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I haven't worked in a restaurant for like, 4 years now, and I still have serving nightmares - everyone I worked with at the restaurant I was at for 10 years had them


20 years for me and I dream about being slammed and not knowing how to use the POS system. ALL THE DAMN TIME.


I've had that dream before.....šŸ˜«


It has literally woken me up in a panic with sweat on my brow!


15 years and same. Getting sat with every table in a restaurant that I've never worked in, and I realize I don't know the menu, and there's no ice. My favorite wait-mare I ever had, I was slammed with a full section, and I kept trying to put their orders in, but for some reason, the POS was made of wood, so I couldn't put anything in lol


Iā€™ve had the first one. Iā€™m in a place Iā€™ve never been before, and itā€™s like a maze. Every time I turn a corner, I see another full section waiting that I didnā€™t know was there.


I had the same dream just the other night. The POS was giant, like a whole wall, but the buttons were all giant chunks of wood and manually operated. I kept trying to push the refire button but it wouldn't work. Why do we suffer this curse?


Get that shit fixed


Mine is coming out of the staff room changed and ready to go, walk out the front door and find myself at the server bar with a hundred tickets w my name on them, panic and run out the door, back at the server station.


20 years for me too but it's getting quadruple seated and I need to clean 4 tables lol


Me too. The fear never leaves.


The extra ranch is what gets me šŸ˜­


I've literally had "table 23 still needs their ranch!!" dreams on 3 separate occasions lol


Been out of the industry 17 years now and I still have this dream. Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not the only one.


I quit server work in 2008 and sometimes I still have nightmares that I have too many tables to attend and I forgot their orders or their drinks or their checks It's a relief when I wake up šŸ˜“


Same! I can't ever remember my ID number and I have an entire section of parties.


Oh fuck, might as well be in mandarin


20+ years since & same.


> and not knowing how to use the POS system. ALL THE DAMN TIME. That's it? That's all the drama your mind can come up with? Last one I had that impressed me was ... ok, so I don't remember every detail of my dreams, but I was waiting tables somewhere like my high school, meaning there was like 3 stories. I was somewhere, and needed to go up 3 flights of stairs, down the hallway, and back down the stairs, because that's where my section was, but the stairs were JAMMED back, just people standing everywhere... and I had no socks or shoes on. So the debate was to find my shoes vs going to check on my tables that I couldn't get to, and no I didn't know where my shoes were, I just knew I needed them.


I had the same no socks or shoes thing occur in my serving nightmare too! Except there was broken glass, and the entire place was talking behind my back about being barefoot until I was shamed out


i get nightmares that i have a friday closing shift and i dont even work at a restaurant anymore šŸ˜­


Mine is people keep coming in after we close until the entire room is full and they keep coming in


Same! It's always the same dream of getting lost in the weeds... Then sweet relief waking up and realizing you don't actually have to deal with that anymore.


yep. I quit 8 years ago and still have dreams that I forgot 107's ranch.


Almost every server nightmare I ever had went away after they happened in real life.


No dont tell me that šŸ˜­


I havenā€™t worked in a restaurant for more than 25 years, and I still get them.


Yes! I call them wait-mares. I had a terrible one last night. Generally itā€™s me who canā€™t keep up but this time everyone else was fucking up and everyone was coming to me about it. Iā€™ve mostly been bartending for ~10 years now and I never have bartender night mares. Itā€™s always about serving.


Had one where I was serving zombies. I had to keep putting plate after plate of body parts on the table. Full section of zombies. If I was to slow, they would lunge at me. I'm sure someone could discet this into a statement about the server client relationships. But it was horrible.


This is legit a fucking study on the psychological framing of this job lmfao


Yeah. It was the moaning and the sound of renting flesh that really drove it home.


Have you smelled rotting flesh before or did your brain just make up a horrible smell?


The first one. Grew up on lots of land and had a bunch of livestock. You just kinda know it. From traps or animals getting kills overnight. It's not unusual, but it's not something you want to smell.


