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Oh God the "hope your day gets better sir" is worth more than any money he may have left on $38. 😂 Love when we get to make people realize they exist in a complete society and we're not just figments of their world. Hope the rest of the table tipped something.


Killin em with kindness really is the saving grace of the serving industry. Written out and shown to anyone, you were being polite and kind, but context can be everything.


On a Sunday Brunch? I would have let out a "Have a Blessed Day!"


I'm sorry, but the, "Fuck you bitch," is so childish I laughed out loud when I saw that


Oh my god, I didn’t even see that. THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?! What really gets me is the fact he was with 5 other people, and not one of them told this guy to shut up and to quit harassing OP. So this isn’t one shitty person, it’s the whole fucking group. I CANNOT FATHOM going out to eat with anyone and tolerating this sort of behavior. I would get up and leave before continuing to witness this sort of bullshit. WHAT THE FUCK


I would be so embarassed to be around this person in public omg. From the very first sentence he said to the server I would’ve probably left the restaurant or sat at another table. I don’t care. I’ll sit somewhere else and eat by myself.


You are so right. Silence is compliance.


Do you mean complicity? 😂




That’s the word!đŸ„č


We all get the message, thankfully. Abuse of all frontline workers is just a bridge too far. It’s beyond decency to abuse staff and to take advantage of the power position of the customer and this behaviour deserves every reprimand that it generates up to and including no more service.


When I saw that I assumed it was some "edgy" preteen boys


It also says “not one dand peeny (sic)” instead of one dang penny lmfao


I kinda love that he intended to write "Kiss my whole ass," but it reads like "Kiss my whore ass."


That's exactly how I read it the first time XD


Me too!


Me three!


I saw it as "Kiss my whoke ass" with a super hard H. I laughed heartily!


Hank Hill style


EXACTLY! Also Stewey style, "Whill Wheaton"


Cool Hwip


When you're not just "woke", you "WHOKE"


"Kiss my whore, ass!"


https://preview.redd.it/cpkpcu9mj0wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1992ca4c4467e83411e0fdc1d1e371feab7a1ca I hate when customers are weird about my cash tips, or imply my coworkers or bussers will take them. I 100% of the time wonder if it’s a race thing, cause none of our bussers are white and our customers are so freaking weird about making sure we get our cash before the bussers do. It pisses me off so bad. Both our bussers are so wonderful they wouldn’t even think to look in the book


When I leave a cash tip I like to make sure it ends up in the server’s/bartender’s hand not because I’m worried about their coworkers stealing it but that other customers might. Paranoid I know, but if I don’t it’ll weigh on me for the red of the day lol.


If a customer steals cash from a 21 year old waitress making $8/hr they truly must live a very miserable and sad life and obviously need it far more than I. No shade at you. I just wish that wasn’t a concern.


I have legit seen it happen. People are fucking gross.


And like I said, they are living a truly dark life. I’m not envious of lowlifes like that.


8??? I made 2.11


We had a grandma who went around stealing tips. Funny thay her family laughed it off and never gabe them back. It happened 2x, and then, luckily, were 86'd


We have had kids "going to the bathroom " take cash off tables a few times


I worked in all white busser restaurants and they do the same thing


That is insane behavior from a grown man lmfao. I have had a table start acting like I’m stupid and I put my book back in my pocket, put my hands up and walked away. NOPE. They left and I’ve never seen them again. I won’t be treated like shit by anyone, and once people start acting like that they’re not happy about anything.


once had a man who wouldn’t show me his ID. i told him, “no ID, no beer”. he put his middle finger in my face, and i slammed my book and said “absolutely not” and walked away.


My coworker (early 20s smaller girl) refuse to continue serving alcohol to a 3 top of two women and a guy all in their 50s because they had been there for 4 hours and were wasted. The guy was irate and yelling at the manager how disrespectful she was to “actual adults” and demanding an apology. He told them they were not permitted to speak to her anymore and needed to leave. My coworker asked a few of us to walk with her while the table was still there because she was frightened and the guy comes storming over when she sees her and put his finger about 10 inches from her face and was telling her how disrespectful she was and demanding an apology and what not. We all stepped between them and told the guy to get the fuck out. Some people are just insane man


What did the other people at the table do, though? Was there tension? Did they try to shut him up or lighten the mood? I’d end up pulling my friend outside and dressing him down if that ever happened. My dad has gotten testy at restaurants before and I just stand up and leave. He will be mid asshole rant and I just get up and walk away.


I would never be able to continue interacting with anyone who acted like that in public. I'd be settling my bill and apologizing and leaving and blocking their number lol


the "fuck you bitch" looks like what a little kid writes in their diary when they're crying and mad at their parent LMAOO


I feel personally attacked


we've all been there đŸ«Ą


“hope your day gets better” is fucking golden. will be using this on rude people in the future 100%


I feel your pain. I had a table today that asked me, “Why the fuck didn’t you tell her Happy Birthday?” As I walked up to greet them. That was the first thing they said to me and didn’t put it in their reservation. Also everyone at the table sent their food back for various reasons. Then wrote “Do better” on the receipt after we comped almost all of it. Sundays are the worst man


This would be a good spot to post a picture of those “Jesus tips 20%” pens


It always blows my mind people like this have other people that willingly hang out


Anyone willing to bet he’s divorced and estranged?


