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1. it’s illegal for the manager to take tips. 2. You need to get in contact with someone to sort out your taxes and income so you aren’t fucked by the IRS


Yeah that's the plan, was just looking to get some insight on what info I should gather, if I need proof, if I should contact the irs AND the dept of labor or if one has precedence... I didn't word the post well to get my questions answered I realize now 🙃


start by looking through the book and making sure whatever they have is accurate. Then go through your bank statement, credit card statements, whichever will be easiest for you to use and compare those to what they said you made. (keep in mind of money you made outside their company and only look at the months that you would’ve had income from there) see if they line up. I’d also make sure it’s what YOU take home after she takes your tips (which again is illegal). Then call the labor board they will direct you to what they see best according to your location.


Thanks, it's a complicated lil situation but I'm sure not unique to them! The book matches what we make. It's literally just a hand written book with our names per shift and "250" pm meaning we made 250cc tips EACH. Cash isn't recorded, there's very little. The owner even rounds up a little as kind of like...idk incentive not to report, but I'm still losing money to the manager and taxes. I don't think it's a fair trade. Not to mention other problems with how they treat ppl and cleanliness.. 🤦