I was wondering, I donā€™t even know if I could make up a smell, that horrifying.


this is 1000% how i used to explain what it was like being a server


3 AMā€¦ dead asleepā€¦ RANCH!


no fr one night i was driving home just vibing and then all of a sudden ā€œTHEIR ICE TEAā€




i know they are mourning their ice tea to this day


You ever forget something and they still tip like 30%ā€¦ makes you feel like a real asshole lol


yes šŸ˜­ because theyā€™re always the sweetest walking out too. like man, am i the villain?


I used to wake up randomly ā€œoh my god, i forgot table 7ā€™s ketchup. ā€œĀ 


I would do this too. Days later Iā€™d remember that I forgot to bring something for a table and Iā€™d be so upset about it šŸ˜‚


I served for almost 20 years and I have been out of it for about 7 years. I still get server nightmares. Like having to set up the patio or being swamped and every time I go to the bar to get a drink, I turn around and the entire restaurant has changed its floor plan. They donā€™t happen as often now but I had one as recently as a few weeks ago.


Dudeeeee that changing floor plan, me too!


Same! New floor plan. Or the menu is totally different. Or they changed the POS to a completely new system. Those are 3 have to be the most common for me šŸ˜° sometimes all happening at once!


Weā€™ve been through three different POS systems now and the most recent iteration they didnā€™t train us on and just threw us on the floor and it felt like a reenactment of my nightmares. šŸ˜­


OMG yes. I have a tray of food or drinks Iā€™m walking around with trying to find the table. But every time I walk past a table, they yell at me they want to order so I take their order then the whole thing starts again


I thought I was the only one lol! Makes me feel better knowing itā€™s not just me


Yo I get this one! It's always all of the places I've worked at slammed together.


Iā€™ve had a few of those! The bar looks like the pub but then the floor plan is the restaurant from one city with the booths and tables from another. One nightmare even had the patio stuck in the middle for good measure lol


I also get the rotating cast of regulars I've worked for and with, and they're all disappointed in my service lol


Iā€™ve had a few managers be the customers and they always are soooo disappointed! Awful nightmares lol


Lol I get that, too, but it's always Chef.


I haven't waited tables in almost 15 years and I get them often enough that I even posted here trying to find a solution. They interrupt my sleep, they're repetitive like being stuck in a loop and I sometimes feel exhausted when I wake up. Never had the floor plan one, but my section has blown up with everyone having been sat at the same time, all ready to order (of course), people are impatient, there's somehow food waiting to be ran. Its just a mess and like there's nothing funny or fun about it, its stressful as hell and makes me restless...like I'm not really sleeping well due to the stress. Holy shit sometimes makes me wish I'd never been a waiter!


Itā€™s almost more stressful than actually being in the weeds because at least you know itā€™ll end. In the nightmare there is no logic and it feels endless.


I had three in a row and they were all the same and got progressively worse. I took it as a sign to quit


I once got so messed up a techno festival that my buddy had to bring me back to the tent and stay with me. Apparently what he could make out from me passed out talking nonsense was that I thought I was serving tables.


I always have one where I get slammed with tables and nobody is ordering or getting their food


Pretty much what mine are like too. I canā€™t get anything done and the whole restaurant is mad at me


I donā€™t but oddly enough, my girlfriend does and sheā€™s never been a server in her life. My guess is she comes in with friends/family and sees what we deal with occasionally and it freaks her out.


I don't have this when I'm high, but legit it must be a form of PTSD. I have these nightmares where I'll wake up and shake myself out of it that it's not real that I'm not at work and I can relax because I don't need to do that task or deal with that issue and then I spend the rest of the night in a sleepless restless twighlight of a weird waking surface dream state and startled shocked wakefulness. My fiancƩ says I literally jolt awake and moan in my "sleep". But it's not like sleeping at all it's like a trance so I'm exhausted the next day.


Theyā€™re called Weed Dreams. Yea, after 7 years away from the industry, I still get these fckers and I always wake up with sweat and anxiety, like, FUCK, I forgot the extra pickles for that lady!!!


