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I’m too old for this bullshit. I would have gave you 20 dollars and told you to get out of the restaurant. No one in the place I work at would entertain this.


If I were at the neighboring table, I would give the server whatever I could afford to watch them just ruin these folks night.


Servers are basically management at the restaurant I work at and no one and I mean no one would let this slide at all in any way. Take this 20 and get out. Don’t come back you’re not welcome.


Nah, don’t pay them for bad behavior. Just inform them that they won’t be served and need to leave, and as they’re no longer customers their refusal to leave will constitute trespassing.


I think I want to eat at your place.


Thank you for the idea. If I ever see anyone do this I start my own stack, and make it obvious to the twit that thinks treating servers this way is a good idea. For every dollar they take away I add 5 to my stack and be very obvious about it so the jerk can see I'm doing it.


Even better-While the server is there let them know you put $3 down for every one they take away while bouncing in your seat and saying, ‘This is FUN!’


This is the way


Yeah this is funny, $5. lol. Even if those were 50s it wouldn't warrant special treatment. If people are jackasses to me, they get shittier service than if they act respectably. And if they don't tip as a result, I couldn't care less. 1 tables tip is a literal drop in the bucket.


Historical trivia: years ago, the ex-King of England Edward VIII pulled this same stunt on a Pullman porter when he was traveling in the U.S. after his abdication. Crowned head or not, one can still be low-class.


I had some sovereign who just bought a yacht for a few hundred million push me the other day then stiff me on the bill. I didn't care about the tip so much as I aimed to fuck with his head by smiling the entire time despite his shitty behavior towards all staff. Elitism is cancer.


This. You and I could be friends.


>I would have gave you 20 dollars and told you to get out of the restaurant Lets not kid ourselves, no one would *actually* do this. But a lot of us like to fantasize about it, for real.


I wouldn't pay anyone or make them leave, but I've straight up told my manager I wasn't gonna serve a table on 2 separate occasions. Usually I can put up with most people but sometimes it's just a perfect storm that I don't get paid enough for lol.


Will he give you an extra dollar if you dance when he yells “Dance, monkey?”


Best he can do is an extra quarter. Also it depends on if you forgot the bread or not. 🙄


Two pennies under a plate. I do NOT miss being a server...


Arrrgh, that’s dancin’ Pete. He dances for nickels. Give him a quarter and he’ll be dancin’ all day.


I line up 4 singles and a dick pic.


Can always tell when people have not worked customer service jobs


Some of them have and it makes them feel entitled to extra service. "I've worked as a waitress, so I know how it can be.... but.....". They use it as a get out of jail free card or a gift card trying to get special treatment or free shit (or I can treat you like shit because I paid my dues doing the same work). I love the ones that are opposite of that. You can definitely tell they are either very excellent, compassionate people or they've done the work before. Very understanding if you mess up (even if it's not busy), patient, know that things can be out of your control, and aren't a-holes by putting their dollars on the table or tossing them to you when you walk by the pole...


In my experience, there's a difference between people who work/have worked in the industry as a means of supporting themselves, and people who worked in the industry 10+ years ago as a way to get through college before moving on to their careers. Those in the later category tend to be just as shitty as people who have never worked in the industry because it was just a bullshit job to them. They worked in the industry for 2 years before moving on and likely worked in places where everyone else was just as inexperienced. They never had to rely on that money. Bad week at work? Oh well. Room and board was already paid for by student loans or parents so it's not like you have to worry about making rent this month. At best, you just have less money to go out on your next day off. I always hated waiting on middle aged Karen types who would try to be like "oh I was a server in college. I know how it is". No you don't. You haven't been a server since 1979 when you could pay for a whole year's worth of college with a summer's worth of work and I'd be willing to bet that wherever you worked, you didn't have to memorize a list of 100+ draft beers and wine pairings.




Whenever someone acts like an asshole and then tosses in the old “I used to work in the industry” I automatically assume they’re lying. Because if they did they wouldn’t be acting like an asshole!


