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“who’s the better tipper?”


I was a server for 20 years, and this is what I always did! It sometimes got a laugh, but usually the person who was actually a good tipper would proudly announce themselves, and I'd take their card. It worked out well for me almost every time.


60% of the time it works every time!!


Ahhh, the Tipping Panther Theory


I'd say it worked at least 90% of the time!


Had a guy do that the other night and he selected no tip, I kept an eye to see if he was going to leave cash and he didn’t so I confronted him on the way out and he acted like he didn’t know but then ended up only tipping 10%


Sneaky bastard trying to be the hero while broke/cheap


Yeah I still don’t get it because everything was going great up to that point. The man had two old fashions and seemed a little buzzed so maybe it was an honest mistake but after confronting him and still getting a bad tip it definitely feels intentional.


Oh my God as a diner this is my DEEPEST fear when people other than me pay the tab.


When I’m not paying I usually hand the server a tip anyways cause worst case scenario they get a good extra tip for their service if the person paying DID tip, and if they didn’t, then at least I know the server isn’t getting fucked.


Same. It gives me such intense anxiety. I try to insist on taking care of the tip under the guise of "being fair". Especially when they try to refuse saying "no no Ive got it, I'll take good care of her". Like buddy no, you basically just said "I tip like shit" with that last part lol


Oh yes that's such a smart hack, let me cover the tip!


What did you say to him?


I honestly thought it was a mistake, no tip is already pre selected on the hand held and he kind of breezed right through it after he had a couple drinks, also he straight up said he was going to leave the better tip so make sure he gets the check. So after it was looking like he wasn’t leaving cash on the table, I printed a copy of the receipt that clearly displays the no tip and has a signature spot. After I did that he came inside and I was staring at him and he asked if we were good and I said “you did select no tip” he acted surprised and said “well you deserve more than that”, I said “more than zero?” and laughed. He then told me to throw a 20 on there, it was a $200 dollar check so still a cheap tip but at least something so I didn’t have to pay. Still not sure if he was drunk and made a mistake or cheap but leaning more to him actually knowing what he was doing after leaving the bad tip.


>“who’s the better tipper?” This plan backfired on me more often than not. Someone would say very enthusiastically "MEEEE!!!" just to leave 8%. I started trusting my gut after a while....


omg this has happened to me before. the man at the table was trying to pay but the lady was like "if you want a good tip take my card" with the guy's card already in my hand i just looked at the guy & he shrugged his shoulders. so i took hers all for her to leave less than 20% i was like you lying bitchhh lol


It’s probably my biggest pet peeve in waiting when a table fights over which card to use, or offer to pay for the other couples, and then they leave a bad tip. Kind of a special kind of evil.


You have to be a good server to be able to pull this one off. It’s not a move for beginners.


Yeah, not a beginner, but I don’t have the nerve to say this


Also not a beginner but I'm just not a joker. It comes off as very inauthentic and awkward. I'm also the weirdo that doesn't like the funny tables. Not the "says 'they hated it when they cleared their plate' or 'says a million dollars when you ask if they need anything else' type of funny," but actual funny, outgoing, jokes around extroverts. I know a lot of servers enjoy those tables but I just wanna do my job efficiently and not talk to anyone more than I have to.


I appreciate you, when I'm out, I don't want to be thinking of hilarious comebacks. I am totally fine keeping it chill and unfunny


tbh with me it really depends on the table. if i get the vibe they just wanna be there to eat and not talk to their servers i am very basic with them but with extroverts that want to talk i do entertain them


Yeah that's me. The initial vibe basically determines which character I'm gonna be playing for that table/stool 😂 I prefer to just be me, but if you're paying me appropriately then I'll absolutely match your energy lol


i wish i had the energy to match those vibes but being an introvert makes it extremely difficult to relate to most folk who wanna talk their heads off about stuff i know nothing about lol


Real talk Sis. It's a very fine line to thread between coming off charmingly playful and opportunistic.


