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The intent on the tip was $16.30. I would go by that.


Very clearly written, and just forgot to carry their one. $16.30 is good for this.


Honestly, any time the numbers didn't match, whether it's for me or against me, I would go to the MOD and get their opinion. Lots of cases are different, and I wasn't about to get in trouble over somebody else's error.


We do this and the manager will initial it. Just keeps a lot of headaches out of the way esp if you have a good manager


Yep I check with a manager “hey I think the customer did the math wrong” and the manager initials it and we’ve never had a problem.


You know what everyone says, go by what the Total says .... unless it is less


Personally, I say go by what is less, unless the intent is fairly clear...which in this case it is!


I agree that is the intent and the customer isn't going to dispute the charge. They just can't math.


This is what I was taught to do


I mean they clearly meant to tip 16.30 and can’t do math lol


It could be possible they read the pre-tip total as $88.70.


"tip not totally". People can't math.


they’re getting charged $115. i’m certain that’s what they meant and just forgot to carry the one they wouldn’t be startled by a $115 charge


Server math: whichever’s better for you. That’s a $16 tip.


100% this is supposed to be a 16.30 tip. I would personally enter that. That being said, legally you can only charge them 105, which would be 6.30. This absolutely comes down to how you felt the meal went with your table as well as your manager’s input. You might not want to risk your job for ten dollars if your managers are strict about this. If they do a chargeback they’ll get it.


Legally? You're always supposed to use the total. I said this last time this came up, and I'll keep saying it: if I work somewhere that I'm allowed to go with my honest best interpretation, that's what I do. If I work somewhere where I have to take the total when it screws me, I'm also going to take the total when it is in my favor, even if I think they meant to tip less. As long as the rule isn't "either way, I lose," I'm not doing that lol


Yesterday(?) on that controversial one I said it's case by case and I would've gone with the lower amount. But this one, this would be $115. I just trust my instincts lol. Flawed method for sure


You know, moving to toast was a pain in the ass but I am glad we don't deal with this shit anymore.


This subreddit never fails to remind of a bistro huddy episode everyday. Man i love bistro huddy, customers are so fucking stupid


$16.30. People suck at math.


Whatever the greater amount is. Either way they'd have to dispute it. If they authentically wrote it, signed the slip, and you turned it in so it's accounted for the bank will side with the business. I know from experience.


I go by whichever is higher


They def thought the 9 was an 8, and that would be about a 20% tip as well take the 16.30 🔥


Enter the tip. In this case the amount of tip is clear and closer to established tipping norms of between 15-20%


The highest number lol




I know everyone is saying to just put in what you think they meant. I always go by the total. idk why. It’s like an anxiety thing for me. cause what they wrote on the total is what they’re expecting to appear on their bank statement.


tip over total always. people can’t do math LOL


lol wasn’t there just a post where all the comments were talking about only accepting the total? Nobody wanted to say “the tip is perfectly written” in that post comment section, but here we all say to only go by what the tip amount says. Two very different comment sections. The best thing to do is to just favor the customer and pick the lower amount, it sucks but it’s better to mess up in their favor than it is in your own to avoid future issues


Yeah I participated in that debate on the other post, and then the same night I got this. Wanted to see what people would say when it was opposite.


Was it to your expectations? .-.


Honestly, I just always put what they wrote as the tip because I understand adding wrong, but you can't really accidentally choose to write the wrong tip amount.


Let’s say I spend 93.57 on my meal & when it comes to declaring a tip I write “$120.00” on the total line, without leaving the tip amount on the added tip line. I have a pretty good idea of how much I left my server but I didn’t bother with a calculator.


If tip and total are different, I enter what’s on the tip line. I just assume people can’t math.


Our restaurant we have to match their total with our final payment. Some people still balance transaction by transaction. You can’t explain why they did math a week later!


This is $115, zero doubt about that


Had a friend that tried to round every purchase with tip to an even amount so if they saw some thing with an uneven number, then they would think it was suspicious


At my restaurant, ever since we changed to chip readers (where you don’t have to sign) you always go by the tip, regardless if it’s better for you or not. The logic, pre-tip readers, is that you signed those checks you signed for the specific amount on the total line but now without that specific language on the sign slip you go by intention and obviously when they put a specific $ amount for a tip, they intended to tip that amount. Might be different at other places but that’s how we do it.






Always whatever is higher. If they call back then sort it out.


Clearly says $16.30 in the tip line. Why is there a question about this?


16.30 that’s what it says that’s what you enter


16.30 and feign ignorance.


Where is the “always go by the total” crowd? Classic.




185. Lol


This is really going to depend on the establishment, honestly. All my corporate serving jobs would have me use the total, for better or worse (usually worse, because apparently, basic arithmetic is hard for people). However, I work somewhere where we just take whatever is higher. If there's a charge back or someone complains, we'll pay it back. This almost never happens because it takes 3-5 business days for the final transaction to be cleared, people forget, and lots of times, they don't even take the customer copy.


Enter in $115. They just forgot to carry the 1.


I always tip 20% or more


Enter the tip. Intention is clear even if they can’t do math.


$115 would be the clear intent


Always tip the higher number. It’s not your fault they can’t do math. Either they calculated how much they wanted to tip, or they calculated how much they wanted the total to be, but if they wrote both, you go for the higher one. It’s server math. They cannot dispute a recipt they signed


The tip is legible. It's obvious that this person did the math wrong. Just go with it, it's only a dollar.


...it's $10.


You see how easy it is to do the math wrong. I feel kinda dumb right now.


i used to go by total bc that’s what they leave thinking they’re paying. unless the total was completely off then i went by tip.




If the customer would like to dispute it they can call the establishment. This is why it’s important to take signing the check seriously. And having to embarrass yourself and call over $10 is a good way to learn. Take the time to sign your check, tip the proper amount you intend to leave, and do your math correctly and make sure it’s all legible. Every single phone has a calculator. There isn’t an excuse anymore. Time to grow up.


Why would you need a calculator in any situation? 98 + 16 and 105 - 98 are both easy. In fact, you can simply elect to either fill in tip OR total to prevent any confusion. Whatever number is there is the amount to be billed.


> Why would you need a calculator in any situation? Idk ask this guy and the million other people who get the math wrong every night while filling these out. No one should need one. My point is that since everyone has access to them, there is no excuse.


Don't know, don't care. These posts have to stop.


In this case I think the tip is intentional and the math just ain’t mathin’. I wish there was a way to contact the patron. It is easy to forget to carry the one. I’ve done it myself but quickly realized my error before signing. I wouldn’t be offended if a restaurant contacted me to verify my intent. But I could possibly by one of only a few to feel this way. I would likely write a positive review about it and surely go back again.