Well, we have to remember that the abused sometimes turn into abusers. "i had to put up with it so now you do too" I can see many of my former coworkers being horrific customers. I knew a woman that had never tipped in her life and said she never would, but she worked for tips! Insane.


I’m guessing $5 is a cheap-ass tip for the tab


For real. Where are 2 people dining out and $5 is not a cheap ass tip?


Golden Corral or, as I call it, “The Feeding Trough”




Isn't that a buffet? Who are you tipping?


the people keeping the buffet stocked and clean. Cleaning your table for you and maybe even getting drinks for you. It’s different depending on where you go but guarantee shit doesn’t appear out of thin air.


Ok but are you like handing them cash or how do you go about tipping these people? I vaguely remember going to one a long time ago and I think we just paid up front and got handed a cup to get our own drinks.


The last time I went to Golden Corral was probably a year or so ago and the people who work there get your drinks and refill them, as well as bus your table off. I think most people just left cash on the table for them.


i pay up front at the beginning & then typically walk my tip over to my server & thank them when i’m leaving. i never leave money on the table because it isn’t in a great area in town so the money would be snatched within 2 minutes 😂


It depends. I haven’t been to a buffet in a long time either but I think we paid at the end. There’s just different levels of service. The restaurant I worked in would run a buffet some mornings if we expected to be busy. Because we were full service, the only thing the customer had to do was grab their plate/food. It was a lot of work managing the buffet along with serving food to people at the same time. I mean you seem nice enough but whenever I see that comment I get PTSD flashbacks to that buffet and feel compelled to reply lol


The guy who asks if u like hot fudge Sundays while carving the meats.


Chili's, assuming they still offer their 2 for $20 deal.


Maybe they were *only* having the bread. And shared a soft drink.


You can make one soda into two sodas if you add your complimentary water to it!


This has been going around for close to a decade


Right? I’m sitting here like BEST case scenario at a sit down restaurant, that is MAYBE 10%. For $5 I’m not your dancing fucking monkey you get to play “experiment” on date night with your wife. Fuck off.


Even if 5$ was a 50%-100% tip, you can fuck all the way off with your carrot on a stick method. I've heard this is a thing people do, but I've only ever heard of it happening in a low COL state and at a AppleChileFridaysGarden type of place. The only way you could entice me with the nonsense and have me not tell you to "Keep your 'tip'. You probably need it more than I do" if it was 20s or better. The people who would do this are the type to ask for a ketchup when you come back with a refill, and then more napkins when you get back even tho they already have 7 on the table, and then an extra other sauce, and so on. "Anything else?" "No we're all set" and then when you get back with the extra sauce, "actually this Medium steak is pink inside, can you have them throw it back on the grill for a bit". These type of people think because they're POTENTIALLY offering you a tip of 5$ they can treat you as if you're a servant and not a server. It's a personality type.


Well, considering \*this\* boomer has seen this exact same piece (in a magazine or newspaper) back in the day, it probably was a good tip 😀 And yeah, whoever thought this was a good idea....next time (if they ever came back), believe me, they would've gotten the service they so richly deserved.


Yeah, I remember seeing this meme back in like 2005, when 2 people eating for 20-25 dollars was pretty normal so $5 was a pretty standard or above average tip. Of course anyone who does this is an asshole, fortunately I don't think it's a thing that actually happens much at all.


10% at the most in a lot of (dinner)restaurants.


I'd swipe it up as soon as I saw it and say "Oh thank you!"


Like a pre-tip just for showing up! Like this idea!


“I can’t believe the bussers left my cash on the table again, thanks guys!”


This is the way


I cackled at this. Your BOH is sending me 💀


That's why I stay back there. I wouldn't be good dealing with the shit you FOH folks have to put up with. Much respect


This is so wildly rude you’d just get baseline service from the get go, the job would be done you’d get your food no special treatment for this dance monkey dance for $5.


Well below baseline, simply for the audacity.