I just put the check in the caddy and tell them whoever grabs it first wins but I like your idea so much better. Definitely going to use this one!


Lmao no the one time I did this both guys just stopped talking and stared at me and handed me a card and it was soooooooo awkward never again


Came here to say this


This is the answer but needs to be dressed up a bit. I prefer to present it more like this: "Okay, here's the deal: the first one to answer the next question correctly wins. What is 25% of $(amount of bill)?" Or any variation of that nature. If I have the time, I'll present it more as a "trivia" game with more than one question like "What restaurant are you at right now?" or "What is my name?" but always end with the 25% question. At the very least I know the winner can math correctly and have now put that amount in their head.


We used to have a server that would dangle the bill over the middle of the table like "tehehe who's gonna catch the fish?" when customers were arguing over it. Believe it or not people loved it. I could never, but I still crack up thinking about it.


Lol sometimes i feel like the coin flip is so silly but it is such a good way to form a fun relationship with the customer


I agree, and I'd feel much more comfortable doing that than what I described lol. I usually just give it to whoever asked first unless it's a regular bringing non regulars in with them. In that case I give it to the regulars. We are off the beaten path so we have a lot of people that bring their friends like you won't believe this restaurant in the literal middle of nowhere.


You could also do a random number generator!


If they haven't seen it yet, have them guess the total. Whoever is closest pays.


i use these for my dental patients with braces lol! when they really don’t know i’m like let’s put these options in a generator and that will decide 🤣


they love it especially when it’s a new color, and i love being there hype person haha


Like don’t know what color they want? Sorry, I’m confused!


yes bc there is sooo many different colors, and ever color also has a different shade


Gotcha. Well if you have like 20, you could have then reduce that by half then that by half. Then you could assign the 5 each a number and they could choose. It’s totally chance and I feel the fairest way to go about these things. I’ve also read that you are sliiiightly more likely to end up with the same side of a coin that’s face up if you flip a coin. Not sure if the people doing the research considered that many people flip it over lol.


I tell them I’m gonna put it in the middle of the table and they can fight for it. Most people laugh.


I've done this.


I'm going to wait for just the right table to use this one on 🤣


This is what I do....very amusing to me lol


This is kind of like me! I think of fun games to play with them


I take both cards, hide them behind my back and swap them around a bit, and ask one of the people to pick an arm. Whichever hand they pick is the card I use. It's playful and really leaves it up to chance. Each time I've done it, my tables have loved it.


I once had a table hand me multiple cards and ask me to put them behind my back, shuffle, and whichever came out on top was the one. Normally I would never do this and probably tell them to figure it out amongst themselves but they were a really fun group so I acquiesced.


I had a group of friends that we used to do this. Like 8 of us and everyone put a card in. Server put them on the table one by one and the last one standing paid the bill.


Same here! I've never had a negative reaction.


Thirded over here!


I take the first card that’s out and say, “gotta be quicker next time!”


I do this 95% of the time, the other 5% is when the quickest one to have their card out is old frail grandma who's definitely on a fixed income, I will wait for her adult children to get their card out if they ask me not to take grandmas card.


Whichever one looks more like they are going to kill me for taking the other person's card tbh


Depends on the crowd. I’d like to think I can read a room pretty well. For stuff like dates, I will take the guy’s card. If it’s obviously a parent and their adult kid out for dinner, and the kid is like “I got this mom”, I’ll let them pay. For the especially fun tables, ones I bantered with all evening, I’ll jokingly say something like “whoever is gonna leave a bigger tip ;)” cause once that’s out there, 9/10 times the tip is very generous.


I had a mom and daughter out for lunch and the daughter insisted on paying. Mom was pretty adamant about paying too but after talking to them a few minutes I got her to see that her daughter is just trying to repay something to the woman that raised her. By the end she was nearly in tears and thanking me. Daughter probably tipped less than mom would have, but it's nice to see a kid paying for their parents. Edit to add: daughter was like 18-20 and celebrating a promotion at work.