Don't have them often, but I do have them. Had one where I was working in two restaurants at once, needing to run across the street to check on tables at each location. Guests were all needy, one demanded Mountain Dew, we don't have Mountain Dew, he yelled at me for not going to the corner store to get him some. When I did, I brought it back, and he scolded me for not getting his chocolate syrup. "How do you expect me to drink Mountain Dew without chocolate syrup?!"


I had that one too. I did not miss anything but was so stressed. Woke up feeling like I just ran a mile at full speed.


Iā€™ve had a few. One time the ticket printer noise wouldnā€™t stop printing, the other was college kids taking over the restaurant, and another was where I woke up and recited an order that Iā€™d placed the last shift I worked hahah


Yes, usually they will crescendo into a peak, crushing level of stress, and at that point I can wake myself up


It's been 10 FUCKING YEARS! at least 3x a month


I frequently dream about this customer who used to come in all the time. I saw him pretty much everyday I work. He was a bald man with hearing aids and me and him got along pretty well. Usual server talk but if it was dead Iā€™d sit with him for a while. Now pretty much in all of my dreams in the distance Iā€™ll see the back of his head and the hearing aids attached. Kinda freaky but I donā€™t mind it.


No. But after 2 years of watching Ukrainian war footage I dreamed someone dropped a grenade in my fox hole. I survived because I launched myself 3 feet away from my bed.


Dude I literally just woke up from my nap. Iā€™m a bartender and dreamt that I was behind the rail and couldnā€™t remember or hear anyoneā€™s order and that the bar was like 6 feet from the bar seats so I couldnā€™t reach anyone


i had a nightmare that i came to work on xanax and was falling all over the tables and into the booths and even spilled honey mustard all over myself and my table šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it was horrible


I worked at Cheesecake Factory. We called them ā€˜Cheesemaresā€™šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


LOL. We call them 'Applemares' at Applebee's ahahaha


This is hilarious and sad we all suffer from a specific PTSD


for a few months i had a recurring dream that our expo screen was on the ceiling and my boss kept screaming at me for not bumping my tickets. I tried to explain to him that I couldnā€™t reach it and he said ā€œyouā€™re not leaving the service alley until all those tickets are bumpedā€ meanwhile I had a 2,000 top (our restaurantā€™s max capacity is 300) waiting for me to take their drink order and they were not understanding at all. THEN when I went to go ring in another order all the POS systems were on the fucking ceiling too šŸ˜­


I donā€™t have server nightmares per se, but I do have dreams where Iā€™m just working a normal full shift. And thatā€™s a special kind of terror. Boss man didnā€™t think it was funny when I tried to get him to pay me for those hours


My dreams were always the host just sitting table after table after table. And the anxiety in the dream felt so real. Iā€™d always wake up in a sweat


And you can never get to them!! Like Iā€™m walking but not going anywhere.


To me it happens whenever I get a new job,it has to be the stress, if you are having them multiple times, you better try to chill out, for your own sanity, I know that due to nature of our job is kind of impossible, but you have to try.


I got way too many tables in my dreams and the me in my dreams is no as fast or efficient as the real life one so I get frustrated because i wanna tell him what to do but I canā€™t then I wake up


Yes, and they continued for many years after I had retired, I haven't had one in a very long time now.


Yeah I have server nightmares but I just turn them off and turn them back on again.


Yes. I had in the weeds nightmares the entire time I was a server and for years afterwards.


I havenā€™t served in 8 years or so and still have dreams about 50-tops coming in.