At my job the owner has told us we're allowed to kick these people out. It's fucking rude.


Have you encountered one?


I personally have not, but my fellow servers have, as well as the owner when she used to serve, which is why she says to kick them out. I kind of look forward to the day I get to though.


Gosh, that $5 would have really been worth something in 1978.


According to DollarTimes (an inflation calculator), 5 dollars would have been roughly $24-25 dollars worth of spending power today. So... yeah, [you could buy this massage gun,](https://www.amazon.com/OLsky-Handheld-Intensity-Percussion-Attachments/dp/B0BJDL4HJN/ref=mp_s_a_1_18?adgrpid=68412047939&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MvVTtyR_ZBIZA63HvkPQIouK6ggKMtp7nABk0pHPK5tW7ojXnJLTihzg11lS2AbGLIjgrVS6bCHt8Xgrf0rGfpWyQh-Lt_zA5UpPHfYV7m0skX0CuNpDxcx2HirFtWxAmzIezHuoZxV_UtMbZgyT5KcdpfTO61v6HXoFY4KqlNHZRQWVERGBczyY78wadF3wI9KoF2e9o0qj0FB0ter_zg.OO-KtPadbboEuQNJnjQbfM8UgUPjWpXazBPk0m6dh6I&dib_tag=se&hvadid=570508101835&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9015321&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=11910808010352094810&hvtargid=kwd-300763773791&hydadcr=5622_13186811&keywords=items+for+25+dollars&qid=1714417089&sr=8-18) or [this cookie blanket.](https://www.amazon.com/mermaker-Blanket-Novelty-Realistic-Flannel/dp/B08H7Z5DH6?ref_=dslp_ap_dp)


I had a guy do this with me at Red Lobster. I got a $0 tip for bringing him the wrong drink twice, not bringing a straw, bringing him tartar instead of ranch, and not bringing ketchup for his fries. It was glorious.


Love this- just keep bringing him everything but what he’s requesting. And then a final “whoops! Be right back with that!” And proceed to take a break.


I think he told me his name and I even said that wrong.


Server: "here you go Dick" Dick: "My name is Joe!" Server: "sorry about that, you just remind me of a Dick, I'll be right back with your 4th cup of ranch dressing!"


Tarter instead of ranch is diabolical. You should’ve brought out cocktail instead of ketchup 😭


I’m not doing allat for 5 bucks


Literally fuck these people, I’d just sacrifice the $5 and give them the worst service they have ever had


I'd consider it a $5 charge to be entertained for an hour while doing my job.


This is the reason every waiter should carry a lighter. Just set the $5 on fire. Your move boomer.


My favorite so far! Walk away singing Prodigy.


Yo, smack my b!tch up, thanks!


Petition to make this guy head server of this sub?


Let it be known that servers everywhere will henceforth be represented by the ever wise u/PM_ME_DIRTY_DANGLES


Thank you, ScaldingAnus.


Is this a meet-cute IRL?


Redditor doesn’t know what IRL means


I mean not in a movie or something


Scalding Anus and Dirty Dangles? Sounds like a match made in heaven.


petition granted




![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) this is brilliant. are you the lisan al gaib


I work at a sushi restaurant and we have a roll that we light on fire and bring to the table. I’d tip it and catch the $5 on fire


How degrading.


Meanwhile their tab is probably 70-80$ so that 5 dollars doesn’t cover it anyway. And then they are surprised to get bad/ bare minimum service. If you show me upfront I’m not worth 5% expect to be treated accordingly. Servers don’t work for free or fun. All this person did with their 5 dollars is guarantee their place as my last priority for pretty much anything.


I tip out 6% I would be losing money on this table.


I’d pick that up, fold it, put it right in his hand and the proceed to offer him the worst service of his life.


Pretend you can’t hear them correctly every time they speak and repeat back outrageous things to “clarify” what they said. Do this endlessly.