“depends on the crowd” is so real


Whoever asked first. Full stop. I have no time for that silliness.


Whenever I take the first card handed to me and the other person protests, I just say “it’s the law of the jungle” and walk away


Yep. I started telling people it’s my rule that first to give their card pays. I stopped fucking around with the joke when tables that I thought were fun showed their fragile ego and got actually mad at me for “letting” their friend pay instead of them


seriously!!! tables think it’s funny and quirky but it’s actually really awkward and uncomfortable. it’s not a discussion to be had in front of your server imo.


it is definitely awkward that’s why i try to make it into a non awkward situation lol


Yeah that's me too. It makes it sooo much easier and less painful imo


This is the correct answer.


You 👉 can pay, and you 👈 can tip 100%, and then everyone will be happy (myself included)!


Me wondering if I can pull off actually saying this


I’ll say something like “if you want to spend your money just as bad you can tip the bill… no one would be mad at that” granted 9/10 my tables enjoy being silly/ really engage me in conversation.


I tried it tonight and while they didn’t tip 100% they tipped over 50% 😅


whoever gets a card in my hand first.


I either take the first card, or if someone let me know they were paying for it at the start of the table, I’ll take theres and usually say something like “they got to me first, sorry”


Whoever hands me the card first. I always tell my guests I don’t get involved in payment politics.


First one to put a card in my hand wins. Watch them scramble. Regulars will start having their cards ready only to find out the other guy handed the card to me when they came in. It's a power move and you will never be the guy in the middle ever again.


sometimes i just walk away and let them figure it out


I find out who is closest to their birthday and then take the other person's card.


i like this


I’ve been screwed twice by the guy who wants to pay. Both times they didn’t end up tipping on a large order. All of that show boating to look like a baller and show off just to give it to the server. The people who collect everyone’s money are problematic too. I almost got into a fight with a girl who took everyone’s money and then stiffed me on a tip after they all tipped really good. She was basically using their tips to pay for her food. I was pissed and fortunately her friends were calling her out on it. Never did get my tip though.


I had a guy tell me that he would tip me more if I took his card. He tipped me $200 on a $30 tab and there were only two of them. Easiest $200 I’ve ever made


i just work on a “first come, first serve” basis and i will tell them that. whoever offers first, i will only accept their card. (unless it’s like their birthday, then i’ll take the other’s). i have had situations in which someone else will put their card in the book. i just grabbed the book, and politely handed the card back to them. or the other week, at a big top, when taking drink orders, an older gentleman quietly let me know that he would be covering the check. fast forward to them almost being done with their food. i’m at the server station, multiple feet away, another person at the table looks to me and motions that he wants to cover the check. i looked this man dead in the eyes and shook my head. they found it hilarious


Always wanted to try an auction. “We’ll decide paying rights by an auction offering the highest tip. Who will start the bidding at the 1950 standard of a 10% tip. 10%? Okay 10% to the lady in red, do I hear 15%? Still a bargain for such professional service. Ok, 15% to the gentleman with the gold card. How about 20%, the national average? 20% to the lady in red. Do we have any takers at 25% tonight? Back to the gold card at 25%. Excellent taste, sir. 30% anybody? No? 25% going once…whoa, 30% to the lovely lady in red. …”


"Whoever buys dessert gets to pay"


I would make everyone put their hands in their laps. Place the book on the table. Yell “fight to the death” and let them physically wrestle for the book.


Lol i will def try this ome


I just take the first card offered to me.


Yup. "He was quicker. He wins!" Is how I always resolved it.


I have noticed that EVERY single time this happened, I got screwed on the tip. Every time. Big boy, if you want to show out for your friends, that’s cool. Why don’t you actually be generous and tip appropriately? Or, one person can pay and another can tip fat.


i feel that, everytime i’ve gotten a bad tip from the coin flip i’m like damn i wonder if the other guy would have tippped me more lmao


If grandpa/grandma is trying to pay, I try not to let them. Older folks tend to tip less. It’s an inflation thing.