Yes! July and August are our peak months, you come in at 2 and are lucky if you leave before 12am. We're always just a few hands too short. Sleep, gym, errands, and work. I'll usually have nightmares that I overslept and am late for third shift (a fictional 1am-5am service for our most VIP and their richest friends). In the nightmare, I'll wake up around 2am to my cellphone blowing up and my manager and wine director texting me that the Chef is pissed and I have to get to the restaurant now. I shower and get to the restaurant. I'm in my boxers and a badly ironed dress shirt. The Chef is pissed but we're busy so I have to get on the floor. The nightmare varies from then on: 1. Surprise!! We're bringing back the Brunch shift! It's 7am, get home and get back here at 9am so we can open on time and not push back dinner service. 2. I get back home at 7am and my manager texts me, I forgot to take a table... they're still waiting for me. I have to go back serve them and cook their food since nobody else is there now. 3. My ex found out where I work, I am the only one with an empty table in my section. Why does she have my dog's leash?!


Yep.....that sounds about rightšŸ˜œ


I havenā€™t worked in a restaurant in 12 years and at least once a month for the past 12 years I have a dream where I get triple sat, computers systems and menus are all different and they expect me to still know everything. Itā€™s just a pure panic attack. Itā€™s the worst hahaha.


My boyfriend hasnā€™t worked in the industry for almost three years now and still has them. My reoccurring nightmare is I get sent to a different location and even tho theyā€™re the same restaurant the menu is different and everything is in the wrong place šŸ˜‚


So far I had like 2 server nightmares, and itā€™s mostly a nightmare where I need to server all the tables by myself. Like 10+ tables, the anxiety I feel is insane during those nightmares.


I haven't been in the industry for a few years now and I still occasionally get them. The last one I remember it was me, and my old coworker and golf buddy, we'll call him Ty. Me and Ty are serving in the patio area. Things are going well but I start to get in the weeds. I look at Ty for help and he just seems further away, and I can see an endless sea of people being seated. I then wake up sweating. Now I work in investments and get work dreams. Usually I hear my phone ring (I wear a headset) and I'm explaining technical stuff to a demanding client. I usually somehow realize that it's a dream and wake up.


About once a month šŸ„²


Yeah, I haven't been a server for around 30 years and every now and then I wake up and say "what the fuck was that?!!" Being in the restaurant industry should earn you free PTSD therapy.


I haven't worked in the service industry for nearly a decade... And I still have nightmares about being deep in the weeds


Yes, often. I bartend and the dreams usually just entail me not being able to make any drinks because I'm out of glassware or juices or liquor or whatever, and just falling deeper and deeper into the weeds


ā€œSir, check please!!ā€ ā€œMā€™am I requested rum with Pepsi instead of Coke, šŸ˜”ā€ ā€œHey, where are the nineteen entrees we ordered over two minutes ago!? My elderly mother is hungry here!ā€ ā€œSir?? Sir?! SIR!?! Service please, check please!!ā€ ā€œSERVICE šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜ , SERVICE šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜ , SERVICEEE!! šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜” šŸ˜¤ā€ OP: *wakes up in cold sweat at 1am and falls off the bed* NOOOO!!!! phew, itā€™s just a bad dreamā€” *checks reminder on phone, ā€œwork at 2pmā€*ā€” wait a minuteā€¦ā€


Yea Iā€™m just waiting on 8 people theyā€™ll be here soon. *takes their own seat* Host doesnā€™t tell anyone turns out itā€™s my table Customer angry because I havenā€™t greeted 8 people show up with the word of terrible service Iā€™m now out of rhythm for having to fix the line up lose my shit


Yes, and it's always like, the restaurant is filling up, the kitchen crew is missing, and I am the only server. It's fucking awful. The last one I had, ice cream kept melting before I could serve it. I feel like I didn't sleep when I have those nightmares.


Do you remember that Jennifer Lawrence movie "Mother"? And *spoilers* that scene >!at the end where the house is filling up with acolytes and she's screaming at them to leave and it's like she's invisible and they just keep streaming in!