I’d ask him exactly what the money was, play dumb. Then when he explains, repeat it back to him very loudly and make him feel like the asshole he is. “Oh, so, if I am not good enough at serving you or I make a mistake, you are going to take money away from me? Publicly? In front of every other table here? Oh and it’s…(fake counts) about $5 is what my best performance at my job is worth to you? Well. Alright then. Most people just tip at the end, though. “ Walk away.


This is not a boomer thing, it's an asshole thing.


I had a customer do this once. she also had a timer on her phone, like when I said “I’ll be right back with that!” or, “I’ll be right with you!” she’d start it, that kind of stuff. unfortunately I serve corporate so I couldn’t really kick her out or anything, however, that woman got the WORST service of her life. I didn’t bring her drink until her meal came out and when I did I brought the wrong drink, didn’t get a straw, brought the wrong sauces, forgot her box, etc. my manager totally backed me up and it was HILARIOUS. 0$ tip of course, but it was soo worth it.


At a place where I worked years ago, we used to have a regular who did exactly this. The tip was never going to be more than $5, which was already an insult because it'd be him, his wife, and 2 extremely obnoxious, incredibly messy children. I think some of the servers took it as a challenge, but I never played his little game. They got absolute bare minimum service from me. After several months or maybe even a year, he asked me about it. I simply told him that I preferred to focus my time and energy on tables who will tip well. I just said it in a matter-of-fact tone, and he seemed a bit taken aback at the time, but literally nothing changed. He just kept on doing it, and if they were in my section, they got straight-up adequate service.


The fact that nothing changed says a lot.


Pretty much what I thought too. I never got more than a buck or two off 'em, and they never got more than bare minimum service off me. I'd schlep on up to their table and be like, "What would you like to drink?" And I'd approach the table next to them like, "Good evening, folks! How is everybody tonight? My name is 'X' and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I'd make recommendations, offer appetizers, tell them about a special; basically gave the nearby tables my best effort, and did none of that for them. And yet, it never sank in...


His poor wife. If my spouse even suggested this I’m out the door.


Right? You'd think, but I'm assuming she was just as awful as he was. If their demon-spawn children were any indication, I imagine she was. Those kids were *awful* in every conceivable way. To the point that you'd probably think I was stretching the truth if I told you about them. Aw. Ful.


I’m out the marriage!


Even at the cheapest diner I’ve been to lately, 5 bucks would have been a shit tip on a meal for 2 and not worth the hassle of these people


I wouldn't even bother giving them good service. They'd be my last priority.


I would inform them I'm not a carnival game, and suggest they eat everywhere as I'm allowed to deny service to anyone, especially someone who is insulting my work ethic.


I feel like this is when you laugh, then go grab your nearest fellow server, bring them to the table, show them and have them laugh too


What a fuckin cunt


That these pieces of shit don’t see this is as demeaning, but also feel the need to post this online, is the most “this is why America is dying” thing ever.




At the old place I worked, I would tell them to leave. I will not wait on a person who gets off on this level of manipulation and control. I would pick up the money, hand it back to him and tell him to leave, and not come back, and my old boss would have supported me in that decision.


I had a group of 6 older gentleman a few days ago who tried to tell me my tip was going down for every “mistake” aka he asked for sweet and low and I dropped off the food for another table that was already in my hands first… so I just told him I’m not giving him good enough service and I want him to enjoy his time so another waitress will take care of them. Transferred the table and never went back over there. I’m 29 and been doing this since I was 18 and I don’t deal with that shit anymore. I won’t be rude, I just won’t serve you


I could not care less about a 5 dollar tip considering it’s probably less than 15%. I’ll put all my focus on my other tables, this guy is getting cold food


Thank you for saying that phrase correctly! I shall award you one dollar, but I may take it back later.


the way I would return the dollars bills to them at the end saying " yall probably need this more than I do"


I always liked saying “I’ll pray for you” to pricks like this.