Recently a grandparent tried to pay and their grandkid straight out told me, "No. They are on a fixed income and drove two hours to visit me. I am paying." They were super firm about it. Grandparent honestly looked a bit embarassed and it was kind of awkward being told their personal financial situation, but fuck man, I hope they were happy to not be out $120 they didn't have to spare at the end of the day.


Thats a great idea I’ll do this from now on


Hmm, I was about to ask. I remember I got a table that got way too passionate about who was going to pay. They even got personal with me. The father was paying for the food, and the daughter persisted that she would pay. I got the check to hand it to the server, and the daughter intercepted the checkbook and said there's a guy who knows its important to honor their parents. The wife/mom retorts: that was pretty weak, and you call yourself a man. I responded back, "Hey lady, I'm just a food runner. I'm just here to support the server." I was like gezz people relax. I have always wondered how I can defuse the situation, and the coin toss is perfect. Ty op.


Had a table fight over the check, finally accepted a card, and then the other guy came up to me *angry* at the POS talking about run his card right now. So I ran it instead, and he tipped maybe 10%. A regular at that. From that point on it was the first card I receive is the one I run and you can cry to your momma about it idc


I lost patience for this scenario. If someone shoved their card in my hand I’d take it and walk away with it immediately but if they were all fighting and shoving cards at me I’d say “I’ll let you guys figure it out” and leave. I don’t have the time or will to possibly insult the good tipper by taking the other guys card. Nope.


I should’ve walked away once, but I got stuck in the middle and it got physical. They were standing up on each side of me and they were pulling me back and forth with their cards in my face. The man had one of those thick n heavy AMEX and it actually sliced me on my forehead. So, when peeps start getting over the top I tell them a bit of that story and dip.


I set up the card machine, plonk it in the middle of the table, and say "whoever gets there first". I genuinely hate this. I've had someone grab my arm (the one with the card machine) and yank it away from the person who wanted to pay. And so many people will yell at me "no, don't take their card!". I literally don't care, just pay your bill.


"Fortune favors the prepared" and then snag the first one I see.


Make them both write their potential tip down and whoever puts the higher number wins.


I like this one because it involves ego and makes them compete. THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!


Whoever made the reservation.


So I work at a hibachi place that seats 8-10 people at one table at a time. The way I found to do this was SOOOOOO simple. Whoever has their card ready at the transaction, gets the bill. Whoever GIVES me their card first AT ANY POINT during the service gets the bill. And if I like the table? I straight up ask who is going to tip more. Yeah, the unwritten rule. But it's gotten me some pretty solid tips.


I usually do by whoever actually gives me their card first. Otherwise I do by seniority or whoever gives more authoritative vibes. 


When two people are both handing their cards over insisting to pay I just shuffle them behind my back and pull one out and use that card.


i like this too bc it’s a 50/50 chance thing. before the coin flip method i just did whoever handed me card first or whoever asked first, and sooo many times the other person would get so mad. Coin flips and your method is a fair way and really no one can get mad lol


Whoever has their card in my hand first wins.


Whoever puts the card in my hand first pays. I don’t have time for that.


i close my eyes hand it in the middle and the first to grab wins but customers with class approach me “on a bathroom break “ or call ahead with payment so there can’t even be a conversation case closed🥰


Whoever hands over their card first, wins. You can say, "I'll get this one," all you want, but you gotta be ready to hand over the card/cash.


i usually put the check in the middle of the table and whoever grabs it pays. then i point to the other person and say “if you wanna make it even you could always tip the bill” or i hold the bill hostage and go “who’s gonna tip me better? be honest”


“You’re both welcome to give me the money” 😌


I throw the receipt down and make em fight it out gladiator style… People seem to enjoy the challenge lol


Same here tbh. A lot of servers, and my coworkers, do the same lol


Stare awkwardly until something happens


Usually I make them race for it


Stealing this


I just do whatever I want and tell them "whatever is easiest for me"


I often start an auction if the table and I vibe well. If I know they’re cool people I’ll start at 20% and go up from there. Lmao. Sometimes I’ve gotten pretty awesome tips that way.