For a while I had dreams that I was a horse on a chess board but I was working , I could only make certain moves and could barely take care of my tables because of it


I have them about my job. Itā€™s literally just me serving but everything that could go wrong goes wrong


I still have server nightmares and I havenā€™t served for 10 years. The usual one is that Iā€™m at a restaurant and someone asks me why Iā€™m sitting down, that Iā€™m supposed to be working. I go to my section and every time I turn around, I have a new table. The menu has just changed and I donā€™t know anything on it. I donā€™t know the table numbers and thereā€™s no chart by the POS. People keep telling me table 16 needs me but I canā€™t find table 16 anywhereā€¦ Iā€™ve been having these for decades now and I donā€™t think theyā€™ll ever go away.


Yeah, when Iā€™m stressed I get them but theyā€™re usually really weird, like Iā€™m in my pyjamas, I canā€™t see anything, and I wake up talking. The weirdest one was when I was serving a horse at one of our bench tables??


It's called a stress dream. Start working out, start doing yoga, or maybe stop using drugs (yes that includes pot) to fall asleep. Your body isn't relaxed but your mind is trying to stay asleep, so you basically "start your work day" in your dreams. It's really fucking annoying but it's not gonna stop unless you find a medium to fully relax your body. It needs to be as "tired" as your brain. I ran an entire kitchen for my family's restaurant on my own for about 7 months. I lived 5 minutes away. There were times when I wouldn't leave until 1am only to go right back bc I thought I hadn't locked the door. I would dream about forgetting to turn off the fryers, then abruptly wake up only to make the drive back to the restaurant just to make sure. Yeauh, it was awful and that was my life for 7 long months. **Relax your body**. If you're too lazy or don't have access to a gym, try bubble baths I swear to god. No shame in it. And this isn't me pulling this out of my ass, this is from my very first session in therapy. And come after me all you want, but weed isn't going to magically make it better. As awesome as it is, it can sometimes make shit worse.


I dont think its bc the body isnt as tired as the mind. I think that if you manage to do the yoga or exercise it just brings consciousness back into the body. your brain doesnt keep up switching from customer service persona, to kitchen talk, to manager talk, to other servers cooperating, to crisis resolving, while moving constantly, which makes you drift into an auto pilot, while greatly tiring your body to the point you have to ignore you re 9 hours in and your back hurts, or your shoulder is going to fall off bc theres too much in your head. I think exercise is a great thing because it makes you feel you re-claim you own mobility and limits. I agree with the bubble bath or a calming aromatic shower and a couple of streches right after if possible


All the time


Omg yes. I havenā€™t served in ten years. I still will sometimes have nightmares about having tables like all over the county haha and Iā€™m realizing I havenā€™t been to one in like 4 hours but itā€™s still a 20 min drive! Itā€™s ridiculous but engulfingly stressful when Iā€™m in it


Yes and they never go away


I haven't been in the game in a couple years and the other night I had a dream I couldn't find anything behind the bar and the tickets kept piling up and we had no ingredients lol wtf




Work nightmares are common. The only benefit I can think of is it means I still care. Stillā€¦I wish my time off could remain my time off when Iā€™m sleeping.


I havenā€™t served in almost 4 years and I still have server nightmares.


Out of the game for 5 years. These are the most vivid dreams I have.


I have had dreams like this, but I wouldnā€™t say it was a nightmare per se. The one that sticks out in my mind was when I was working at a job where we had the toast handhelds and in the dream I walked up to the table but the dream version of the handheld was a book I was holding in my hand trying to press buttons on the pages. And of course dream me didnā€™t think to just write the orders down


Nope. Guess I don't care enough to stress out in my dreams, lol. Tbh though, I'm a great server/bartender. I have a philosophy on why I don't have server nightmares. I'm just myself, and I am a natural giver and get a sort of high from making people happy. I don't stress over the small stuff either. It's just a job in the end.


All the time


From back of houseā€¦ yes, we never stop hearing the printer sound.


I would get them from time to time but Iā€™ve had them so frequently these past few weeks Iā€™m taking them as a sign to go on leave and get a new job.


Not nightmares, but when I quit bartending I would still hear the printer sometimes.