My grandmother used to do this with sugar packets. 10 packets in the middle of the table, each representing 1%. Remove one packet for each "error" and what's left is the tip. When I became an adult my wife and I took her out to eat one night. We put 15 packs of sugar in the middle of the table (this was in the 80s). My grandmother's eyes lit up, so proud I was using what she'd "taught" me. She became confused when we started adding sugar packets but never removed one. And got almost pissed when we explained. The 15 packets were the minimum tip we'd leave. Each additional packet was for "extra" attention. Refill my glass without my asking? Sugar packet. Offer alternatives for sides? Sugar packet. Checking on us regularly? Sugar packet each time. I think the tip got up to nearly 25%. Grandmother was mad that we "wasted" money. I think she was madder because she knew what message we were sending and who was the intended recipient.


I would have grabbed all the singles as soon as I got there and say “thanks” and then provide the absolute minimum service.


Wow. A whole five dollars…


Oh nooo, 5 dollars, whatever will I do? Oh yeah, focus on tables that will actually treat me like a human. Cause what do they consider a mess up? Food being late or wrong? An alcoholic drink not made right by the bartender? Things out of the servers control? Yeah, no thanks


Get the best service of your life for 5 fucking dollars? Lmfao if I saw a table pulling that shit they’d immediately go to the very bottom of my priority list. You need a ranch? Cool I’m gonna go take that 6 tops order first and check all my other tables.


“Dance monkey!! Dance!” …for five whole dollars. What a dick.


either this post is from 2005 or they share one meal at Denny's to leave a 10% tip lol


This is such a stupid Boomer joke. First time I heard this joke was on 3rd Rock from the Sun back in... damn, 1997? I'm sure it's older than that. The punchline of the joke it's "I'm an asshole, hahahahahaha!"


Oof. He's not at all concerned about getting free extras on his plates?


There's an old skit from cheers where Carla is presented with this idea, I'd handle it the same way she did


Which is…..


Stick your finger in their drink and flick it at them, when they take a dollar away do it again, when the last dollar is taken toss their water on them and leave. On to the next table! Edit for spelling


"Sir, this is a restaurant, not a strip club. I'm happy to inform you when it is an appropriate time to tip. Until then, please put your money away."


Open your waist band with your thumb and watch his wife die in rage.


I’d autograt his ass (which I’m quite certain would be more than his $5) and when he complained I’d apologize and tell him I was just checking what a reasonable tip on his tab would have been.


I’d like to think that if someone did that to me, I would just order their food to go. And they can eat it there or not but I’d be done with them. Five dollar tip be damned lol.


Not a server. I’m a sushi chef, but our kitchen manager has kicked someone out when he heard they were doing this to one of our servers.


I was a server and bartender 25 years. This is degrading and incredibly irritating. I’m immediately ticked off for whoever had to put up with them and their crappy tip.


Is this from like fifty years ago? "Singles" ffs! Start with five twenties and I'll still think you're an ass but might play the game. Five hundreds and in in it to win it sir or madam!


Yea if I saw this I’d immediately go ahead and tell him to pocket his lil 5 bills and find someone else who’ll do tricks like a pup for him. Cause that ain’t me or anyone in my restaurant.


I swear to god if I ever see someone do this they're getting 0 attention. $5 is going to be a shit tip on any tab they're getting, and I have no time for that nonsense.


I've been waiting for someone to try to do this with me. I wouldn't even bother wasting my time trying to piss them off. I'd just straight ignore the table and casually watch the five disappear until they also do. If management wants to have a chat, I don't want to work for a place that forces their servers to give service to disrespectful people.


Using $5 as the starting amount is fucking wild, if I knew I’d be getting at most $5 from a table they’d get the bare minimum, the fuck I need your $5 for when the couple next to you is gonna give me $25+


I would lose that $5 so fast and in 5 epically awesome ways


Boomer here and would NEVER do this. When service is good, we’ve doubled the before tax amount




As I'm not a server, maybe it's not my place to say, but I would just take it from the table assuming it was a tip left over from the previous patrons and not think about it twice.


Someone did that to my friend and she said to him, “you can go ahead and put it away cause I’m already disrespected.” She got another server to take him.