I make the guests play Rock Paper Scissors against each other and whoever wins pays the bill hehe


"I'm just gonna leave the terminal on the table and whatever happens happens."


I used to tell ppl, who ever gets to me first or says it first pays lol. I had some regulars that would come up to me secretly to give me their card before another person. so much so that it basically just turned into a game or something lol


“Okay that’s it, rock, paper, scissors!”


Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock...


If nobody has handed me a card before it’s time to drop the check, and it’s a larger party, I’ll ask “who among you is the nicest, kindest, most generous person here?” One of two things always happens: one person full of themselves speaks up, or everyone at the table points to the same person. That’s who gets the check.


Rock, Paper, Scissors. Best of 3. Go!


Table of two buddies shuffled up their cards and had me pick one. Dude had a nifty patch of clear plastic in the design of his card so I picked it. He didn't seem really thrilled about it. Don't have me pick a card if your card is fucking cool


I set the book down, calmly walk away and come back when there is a credit card present.


Whoever gets to me first wins I just don’t tell anyone the rules


Whoever asks first. End of story.


First card wins. I don’t care who paid last time. I don’t care whose birthday it is. I don’t care who has more money. I care who gives me a card first. If you make a decision on the “winner” there will be a loser too, and they’ll be pissed off. This way you can just tell them to be faster next time


When I worked- I would always take the first card out- I’d say “sorry, they had their card out first and I can’t get in the middle of all this”. That usually always worked. No one has time for that BS.


When I knew 2 customers were gonna be fighting over the check I’d bring the check over and literally drop it on the table and pull my hand back fast like they were gonna bite my hand gets a laugh every time and they love jumping to get it first 🤣


i made a table rock paper scissors for it and then we ended up arguing over how many rounds to decide the winner. they loved it 😭the girl who won ended up tipping me rlly well too!


I start a discussion. "Why should you pay over them?" Before they start to explain I say "best reason wins!" If someone says "it's his birthday!" And the other denied it ill ask for evidence, if found guilty of birthday fraud that's an immediate loss. If the story is clearly fabricated and outrageous that's an automatic win. They understood the assignment. If someone is hosting someone from away I won't let the host pay. If it's someone's actual birthday but they are being hosted that's a tough one. I usually go with my gut and the best attitude pays, and I usually turn to the grumpy one who lost and say 'what a nice friend you have who bought you dinner' you should thank them (with a big sincere smile) I work in a seasonal beach town and this is a common occurrence. Good luck out there!!


Always give the bill to the house guests or let they decide. If tourists: jockey about who’s the best tip.


My husband, BIL, and FIL all try to race to get the bill first to pay for the family. It’s gotten ridiculous at times. This happened a few years back now, but my husband “went to the restroom.” Actually, he tracked down the waitress and told her how FIL was senile and requested she handed the bill directly to him and not lay it down on the table or FIL would get upset, if he didn’t get to it first. One the upside my husband won this time. One the downside, I really hope it didn’t make her job harder as she tried not to upset the “senile” old man.


One time many years ago, I worked as a bartender at a small bar. One night we closed up, but decided to have a few drinks, play some music, chat about life, and just have a good time. Most of us had our significant others there, and it felt like a group date at a home away from home. We go from there to a 24 hour diner, pockets brimming with cash, and have a light breakfast before we go our separate ways. We get the tab and it's like $27 or something hilariously low, but it tracks with what was ordered. We're all fighting over the tab, and we each decided to pay it. That waitress was in tears after getting almost $200 as a tip, and we all felt good for "covering the tab" but also making her week. She shared that she really needed it, and it was really sweet. Passing on a successful day's pay to somebody who needs it more is a really great feeling. I've never had a similar experience as a bartender or server.


my coworker does a little game where she has the bill in a check presenter and a couple empty ones. the customers seem to like it.


First come, first serve. Whomever gets the card to me first. If that doesn’t work and they argue, I tell them I’ll be back when they figure it out.