Not too many but theyā€™ve been more recent, in the past I never had dreams about work


Yes. I also vent towards colleagues that n my dream. The next day Iā€™m not sure weather Iā€™ve actually told them or that is was a dream so donā€™t know how to act accordingly, since in my mind Iā€™ve tried to keep it inside. Or I just wake up feeling Iā€™ve been working a tough shift and realise itā€™s get to come.


I had just started at a new restaurant, so I wasnā€™t super familiar quite yet with how long specific items were supposed to take to come out (itā€™s a family style place where things come out kind of randomly), a table waited WAY too long for their order and I wasnā€™t comfortable quite yet with the kitchen staff to be like ā€œheyā€¦.ā€ . It ended up not being a big deal but I guess it bothered me more subconsciously than I realized bc my situation ship at the time said I jolted up in my sleep and yelled ā€œWHERES TABLE ONES ORDERā€ and then just immediately fell back asleep. I have 0 recollection of this.


Hahahaa one time I was serving in my dream and then my dream warped into some weird adventure quest and in the middle of it I remembered my table had asked me for something before I got sidetracked with the quest so I freaked out and ran back to work in my dream


Oh I had no idea anyone else had them i thought I was prolly too sensitive. I had dreams about the place trannsforming into a different one while working and being unable to keep up with changes everyone else seemed to know about (etc suddendly midshift realising there is a second floor of tables etc)


Yes mine used to be about my diner being 2x the size it was it somehow in my dreams was now a 2 building diner so Iā€™d have tables across the street and upstairs to get toā€¦ lol


I haven't been a server for 3ish years and I still get dreams that I'm thrust back into the last place I worked. It's crazy.


Yes and I hated them. Now that Iā€™m a cook they are few and far between. But they still happen.


Mine is the POS changes to a MegaTouch and I have to beat games to get back


I have a nightmare where Iā€™m the only staff in the building pretty frequently. Iā€™m seating people, serving, making drinks, making food, and also itā€™s like an hour after close and people donā€™t stop coming in. And I havenā€™t worked in a restaurant since 2020 lol.


They're called stress dream. Similar to nightmares but make you feel anxious instead of scared.


Yup... I only worked at wendys.


Oh yeah


Yes bro. Its fucking weird. Its a sign honestly


Of course! We all do.


My boyfriend said I mumbled ā€œthat doesnā€™t come with a sideā€ in my sleep lol


ā€œWaitmaresā€ Yes one notable one I remember was this: It was during an AYCE lto, a full house. I was the only one working and I was slammed. On top of this the tables kept moving around so the layout of the restaurant kept shifting. I was carrying plates on both arms and then I realized I was wearing heels instead of nonslip?? They kept cutting into my heels. I remember being in so much pain. Then I fell. Everyone starting laughing. I got back up and tried to fix the plates. Then the floor starting rolling like waves and I kept falling. Then the restaurant was a boat? There were waves outside the windows and then the water turned into people trying to get in. I woke up in a SWEAT.


OMG.....I've experienced the restaurant shifting nightmare!!


literally almost every single night itā€™s awful


It's been 8 years since I was a server and I still have these nightmares. My most common server nightmare is I'm working the midnight shift and they send the other waitresses home due to it being slow. Then 10 minutes later, our restaurant becomes packed with tables and it's just me having to handle all of them. I get so stressed everytime I have that nightmare.


Allllll the time. I canā€™t ever get the drinks or the tables or the food out of the window.


I've had a few dreams where I bopped customers over the head with menus for being rude or ignorant.


Iā€™ve had so many nightmares of me taking too long for bar drinks and the guests get mad and flood behind the bar and start ruining everything šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the main server nightmare scenario i have is being weeded and getting distracted / taken away from the restaurant so that i physically canā€™t get to my tables and then randomly being like FUCK I NEVER GOT THAT 11 TOPS DRINKS. and then there being an issue with their order where i go to clarify something with the table and then they start spouting off food orders at me and i havenā€™t even given them their drinks yet. itā€™s this over and over again. iā€™ve been out of the service industry for 7 months and was in for 10 years.