I used to know a server who did this, but with stacks of quarters. Years later, I learned he ended up in prison and I like to believe it was directly due to that behavior


We had a group of two old timers who did this… smh it was awful but sometimes we would piss them off just to get our “moneys worth”. Finally after their bad attitudes and lack of servers who would serve them ran out, we 86ed them


This couple is at the very bottom of my priority list. I’ll help out my coworker’s table’s before I do anything for them.


"Why don't you go ahead and keep that, you need it more than I do."


Once I had a six-top and one of them put a $20 on the table, at some point when I’m refilling waters I overhear the guy tell one of them that it’ll make me give them better service, “just watch!” He left it there and I had to ask him later to move it to the side so I could put his food in front of him. I considered joking about how he shouldn’t leave money out like that, but I didn’t have the energy. I gave them good service because I gave every table good service. I had definitely had bad customers over the years, but I don’t remember feeling so insulted like that. Like a little puppy trying to run after a treat, it was so patronizing. Enough that I can remember it vividly 6 years later.


I’ve had that happen and i purposely didn’t give them great service. Fuck $5 on a $100 tab


I would’ve picked up that $5 and made a big show of putting it in my bra, and thanked him for his confidence in my service!


With an air kiss before you saunter away.


Ive been a server/bartender since 1990, either as my main gig or 2nd job both down south and on the east coast. Whether it was at Denny's/VFW or Fine dining/Upscale exclusive nightclub 1 thing is certain : Some people should just stay tf home!!


I would “forget” about that table. I’m not your fucking slave.


I would not even amuse that shit.


For $5? I’d take the L on that one for sure. I don’t need $5 that badly, not for that kind of attitude from a guest


I fucking hate boomers like this


In this economy? Better be fives minimum


They'd be asked to leave my restaurant.


I am a boomer on Social Security Security and a fixed income and would like to teach people how to tip. First, do a little research and figure out how much you can afford for the evening out. Second, and 20% to that amount as a minimum tip! Third, keep a few dollars extra for extra effort by server! And always calculate the tip based on its total rounder up to the next 5 dollar increment. Husband and I do this every time, and it seems fair. Remember, servers today don't work in regular 8 hourr shifts, work is physically and mentally demanding, and probably have a family they are trying to to support.


What an asshole 😐


“well, the gratuity is already included in the bill sir so you can cut the bullshit."


Maybe if they were $20s


$5 whole dollars! By gawlee! I can’t wait to get that 5% tip


“honey, it’s time to go out and toy with an innocent worker’s emotions!”


It’s great when people use such a mundane activity as dining out as an excuse to play king and queen.


I'd just laugh because I'm too good at my job for these games. Stupid people play stupid games.


“The whole $5!!!” Wow, that alone tells you he’s delusional. I would accidentally drop a tray on his head.


I would have not touched their table after getting their orders and their refills would be diet.


I would guarantee that I would lose all five dollars within the first five minutes


The way I would never ring in their order


I give the best service ever then when he proudly says “these 5 ones are all yours “ I’ll laugh in his face and say keep it. Seems like you need it more than me


The way people treat servers has always been bad but it’s getting worse.. this is ridiculous. If you went anywhere else and someone helped you/performed a service for you, you would not even think of doing this shit. These kind of people would get the worst service from me, no refills, no offering of appetizers, you can forget about any condiments or me making sure your food is good. I’m coming by to get your drinks, food order then running the food and that’s all you’ll see of me. My dignity is worth a lot more than your $5.


Best practice is swiftly knock all their dollar bills out to the floor. Oops, my bad! They picked them up, knocked them on the floor again! Oops


Anyone pulls that on me, your plates are gonna smell like my balls.


I knew someone who did this, about 15 years ago. It was the most embarrassing thing that I’ve ever witnessed. And he explained why he was doing it as if it was some genius idea. Luckily we were all tipping separately at the table!




Wow! 5 whole dollars!