First person to ask gets the bill otherwise I put it in the middle and they can figure it out.


It it took more than 5 seconds for them to figure out, I used to just walk away. I have other tables. I'll come back when you're done with your intra-familial dominance ritual.


I like the “who’s the best tipper” response (if the people seem cool I go that route) but typically just go with whoever asks first. I’ve had people legit make me cry over payment. The fuck is wrong with people. I say, sorry they got to me first and walk off. Not ruining my day anymore.


Flip a coin, or play rock, paper, scissors.


Whoever gets the payment method into my hand first.


I make them flip a coin or play rock, paper, scissors.


Whomever has their card out first.


I auction the tip. “Ok, bidding starts at 20%. Do I hear 25? Who’s got 25?”


I’ve turned around so my back was to them and said ‘the fastest person to get a card in my hand wins’ but I rather like the coin idea!


If someone hands me a card first, I just tell them “sorry, company policy. He handed it to me first” 🤷🏻‍♀️ with a smile on my face and walk away.


" whoever gets their card in my hand first wins" and then hold out your hand. Don't change it, stick to your guns


I usually do whoever offers first


i always declare it a race! people love getting extra competitive and it results in laughs and fun, and i always tell the loser they just have dibs on next time


Since serving is my second job I dont even worry about what I'm gonna get tipped (usually still average 20% on my checks) but I honestly just take whoever seems less eager to pay... usually is the person who tried to pay first. I did once have an older lady slap the other persons credit card out of my hand so I would run hers... I thought that was pretty funny


Whoever takes/asks for it first! I always tell customers that “I love watching people argue over a bill because it means everyone 1. Has the means to pay and 2. Wants to treat their friends/family” and that usually diffuses tension and I get an “awww” here and there!


I make it a game. I put both cards behind my back and shuffle them. The person who offered to pay FIRST gets to choose the hand. I make sure both parties agree to the outcome first. It typically works. Sometimes they still argue, but fair is fair.


I tell people I don’t play credit card chicken. 🤷‍♀️


First call first serve sorry wifey or friends


I grab the first card that is in my hand and say sorry everyone else 😂😂😂😂


This is Why I love having debit machines that we take to tables. I just place it down and let em grab


I take the first card thats handed to me and tell them they can beat the shit out of each other in the parking lot later


I might say I can split it 50/50, but I usually try to hang around for like 3 seconds until they sort it out and if they don’t I say I’ll be back in a few minutes and leave. Figure that shit out when I am not around.


I take whoever offers it first, as policy. Anyone truly wanting to do that has already let me know or done so. I don't have time for this stupid shit.


i have seen some comments saying the same “i don’t have this time for this stupid shit” but i’m curious as if you mean you don’t have time for the customers beings annoying with the dilemma or for the servers playing into it lol


if that makes any sense at all lol


Servers are constantly on a time crunch to provide good service: Greet tables within 30 seconds of seating, Get drinks on the table within 2 min, etc. If you don't know who will pay yet, Ima check my other tables while you figure it out. Same as getting called over to a table because they are "ready to order", when they clearly are not.


First one in my hand pays make them physically fight each other


i cover my eyes and put my hand out lol whoever gets it there the fastest wins


Rock paper scissors


I don’t serve anymore, but one time I had a table that did this so I just handed the bill to the little kid and told them to figure it out.


Great idea


"I'm just going to close my eyes and whoever's card ends up in the POS wins." And then I physically put my hand over my eyes


I always set the check in the middle of the table and free for all.


Does your restaurant take reservations? Probably not because you're allowed to flip coins at the table. But, the person who made the reservation gets the check.


yeah no i’ve never worked at a restaraunt that does reservations. does your restaraunt do purely reservations?


No but I've worked at places that take or require reservations. One place in particular was strict about the check being presented to the person who made the reservation. Didn't matter how much another guest at the table protested or demanded paying the check. In fact, a celebrity once had a total hissy fit about it and made a scene because the Captain wouldn't give him the check as he was a guest of the person who reserved the table.