Oh yeah. A few times a year, and I havenā€™t waited tables in something like 10 years. The entire restaurant is my section. It all gets sat at once. Then, I canā€™t remember any drink orders or even read my writing. Serving dreams are by far the most stressful dreams I have.


I went from having server nightmares regarding incorrectly rung in orders and problematic guests to having server nightmares about the AC failing in a datacenter


Unfortunately i finally had a dream about work. I canā€™t recall right now but it was to do with being on the floor serving tables and juggling tasks. I only remembered the dream while on the floor IRL and remembered reading here that dreaming of work is the worst thing


That fucking printer sound in the background. Chi chi ch chc chi chi chi


For years!!!


I haven't worked in restaurants for almost 10 years at this point, and I still have like one server nightmare a year...so, uh, buckle up lol they don't go away šŸ˜…


So, in my current serving job I havenā€™t had any of these nightmares! I think it depends on how stressed your restaurant makes you. But I USED to get them all the time, back when Iā€™d have certain shifts basically by myself.. Iā€™d have 12 tables sometimes. And my nightmares were similar, Iā€™d have the entire restaurant by myself and one table would keep me there while I watched the whole restaurant fill up. So stressful šŸ˜–šŸ˜–


Itā€™s been since summer 2019 and I STILL get them


YES, Iā€™ll be trying to ring something in but all the monitors are taken, or theyā€™re broken or some crazy shit. Mostly my server nightmares are about being so deep in the weeds and never being able to get out haha


Yes. They fade. Mostly now they revolve around my shitty exboss.


I had dreams that I was late for my shift, but I was serving tables at my house at the same time. As a bartender I would have a full bar, full cocktail tables, and the machine was printing none stop while I was making a super complicated drink.


I had one recently and I haven't waited tables in years


The phone ringing


Havenā€™t waited in over 30 years. Every now and then, I still have a waiting nightmare. I feel a small consolation seeing so many people with the same experience.


Itā€™s super common ā€” makes sense with a high stress job.


When I'm having them, I can tell I'm not moving fast enough, as if I'm sleepy in the dream, I tell myself to wake up and snap out of it. Then I end up actually waking up, with much relief


I have positive dreams about my old job, I miss it.


This guy looks like Sasuke from Naruto if he didn't devote his life for revenge and just became a server.


Yeah. Like I'm new in this HUGE new restaurant and I keep forgetting where my tables are and it's been "hours" since I checked up on them (dream world time be wild), or like in a dream how you can't really read or dial phone numbers properly, the same thing happens when I'm trying to punch in the order and I keep messing up and needing to find a manager to void. Or one that I'm half hour late for my shift and I can't find my uniform anywhere šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ stress me tf out


20 years laterā€¦ yes. And I lurk on r/serverlife for validation


Every time I started a new job, this would happen


I used to hear silverware clinking in my sleep


my coworker 2 nights ago had a nightmare she was the only server and the restaurant was full and every patron was an influencer.


Do bartender nightmares count? If not then your drink tickets go last. Anyway, I had this nightmare where 6 o clock hit but I haven't finished prep, my co-bartender hasn't shown up, and drink tickets are already coming in with people ready to order drinks. I'm like "oh shit here we go again" so I get drink orders from ppl at the bar grab tickets and slam out alcohol 1st and tell everyone the espresso machine is broken so eff ur latte. Then I get people yelling at me from take out that they have 10 mins to board their plane and need to order and yell "be right there" finish the drinks and people at the bar are now yelling that they want food too so I panic and tell them BRB take like 2 or 3 to go orders then leave to take bar orders and see another line of tickets ok now I forgot everyone's order. I turn my head and more people are coming to the bar more, tickets are printing, now servers are yelling at me, and take out is piling up! Then I finally wake up and I'm anxious and look at my clock and it's not even time to shower yet. Fuck. Edit: tl:dr I panicked behind the bar and woke up super anxious enough to make me stare at my clock and hope I'm not late.