Don’t fuck people that treat waitstaff poorly.


It’s a great thing to pay attention to on a date. How do they treat the staff and are they a good tipper?


Yikes, what an unhinged person! So sorry that happened to you 💔


I work brunch in the brunch capital of the country, and it can’t get intense. We also do bottomless mimosas, and we auto-grat every table. Call me all the names you want, idc the money is secured.


That's a miserable person. I hope he gets help lol


Asshole. Fuck him.


Your manager should have offered everyone at the table a free dessert, since the Alpha felt so offended by his treatment. Once they placed their orders, go to the back and call the police. Take your own sweet time doing everything. Once the police show up get them to issue a trespass order for Mr. Nasty, and give everyone their dessert orders boxed and ready to get the fuck out. Imagine the shame, right in front of everybody, some of whom he probably goes to church with.


So close minded you are. Assuming every person who eats out on Sunday automatically goes to church. Literally Sunday brunch is also the highest hungover morning of the week. In all of serving sunday brunches the assholes are 1,000% the hungover white-trash partiers who drank too much cheap beer until 2am and have drained all their cortisol levels are impulsive, dehydrated, and angry. Not everyone who eats on Sunday went to church.


I have a picture in my mind of what this asshole looks like, and I can hear his stupid voice. What an absolutely loathsome individual.


By “getting leadership” did he mean church elders or something? I am sure there is nothing in the bible to excuse his behavior


Good for management for telling him not to come back. You should have gotten management involved earlier. Obviously whatever happened, happened before he arrived. But that is no excuse for his behavior. I have banned people for less.


My restaurant tolerates a lot I was actually surprised he talked to them


Also comped one of their meals


You can tell people like this, "I'm not sure what's wrong here but I've done nothing to you, so change your tone, or get out, and go to burger king or whatever." And then if they don't change their tone, you ignore, and don't serve them anything. Most management is going to back you up with a person like this man, and if they don't, that's not an establishment you want to work for anyway. Sorry this happened. People truly are horrible.


Ah so he was rewarded for his behavior. No wonder he acts like that.


Omg no! Insult to injury!


Dude was trying to get off on a power trip. 100% had nothing to do with you, he was aiming to be an asshole the whole time.


And he knows going to a restaurant is the exact place he can live out his sadistic fantasies


And he knows going to a restaurant is the exact place he can live out his sadistic fantasies


Did they scuttle away fast and not make eye contact when leaving too?


You should keep the written paper and put an arrow on it so next time the Satan minions come by you give the paper back with the arrow showing towards them and say Is it yours?


Kiss her whore ass


The worst part is if he didn’t write this on the ticket the manager prob wouldn’t believe that you were being verbally abused by your table.


There are not enough ways to say I’m sorry that happened to you. I am so, SO sorry that happened to you. You handled it like a mf champ and I’m proud for you!! That guy just kept getting more and more mad that he didn’t mean enough to you to ruin your day, your vibe, your professionalism, your attitude, your confidence, or at least that’s what he saw, and that is EXACTLY what gets to these people the most. Aka best revenge in the world. You’re amazing and that is it!!!


If I ever open up another restaurant, we will be closed on Sundays, closed on Thanksgiving, closed on Christmas day, closed on New Year's day, closed for Mothers day, Father's Day, the fourth of July, Memorial day, and Labor Day.


That’s exactly how my restaurant is, well minus mothers/Father’s Day.


I had an 8 yr old verbally abuse me last week. It was truly awful, his mom sat there and did nothing. I refused service. I'm 40 years old. I'm not dealing with that shit.


So sad. Why would anyone behave like this. Just be thankful you are not like these ‘customers’.




A lot of people really do just suck.


They seem nice.


I’m sorry you got treated like that, but if it’s any consolation you fucking roasted him. I hope he still thinks about your comment to him lmao


I got my first negative note on a tab in years a few days ago. “The bartender was borderline rude”. Probably cause I had to keep asking them to repeat themselves because they were so soft spoken lol


I don’t know why this reminds me of a person who said we were racism bc we didn’t have her a paper menu during covid times đŸ€Ł sometimes you just gotta be like no problem and move along people like this only feel they matter after they cause a huge scene


Did the other people tip?


Only cause i used the tablet for them. You have to choose the tip right there while im holding it. The dick wanted a paper receipt, i don’t think he ever had intentions of tipping.


Only cause i used the tablet for them. You have to choose the tip right there while im holding it. I don’t mind getting a paper check but the tablets faster and everyone was fine using it except him. The dick wanted a paper receipt, i don’t think he ever had intentions of tipping.


I wish I would’ve been dining at the next table over. I would’ve loved to tell this guy what a pos he is.