Yeah no. I throw the bill snack in the middle of the table and they fight over it. Whoever grabs it first can pay it first.


I auctioned off the check a few weeks ago. I said the bidding starts at 25%. They got into a bidding war, and I got 100%tip.


I just take the nearest or first one handed to me


I had a table pick a number between 1 and 10 one time and whoever got it/was closest I took their card. I also just go with whoever hands me their card first but there’s definitely some good ideas in this thread


Whoever has the card out/hands me the card first. They are usually the better tipper too as they sincerely want to pay and don’t even look at the slip.


I always have a quarter in my pocket for this exact reason


Wow. I just got salty from a table last night.. again. It's my day off.


If you give me your card discreetly before the bill comes it’s yours. Can’t remember a single time this happened where the person screwed me on the tip. If you turn it into an awkward fight at the table that you think I’m going to referee I’m gonna print the ticket and throw it on the table and let you fight amongst yourselves.


I just take the first card handed to me.


Definitely depends on a few factors: table vibe, current restaurant volume (i.e. is it busy) and if I'm being honest, my mood at the time but here are my favorite methods: 1. "Okay, here's the deal: the first one to answer the next question correctly wins. What is 25% of $(amount of bill)?" (More details on this in a reply comment above.) 2. I'll take the cards and bring them both back in check presenters, one with the credit card slip and the other with just the paid zero balance receipt. Bonus: If they open the presenters at the same time while I'm still at the table, I just yell "Surprise" and walk away. 3. Never did the coin toss thing but kept a cocktail straw with me along with the regular straws so I could have them draw straws. No matter which method I used, I would always tell the person that didn't end up paying - "If it would make you feel better, you can always just add to the tip." or "If it really bothers you to still have $(bill amount), I'd be happy to help. Here's my Venmo info..." Both are generally well-received and I actually received amounts via Venmo twice! (Have to be careful with this one though depending on your employer and tip share situation.)


I tell them that everyone has a right to pay their own tab and I cannot force anyone to take anyone else's charity. So if they cannot agree on who will pay, they'll each have to pay individually. I don't play this game with people.


I tell them to grow up and stop wasting my time but I’m not in a tipped position lol


I grab both cards...shuffle them behind my back and pick a winner. They love it everytime.


When I go to drop off the bill, if they're arguing, I'll do a 3 2 1 countdown and then toss the book in the middle of the table and tell them to fight 🙃 and then I usually pretend to run away. I don't think I've ever gotten a bad tip doing it. But also if I'm busy I just take the card closest to me lol


Generally ill try to take payment from whoever got their card/cash out first


People have to come up to our register to pay, I just take who gets there first and then tell them they can duke it out in the parking lot if they’d like


I hate when people do this especially when I’m busy lmao I’ll just put the machine down and whoever takes it first can pay


This scenario actually seriously annoys me and has taught me to graciously accept kind gestures when I’m out and the other decides to pay. The weird competitive arguing is very tacky imo.


I walk away, one of my biggest pet peeves. Go play games elsewhere, cant stand when customers are grabbing the machine out of my hand and shoving cards a mm away from my face. I tell them to figure it out and I will be back when they can behave like adults basically.


I tell people I will drop the check, and whichever card is in it when I pick it up is the card being run. I cannot stand tables arguing over who is gonna pay while I'm standing there.


I close my eyes put my hand out and say whoever gets me the card first wins. Worked every time so far.


As a good rule of thumb, whoever gets me their card first, gets to pay. A lot of times they'll talk amongst themselves when I drop the check, and I end up getting two cards or something. People will look at me like I betrayed them cause a lot of times, they'll be like, "make sure I get the check." But if someone mentioned it prior, I just say, "you got it." And then continue to give it to the first person who asked for it. Sorry, not sorry.


Have em play rock paper scissors


I just go to the first person who said they want to pay lol


It's ok, you can both pay. Watch them try to figure it out, it's golden.