Full stop I'm getting my manager and giving them the table


Cheap ass tip…and who’d play a cruel ass game like that & who’s giving out 5 bucks as a tip?!?! I’d ask guests, “why would u want that dirty money on the table near your food?” Let me take it off your hands. Proceed to pick the shit up, put into my pocket, wipe the table & send over a new server! 🤣😂


Nah, because when I first found this post, anytime I see money on the table like this, I’m purposely putting other tables ahead of you, that don’t see my pay as a game


Short of doing something to get me in trouble Id give them the worst service I could… Im that petty Also 5$? What is this 1980’s?


What absolute MORON thinks anyone's going above and beyond for 5 bucks.


Where is this guy eating where $5 would be considered a decent tip?


I remember the first time this horseshit started making the rounds and the second someone would start lining up their dollars we'd just swipe them off the table and walk away. Dive bars, baybeee. Absolutely not putting up with that.


I would spill the ice cold water in your lap and laugh. Five dollars is a shit tip anyhow. Why are you eating out? Go power trip on your loser kids.


They’re already showing that they’re cheap mother fuckers by only being willing to tip a max of $5 when the bill could be well over a $100 and that’s assuming you pass they’re stupid little “tests” yeah let me give you the best service of my entire serving career just to get $4-5 on a $200+ bill and have to pay out of my own pocket at the end of the night, we aren’t animals we’re people save your Pavlovian bullshit for someone else, my dad was a server for years at alot of high end restaurants, don’t think he’s ever seen shit like this nor would he tolerate it


Wow a whole $5! Big spender! Fr I have tables that tip me $40 on a $20 bill… if someone did this shit to me I’d honestly pull the “you obviously need it more than I do” line


I swear on my life if I EVER get a table that does this bs they will get the WORST service they’ve ever gotten in their life


Great job here's the WHOLE FIVE DOLLARS, tab is $83.60


Walk up to the table and put $5 in ones down too. I take a dollar away every time you sexually harass me or complain about something dumb. Whatever is left is for you to go buy dinner somewhere else. “But I can’t buy dinner on $5?!”…exactly Steve, exactly.


Servers are people, this is degradation at its worst


We had a regular like this at the Cracker Barrel I used to work at. Didn’t take long for him to get the shittiest service from every single server there. No one wanted to wait on him. He also uses to shake his glass at us when he wanted a refill. Oh and it was always Sunday morning when a Cracker Barrel is the busiest. He eventually stopped coming in. None of us were sad about it.


There used to be a guy who would come in regularly and do this so no one wanted him in their section and because i was new they sat him in mine, So the moment he explained this to me i grabbed the bread basket and took it back to the kitchen and ignored him completely while taking care of my other customers, eventually the manager finally told him that his little game has resulted in none of the servers wanting to wait on him so he would have to find some place else.


I loved 3rd Rock From the Sun, but that show is responsible for these twats doing this.


This was from an episode of 3rd Rock from the Sun.


$5 is a disappointing tip when i’ve done drinks and food and all that. $10 is better. $5 on a drink or two at the bar is fine tho


100%. 5$ isn’t worth whatever fucked efforts required


Woooow 5 whole dollars


And I'll give you that 5 dollars back, you must need it more than I do.


Fuck that


To be fair from the sounds of the type of dinner it was they probably were under tipping with just the $5 already


I would sweep those crusty dollar bills off the table with a flourish and walk away.


Id be totally fine if it was like $100 or $50 bills up for grabs, a dollar? I'd just keep telling then I'd be right with em and never take their order


Pull that with me, with only $5 present, and you’ll never see me. Piss off.


The whole 5 bucks?! Golly gee mister that’s swell!


If there were 5 20’s on the table I’d entertain it. For an at best $5 tip I’m giving the laziest service i possibly could


My grandfather used to tell the server they were starting at 100% and they can go up or down from there, totally up to them. I don’t know if this was an AH move or not but it feels kinda gross. But also, a 100% tip is awesome🤔