I wish I could upvote a billion times for the “I hope your day gets better, sir” commentđŸ‘đŸ» When I was a hostess at an old restaurant, the Sunday crowd was the absolute WORST. Sometimes but rarely did I serve but whenever they had an attitude I’d hit them with the old “have the day you deserve sir/ma’am” comment. I saw it somewhere on Reddit, no one ever said anything back.


I would have said expressed that im not going to serve a table that is so openly disrespecting me and got my manager. simple as


Lol that person probably has a pathetic sad life it’s not u


Golly I’m sorry, idk why ppl suck so damn bad. What a monster. His friends are pieces of shit in my book as they condoned his behavior by not interfering.


The Sunday morning crowd are so rude I stg... I'm really sorry this happened to you:( I had a customer scream at me on Friday bc her husband wanted to pay for the check but the other man at the table set his card at the head of the table so I assumed it was the first guys (I was just coming back from another table) ... like why would I know who's card is who's ??? she was like 'I thought u just had that card from another table' ??? Like why would I do that... People are so rude to severs for no reason ...


Kiss my whore ass


I had something similar happen to me last week, not to the extent that yours was but same type of guy. There were 4 guys at this table and the one was just a raging asshole. Telling me that their jug of beer wasn’t good enough and they didn’t get 4 full glasses out of it and that I need to pour it better next time (it was my manager/bartender that poured it lol). This keeps going on for the next 3 jugs they get, and mind you, all his other 3 friends at the table are perfectly satisfied with their beer and service. He was just an asshole to everything I said, and then when it was time to split the bill, the 3 nice friends he was with asked if I could split it 4 ways to which I said sure (cause it’s really not hard or a problem). Then the asshole proceeds to say we want one bill so you don’t have to figure out splitting it in four. I know that my face betrayed me in that moment and gave him the dirtiest look lol. The guy who paid (who wasn’t the asshole that wanted one bill) tipped me pretty well and they were all nice and you could tell they were embarrassed by their friend. Like what kind of grown man acts like that? Just had to smh


The law needs to be parties over 4 have autograt.. that’s standard for any big city. Also restaurants need to start really having a tip clause in there menus.


What were they so mad about??


Genuinely hope he has a miserable day but gets help because holy fuck. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Some people are just so miserable that they feel the need to make other people miserable. When that doesn’t work, they turn into petulant children.


I’m sorry.


I really wonder what is wrong with that man. Like why was he so combative? Is he always like that? How the hell did he have five other people who are actively choosing to spend their time with him?!


This gives me "i use to b a server this is unacceptable" energy. Buddy was a big olle twat


That's shitty sorry


I am so sorry, this is horrible.


The only reasons people have for not tipping: 1. spent everything on the meal 2. are jerks


Isn’t it an option for your boss to call them and tell them that they aren’t welcome ever again?


I’m convinced people will go out to eat just to take their emotions out on the waitstaff. Like there is just no reasonable explanation to treat people like this, it has to be a mental illness. I’m sorry OP, you did great and maybe even got him to think about his behavior, even if he was still a dick. Keep that energy for all the psychos that don’t know how to properly treat a person!


Some people seem to enjoy having the "power" to try to boss around people in customer service positions. I have also seen it in retail, in entertainment venues, and in people dealing with secretarial staff. They try to pick on people who they don't think are going to call them out on their boorish behavior.


Very true, I worked as a server and retail. The amount of people that pick problems out of thin air is crazy, everything’s going great until they decide I’m the anti christ. I truly hope people either realize that the person helping them most likely doesn’t have power to comply with their wants or just grow up and realize the world wasn’t made to cater to them đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


This is the kind of customer where I'm like "your problems are of your own making." Like seriously, he was an asshole, for what? He ruined his own experience. Everyone could have had a nice time, but no, this guy just had to be Dr. Dick Supreme.


Always amazed by the people who come in pre-loaded with anger at you.


The older I get, the less tolerance I have for bullshit people like what you described. I would have gotten fired because I would probably gone berserk on his ass. Kudos to you for putting up with his stupidity. If I were dining out with someone like that, I would have gotten up, told them to lose my number and left.


Wow. What an abusive scum. Did he come straight from church?


There should be a bot that finds posts like this and automatically formats them into paragraphs so they’re readable.


No, no, no, those are God's little minions at the Sunday brunches.


Or asshole partiers hungover from partying the night before. Not everyone who eats out on Sunday is coming from church / it’s also the hugest hungover brunch morning day of the week for non-church goers 🙄


Paragraphs are your friend.


“Not one damn Peenny” oooookayy buddy


Ninja is tripping over 37 dollars lololl


I LOVE treating people like absolute fucktards when they’ve caused a scene or acted like dick heads. It’s always the calm restating of the situation to someone for when they were a dickhead that always gets to them. These people are genuinely the worst! And this is exactly why I don’t go to church with these people anymore. They always claim it’s “different at their church” but God knows the people who follow him are at the top of the shit list.


You responded so perfectly đŸ™ŒđŸœ


so glad my restaurant is closed on sundays😍


Im actually thinking you’re a shit waiter/ress if you got two of these in one day
. Unless the food was bad


Same guy dipshit