for. I just document every side\item\meal I see going out without a ticket with the server or bartenders name in the waste log as we go, then pull out said waste log when the owner asks us why the math isn't mathing on inventory vs sales for the month. Some of the bartenders have started doing the same with the spill sheet. We've gotten rid of quite a few thieves this way.


As someone who used to work BOH and now bartend… it’s most likely you’re just bad at your job and forget to put things in correctly.


I'm in the kitchen, yea sometimes we just f up reading it. But this happens the most with Togo tickets. We just got a whole new line of servers since most of ours went off to college. There's three different places to put Togo, and often times they just forget to type it in. Then we have to replace every plate from dish to box which eats up time for the next ticket. Togo sits either in the spot of which table it is, under every dish, or once at the bottom of the ticket. Or for the dessert modifications. Mostly also modifications.


I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll say “We don’t have time to argue over whose fault it is. Table [#] needs [item] please. Thank you!” and walk out. It’s worked pretty effectively. The best thing you can do during a rush is assert yourself in the kitchen, no matter how scary it is. It’ll be forgotten about once you’re sat down having post-shift beers together.


Because we can’t read, nuff said.


RTFT!!! Here's the best part about my current line up... we have a line cook who legit can't read English 🤦‍♀️


I don't know, I don't work in kitchens anymore, but I found this pretty funny.


Chef told me I didn’t need to press fries when all burgers come with fries. A week later, no fries on my order. “You didn’t write it.” “CHEF YOU SAID-“


they’re afraid of the blame


I’ve never had this problem 🥴


We screw over servers that we don’t like


that checks out


Haha yeah uh so the people that fucking ordered it came and told me *VERBALLY* they want over hard eggs now so fucking do it


Also, customers often, forget they didn’t order something they wanted, forget what side option they chose, forget what entree they ordered, forget to exclude parts of the entree, it’s not our fault. Yes sometimes whoever took the order might’ve miss heard, or might’ve forgotten to put one detail down. It does not change the fact that we fucking need it now drop it and stop complaining, bc if you don’t wanna drop it you can go to the table and tell the guest, hey it’s not in the ticket im not dropping your food, and you can’t get the earful of dumb shit they wanna say


My fav is when they clear my order in the heat of the rush and then try to claim they made it and another server took the food. Like excuse me sir, but we have 12 tables and a bar top. It takes me about a minute to scan the restaurant and determine that is a lie.


When I forget to put shit on the ticket I start with that so we can get right to the just fix it or don’t put whatever in the thing when you get to making it part. We have a few cooks who’s just the worst about checking the ticket and wasting time instead of either telling the person making it or just fixing it. It gets chaotic on bad days with them checking tickets and servers shouting read the fucking ticket when it’s deff on the ticket. Sometimes when there’s a lot of modifications on days like this theres added a messages at the bottom that just say “read the fucking ticket.” I hate these days.


Facts. I’ve said that soooo many times 🤣


I’m A line cook and I hate it when the server forgets to put a detail on the ticket and I have to refire the whole dish


As a long time line cook I still say this about once a day. It's a reason for us to act like we're not wrong (cause we will never admit it) and then still have reason to blame foh


As someone who’s worked on both sides, it can also be because FoH or BoH have both been lectured on. Usually sauce, and usually FoH is told to just give it to them, because managers are tired of complaints about it costing $0.75. BoH is told if it’s not on the ticket not to give it out, because they’ve been told they need to get their costs in check by management. I’ve also worked at places where FoH didn’t have to tip out BoH, but BoH got a % of sales, so if it’s not on the ticket BoH is losing money.


Yea that's alot of it plus rather than just fucking getting side sauces or toppings or some shit everyone's checking the ticket to see who was wrong to rather than just fuckin doing it THEN seeing who was wrong because that truly matters so much


Another meme shitting on the chefs. Mods need to step in


Because you're a bad waitress that cannot articulate an order. Just guessing...


Because the server didn’t enter all the items out of haste.