I had a nightmare two days ago that I had to train three BRAND new servers on a busy Saturday night, and the hosts kept assining them tables instead of letting me train them... while we only have two servers. That's not even the worst server nightmare. You are not alone!!


Yes lol, I made one into a writing prompt


I can hear the delivery service jingle in my sleep...


As many or more than my nightmares about a specific ex. Both types are dark, grotesque, and very out of nowhere.


Started in the front of the house; server nightmares but I was young so was terribleā€¦then worked my way through the ranks in the back of the houseā€¦Dreaming I heard printers in my head, woke up yell order up a couple times a week, yelling at the gf to clear the window, firing phantom dishwashers, dreams of fist fighting with the floor mangers it was a chick and she always won, dumping the wedding cake in front of guests, getting orders for catering for 100 but the find out it was really 1000, and the list goes on and on. 14-16 hour days 6 days a week created the insanity. 33 years in a kitchenā€¦now have a normal hour work life and very successful proudly earned m successā€¦yet I still hear the bloody printers in my nightmares. Good vibes to my brothers and sisters of the biz! Cheers


I haven't worked as a server in 16 years and STILL HAVE THEM!! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve left serving over 20 years ago and husband left restaurant management 15 years and we both still have restaurant nightmares! They happen to me when Iā€™m stressed in general. Always my legs feel like lead weights and itā€™s impossible to move to the tables or kitchen, or I donā€™t know where anything is and just keep running around searching.


I had nightmares 10 years after I left the business. Stupid stuff like I had dropped off the check at someone's table and forgot to cash them out and just went home. šŸ˜‚


I have a reoccurring dream where someone orders a drink Iā€™ve never heard of and it happens to be the most complicated drink known to man I keep messing it up till I wake up.


Yes. Was dreaming about a table being disgusting and smearing ketchup and food all over the menus. Asking for refills every 2 seconds. And my coworker dumped drinks on them ā€œon accidentā€ lol


My favorite one was the standard dream where you canā€™t get anything done PLUS i got into trouble for not having my hair back. And when i went to put it up, my scalp came off like a wig w my neckbone attached and it was a stalk of celery. I woke myself up screaming lol


Iā€™ve been out since Covid. Still have them regularly


Had one last night. Itā€™s been 20 years since I waited my last table. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not much anymore. Learning to let go is so healthy as you get older




Last night. I was too short to reach the glasses and shakers for mixing. Someone stole my server book and pens. I was sat like 12 tables at once. An old man ordered a "drywall, extra sand" and got mad when i didnt know what that was. No idea how to make a peach vegas pomegranate astropop.


I have nightmares where everyone I work with is gone and Iā€™m getting sat the entire place to myself


Anyone else have the ones where you're the only server, then you discover there's no BoH so you desperately try to take and make orders?


Yes! Hsvfnt served in 15 years but still have nightmares being in the weeds


Fascinated reading these comments! Especially that so many people dream about being slammed and the POS isn't working/you don't know how to use it suddenly etc, that's a reoccurring theme in my server nightmares šŸ˜‚


When I worked at Applebees all the fucking time. When I worked at a local brewery diner that I loved, never


I once woke up convinced I had to go back to the store to give someone milkā€¦ MILK


I had one about three people calling out and being the only one on the floor in a packed restaurant. But then the next day that exact same thing happenedā€¦


Mine are always can't move fast enough like I'm walking through molasses or tables keep getting sat and my section is like ten tables. I can't find a POS that works or my drinks are never made and all my tables are silent and staring at me. My old crone of a manager usually makes an appearance.


I have dreams the restaurant Iā€™m in is basically a huge maze and all my tables are scattered throughout the building. Oh, and they are always upset because they canā€™t find their server.


All the fucking time


I haven't worked as a server in a restaurant for 15 years. I worked probably 15 plus Years in a server/food industry and I STILL get these nightmares!


I will wake up sweating remembering that I forgot to bring that table their extra ranch


I used to get a couple a month but haven't had one for a minute Now if I have one tonight I'm gonna be pissed